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# General rules
* Lakka focuses on stability rather than bleeding edge
* We try to maintain all the supported platforms, but we know that 95% of our users are using PC and RPi
* You are responsible for your own changes, if you break something, you need to fix it
* Everybody has to test their own changes
* Testing means manual testing on real hardware
* If you are unsure how to contribute code, meet us on IRC (#lakkatv on Libera Chat) or Discord (libretro server)
* Our users want the latest working versions of RetroArch and the libretro cores. They don't want non working / half working versions.
# Team members
Project leader: natinusala
Team members: kivutar, Ntemis, gouchi, ToKe79, RobLoach, natinusala, plaidman
# The development branch
Current development happens on the branch Lakka-v4.x. This branch follows LibreELEC 10.0 stable.
We consider this branch as a rolling release, and we ensure that:
* All the projects build fine at least on Ubuntu 20.04
* All the projects boot
* All the projects boot to RetroArch
We don't have a stable branch + unstable branches. For now, we only work on Lakka-v4.x, which should be as stable as possible.
# Pull requests
All the code contributions are submitted in the form of Pull Requests. Team members should also use Pull Requests except in case of emergency.
A good PR is:
* Atomic, changes as less things as possible
* Well named
* Well described
* Tested locally by the sender (on real hardware)
* Doesn't break other projects (you have to build all of them locally)
* Idealy doesn't contain merge messages (you can pull --rebase if necessary)
* Doesn't mix important changes with massive reindentation (send two separate PRs)
* Doesn't introduce too much changes that would make merging upstream difficult
PRs will be reviewed by the core team. The project leader have the final word on merging a PR or not, but all the core team members are invited to do code reviews.
PRs should be merged using the *Squash and merge* button only.
If a PR is not in a mergeable state, mark the title with [WIP].
Commit messages should be formatted like the [LibreELEC](https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv)'s upstream, in the following format:
package-name: update something on the package
# Merging upstream
The upstream branch, LibreELEC 10.0, will be merged on a regular basis by the maintainers. Merging upstream should be discussed and announced on IRC/Discord in presence of the project leader.
It should be done once every release cycle, at the beginning of the cycle.
# RetroArch updates
Updating RetroArch requires a lot of manual testing. So leave this task to the core team.
# Release cycle
We try to release images to the public one time per month.
Before every release or release candidate, we have a one week code freeze that is announced on IRC or Discord by the team leader.
During the code freeze:
* Everybody tests the images on real hardware
* We merge only critical fixes
* We don't merge upstream
* We don't update RetroArch or cores for no reasons
* If we update RetroArch or a core, it better be done by adding a build time patch than updating the commit ID
# Good practices guide
This branch is based on [LibreELEC 10.0](https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv/tree/libreelec-10.0).
After you fork and clone to your local development environment, fetch and switch to branch `Lakka-v4.x` and add the upstream repository:
git fetch origin Lakka-v4.x:Lakka-v4.x
git checkout -b Lakka-v4.x origin/Lakka-v4.x
git remote add upstream https://github.com/libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC
git fetch upstream
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/Lakka-v4.x
To update your local Lakka-v4.x branch from upstream (do this every time before you create a new branch which you mean to PR):
git checkout Lakka-v4.x
git pull upstream Lakka-v4.x
git push origin Lakka-v4.x
Do not commit anything into Lakka-v4.x branch but create branches for each PR, otherwise you will have merge commits when updating from upstream:
git checkout -b <name_of_branch> Lakka-v4.x
To rebase your branch (you might need to resovle some conflicts - do this only when your PR has conflicts with the base):
git checkout <name_of_branch>
git rebase upstream Lakka-v4.x
## Add LibreELEC repository
To merge commits from the base, LibreELEC repository has to be added:
git remote add libreelec https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv
Lakka-v4.x is based on the libreelec-10.0 branch, so fetch it:
git fetch libreelec libreelec-10.0:libreelec-10.0
To update the base branch later:
git checkout libreelec-10.0
git pull libreelec libreelec-10.0
List of new commits in base branch:
git log Lakka-v4.x..libreelec-10.0
If you want to merge up to a specific commit hash or tag:
git checkout libreelec-10.0
git reset --hard <commit|tag>
Create new branch and merge the commits:
git checkout -b update_from_libreelec Lakka-v4.x
git merge libreelec-10.0
Push the changes to your remote repository (and open pull request on GitHub):
git push origin udpate_from_libreelec