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Dylan K. Taylor 1c60aa9769 Release 4.1.0
2022-02-07 19:22:53 +00:00

167 lines
8.3 KiB

**For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.18.0**
### Note about API versions
Plugins which don't touch the protocol and compatible with any previous 4.x.y version will also run on these releases and do not need API bumps.
Plugin developers should **only** update their required API to this version if you need the changes in this build.
**WARNING: If your plugin uses the protocol, you're not shielded by API change constraints.** You should consider using the `mcpe-protocol` directive in `plugin.yml` as a constraint if you do.
# 4.1.0-BETA1
Released 22nd January 2022.
## General
- Game mode names (e.g. `survival`, `creative`) may now be used for the `gamemode` property in `server.properties`.
- Increased default maximum render distance to 16 chunks. Players with a render distance smaller than this will notice no difference.
- The setup wizard now prompts for a maximum render distance value.
- The setup wizard now prompts for an IPv6 port selection. Previously it would always use 19133.
- `chunk-ticking.disable-block-ticking` now accepts block names like those used in the `/give` command.
- The `/clear` command now behaves more like vanilla:
- The order of inventories is now the same as Bedrock.
- The cursor and offhand inventories are now cleared if necessary.
## Technical
- `PlayerAuthInputPacket` is now used instead of `MovePlayerPacket` for processing movements. This improves position and rotation accuracy.
- `&&` and `||` are now always used instead of `and` and `or`.
- New version of `pocketmine/errorhandler` is used by this version, adding support for `ErrorToExceptionHandler::trap()`. This enables reliably capturing `E_WARNING` and `E_NOTICE` from functions such as `yaml_parse()` and friends.
- New dependency versions are required by this version:
- `pocketmine/bedrock-protocol` has been updated from 7.1.0 to [7.3.0](https://github.com/pmmp/BedrockProtocol/releases/tag/7.3.0%2Bbedrock-1.18.0).
- `pocketmine/errorhandler` has been updated from 0.3.0 to [0.6.0](https://github.com/pmmp/ErrorHandler/releases/tag/0.6.0).
## API
### Block
- The following classes have been added:
- `Lectern`
- `Pumpkin`
- The following public API methods have been added:
- `Block->getTypeId() : int` - returns an integer which uniquely identifies the block type, ignoring things like facing, colour etc.
- `VanillaBlocks::LECTERN()`
### Entity
- The following classes have been added:
- `animation\ItemEntityStackSizeChangeAnimation`
- The following public API methods have been added:
- `object\ItemEntity->isMergeable(object\ItemEntity $other) : bool`
- `object\ItemEntity->setStackSize(int $size) : void`
- `object\ItemEntity->tryMergeInto(object\ItemEntity $other) : bool`
- `ExperienceManager->canAttractXpOrbs() : bool`
- `ExperienceManager->setCanAttractXpOrbs(bool $v = true) : void`
- `Entity->getSize() : EntitySizeInfo`
- `Living->isGliding() : bool`
- `Living->isSwimming() : bool`
- `Living->setGliding(bool $value = true) : void`
- `Living->setSwimming(bool $value = true) : void`
- The following protected API methods have been added:
- `Entity->getBlocksIntersected(float $inset) : \Generator<int, Block, void, void>`
### Event
- `BlockSpreadEvent` is now called when fire spreads to the positions of blocks it burns away.
- `BlockFormEvent` is now called when concrete powder turns into concrete due to contact with water.
- The following classes have been added:
- `BlockMeltEvent` - called when ice or snow melts
- `ChestPairEvent` - called when two chests try to form a pair
- `PlayerToggleGlideEvent` - called when a player starts or stops gliding
- `PlayerToggleSwimEvent` - called when a player starts or stops swimming
### Item
- The following public API methods have been added:
- `SplashPotion->getType() : PotionType`
- `VanillaItems::AIR()`
- The following API methods have been deprecated:
- `ItemFactory::air()` - use `VanillaItems::AIR()` instead
### Player
- The following public API methods have been added:
- `Player->hasBlockCollision() : bool`
- `Player->setHasBlockCollision(bool $value)` - allows controlling spectator-like no-clip behaviour without changing game mode
- `Player->toggleSwim(bool $swim) : bool` - called by the network system when the client tries to start/stop swimming
- `Player->toggleGlide(bool $glide) : bool` - called by the network system when the client tries to start/stop gliding
### Server
- The following public API constants have been added:
### Utils
- Config parsing errors are now always represented by `ConfigLoadException` and include the path to the file in the message.
- Added `TextFormat::MINECOIN_GOLD`, and support for it to the various `TextFormat` methods.
- The following public API methods have been added:
- `Utils::assumeNotFalse()` - static analysis crutch to silence PHPStan errors without using `ignoreErrors` or `@phpstan-ignore-line`, which are both too coarse.
- The following public API properties have been added:
- The following classes have been added:
- `ConfigLoadException`
- Fixed `Random->nextSignedInt()` to actually return a signed int. Previously it would return any integer value between 0 and 4,294,957,295.
- Fixed `Random->nextSignedFloat()` to return a float between `-1.0` and `1.0`. Previously it would return any value between `0.0` and `2.0`.
- `VersionString->getNumber()` output is now structured differently to fix overflow issues caused by the old format.
### World
- The following classes have been added:
- `sound\ItemUseOnBlockSound`
- `sound\LecternPlaceBookSound`
## Gameplay
### Blocks
- Fire now spreads.
- Implemented lectern blocks.
- Added missing sounds for hoeing grass and dirt.
- Added missing sounds for using a shovel on grass to create grass path.
- Pumpkins can now be carved using shears.
### Items
- Dropped items of the same type now merge with each other.
### Misc
- Implemented player swimming.
# 4.1.0-BETA2
Released 27th January 2022.
## API
### Block
- The following API methods have been added:
- `utils\BrewingStandSlot->getSlotNumber() : int`
- `utils\FurnaceType->getCookSound() : Sound`
- The following API constants have been added:
- `tile\BrewingStand::BREW_TIME_TICKS`
### Crafting
- The following API methods have been added:
- `CraftingManager->getPotionContainerChangeRecipes() : array<int, array<string, PotionContainerChangeRecipe>>`
- `CraftingManager->getPotionTypeRecipes() : array<string, array<string, PotionTypeRecipe>>`
- `CraftingManager->registerPotionContainerChangeRecipe(PotionContainerChangeRecipe $recipe) : void`
- `CraftingManager->registerPotionTypeRecipe(PotionTypeRecipe $recipe) : void`
- The following classes have been added:
- `BrewingRecipe`
- `PotionContainerChangeRecipe`
- `PotionTypeRecipe`
### Event
- The following classes have been added:
- `BrewItemEvent` - called when a brewing stand finishes brewing potions; this is called up to 3 times (once for each brewing slot, as needed)
- `BrewingFuelUseEvent` - called when a brewing stand consumes blaze powder
- `PlayerViewDistanceChangeEvent` - called whenever a player alters their render distance or requests one for the first time when connecting
### World
#### Sound
- The following classes have been added:
- `BlastFurnaceSound` - the sound made by a blast furnace during smelting
- `FurnaceSound` - the sound made by a regular furnace during cooking or smelting
- `PotionFinishBrewingSound` - the sound made by a brewing stand when a potion finishes being brewed
- `SmokerSound` - the sound made by a smoker during cooking
## Gameplay
### Blocks
- Brewing stands can now be used for brewing potions.
- The visual appearance of a brewing stand now updates correctly when the contents of its inventory changes (adding/removing potions).
- Added missing sounds for furnace, blast furnace and smoker.
- Fixed ender chest not dropping itself when mined with a Silk Touch pickaxe.
- Cobwebs now drop themselves when mined using shears.
- The correct amount of fall damage is now taken when falling from a height onto hay bales.
- Fixed block updating bug introduced by beta1 which caused crops and other plants to never grow.
### Misc
- Added a workaround for client hitbox size bug after swimming which caused the player to be able to fit into one-block-tall gaps.