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synced 2025-03-27 02:57:44 +00:00
cheats: Add Nintendo - Game Boy Color cheats from @summonthethunder
Fixes #994
This commit is contained in:
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color
007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, Europe).cht10-Pin Bowling (USA) (Rumble Version).cht102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (USA, Europe).cht1942 (USA, Europe).cht3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride (USA) (Rumble Version).cht3D Pocket Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht4x4 World Trophy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (GB Compatible).cht720 Degrees (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtAction Man - Search for Base X (USA, Europe).chtAdventures of the Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtAirForce Delta (USA).chtAladdin (USA).chtAlfred's Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtAlice in Wonderland (USA).chtAliens - Thanatos Encounter (USA, Europe).chtAll Star Tennis 2000 (Europe) (GB Compatible).chtAll-Star Baseball 2000 (USA, Europe).chtAll-Star Baseball 2001 (USA).chtAlone in the Dark - The New Nightmare (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtAnimorphs (USA).chtAntz (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (GB Compatible).chtAntz Racing (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtArle no Bouken - Mahou no Jewel (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtArmada - FX Racers (USA).chtArmorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (USA, Europe) (En,De).chtArmy Men (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtArmy Men - Air Combat (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtArmy Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtArmy Men 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtArthur's Absolutely Fun Day! (USA).chtAsterix & Obelix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtAsterix & Obelix Contre Cesar (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl) (GB Compatible).chtAsterix - Sur la Trace D'Idefix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtAsteroids (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtAtlantis - The Lost Empire (USA, Europe).chtAustin Powers - Oh, Behave! (USA).chtAustin Powers - Welcome to my Underground Lair! (USA).chtAzure Dreams (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBaby Felix - Halloween (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtBallistic (USA) (GB Compatible).chtBalloon Fight GB (Japan) (NP, SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBarbie - Magic Genie Adventure (USA).chtBarcode Taisen Bardigun (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBass Masters Classic (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtBatman - Chaos in Gotham (USA).chtBatman Beyond - Return of the Joker (USA).chtBattleTanx (USA).chtBeauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBikkuriman 2000 - Charging Card GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBilly Bob's Huntin' 'n' Fishin' (USA, Europe).chtBionic Commando - Elite Forces (USA, Australia).chtBlack Bass - Lure Fishing (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtBlade (USA, Europe).chtBlaster Master - Enemy Below (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBoarder Zone (USA).chtBob the Builder - Fix it Fun! (USA).chtBomber Man Quest (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBomberman Max - Red Challenger (USA).chtBomberman Quest (Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBomberman Quest (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBomberman Selection (Korea).chtBrave Saga - Shinshou Astaria (Japan).chtBuffy the Vampire Slayer (USA, Europe).chtBug's Life, A (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtBugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Operation Carrot Patch (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) (GB Compatible).chtBugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtBugs Bunny in - Crazy Castle 4 (USA).chtBust-A-Move 4 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtBust-A-Move Millennium (USA, Europe).chtBuzz Lightyear of Star Command (USA, Europe).chtCannon Fodder (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtCarmageddon - Carpocalypse Now (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It).chtCasper (USA).chtCatwoman (USA).chtCatz (USA).chtCentipede (USA) (GB Compatible).chtChase H.Q. - Secret Police (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtChase H.Q. - Secret Police (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtChee-Chai Alien (Japan) (Rumble Version).chtChessmaster (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtChicken Run (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtClassic Bubble Bobble (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtColumns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtCommander Keen (USA, Europe).chtConker's Pocket Tales (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtCool Bricks (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtCroc (USA, Europe).chtCroc 2 (USA, Europe).chtCruis'n Exotica (USA).chtCrystalis (USA).chtCubix - Robots for Everyone - Race 'n Robots (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtCyberTiger (USA, Europe).chtDaffy Duck - Fowl Play (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtDave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA, Europe).chtDeer Hunter (USA).chtDensha de Go! 2 (Japan).chtDexter's Laboratory - Robot Rampage (USA, Europe).chtDinosaur (USA).chtDogz (USA).chtDonald Duck - Goin' Quackers (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtDonkey Kong Country (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtDonkey Kong GB - Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong (Japan).chtDoug's Big Game (USA).chtDragon Dance (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtDragon Quest III - Soshite Densetsu e... (Japan).chtDragon Tales - Dragon Wings (USA).chtDragon Warrior I & II (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtDragon Warrior III (USA).chtDragon Warrior Monsters (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtDragon's Lair (USA, Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,Zh).chtDriver - You are the Wheelman (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtDuke Nukem (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtECW Hardcore Revolution (USA, Europe).chtESPN International Track & Field (USA).chtEarthworm Jim - Menace 2 the Galaxy (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtElevator Action EX (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtEmperor's New Groove, The (USA).chtEuropean Super League (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtExtreme Ghostbusters (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt).chtF-18 Thunder Strike (USA, Europe).chtFIFA 2000 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtFlintstones, The - Burgertime in Bedrock (USA).chtForce 21 (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtFormula One 2000 (USA).chtFrogger (USA) (GB Compatible).chtFront Line - The Next Mission (Japan).chtGalaga - Destination Earth (USA).chtGame & Watch Gallery 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtGame & Watch Gallery 3 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtGame Boy Wars 2 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced).chtGanbare Goemon - Mononoke Douchuu Tobidase Nabebugyou! (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtGanbare Goemon - Seikuushi Dynamites Arawaru!! (Japan).chtGex - Enter the Gecko (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtGex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko (USA).chtGhosts'n Goblins (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtGodzilla - The Series (USA) (En,Fr,De) (GB Compatible).chtGold and Glory - The Road to El Dorado (USA).chtGrand Theft Auto (USA) (GB Compatible).chtGrand Theft Auto 2 (USA).chtGrandia - Parallel Trippers (Japan).chtGremlins - Unleashed (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt).chtGrinch, The (USA).chtHana Yori Dango - Another Love Story (Japan).chtHands of Time (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtHarley-Davidson Motor Cycles - Race Across America (USA).chtHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,Da).chtHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi).chtHarvest Moon 2 GBC (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtHarvest Moon 3 GBC (USA).chtHarvest Moon GBC (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtHello Kitty's Cube Frenzy (USA) (GB Compatible).chtHeroes of Might and Magic (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtHeroes of Might and Magic II (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtHexcite - The Shapes of Victory (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtHiryuu no Ken - Retsuden GB (Japan).chtHole in One Golf (USA) (Rumble Version) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtHot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtHoyle Card Games (USA).chtHoyle Casino (USA).chtHugo 2 1-2 (Germany) (GB Compatible).chtInfinity (USA) (Proto) (2001-03-22).chtInspector Gadget - Operation Madkactus (USA).chtInternational Karate 2000 (Europe).chtInternational Rally (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtInternational Superstar Soccer 99 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtInternational Superstar Soccer 99 (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtJeff Gordon XS Racing (USA) (GB Compatible).chtJeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (USA, Europe).chtJim Henson's Muppets (USA).chtJohn Romero's Daikatana (Europe) (En,Fr,It).chtJungle Book, The - Mowgli's Wild Adventure (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtKen Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest (USA).chtKirby - Tilt 'n' Tumble (USA).chtKlax (USA, Europe).chtKlustar (USA) (GB Compatible).chtKnockout Kings (USA, Europe).chtKonami GB Collection Vol.1 (Europe) (GB Compatible).chtKonami GB Collection Vol.4 (Europe) (GB Compatible).chtKonami Winter Games (Europe).chtKoushien Pocket (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLEGO Alpha Team (USA).chtLEGO Racers (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtLand Before Time, The (USA).chtLas Vegas Cool Hand (USA) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (Germany) (Rev 1) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (Germany) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev 1) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev 2) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (USA, Australia).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtLegend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (USA, Australia).chtLegend of the River King 2 (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLegend of the River King GBC (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings (USA).chtLil' Monster (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLion King, The - Simba's Mighty Adventure (USA, Europe).chtLittle Magic (Japan).chtLittle Mermaid II, The - Pinball Frenzy (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rumble Version).chtLittle Nicky (USA).chtLode Runner - Domudomu Dan no Yabou (Japan) (GB Compatible).chtLodoss-tou Senki - Eiyuu Kishiden GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLooney Tunes (USA) (GB Compatible).chtLooney Tunes - Carrot Crazy (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (GB Compatible).chtLooney Tunes - Twouble! (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (GB Compatible).chtLooney Tunes Collector - Alert! (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtLooney Tunes Collector - Martian Alert! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtLooney Tunes Collector - Martian Revenge! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtLooney Tunes Racing (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtLuca no Puzzle de Daibouken! (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtLucky Luke (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtLucky Luke - Desperado Train (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtLufia - The Legend Returns (USA).chtM&M's Minis Madness (USA).chtMTV Sports - Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald (USA, Europe).chtMTV Sports - T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX (USA, Europe).chtMadden NFL 2000 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMadden NFL 2001 (USA).chtMadden NFL 2002 (USA).chtMagi Nation (USA).chtMagical Chase GB - Minarai Mahoutsukai Kenja no Tani e (Japan).chtMagical Drop (USA).chtMagical Tetris Challenge (USA).chtMarble Madness (USA, Europe).chtMario Golf (USA).chtMario Tennis (USA).chtMarvin Strikes Back! (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtMary-Kate & Ashley - Get a Clue! (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtMary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (USA, Europe).chtMary-Kate and Ashley - Pocket Planner (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtMary-Kate and Ashley - Winners Circle (USA, Europe).chtMask of Zorro, The (USA).chtMat Hoffman's Pro BMX (USA, Europe).chtMatchbox Emergency Patrol (USA, Europe).chtMaus, Die - Verrueckte Olympiade (Germany).chtMega Man Xtreme (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtMega Man Xtreme 2 (USA, Europe).chtMen in Black - The Series (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMen in Black 2 - The Series (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtMerlin (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtMetaFight EX (Japan).chtMetal Gear - Ghost Babel (Japan).chtMetal Gear Solid (USA).chtMetal Walker (USA) (GB Compatible).chtMia Hamm Soccer Shootout (USA).chtMickey's Racing Adventure (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtMickey's Speedway USA (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtMicro Machines 1 and 2 - Twin Turbo (USA, Europe).chtMicro Machines V3 (USA, Europe).chtMicrosoft - The 6 in 1 Puzzle Collection Entertainment Pack (USA).chtMicrosoft - The Best of Entertainment Pack (USA).chtMidway presents Arcade Hits - Joust & Defender (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtMillennium Winter Sports (USA).chtMissile Command (USA) (Rumble Version).chtMission - Impossible (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtMobile Golf (Japan).chtMonkey Puncher (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMonopoly (USA) (GB Compatible).chtMonster Rancher Battle Card GB (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMonster Rancher Explorer (USA).chtMonsters, Inc. (USA, Europe).chtMontezuma's Return! (USA) (En,Es) (GB Compatible).chtMortal Kombat 4 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMotocross Maniacs 2 (USA).chtMr. Driller (USA).chtMr. Nutz (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtMs. Pac-Man - Special Color Edition (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtMs. Pac-Man - Special Colour Edition (Europe) (GB Compatible).chtMummy Returns, The (USA).chtMummy, The (USA).chtNASCAR 2000 (USA, Europe).chtNASCAR Challenge (USA) (Rumble Version).chtNASCAR Heat (USA).chtNBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtNBA Hoopz (USA).chtNBA Jam 2001 (USA, Europe).chtNBA Jam 99 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtNBA Show Time - NBA on NBC (USA).chtNBA in the Zone (USA) (Rev 1) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtNBA in the Zone 2000 (USA).chtNFL Blitz 2000 (USA).chtNFL Blitz 2001 (USA).chtNHL Blades of Steel 2000 (USA).chtNSYNC - Get to the Show (USA).chtNew Addams Family Series, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt).chtNew Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, The (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtNicktoons Racing (USA).chtNoddy and the Birthday Party (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtOjarumaru - Mangan Jinja no Ennichi de Ojaru! (Japan) (GB Compatible).chtPac-Man - Special Color Edition (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPac-Man - Special Colour Edition (Europe) (GB Compatible).chtPaperboy (USA, Europe).chtPerfect Dark (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rumble Version).chtPitfall - Beyond the Jungle (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtPlanet of the Apes (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtPocket Bomberman (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPocket Bowling (USA) (GB Compatible).chtPocket Family GB 2 (Japan).chtPocket Monsters - Crystal Version (Japan).chtPocket Monsters Kin (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPocket Music (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtPocket Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt).chtPokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe).chtPokemon - Gold Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon - Kristall-Edition (Germany).chtPokemon - Silberne Edition (Germany) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon - Silver Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon - Versione Argento (Italy) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon - Versione Cristallo (Italy).chtPokemon - Versione Oro (Italy) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon Card GB 2 - GR Dan Sanjou! (Japan).chtPokemon Pinball (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rumble Version) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon Pinball (USA, Australia) (Rumble Version) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPokemon Puzzle Challenge (USA, Australia).chtPokemon Trading Card Game (USA, Australia) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPolaris SnoCross (USA) (Rumble Version).chtPong - The Next Level (USA, Europe).chtPortal Runner (USA).chtPower Quest (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPower Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball (USA).chtPowerpuff Girls, The - Bad Mojo Jojo (USA).chtPowerpuff Girls, The - Battle Him (USA).chtPowerpuff Girls, The - Paint the Townsville Green (USA).chtPro Mahjong Kiwame II GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtPro Pool (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtProject S-11 (USA).chtPuzzle Bobble 4 (Japan) (GB Compatible).chtPuzzle Master (USA) (GB Compatible).chtPuzzled (USA).chtQ-bert (USA).chtQix Adventure (Europe).chtQuest - Brian's Journey (USA) (GB Compatible).chtQuest - Fantasy Challenge (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtQuest for Camelot (USA) (En,Fr,Es) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtR-Type DX (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtRainbow Islands (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtRampage - World Tour (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtRampage 2 - Universal Tour (USA, Europe).chtRayman (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtRazor Freestyle Scooter (USA).chtReady 2 Rumble Boxing (USA) (Rumble Version).chtRescue Heroes - Fire Frenzy (USA).chtResident Evil (World) (Proto 2).chtResident Evil Gaiden (USA).chtReturn of the Ninja (USA).chtRevelations - The Demon Slayer (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtRhino Rumble (USA, Europe).chtRoad Champs - BXS Stunt Biking (USA, Europe).chtRoad Rash (USA, Europe).chtRoadsters '98 (USA) (Proto) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtRobopon - Sun Version (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtRocket Power - Gettin' Air (USA, Europe).chtRockman X - Cyber Mission (Japan) (GB Compatible).chtRocky Mountain Trophy Hunter (USA).chtRoswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtRugrats - Time Travelers (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtRugrats - Totally Angelica (USA, Europe).chtRugrats Movie, The (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtRugrats in Paris - The Movie (USA, Europe).chtSWIV (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtSaban's Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (USA, Europe).chtSaban's Power Rangers - Time Force (USA, Europe).chtSabrina - The Animated Series - Spooked! (USA, Europe).chtSabrina - The Animated Series - Zapped! (USA, Europe).chtSan Francisco Rush 2049 (USA, Europe).chtSanta Claus Junior (Europe).chtScooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers (USA, Europe).chtScrabble (Europe).chtSesame Street - The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (USA) (GB Compatible).chtSgt. Rock - On the Frontline (USA).chtShadowgate Classic (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Sv) (GB Compatible).chtShamus (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtShanghai Pocket (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtShantae (USA).chtShrek - Fairy Tale Freakdown (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtSimpsons, The - Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror (USA, Europe).chtSmurfs Nightmare, The (USA).chtSpace Invaders (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtSpace Marauder (USA).chtSpawn (USA).chtSpeedy Gonzales - Aztec Adventure (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtSpider-Man (USA, Europe).chtSpider-Man 2 - The Sinister Six (USA, Europe).chtSpongeBob SquarePants - Legend of the Lost Spatula (USA, Europe).chtSpy vs Spy (USA).chtStar Wars - Yoda Stories (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtStar Wars Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures (USA).chtStar Wars Episode I - Racer (USA, Europe) (Rumble Version).chtStreet Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (USA).chtStuart Little - The Journey Home (USA, Europe).chtSuper Breakout! (USA) (GB Compatible).chtSuper Chinese Fighter EX (Japan).chtSuper Mario 3 Special (Chi Bad Protected).chtSuper Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe) (Rev 2).chtSuper Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe).chtSurvival Kids (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtTNN Outdoors Fishing Champ (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtTOCA Touring Car Championship (USA, Europe).chtTabaluga (Germany) (GB Compatible).chtTarzan (USA, Europe).chtTasmanian Devil - Munching Madness (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (GB Compatible).chtTech Deck Skateboarding (USA, Europe).chtTest Drive 2001 (USA).chtTest Drive 6 (USA) (GB Compatible).chtTetris DX (World) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtTiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtTintin - Le Temple Du Soleil (Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtTintin au Tibet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv).chtTiny Toon Adventures - Buster Saves the Day (USA).chtTiny Toon Adventures - Dizzy's Candy Quest (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtToki Tori (USA, Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es).chtTom Clancy's Rainbow Six (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).chtTom and Jerry (USA, Europe).chtTom and Jerry - Mouse Hunt (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtTom and Jerry in - Mouse Attacks! (USA).chtTomb Raider (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).chtTomb Raider - Curse of the Sword (USA, Europe).chtTonic Trouble (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtTonka Raceway (USA).chtTony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (USA, Europe).chtTony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (USA, Europe).chtToobin' (USA).chtToonsylvania (USA).chtTop Gear Pocket (USA) (Rumble Version).chtTop Gear Pocket 2 (USA).chtTop Gun - Fire Storm (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtTowers - Lord Baniff's Deceit (USA, Europe).chtToy Story 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtToy Story Racer (USA, Europe).chtTrade & Battle Card Hero (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtTriple Play 2001 (USA, Europe).chtTrouballs (USA).chtTurok - Rage Wars (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtTurok 2 - Seeds of Evil (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (GB Compatible).chtTurok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).chtTweenies - Doodles' Bones (Europe) (En,De,Es,It).chtTweety's High-Flying Adventure (USA).chtUltimate Fighting Championship (USA).chtUltimate Paintball (USA, Europe).chtUltimate Surfing (USA).chtUno (USA) (GB Compatible).chtV-Rally - Edition 99 (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtVigilante 8 (USA) (Rumble Version).chtWCW Mayhem (USA, Europe).chtWDL - World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtWWF Attitude (USA, Europe).chtWWF Betrayal (USA, Europe).chtWWF WrestleMania 2000 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtWacky Races (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtWalt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour (USA, Europe).chtWario Land 3 (World) (En,Ja).chtWario Land II (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtWarlocked (USA).chtWarriors of Might and Magic (USA) (En,Fr,De).chtWendy - Every Witch Way (USA, Europe).chtWho Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition (USA).chtWild Thornberrys, The - Rambler (USA).chtWoody Woodpecker (USA).chtWoody Woodpecker Racing (USA).chtWorms Armageddon (USA) (En,Fr,Es).chtX-Men - Mutant Academy (USA, Europe).chtX-Men - Mutant Wars (USA, Europe).chtX-Men - Wolverine's Rage (USA).chtXena - Warrior Princess (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).chtXtreme Sports (USA).chtXtreme Wheels (USA).chtYars' Revenge (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).chtYogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast (USA).chtYu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Duel Stories (USA).chtYu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Battle of Great Duelist - Jounouchi Deck (Japan).chtYu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Battle of Great Duelist - Kaiba Deck (Japan).chtYu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Battle of Great Duelist - Yuugi Deck (Japan).chtYu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II - Dark Duel Stories (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).chtYu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III - Tri Holy God Advant (Japan).chtZelda no Densetsu - Fushigi no Kinomi - Daichi no Shou (Japan).chtZelda no Densetsu - Fushigi no Kinomi - Jikuu no Shou (Japan).chtZoboomafoo - Playtime in Zobooland (USA).cht
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
cheats = 22
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat0_code = "007-E48"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat1_code = "916412CB"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Have Deutch M45"
cheat2_code = "910598CB"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Have GL 40"
cheat3_code = "91079CCB"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Have Ka-51"
cheat4_code = "91069ACB"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Have Key"
cheat5_code = "9101A4CB"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Have Meyer TMP"
cheat6_code = "910496CB"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Have Remote Mines"
cheat7_code = "910BA2CB"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Have Rocket Launcher"
cheat8_code = "91089ECB"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Have Sticky Grenades"
cheat9_code = "9109A0CB"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Have Taser"
cheat10_code = "910394CB"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Have Wolfram P2k"
cheat11_code = "910190CB"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Have Wolfram+Silencer"
cheat12_code = "910292CB"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Infinite Ammo Deutch M45"
cheat13_code = "916399CB"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Infinite Ammo GL 40"
cheat14_code = "91639DCB"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Infinite Ammo Ka-51"
cheat15_code = "91639BCB"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Infinite Ammo Meyer TMP"
cheat16_code = "916397CB"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Infinite Ammo P2k"
cheat17_code = "916391CB"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Infinite Ammo P2k+Silencer"
cheat18_code = "916393CB"
cheat18_enable = false
cheat19_desc = "Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher"
cheat19_code = "91639FCB"
cheat19_enable = false
cheat20_desc = "Infinite Remote Mines"
cheat20_code = "9163A3CB"
cheat20_enable = false
cheat21_desc = "Infinite Sticky Grenades"
cheat21_code = "9163A1CB"
cheat21_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "After 1st Frame Score 250+ Points"
cheat0_code = "010A11D7"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Start Game With 255 Points"
cheat1_code = "91FFEAD6"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Max Bones"
cheat0_code = "0109DBC0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Always Have Key"
cheat1_code = "010109C4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "0103D7C0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "01000FC4"
cheat3_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/1942 (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/1942 (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "1C5-27C"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Start With 99 Lives"
cheat1_code = "632-3FF"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Spin"
cheat2_code = "1C8-9EF"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Start With 99 Spin"
cheat3_code = "63E-72E"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat4_code = "01639CC2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Special"
cheat5_code = "01639EC2"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat6_code = "009-ECE-7F2+C99-F5E-806"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat7_code = "18C-8BD-4CA+188-C5E-4CA"
cheat7_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride (USA) (Rumble Version).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride (USA) (Rumble Version).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Balls"
cheat0_code = "0109B8C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Score"
cheat1_code = "010940D4+010941D4+010942D4+010943D4+010944D4+010945D4+010946D4+010947D4+010948D4+010949D4+01094AD4"
cheat1_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Have Infinite Time To Shoot"
cheat0_code = "9163B4D8"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/4x4 World Trophy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/4x4 World Trophy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Low Timer (Seconds)"
cheat0_code = "010048C1"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat0_code = "FAA-12D"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Start With Max Money"
cheat1_code = "FF0-D1B"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = "011C9BCB"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Lots O' Points"
cheat3_code = "01FF95CB"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat5_code = "01059BCB"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Money (Alternate Code)"
cheat6_code = "01FF8FCB"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Jump to Get 1000 Points"
cheat7_code = "00D-A48-D5A"
cheat7_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "1CF-27A"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "1CF-65A"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = "9106C7C7"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat3_code = "9102C8C7"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Have All Weapons"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Have All Suits"
cheat5_code = "91FF0AC8"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat6_code = "007-3A9-7FA"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat7_code = "FA6-D89-4C1"
cheat7_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Adventures of the Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Adventures of the Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Start With 9 Lives"
cheat0_code = "098-A3C"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "FA8-3ED"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "0109B7CC"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "0105B8CC"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Developers Infinite Health Cheat"
cheat4_code = "00B-9FE-C4E"
cheat4_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/AirForce Delta (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/AirForce Delta (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
cheats = 12
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Missiles"
cheat0_code = "019983CD"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Damage"
cheat1_code = "016097CD"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Stop Timer"
cheat2_code = "0199A1CD"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Fuel"
cheat3_code = "01609DCD"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Score"
cheat4_code = "019989CD+01998ACD+01998BCD"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Missile"
cheat5_code = "003-EAC"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Unendlich Raketen"
cheat6_code = ""
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Kein Schaden"
cheat7_code = ""
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Unendlich Treibstoff"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Unendlich Zeit"
cheat9_code = ""
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Max Score"
cheat10_code = ""
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat11_code = "185-688-08A"
cheat11_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Aladdin (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Aladdin (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cheats = 6
cheat0_desc = "Unendlich Leben"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Unendlich Gesundheit"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Unendlich Aepfel"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Apples"
cheat3_code = "016350CC"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat4_code = "010912CC"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat5_code = "01FF6CCC"
cheat5_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Unendlich Leben"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Unendlich Diamanten"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Alice in Wonderland (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Alice in Wonderland (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Always Have 100 Stars"
cheat0_code = "016471C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Keys"
cheat1_code = "0102B9C0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Have All Medals"
cheat2_code = "0104AAC0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Wins Modifier"
cheat3_code = "0100ABC2"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Loses Modifier"
cheat4_code = "0100AAC2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Stop Timer (Hide And Seek)"
cheat5_code = "01094FC1"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Always Small Alice!"
cheat6_code = "0101BBC0"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat7_code = "0105BAC0"
cheat7_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
cheats = 10
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "010349C3"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "01FF4AC3"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat3_code = "91FF18C1"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Pistol Ammo"
cheat4_code = "9163FFC0"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Pulse Rifle Ammo"
cheat5_code = "9163C1C1"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Shotgun Ammo"
cheat6_code = "916300C1"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo"
cheat7_code = "916301C1"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Incinerator Ammo"
cheat8_code = "916303C1"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Smartgun Ammo"
cheat9_code = "916304C1"
cheat9_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "P1 Automatically Wins A Match (Serve First)"
cheat0_code = "010405C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Opponent (2P/CPU) Never Scores"
cheat1_code = "010004C2"
cheat1_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cheats = 6
cheat0_desc = "Strike Modifier"
cheat0_code = "010055CA"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Ball Modifier"
cheat1_code = "010054CA"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Out Modifier"
cheat2_code = "010056CA"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Away Team Score Modifier"
cheat3_code = "010051CA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Home Team Score Modifier"
cheat4_code = "010050CA"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Balls Are Strikes"
cheat5_code = "003-F8A-D5A+003-EAA-802+003-DCA-4CA"
cheat5_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
cheats = 13
cheat0_desc = "Strikes Modifier"
cheat0_code = "010056CA"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Balls Modifier"
cheat1_code = "010055CA"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Outs Modifier"
cheat2_code = "010057CA"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Away Team Score Modifier"
cheat3_code = "010052CA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Home Team Score Modifier"
cheat4_code = "010051CA"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Unendlich Baelle"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Keine Strikes"
cheat6_code = ""
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "99 Homeruns"
cheat7_code = ""
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Viele Punkte Team 1"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Viele Punkte Team 2"
cheat9_code = ""
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Keine Punkte Team 1"
cheat10_code = ""
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Keine Punkte Team 2"
cheat11_code = ""
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Balls Are Strikes"
cheat12_code = "3E3-F7A-2AA+003-EAA-802+003-DCA-4CA"
cheat12_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare (USA) (En,Fr,Es).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare (USA) (En,Fr,Es).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
cheats = 7
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "7E6-03B-3B7"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat1_code = "00D-0AA-3BE"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Crossbow Ammo"
cheat2_code = "9163DECC"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "91FF14DA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Revolver Ammo"
cheat4_code = "9163DCCC"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Shotgun Ammo"
cheat5_code = "9163DDCC"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat6_code = "183-D5B-08A"
cheat6_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Animorphs (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Animorphs (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "FA7-EFD-4C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max HP"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
cheats = 13
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "000-E3E"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Start With 98 Lives"
cheat1_code = "984-6DF"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat2_code = "FA4-CCC"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Start With 98 Ammo"
cheat3_code = "984-63F"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat4_code = "004-A2C"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat5_code = "0199E9D8"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat6_code = "0102EAD8"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat7_code = "0198EBD8"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Invincibility (Get hit first)"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat9_code = "C95-10C-2A9+C94-F2C-081"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat10_code = "FA4-DDC-4C1"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat11_code = "FA0-E5E-4C1"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Take no Damage"
cheat12_code = ""
cheat12_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "No Damage"
cheat0_code = "9160A5C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Arle no Bouken - Mahou no Jewel (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Arle no Bouken - Mahou no Jewel (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Skip Most Intros"
cheat0_code = "011-63A-F7A"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Armada - FX Racers (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Armada - FX Racers (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "010961C9"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Continues"
cheat1_code = "010952C4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat2_code = "01FF39DD"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Pow"
cheat3_code = "01FF07DD"
cheat3_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (USA, Europe) (En,De).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (USA, Europe) (En,De).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "01FF0ED0"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
cheats = 17
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "013F18CC"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 1"
cheat1_code = "01019AC3"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 2"
cheat2_code = "01009BC3"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 3"
cheat3_code = "01009CC3"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat4_code = "FAC-42F-4C1"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Unendlich Gesundheit"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Habe Rocket Launcher Slot 1"
cheat6_code = ""
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Habe Grenades Slot 1"
cheat7_code = ""
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Habe Mines Slot 2"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Habe Mine Sweeper Slot 2"
cheat9_code = ""
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Habe Mortar Slot 3"
cheat10_code = ""
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Habe Flame Thrower Slot 3"
cheat11_code = ""
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Infinite Ammo For First Selected Item"
cheat12_code = ""
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Get Items From Anywhere"
cheat13_code = "FA3-45C-A21+FA3-2CC-A21"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat14_code = "18D-008-08A"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Infinite Ammo All Weapons"
cheat15_code = "00C-D1F-3BE"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Developers Infinite Health Cheat"
cheat16_code = "C9C-33F-E69"
cheat16_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
cheats = 12
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "0128CAC2+0128DBFF"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Rockets"
cheat1_code = "01099CC2+01099DC2"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Homing Rockets"
cheat2_code = "01099EC2+01099FC2"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Napalms"
cheat3_code = "0109A0C2+0109A1C2"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Unendlich Energie"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Unendlich Lenkraketen"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Unendlich Raketen"
cheat6_code = ""
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Unendlich Brandraketen"
cheat7_code = ""
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Rockets"
cheat9_code = ""
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Infinite Homing Rockets"
cheat10_code = ""
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Infinite Napalms"
cheat11_code = ""
cheat11_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "01280CD0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Missiles"
cheat1_code = "01634AD0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Unendlich Energie"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Unendlich Raketen"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
cheats = 9
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "013C3DCE"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 1"
cheat1_code = "01019CC3"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 2"
cheat2_code = "01009DC3"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Weapon Modifier Slot 3"
cheat3_code = "01009EC3"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat4_code = "FA7-368-4C1"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Unendlich Gesundheit"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Ammo All Weapons"
cheat6_code = "00C-DAF-3BE"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat7_code = "189-6A8-6EA"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Developers Infinite Health Cheat"
cheat8_code = "C97-2A8-E69"
cheat8_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Immediately Earn A Yellow Star (In Basketball Mini-Game)"
cheat0_code = "01996FC2"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat0_code = "011E63C0"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Asterix & Obelix Contre Cesar (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Asterix & Obelix Contre Cesar (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Quickly Finish Levels"
cheat0_code = "01992AC5"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Asterix - Sur la Trace D'Idefix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Asterix - Sur la Trace D'Idefix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cheats = 6
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat0_code = "011436D5"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Invinciblity"
cheat1_code = "010577D4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Coins"
cheat2_code = "019938D5"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Have All The Keys"
cheat3_code = "01073AD5"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat4_code = "FAD-14E-A21"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat5_code = "3E0-43E-4CA+C97-B2B-C49"
cheat5_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Ship Cannot Impact With Asteroids"
cheat0_code = "9109C3DB"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Ships"
cheat1_code = "01091FC6"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat2_code = "C95-49A-A29"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Skip Intro Screens"
cheat3_code = "0A1-0AB-08F+181-09B-D5D"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "CHEATONX Password Active"
cheat4_code = "007-86F-C49"
cheat4_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
cheats = 9
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat0_code = "FA2-ACA-4C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "FAC-3AE-4C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Start with 9 Lives"
cheat2_code = "094-3EC-E66"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Have All Crystals"
cheat3_code = "916392C2"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Air"
cheat4_code = "91AF93C2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat5_code = "91AF90C2"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat6_code = "910991C2"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Lives (Alternate Codes)"
cheat7_code = "010991C2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Health (Alternate Codes)"
cheat8_code = "018090C2"
cheat8_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
cheats = 15
cheat0_desc = "Wins Modifier"
cheat0_code = "010084D4"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Losses Modifier"
cheat1_code = "01008AD4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "010A58DA"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat3_code = "010010DB+010011DB+010012DB"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Score"
cheat4_code = "019910DB+019911DB+019912DB"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Wins Modifier"
cheat5_code = "0100F2D4"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Draws Modifier"
cheat6_code = "0100F4D4"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Losses Modifier"
cheat7_code = "0100F6D4"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat8_code = "010944DE"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat9_code = "010040DE+010041DE+010042DE+010043DE"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Max Score"
cheat10_code = "019940DE+019941DE+019942DE+019943DE"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat11_code = ""
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Max Score"
cheat12_code = ""
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat13_code = ""
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Max Score"
cheat14_code = ""
cheat14_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Austin Powers - Welcome to my Underground Lair! (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Austin Powers - Welcome to my Underground Lair! (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
cheats = 12
cheat0_desc = "Wins Modifier"
cheat0_code = "010057D4"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Wins Modifier (Statistics)"
cheat1_code = "010082D4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Losses (Statistics)"
cheat2_code = "010088D4"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat3_code = "010A56DA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat4_code = "01000EDB+01000FDB+010010DB"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Max Score"
cheat5_code = "01990EDB+01990FDB+019910DB"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Wins Modifier (Statistics)"
cheat6_code = "0100F0D4"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Draws (Statistics)"
cheat7_code = "0100F2D4"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Losses (Statistics)"
cheat8_code = "0100F4D4"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat9_code = "0109C0D5"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat10_code = "0100BAD5+0100BBD5+0100BCD5"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Max Score"
cheat11_code = "0199BAD5+0199BBD5+0199BBD5"
cheat11_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
cheats = 87
cheat0_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat0_code = "01FFD4C0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max HP"
cheat1_code = "01FFACC0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite MP"
cheat2_code = "01FAD6C0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Max MP"
cheat3_code = "01FFAEC0"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Attack"
cheat4_code = "01FFB4C0"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Max Defense"
cheat5_code = "01FFB5C0"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Level 99"
cheat6_code = "0163AAC0"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Quick Level Up"
cheat7_code = "01FAB1C0"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Frog Modifier"
cheat8_code = "0100DBC0"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Poisoned Modifier"
cheat9_code = "0100DCC0"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Asleep Modifier"
cheat10_code = "0100DDC0"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Paralyzed Modifier"
cheat11_code = "0100DEC0"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Brainwashed Modifier"
cheat12_code = "0100DFC0"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Confused Modifier"
cheat13_code = "0100E0C0"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Blind Modifier"
cheat14_code = "0100E1C0"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Anorexic Modifier"
cheat15_code = "0100E2C0"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Double Speed Modifier"
cheat16_code = "0100E3C0"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Half Speed Modifier"
cheat17_code = "0100E4C0"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Angry Modifier"
cheat18_code = "0100E5C0"
cheat18_enable = false
cheat19_desc = "Bell [?] Modifier"
cheat19_code = "0100E6C0"
cheat19_enable = false
cheat20_desc = "Fire Protected Modifier"
cheat20_code = "0100EAC0"
cheat20_enable = false
cheat21_desc = "Water Protected Modifier"
cheat21_code = "0100EBC0"
cheat21_enable = false
cheat22_desc = "Wind Protected Modifier"
cheat22_code = "0100ECC0"
cheat22_enable = false
cheat23_desc = "Miss Modifier"
cheat23_code = "0100EDC0"
cheat23_enable = false
cheat24_desc = "Max Funds"
cheat24_code = "01FF18D0+01FF19D0"
cheat24_enable = false
cheat25_desc = "Quick Level Gain"
cheat25_code = "01FF14CA+01FF15CA"
cheat25_enable = false
cheat26_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat26_code = "01FFD4C1"
cheat26_enable = false
cheat27_desc = "Max HP"
cheat27_code = "01FFACC1"
cheat27_enable = false
cheat28_desc = "Infinite MP"
cheat28_code = "01FAD6C1"
cheat28_enable = false
cheat29_desc = "Max MP"
cheat29_code = "01FFAEC1"
cheat29_enable = false
cheat30_desc = "Max Attack"
cheat30_code = "01FFB4C1"
cheat30_enable = false
cheat31_desc = "Max Defense"
cheat31_code = "01FFB5C1"
cheat31_enable = false
cheat32_desc = "Level 99"
cheat32_code = "0163AAC1"
cheat32_enable = false
cheat33_desc = "Quick Level Up"
cheat33_code = "01FAB1C1"
cheat33_enable = false
cheat34_desc = "Frog Modifier"
cheat34_code = "0100DBC1"
cheat34_enable = false
cheat35_desc = "Poisoned Modifier"
cheat35_code = "0100DCC1"
cheat35_enable = false
cheat36_desc = "Asleep Modifier"
cheat36_code = "0100DDC1"
cheat36_enable = false
cheat37_desc = "Paralyzed Modifier"
cheat37_code = "0100DEC1"
cheat37_enable = false
cheat38_desc = "Brainwashed Modifier"
cheat38_code = "0100DFC1"
cheat38_enable = false
cheat39_desc = "Confused Modifier"
cheat39_code = "0100E0C1"
cheat39_enable = false
cheat40_desc = "Blind Modifier"
cheat40_code = "0100E1C1"
cheat40_enable = false
cheat41_desc = "Anorexic Modifier"
cheat41_code = "0100E2C1"
cheat41_enable = false
cheat42_desc = "Double Speed Modifier"
cheat42_code = "0100E3C1"
cheat42_enable = false
cheat43_desc = "Half Speed Modifier"
cheat43_code = "0100E4C1"
cheat43_enable = false
cheat44_desc = "Angry Modifier"
cheat44_code = "0100E5C1"
cheat44_enable = false
cheat45_desc = "Bell [?] Modifier"
cheat45_code = "0100E6C1"
cheat45_enable = false
cheat46_desc = "Fire Protected Modifier"
cheat46_code = "0100EAC1"
cheat46_enable = false
cheat47_desc = "Water Protected Modifier"
cheat47_code = "0100EBC1"
cheat47_enable = false
cheat48_desc = "Wind Protected Modifier"
cheat48_code = "0100ECC1"
cheat48_enable = false
cheat49_desc = "Miss Modifier"
cheat49_code = "0100EDC1"
cheat49_enable = false
cheat50_desc = "AI Modifier"
cheat50_code = "0100BCC1"
cheat50_enable = false
cheat51_desc = "Class Modifier"
cheat51_code = "0121B2C1"
cheat51_enable = false
cheat52_desc = "ID Number Modifier"
cheat52_code = "0100C7C1"
cheat52_enable = false
cheat53_desc = "Species Modifier"
cheat53_code = "0100A9C1"
cheat53_enable = false
cheat54_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat54_code = "01FFD4C2"
cheat54_enable = false
cheat55_desc = "Max HP"
cheat55_code = "01FFACC2"
cheat55_enable = false
cheat56_desc = "Infinite MP"
cheat56_code = "01FAD6C2"
cheat56_enable = false
cheat57_desc = "Max MP"
cheat57_code = "01FFAEC2"
cheat57_enable = false
cheat58_desc = "Max Attack"
cheat58_code = "01FFB4C2"
cheat58_enable = false
cheat59_desc = "Max Defense"
cheat59_code = "01FFB5C2"
cheat59_enable = false
cheat60_desc = "Level 99"
cheat60_code = "0163AAC2"
cheat60_enable = false
cheat61_desc = "Quick Level Up"
cheat61_code = "01FAB1C2"
cheat61_enable = false
cheat62_desc = "Frog Modifier"
cheat62_code = "0100DBC2"
cheat62_enable = false
cheat63_desc = "Poisoned Modifier"
cheat63_code = "0100DCC2"
cheat63_enable = false
cheat64_desc = "Asleep Modifier"
cheat64_code = "0100DDC2"
cheat64_enable = false
cheat65_desc = "Paralyzed Modifier"
cheat65_code = "0100DEC2"
cheat65_enable = false
cheat66_desc = "Brainwashed Modifier"
cheat66_code = "0100DFC2"
cheat66_enable = false
cheat67_desc = "Confused Modifier"
cheat67_code = "0100E0C2"
cheat67_enable = false
cheat68_desc = "Blind Modifier"
cheat68_code = "0100E1C2"
cheat68_enable = false
cheat69_desc = "Anorexic Modifier"
cheat69_code = "0100E2C2"
cheat69_enable = false
cheat70_desc = "Double Speed Modifier"
cheat70_code = "0100E3C2"
cheat70_enable = false
cheat71_desc = "Half Speed Modifier"
cheat71_code = "0100E4C2"
cheat71_enable = false
cheat72_desc = "Angry Modifier"
cheat72_code = "0100E5C2"
cheat72_enable = false
cheat73_desc = "Bell [?] Modifier"
cheat73_code = "0100E6C2"
cheat73_enable = false
cheat74_desc = "Fire Protected Modifier"
cheat74_code = "0100EAC2"
cheat74_enable = false
cheat75_desc = "Water Protected Modifier"
cheat75_code = "0100EBC2"
cheat75_enable = false
cheat76_desc = "Wind Protected Modifier"
cheat76_code = "0100ECC2"
cheat76_enable = false
cheat77_desc = "Miss Modifier"
cheat77_code = "0100EDC2"
cheat77_enable = false
cheat78_desc = "AI Modifier"
cheat78_code = "0100BCC2"
cheat78_enable = false
cheat79_desc = "Class Modifier"
cheat79_code = "0100B2C2"
cheat79_enable = false
cheat80_desc = "ID Number Modifier"
cheat80_code = "0100C7C2"
cheat80_enable = false
cheat81_desc = "Species Modifier"
cheat81_code = "0100A9C2"
cheat81_enable = false
cheat82_desc = ""
cheat82_code = ""
cheat82_enable = false
cheat83_desc = "Floor Never Collapse"
cheat83_code = "1C3-399"
cheat83_enable = false
cheat84_desc = "Floor Never Collapses"
cheat84_code = "010023D0"
cheat84_enable = false
cheat85_desc = "Max Funds"
cheat85_code = ""
cheat85_enable = false
cheat86_desc = "Quick Level Gain(Koh)"
cheat86_code = ""
cheat86_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Baby Felix - Halloween (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Baby Felix - Halloween (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat0_code = "EAC-01F-081"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat1_code = "FA8-1A8-4C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "FA8-A78-4C1"
cheat2_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
cheats = 10
cheat0_desc = "Enable Frame Counter Debugger"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Enable Unknown Counter Debugger"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Load Early Puzz Loop title Screen"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Enable Unfinished Super Game Boy functions"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 1 Everywhere"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 2 Everywhere"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 2 Everywhere"
cheat6_code = "010214CD"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 1 Everywhere"
cheat7_code = "010114CD"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 1"
cheat8_code = "010114CD"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Load Unused Super Game Boy Palette 2"
cheat9_code = "010214CD"
cheat9_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Balloon Fight GB (Japan) (NP, SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Balloon Fight GB (Japan) (NP, SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Start With 9 Lives"
cheat0_code = "093-A2F-F7A"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "32A-1FB-6E2"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Levelanwahl"
cheat2_code = "010007C0"
cheat2_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Have All Crystals"
cheat0_code = "01FFA2C0"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Barcode Taisen Bardigun (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Barcode Taisen Bardigun (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Cheat Enabled"
cheat0_code = "010125CB+010127CB"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Cheat Enabled"
cheat1_code = "00D-E5C-6E5"
cheat1_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Pound Modifier For Fish"
cheat0_code = "0100B6CF"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Always Low Tension"
cheat1_code = "01009BCC"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Grabs"
cheat2_code = "010224CC"
cheat2_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "0105E3C3"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "0105E4C3"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Weapons"
cheat2_code = "0106C5C3"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Float In Air"
cheat3_code = "910EF0C0"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat4_code = "0105E3C3"
cheat4_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
cheats = 11
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0109F7CA"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Can Select Any Weapon"
cheat1_code = "006-BCA-7F1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat2_code = "0128FECA"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "0140F6CA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Have Nunchaku"
cheat4_code = "0101E2CB"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Have Discus"
cheat5_code = "0101E3CB"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Have Boots"
cheat6_code = "0101E4CB"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Have Shield"
cheat7_code = "0101E5CB"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Have Staff"
cheat8_code = "0101E6CB"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Invincible Against Enemies"
cheat9_code = "004-ADA-A2E+C64-B2A-7F1"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat10_code = "00E-67B-A29"
cheat10_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/BattleTanx (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/BattleTanx (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "010902CD"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat1_code = "012F1FD0"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Beauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Beauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Access Credits (Options Menu)"
cheat0_code = "049-159-E66"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bikkuriman 2000 - Charging Card GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bikkuriman 2000 - Charging Card GB (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Skip Most Intros"
cheat0_code = "FB5-46B-08D"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Gearts"
cheat0_code = "0109A6C0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Bullets"
cheat1_code = "01630CC1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Worms"
cheat2_code = "010AE5C0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Minners"
cheat3_code = "010AE3C0"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Crawdads"
cheat4_code = "010AE4C0"
cheat4_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
cheats = 12
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "0103B8C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "0109CAC2"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Health"
cheat2_code = "0108C7C2"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Have Gun Modifier"
cheat3_code = "0101C0C2"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Have Item Modifier"
cheat4_code = "0101C2C2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Have Armor Modifier"
cheat5_code = "0101C4C2"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Have Decoder Modifier"
cheat6_code = "0101C6C2"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Have All Levels Completed"
cheat7_code = "01FFCBC2+01FFCCC2+0103CDC2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat8_code = "1C8-C4A"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat9_code = "1CD-14D"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Infinite Armor"
cheat10_code = "0133C3C2"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Invincible After Hit Once"
cheat11_code = "0111B0C2"
cheat11_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Black Bass - Lure Fishing (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Black Bass - Lure Fishing (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Never Lose Rod Power"
cheat0_code = "1C9-CCE"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Never Lose Rod Power"
cheat1_code = "010055C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Blade (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Blade (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
cheats = 10
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Glaive"
cheat0_code = "0109B5CC"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Scatter Gun"
cheat1_code = "010950C8"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat2_code = "01FF7DC4+01FF7EC4"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Max Serum"
cheat3_code = "010777C4"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Armor"
cheat4_code = "010778C4"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Max Ammo"
cheat5_code = "010779C4"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Max Kung Fu"
cheat6_code = "01077AC4"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Max Sword"
cheat7_code = "01077BC4"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat8_code = "018040C4"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Max Lives"
cheat9_code = "017AEB81"
cheat9_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Blaster Master - Enemy Below (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Blaster Master - Enemy Below (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
cheats = 19
cheat0_desc = "Infinite POW Meter [Vehicle]"
cheat0_code = "014024C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite POW Meter [Jason]"
cheat1_code = "014025C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite HOV Meter [Vehicle]"
cheat2_code = "014026C1"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Gun Meter [Jason]"
cheat3_code = "014027C1"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Homing Missile"
cheat4_code = "016328C1"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Thunderbolt"
cheat5_code = "016329C1"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite 3-Way Missile"
cheat6_code = "01632AC1"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "All Vehicle Upgrades"
cheat7_code = "01FF06C1+01FF07C1"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Unendlich Gesundheit Blaster"
cheat8_code = ""
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Unendlich Gesundheit Master"
cheat9_code = ""
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "All Vehicle Upgrades"
cheat10_code = ""
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat11_code = "FAD-D59-D5D+18D-BE9-4CA"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Jump in Midair"
cheat12_code = "186-05B-4CA+3E5-FFB-4CA"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Jump in Midair"
cheat13_code = "00D-05B-E69"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Get Items From Anywhere"
cheat14_code = "18C-3B9-4CA"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat15_code = "C9E-F3F-E69+C96-81E-E69"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Invincibility When Falling Very High"
cheat16_code = "C96-82E-6EE"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Skip Intros"
cheat17_code = "014-0AC-C4E"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Infinite Vehicle Damage"
cheat18_code = "006-9CE-A20"
cheat18_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Boarder Zone (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Boarder Zone (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat0_code = "010031C6"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Point Modifier"
cheat1_code = "010027C6"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Skip Intro Screens"
cheat2_code = "FA6-AAD-D5D+FA6-A0D-D5D+FA6-95D-D5D"
cheat2_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Collect 1 Item for Instant Win"
cheat0_code = "9108C7C6"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Time and Energy"
cheat1_code = "9122C8C6"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomber Man Quest (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomber Man Quest (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Walk Through Walls"
cheat0_code = "18A-46B-4CA"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
cheats = 14
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "010AF7C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Bombs"
cheat1_code = "0109F3C2"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Explosion"
cheat2_code = "0109F4C2"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat3_code = "01FF01C3"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "All Monsters Frozen"
cheat4_code = "0100FFC2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Better Music"
cheat5_code = "01042FC0"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "World Modifier [00-04]"
cheat6_code = "0100D0C2"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Level Modifier [00-03]"
cheat7_code = "0100D1C2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Speed Modifier [00-09]"
cheat8_code = "0100F5C2"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat9_code = "010204C3"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Stop Timer"
cheat10_code = "010402C3"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat11_code = "C25-F1C-F71+F25-F0C-6E2"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Walk Anywhere"
cheat12_code = "00B-15B-E6E"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat13_code = "AF2-EAA-7F4+181-9DA-08A"
cheat13_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomberman Quest (Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomberman Quest (Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Start in Debug Menu"
cheat0_code = "187-FDE-B36"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Enable Super Game Boy Palette Settings"
cheat1_code = "000-F1B-E6E"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Access Unused Battle Super Game Boy Border"
cheat2_code = "66A-42E-F73"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomberman Quest (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bomberman Quest (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
cheats = 23
cheat0_desc = "Invincible"
cheat0_code = "014082CE"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Enemies Die in One Hit"
cheat1_code = "0101C7C9"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Invincibility Alt"
cheat2_code = "010589C7"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "FA2-BCD"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Bomb Components"
cheat4_code = "00C-45B"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Fire"
cheat5_code = "01FF59CF"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Explosive Core"
cheat6_code = "01FF58CF"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Skull"
cheat7_code = "01FF57CF"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Boomberang"
cheat8_code = "01FF56CF"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Infinite Poison Ivy"
cheat9_code = "01FF55CF"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Infinite Ice Shard"
cheat10_code = "01FF54CF"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Infinite Clock"
cheat11_code = "01FF53CF"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Infinite Rubber"
cheat12_code = "01FF52CF"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Infinite Armored Jackets"
cheat13_code = "01FF56CF"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Infinite Armored Jackets"
cheat14_code = "01FF5ACF"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Infinite Stopwatches"
cheat15_code = "01FF5BCF"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Have Flute"
cheat16_code = "01105CCF"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Have Flute"
cheat17_code = "01105CCF"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Infinite Hearts"
cheat18_code = "01FF5DCF"
cheat18_enable = false
cheat19_desc = "Infinite Full Hearts"
cheat19_code = "01FF5ECF"
cheat19_enable = false
cheat20_desc = "Infinite White Cards"
cheat20_code = "01FF5FCF"
cheat20_enable = false
cheat21_desc = "Infinite Black Cards"
cheat21_code = "01FF60CF"
cheat21_enable = false
cheat22_desc = "Infinite Honey Cards"
cheat22_code = "01FF61CF"
cheat22_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cheats = 6
cheat0_desc = "Make Game Boy Compatible"
cheat0_code = "027-13F-E66+018-D4E-A2E"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Fix Super Game Boy header "
cheat1_code = "031-46F-E6A"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Enable leftover Super Game Boy support from Bomberman Collection"
cheat2_code = "031-46F-E6A+037-13F-E62+F59-0EF-3B6+F09-0FF-196+919-10F-C4D+B79-11F-195+289-12F-195+F19-14F-195+379-15F-195+C99-16F-195+3E9-E5F-5D4+E49-E6F-6E9+E09-E7F-E63+479-E8F-6E9+219-F2F-192+009-F3F-E68+989-F4F-F72+119-F5F-B3A+0C9-F6F-6E2+009-F7F-19A+0E9-F8F-F7E+0D9-F9F-6EA+3E9-FAF-E66+809-FBF-80E+069-FCF-D5E+149-FDF-6EA+229-FEF-19D+3C9-FFF-085+05A-00F-C4D+20A-01F-195+FBA-02F-195+19A-03F-195+0DA-04F-195+20A-05F-195+F5A-06F-195+FBA-07F-195+C9A-08F-195+018-D4E-A2E"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Load the unused Super Game Boy border from Same Game "
cheat3_code = "D1E-80F-C40"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Load the unused Super Game Boy border from Same Game in both games"
cheat4_code = "D10-77E-C40"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Loads unused GBC CGB-only screen and palette in CGB mode"
cheat5_code = "008-D4E-A2E"
cheat5_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "No Random Battles"
cheat0_code = "C92-CFB-C49"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Stanima"
cheat0_code = "013F4DC7"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Life"
cheat1_code = "017F4BC7"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "No Life [Enemy]"
cheat2_code = "0100DFC7"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Power Ups"
cheat3_code = "01015AC7"
cheat3_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "01062FC6"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "006-2FD-3BE"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Invincible"
cheat2_code = "000-EEE-081"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Unendlich Leben"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Almost Invincible"
cheat4_code = "900103C6"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Berries"
cheat5_code = "01042BC6"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Score Is 999,999"
cheat6_code = ""
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Debug Mode"
cheat7_code = "013-5CF-E6A"
cheat7_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Stage Skip"
cheat0_code = "00A-F58-A26"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
cheats = 11
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0109B4C3"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Keys on Pickup"
cheat1_code = "010842DC"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "FA0-BDE-4C1"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Start With 99 Lives"
cheat3_code = "630-65E-E66"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Play In Level XX"
cheat4_code = "013C9AFF"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat5_code = "0109B4C3"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Max Keys on Pickup"
cheat6_code = "010842DC"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Get Keys From Anywhere"
cheat7_code = "000-699-2A6+000-6E9-5D2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Enter Any Door To Clear Level"
cheat8_code = "05A-B6E-F76"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Open Locked Door Without Having 8 Keys"
cheat9_code = "18C-65B-4CA"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat10_code = "C91-979-E69"
cheat10_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
cheats = 12
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Carrots"
cheat0_code = "010902C9"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "016301C9"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = "010300C9"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Keys"
cheat3_code = "010806C9"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Ballons"
cheat4_code = "010904C9"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Infinite Cork Gun"
cheat5_code = "010903C9"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat6_code = "FAD-13F-4C1"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Start With 99 Lives"
cheat7_code = "635-F1A-E66"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat8_code = "FAC-E0C-4C1"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Play In Level XX"
cheat9_code = "0145E1C8"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat10_code = "0109B4C3"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Max Keys on Pick-Up"
cheat11_code = "010842DC"
cheat11_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Credits"
cheat0_code = "01042DD5"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "First Pair of Digits"
cheat1_code = "9100EDD3"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Second Pair of Digits"
cheat2_code = "9100ECD3"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Third Pair of Digits"
cheat3_code = "9100EBD3"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Fourth Pair of Digits"
cheat4_code = "9100EAD3"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Automatically Beat a Stage"
cheat5_code = "0101DEFF"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Skip Intro Screens"
cheat6_code = "3E1-F6F-4CA"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Only Need 1 Bubble Instead of 3"
cheat7_code = "001-CDA-E66"
cheat7_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
cheats = 17
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time To Hold The Ball"
cheat0_code = "010F37D0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Always Have Guide Line"
cheat1_code = "0101A4FF"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Enable All Characters"
cheat2_code = "01FFB1FF"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Hidden Mode Menus Activated"
cheat3_code = "0103B0FF"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "No Time"
cheat4_code = "01002FD0"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat5_code = "01004FD0"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Infinite Time To Hold The Ball"
cheat6_code = "772-3FE-3BE"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "No Timer"
cheat7_code = "42B-54B-6E2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Hidden Mode Menu Activated"
cheat8_code = "B63-768-7F0"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Stage 3 Chain Modifier"
cheat9_code = "01003CD0"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Stage 2 Drop Modifier "
cheat10_code = "00D-D0C"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Stage 1 Time Modifier "
cheat11_code = "00F-D0D"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Automatically Beat Stages"
cheat12_code = "01004ED0"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Hit 1 Bubble to Clear Level"
cheat13_code = "184-69A-4CA"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Hit 1 Bubble to Clear Level"
cheat14_code = "AF3-3AB-19E+C22-EEB-080"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Win Automatically"
cheat15_code = "075-ABB-C42+185-AAB-4CA+065-93B-F7A"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Debug Flags Menu"
cheat16_code = "010503D0"
cheat16_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "0164DACC"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Always Have 5 Coins"
cheat1_code = "0105C8CC"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = "088-4AF"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat3_code = "0163DACC"
cheat3_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Soldiers"
cheat0_code = "015AEEC1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Grenades"
cheat1_code = "01042FCE"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Rockets"
cheat2_code = "010430CE"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Carmageddon - Carpocalypse Now (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Carmageddon - Carpocalypse Now (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat0_code = "0128A6C3"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Have Zombies Modifier"
cheat1_code = "0100F5C4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat2_code = "016FA8C3"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Casper (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Casper (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Brass Keys"
cheat0_code = "0163A9C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Iron Keys"
cheat1_code = "0163A8C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Weights"
cheat2_code = "0163ABC1"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Catwoman (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Catwoman (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "010A07C9"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Catz (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Catz (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
cheats = 9
cheat0_desc = "Full Bar Happiness"
cheat0_code = "01AAD180"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Energy"
cheat1_code = "01AA9AA1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Affection"
cheat2_code = "01AAD6A1"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Max Happiness"
cheat3_code = "01AA51A1"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Energy"
cheat4_code = "01AA95A0"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Max Affection"
cheat5_code = "01AAD6A0"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Max Happiness"
cheat6_code = "01AAD1A1"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Max Energy"
cheat7_code = "01AA1AA1"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Max Affection"
cheat8_code = "01AA56A1"
cheat8_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0104A0C6"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Board Modifier"
cheat1_code = "90005DC5"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Starting Level Modifier"
cheat2_code = "9000A2C6"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Level Doesn't Change"
cheat3_code = "90F87DC5"
cheat3_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat0_code = "016366D4"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Nitros"
cheat1_code = "010264D4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Enemy Has Zero Energy"
cheat2_code = "010089D4"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
cheats = 7
cheat0_desc = "Unendlich Turbos"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Unendlich Treibstoff"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Unendlich Munition"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Unendlich Zeit"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat4_code = "016366D4"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Skip Most Intros"
cheat5_code = "01C-5CD-E66"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Sound Test"
cheat6_code = "052-29D-F7A"
cheat6_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Make Game Boy Advance/Game Boy Player compatible"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Make Game Boy/Super Game Boy compatible"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Title screen music modifier"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Select New Game (save must not be present otherwise you will continue) to go to Chalien animation viewer"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Move Pieces Anywhere"
cheat0_code = "007-83D-A2D+187-95D-4CA+187-53D-4CA"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
cheats = 9
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Chicken Feed"
cheat0_code = "010AD0C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat1_code = "010FD1C1"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Only Help 1 Chicken To Win"
cheat2_code = "010033DC"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat3_code = "01011AC0"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Walk Thru Walls"
cheat4_code = "00B-02E-E62"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Stage Skip"
cheat5_code = "180-F79-6EA"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Invisibility"
cheat6_code = "C96-CDE-E69"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Infinite Feed"
cheat7_code = "18B-FBE-6EA"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat8_code = "C94-95B-E69"
cheat8_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Classic Bubble Bobble (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Classic Bubble Bobble (USA) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "01094DC0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat1_code = "010183C4"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Columns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Columns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Skip Intro Screen"
cheat0_code = "099-77F-C46"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Have All Keys"
cheat0_code = "91FF95C9"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Continues"
cheat1_code = "91633DC9"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "916334C9"
cheat2_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Conker's Pocket Tales (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Conker's Pocket Tales (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0109D6CE+0109D7CE"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Slingshots [On Pickup]"
cheat1_code = "0109D9CE+0109D9CE"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Acorns"
cheat2_code = "9063D9CE"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Invincible"
cheat3_code = "9063D6CE"
cheat3_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "FA2-0CE-4C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Paddle Hits Ball Anywhere"
cheat1_code = "008-58E-4C6+008-55E-5D2"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Croc (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Croc (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0199AEC0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Gobbos"
cheat1_code = "0199AFC0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Crystals"
cheat2_code = "0199ADC0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Enemies Die on Contact"
cheat3_code = "18B-D9A-4CA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat4_code = "C91-149-E69"
cheat4_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Croc 2 (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Croc 2 (USA, Europe).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "9163F0C9"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat1_code = "9103EEC9"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Attack Points"
cheat2_code = "9163F6C9"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Lots of Crystal Points"
cheat3_code = "91FFB4CA"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Have All Five Crystals For All Levels"
cheat4_code = "91FFE3C9"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Enemies Die on Contact"
cheat5_code = "185-80A-6EA"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Walk Over Pits"
cheat6_code = "C97-31B-081"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat7_code = "C95-C9A-E69+C95-95A-E69"
cheat7_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Cruis'n Exotica (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Cruis'n Exotica (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat0_code = "0199EBCA"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Crystalis (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Crystalis (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
cheats = 36
cheat0_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat0_code = "01FFC8C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max HP"
cheat1_code = "01FFC7C2"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite MP"
cheat2_code = "01FFCAC2"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Max MP"
cheat3_code = "01FFC9C2"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Gold"
cheat4_code = "01FFECC2+01FFEDC2"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Max Attack"
cheat5_code = "0163CCC2"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Max Defense Armor"
cheat6_code = "0163CEC2"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Max Defense Shield"
cheat7_code = "0163D0C2"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Max Level"
cheat8_code = "0110D9C2"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Quick Exp"
cheat9_code = "01FFDAC2"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Have All Swords"
cheat10_code = "01FFDCC2"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Have All Armors"
cheat11_code = "01FFDDC2"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Have All Shields"
cheat12_code = "01FFDEC2"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Have All Powers"
cheat13_code = "01FFDFC2"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Have All Magics"
cheat14_code = "01FFE0C2"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "65280 Money (Inf. money if left on)"
cheat15_code = "01FFECC2"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "65280 exp for Each Enemy Killed"
cheat16_code = "01FFDBC2"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Always Have Sword Charges Up"
cheat17_code = "0132ABC2"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Max/Infinite Magic Points"
cheat18_code = "01FECAC2"
cheat18_enable = false
cheat19_desc = "Max/Infinite Hit Points"
cheat19_code = "01FAC8C2"
cheat19_enable = false
cheat20_desc = "Untouchable"
cheat20_code = "0106AEC2"
cheat20_enable = false
cheat21_desc = "Infinite Gold"
cheat21_code = "FA1-4D8-4C1+FA1-518-4C1"
cheat21_enable = false
cheat22_desc = "Infinite HP"
cheat22_code = "FA9-F0B-4C1"
cheat22_enable = false
cheat23_desc = "Take No Damage From Poison"
cheat23_code = "009-78B-A28"
cheat23_enable = false
cheat24_desc = "Take No Damage From Poison Field"
cheat24_code = "00A-FDB-19E"
cheat24_enable = false
cheat25_desc = "Take No Damage From Oak Forest Gas"
cheat25_code = "003-1C9-19E"
cheat25_enable = false
cheat26_desc = "Refresh Uses No MP"
cheat26_code = "FA2-BB9-4C1"
cheat26_enable = false
cheat27_desc = "Telepathy Uses No MP"
cheat27_code = "FA9-68C-4C1"
cheat27_enable = false
cheat28_desc = "Teleport Uses No MP"
cheat28_code = "FA5-A29-4C1"
cheat28_enable = false
cheat29_desc = "Paralysis Uses No MP"
cheat29_code = "003-4E9-F7A"
cheat29_enable = false
cheat30_desc = "Barrier Uses No MP"
cheat30_code = "009-A49-E6E"
cheat30_enable = false
cheat31_desc = "Change Uses No MP"
cheat31_code = "00B-35C-B3A"
cheat31_enable = false
cheat32_desc = "Flight Uses No MP"
cheat32_code = "00A-6B9-E6E+00A-7D9-E6E"
cheat32_enable = false
cheat33_desc = "Level 3 Sword Power Uses No MP"
cheat33_code = "FAE-A99-4C1"
cheat33_enable = false
cheat34_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat34_code = ""
cheat34_enable = false
cheat35_desc = "Walk Anywhere"
cheat35_code = ""
cheat35_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Cubix - Robots for Everyone - Race 'n Robots (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Cubix - Robots for Everyone - Race 'n Robots (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
cheats = 23
cheat0_desc = "All Pictures In Gallery"
cheat0_code = "910F41C0"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Build N Burn Beat/Open"
cheat1_code = "910138C0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Build N Burn Key"
cheat2_code = "91013CC0"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Downtown Dash Beat/Open"
cheat3_code = "910129C0"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Downtown Dash Key"
cheat4_code = "91012DC0"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Dr. K's Lair Beat/Open"
cheat5_code = "910139C0"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Dr. K's Lair Key"
cheat6_code = "91013DC0"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Fair Frenzy Beat/Open"
cheat7_code = "910132C0"
cheat7_enable = false
cheat8_desc = "Fair Frenzy Key"
cheat8_code = "910136C0"
cheat8_enable = false
cheat9_desc = "Fun For All! Beat/Open"
cheat9_code = "91012BC0"
cheat9_enable = false
cheat10_desc = "Fun For All! Key"
cheat10_code = "91012FC0"
cheat10_enable = false
cheat11_desc = "Girder Gallop Beat/Open"
cheat11_code = "91012AC0"
cheat11_enable = false
cheat12_desc = "Girder Gallop Key"
cheat12_code = "91012EC0"
cheat12_enable = false
cheat13_desc = "Hurry To Home Beat/Open"
cheat13_code = "910137C0"
cheat13_enable = false
cheat14_desc = "Hurry To Home Key"
cheat14_code = "91013BC0"
cheat14_enable = false
cheat15_desc = "Infinite Solex"
cheat15_code = "9130ABD0"
cheat15_enable = false
cheat16_desc = "Nuts N Bolts Beat/Open"
cheat16_code = "910131C0"
cheat16_enable = false
cheat17_desc = "Nuts N Bolts Key"
cheat17_code = "910135C0"
cheat17_enable = false
cheat18_desc = "Street Speed Beat/Open"
cheat18_code = "910130C0"
cheat18_enable = false
cheat19_desc = "Street Speed Key"
cheat19_code = "910134C0"
cheat19_enable = false
cheat20_desc = "VS. Kolossal (easy) Beat/Open"
cheat20_code = "91012CC0"
cheat20_enable = false
cheat21_desc = "VS. Kolossal (hard) Beat/Open"
cheat21_code = "91013AC0"
cheat21_enable = false
cheat22_desc = "VS. Kolossal (medium) Beat/Open"
cheat22_code = "910133C0"
cheat22_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Always On 1st Shot"
cheat0_code = "010160C2"
cheat0_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Daffy Duck - Fowl Play (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Daffy Duck - Fowl Play (USA, Europe) (GB Compatible).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "010989C4"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat1_code = "01FF82C4"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Ammo"
cheat2_code = "019986C4+019933C3"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat3_code = "011189C4"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat4_code = "910086C4"
cheat4_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
cheats = 4
cheat0_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat0_code = "01003EC8+01003FC8"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Max Score"
cheat1_code = "01FF3EC8+01FF3FC8"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Stop Timer"
cheat2_code = "01011EC8"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Have All Cans"
cheat3_code = "0105D4C7"
cheat3_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Deer Hunter (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Deer Hunter (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cheats = 3
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Time"
cheat0_code = "0101A4C1"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Freeze Time"
cheat1_code = "004-1FF-19A"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Plays Unused Frogger SFX At Main Menu"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cheats = 1
cheat0_desc = "Start At Ending Staff Roll"
cheat0_code = "1C2-87F-D52"
cheat0_enable = false
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cheats = 5
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Power"
cheat0_code = "0106FBCB"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Tries"
cheat1_code = "0109FACB"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Score"
cheat2_code = "010940D8+010941D8+010942D8+010943D8+010944D8+010945D8"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Don't Need Secret Codes to Complete Level"
cheat3_code = "01003FD8"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat4_code = "0100C4CC"
cheat4_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Dinosaur (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Dinosaur (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
cheats = 2
cheat0_desc = "Enable Code (Must Be On)"
cheat0_code = "0102A4D3"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Health Flowers"
cheat1_code = "016237D3"
cheat1_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Dogz (USA).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Dogz (USA).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cheats = 8
cheat0_desc = "Max Happiness"
cheat0_code = "01AAD180"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "No Hunger"
cheat1_code = "0147A9A0"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Max Energy"
cheat2_code = "01AA1AA1"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Max Affection"
cheat3_code = "01AA56A1"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Max Happiness"
cheat4_code = "01AA51A1"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "No Hunger"
cheat5_code = "0137A9A1"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Max Happiness"
cheat6_code = "01AAD1A1"
cheat6_enable = false
cheat7_desc = "Max Energy"
cheat7_code = "01AA9AA1"
cheat7_enable = false
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).cht
Normal file
cht/Nintendo - Game Boy Color/Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).cht
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
cheats = 7
cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "0109CAC8"
cheat0_enable = false
cheat1_desc = "Infinite Blue Balls"
cheat1_code = "0163C7C8"
cheat1_enable = false
cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "FA6-618-4C1"
cheat2_enable = false
cheat3_desc = "Start With 99 Lives"
cheat3_code = "638-9AB-F7E"
cheat3_enable = false
cheat4_desc = "Invincible"
cheat4_code = "1C9-578-3BE"
cheat4_enable = false
cheat5_desc = "Invincible"
cheat5_code = "010390CB"
cheat5_enable = false
cheat6_desc = "Get Blue Item From Anywhere"
cheat6_code = "3E4-A28-4CA"
cheat6_enable = false
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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