Async functions #169
@ -46,11 +46,13 @@ case "$(apt search openjdk)" in
# Setup non root user
useradd -m -p "$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' "LucaA1113ba21")" "thebds"
addgroup thebds sudo
addgroup thebds root
usermod --shell /usr/bin/zsh thebds;
echo "thebds ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
setup_user() {
useradd -m -p "$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' "LucaA1113ba21")" "thebds"
addgroup thebds sudo
addgroup thebds root
usermod --shell /usr/bin/zsh thebds;
echo "thebds ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
# Remove Unnecessary Packages
apt autoremove -y
@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
console.log("Start:", bds.start());
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Kill Server:", bds.kill());
setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 1000);
}, 1 * 30 * 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1 * 60 * 1000);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Detect Error:", err);
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -89,120 +89,123 @@ async function StartServer(){
// Bds Maneger CLI Help
if (help) {
let help = [
"usage: bds_maneger [options]",
" -s --start Start Server",
" -k --kill Detect and kill bds servers",
" -p --platform Select server platform",
" -d --download server version to install, default \"latest\"",
" --interactive Install the server interactively",
" -S --system_info System info and test",
" -h --help Print this list and exit.",
" -v --version Print the version and exit."
// Get Bds Core Version
if (version) {
const Info = [
`Bds Maneger Core version: ${bds.package_json.version}`,
"****************** Bds Maneger Core contributors ******************",
for (let contri of bds.extra_json.contributors) {
Info.push(`********* ${} *********`)
if ( Info.push(`* ${}`)
if (contri.url) Info.push(`* ${contri.url}`)
(async () => {
// Bds Maneger CLI Help
if (help) {
let help = [
"usage: bds_maneger [options]",
" -s --start Start Server",
" -k --kill Detect and kill bds servers",
" -p --platform Select server platform",
" -d --download server version to install, default \"latest\"",
" --interactive Install the server interactively",
" -S --system_info System info and test",
" -h --help Print this list and exit.",
" -v --version Print the version and exit."
if (SystemCheck) {
var checkothearch = "";
if (process.platform === "linux" && bds.arch !== "x64"){checkothearch = `qemu-x86_64-static is installed to emulate an x64 system: ${commandExits("qemu-x86_64-static")}\n`}
if (process.platform === "android" && bds.arch !== "x64"){checkothearch = `qemu-x86_64 is installed to emulate an x64 system: ${commandExits("qemu-x86_64")}\n`}
const help = [
`Bds Maneger Core And Bds Maneger CLI version: ${cli_color.magentaBright(bds.package_json.version)}`,
`System: ${cli_color.yellow(process.platform)}, architecture: ${}`,
"* Bds Maneger dirs:",
`* - Config: ${cli_color.yellowBright(bds_dir)}`,
`* - Players File: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetPaths("player"))}`,
"* Bds Servers dirs:",
`* - Bedrock Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("bedrock"))}`,
`* - Pocketmine-MP Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("pocketmine"))}`,
`* - Dragonfly: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("dragonfly"))}`,
`* - Java Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("java"))}`,
`* - Spigot Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("spigot"))}`,
"* Servers currently available:",
`* - Bedrock: ${SystemInfo.valid_platform.bedrock}`,
`* - Pocketmine-MP: ${SystemInfo.valid_platform.pocketmine}`,
`* - Dragonfly: ${SystemInfo.valid_platform.dragonfly}`,
`* - Java: ${}`,
`* - Spigot: ${}`,
.replace(/true/gi, cli_color.greenBright("true"))
.replace(/false/gi, cli_color.redBright("false"))
// Get Bds Core Version
if (version) {
const Info = [
`Bds Maneger Core version: ${bds.package_json.version}`,
"****************** Bds Maneger Core contributors ******************",
for (let contri of bds.extra_json.contributors) {
Info.push(`********* ${} *********`)
if ( Info.push(`* ${}`)
if (contri.url) Info.push(`* ${contri.url}`)
// Download server
if (bds_version){
(async () => {
try {
if (argv.interactive) {
const LoadVersion = (await (await fetch(BdsConfigAndInfo.Fetchs.servers)).json())[GetPlatform()]
const Version = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(LoadVersion)
const StartQuestion = (Readline) => {
Readline.question("Select a version to download: ", input => {
if (Version[parseInt(input) - 1]) {
download(Version[parseInt(input) - 1], true, function(){
if (start) return StartServer();
console.log("Installation was successful, so start the server with the -s option");
} else {
console.log("Invalid Option");
if (SystemCheck) {
const { valid_platform } = await SystemInfo();
var checkothearch = "";
if (process.platform === "linux" && bds.arch !== "x64"){checkothearch = `qemu-x86_64-static is installed to emulate an x64 system: ${commandExits("qemu-x86_64-static")}\n`}
if (process.platform === "android" && bds.arch !== "x64"){checkothearch = `qemu-x86_64 is installed to emulate an x64 system: ${commandExits("qemu-x86_64")}\n`}
const help = [
`Bds Maneger Core And Bds Maneger CLI version: ${cli_color.magentaBright(bds.package_json.version)}`,
`System: ${cli_color.yellow(process.platform)}, architecture: ${}`,
"* Bds Maneger dirs:",
`* - Config: ${cli_color.yellowBright(bds_dir)}`,
`* - Players File: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetPaths("player"))}`,
"* Bds Servers dirs:",
`* - Bedrock Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("bedrock"))}`,
`* - Pocketmine-MP Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("pocketmine"))}`,
`* - Dragonfly: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("dragonfly"))}`,
`* - Java Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("java"))}`,
`* - Spigot Server: ${cli_color.yellowBright(GetServerPaths("spigot"))}`,
"* Servers currently available:",
`* - Bedrock: ${valid_platform.bedrock}`,
`* - Pocketmine-MP: ${valid_platform.pocketmine}`,
`* - Dragonfly: ${valid_platform.dragonfly}`,
`* - Java: ${}`,
`* - Spigot: ${}`,
.replace(/true/gi, cli_color.greenBright("true"))
.replace(/false/gi, cli_color.redBright("false"))
// Download server
if (bds_version){
(async () => {
try {
if (argv.interactive) {
const LoadVersion = (await (await fetch(BdsConfigAndInfo.Fetchs.servers)).json())[GetPlatform()]
const Version = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(LoadVersion)
const StartQuestion = (Readline) => {
Readline.question("Select a version to download: ", input => {
if (Version[parseInt(input) - 1]) {
download(Version[parseInt(input) - 1], true, function(){
if (start) return StartServer();
console.log("Installation was successful, so start the server with the -s option");
} else {
console.log("Invalid Option");
console.log(`Selected platform: ${GetPlatform()}, Total available versions: ${Version.length}`);
console.log(`${"Option")} ${"Version")}`);
for (let option in Version) console.log(`${ + 1)}: ${[option])}`);
StartQuestion(readline.createInterface({input: process.stdin,output: process.stdout}));
console.log(`Selected platform: ${GetPlatform()}, Total available versions: ${Version.length}`);
console.log(`${"Option")} ${"Version")}`);
for (let option in Version) console.log(`${ + 1)}: ${[option])}`);
StartQuestion(readline.createInterface({input: process.stdin,output: process.stdout}));
else, true, function(){
if (start) StartServer();
} catch (error) {console.error(error);process.exit(165);}
else, true, function(){
if (start) StartServer();
} catch (error) {console.error(error);process.exit(165);}
// Start server
if (start && !(server || version || SystemCheck || bds_version || help)) StartServer();
// Start server
if (start && !(server || version || SystemCheck || bds_version || help)) StartServer();
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const HelpAndStart = [
" /download",
" Version",
" ",
// Set Telegram Bot
const bot = new Telegraf(GetTelegramToken());
@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ module.exports.telegram_token_save = UpdateTelegramToken
* @param {function} callback - The callback function after start API
module.exports.api = require("./src/rest/api");
module.exports.api = require("./src/api/api");
function token_register(Admin_Scoper = ["web_admin", "admin"]) {
Admin_Scoper = Array.from(Admin_Scoper).filter(scoper => /admin/.test(scoper));
const bds_token_path = path.join(bds_dir, "bds_tokens.json");
let tokens = []
let tokens = [];
if (fs.existsSync(bds_token_path)) tokens = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(bds_token_path, "utf8"));
// Get UUID
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const { join, resolve, basename } = require("path");
const { existsSync, writeFileSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync } = require("fs");
const { homedir } = require("os");
const { valid_platform } = require("./BdsSystemInfo");
const BdsInfo = require("./BdsSystemInfo");
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
// PATHs
@ -9,12 +9,19 @@ const home = homedir();
const bds_dir = join(home, "bds_core");
if (!(existsSync(bds_dir))) mkdirSync(bds_dir, {recursive: true})
// Set default platform for bds maneger
var default_platformConfig;
if (valid_platform["bedrock"]) default_platformConfig = "bedrock";
else if (valid_platform["java"]) default_platformConfig = "java";
else if (valid_platform["pocketmine"]) default_platformConfig = "pocketmine";
else throw new Error("We cannot run any platforms on this system/device");
BdsInfo().then(validation => {
const { valid_platform } = validation;
// Set default platform for bds maneger
var default_platformConfig;
if (valid_platform["bedrock"]) default_platformConfig = "bedrock";
else if (valid_platform["java"]) default_platformConfig = "java";
else if (valid_platform["pocketmine"]) default_platformConfig = "pocketmine";
else throw new Error("We cannot run any platforms on this system/device");
}).catch(err => {
// Config Base to Bds Maneger Core and others Projects
var Config = {
@ -28,7 +35,7 @@ var Config = {
enable_tmp_host: false
server: {
platform: default_platformConfig,
platform: "bedrock",
BackupCron: [
enabled: false,
@ -1,62 +1,73 @@
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const { release } = require("os");
const { readdirSync } = require("fs");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const commadExist = require("./commandExist");
const fetchSync = require("@the-bds-maneger/fetchsync");
const Request = require("./Requests");
// Load JSON for Server and PHP Zip files
const PHPBin = fetchSync("").json(),
Servers = fetchSync("").json();
// System Architect (x64, aarch64 and others)
var arch;
if (process.arch === "arm64") arch = "aarch64";
else arch = process.arch
module.exports.arch = arch
var system,
require_qemu = false,
valid_platform = {
async function CheckSystemAsync() {
PHPBin = await Request.JSON(""),
Servers = await Request.JSON("");
let system, require_qemu = false;
const valid_platform = {
bedrock: true,
pocketmine: true,
java: commadExist("java"),
dragonfly: commadExist("go"),
// check php bin
if ((PHPBin[process.platform] || {})[arch]) valid_platform["pocketmine"] = true;
else valid_platform["pocketmine"] = false;
// check php bin
if ((PHPBin[process.platform] || {})[arch]) valid_platform["pocketmine"] = true;
else valid_platform["pocketmine"] = false;
// SoSystem X
if (process.platform == "win32") {
system = "Windows";
} else if (process.platform == "linux") {
system = "Linux";
// Bedrock Check
if (Servers.bedrock[Servers.latest.bedrock][arch]) {
if (Servers.bedrock[Servers.latest.bedrock][arch][process.platform]) valid_platform["bedrock"] = true;
else valid_platform["bedrock"] = false;
} else valid_platform["bedrock"] = false;
// SoSystem X
if (process.platform == "win32") {
system = "Windows";
} else if (process.platform == "linux") {
system = "Linux";
// Bedrock Check
if (Servers.bedrock[Servers.latest.bedrock][arch]) {
if (Servers.bedrock[Servers.latest.bedrock][arch][process.platform]) valid_platform["bedrock"] = true;
else valid_platform["bedrock"] = false;
} else valid_platform["bedrock"] = false;
if (valid_platform["bedrock"] === false) {
if (commadExist("qemu-x86_64-static")) {
console.warn("The Minecraft Bedrock Server is only being validated because you can use 'qemu-x86_64-static'");
valid_platform["bedrock"] = true
require_qemu = true
if (valid_platform["bedrock"] === false) {
if (commadExist("qemu-x86_64-static")) {
console.warn("The Minecraft Bedrock Server is only being validated because you can use 'qemu-x86_64-static'");
valid_platform["bedrock"] = true
require_qemu = true
} else if (process.platform == "darwin") {
system = "MacOS";
valid_platform["bedrock"] = false
} else if (process.platform === "android") {
system = "Android";
valid_platform["bedrock"] = false
} else {
throw new Error(`The Bds Maneger Core does not support ${process.platform} systems, as no tests have been done.`);
} else if (process.platform == "darwin") {
system = "MacOS";
valid_platform["bedrock"] = false
} else if (process.platform === "android") {
system = "Android";
valid_platform["bedrock"] = false
} else {
console.log(`The Bds Maneger Core does not support ${process.platform} systems, as no tests have been done.`);
return {
module.exports = CheckSystemAsync;
// System Architect (x64, aarch64 and others)
let arch;
if (process.arch === "arm64") arch = "aarch64";
else arch = process.arch
module.exports.arch = arch
* Platforms valid from deferents systems
function GetKernel() {
if (process.platform === "win32") {
const kernelVersion = parseFloat(release());
@ -93,11 +104,13 @@ function GetKernel() {
else return str.replace(/\n|\t|\r/gi, "");
} else return "Not identified";
* Platforms valid from deferents systems
module.exports.valid_platform = valid_platform
module.exports.require_qemu = require_qemu
module.exports.system = system
module.exports.GetKernel = GetKernel;
// Get CPU Core Count
function GetCpuCoreCount() {
if (process.platform === "win32") return require("os").cpus().length;
else if (process.platform === "android" || process.platform === "linux") return readdirSync("/sys/devices/system/cpu/").filter(data => /cpu[0-9]/.test(data)).length;
else if (process.platform === "darwin") return require("os").cpus().length;
else return 1;
module.exports.GetCpuCoreCount = GetCpuCoreCount;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") global.fetch = require("node-fetch");
module.exports = {
JSON: async (url = "", options) => await (await fetch(url, options)).json(),
TEXT: async (url = "", options) => await (await fetch(url, options)).text(),
BUFFER: async (url = "", options) => Buffer.from(await (await fetch(url, options)).arrayBuffer()),
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
const { join, resolve } = require("path");
const { readdirSync, existsSync, readFileSync, statSync } = require("fs")
const fs = require("fs");
const AdmZip = require("adm-zip");
const { GetServerPaths, GetPaths, bds_dir } = require("../lib/BdsSettings")
const { GetServerPaths, GetPaths, bds_dir } = require("../lib/BdsSettings");
function Backup() {
const zip = new AdmZip();
||||"Please wait");
||||"Starting Bds Core Backup Along with the server maps, please wait");
// Names And Path"s
const Paths = {
bedrock: GetServerPaths("bedrock"),
@ -14,43 +14,47 @@ function Backup() {
spigot: GetServerPaths("spigot"),
const CurrentDate = new Date();
const name = `Bds_Maneger_Core_Backups_${CurrentDate.getDate()}-${CurrentDate.getMonth()}-${CurrentDate.getFullYear()}.zip`
const PathBackup = join(GetPaths("backups"), name);
const ZipName = `Bds_Maneger_Core_Backups_${CurrentDate.getDate()}-${CurrentDate.getMonth()}-${CurrentDate.getFullYear()}.zip`
const PathBackup = join(GetPaths("backups"), ZipName);
// Bedrock
if (readdirSync(Paths.bedrock).filter(a=>/worlds/.test(a)).length >= 1) {
if (fs.readdirSync(Paths.bedrock).filter(a=>/worlds/.test(a)).length >= 1) {
zip.addLocalFolder(join(Paths.bedrock, "worlds"), join("Servers", "Bedrock", "worlds"));
for (let index of ["", "permissions.json", "whitelist.json"]) {if (existsSync(join(Paths.bedrock, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(Paths.bedrock, index), join("Servers", "Bedrock"));}
for (let index of ["", "permissions.json", "whitelist.json"]) {if (fs.existsSync(join(Paths.bedrock, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(Paths.bedrock, index), join("Servers", "Bedrock"));}
} else"Skipping the bedrock as it was not installed");
// Java
if (existsSync(join(, "MinecraftServerJava.jar"))) {
for (let index of readdirSync( => !/banned-ips.json|banned-players.json|eula.txt|logs|ops.json|server.jar|MinecraftServerJava.jar||usercache.json|whitelist.json/.test(value))) zip.addLocalFolder(join(, index), join("Servers", "Java", index));
for (let index of ["banned-ips.json", "banned-players.json", "ops.json", "", "whitelist.json"]) {if (existsSync(join(, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(, index), join("Servers", "Java"))}
if (fs.existsSync(join(, "MinecraftServerJava.jar"))) {
for (let index of fs.readdirSync( => !/banned-ips.json|banned-players.json|eula.txt|logs|ops.json|server.jar|MinecraftServerJava.jar||usercache.json|whitelist.json/.test(value))) zip.addLocalFolder(join(, index), join("Servers", "Java", index));
for (let index of ["banned-ips.json", "banned-players.json", "ops.json", "", "whitelist.json"]) {if (fs.existsSync(join(, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(, index), join("Servers", "Java"))}
} else"Skipping the java as it was not installed");
// PocketMine
if (existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, "PocketMine-MP.phar"))) {
if (existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, "worlds"))) zip.addLocalFolder(join(Paths.pocketmine, "worlds"), join("Servers", "pocketmine", "worlds"));
for (let index of ["pocketmine.yml", "", "white-list.txt", "ops.txt", "banned-players.txt", "banned-ips.txt"]) if (existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(Paths.pocketmine, index), "pocketmine");
if (fs.existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, "PocketMine-MP.phar"))) {
if (fs.existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, "worlds"))) zip.addLocalFolder(join(Paths.pocketmine, "worlds"), join("Servers", "pocketmine", "worlds"));
for (let index of ["pocketmine.yml", "", "white-list.txt", "ops.txt", "banned-players.txt", "banned-ips.txt"]) if (fs.existsSync(join(Paths.pocketmine, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(Paths.pocketmine, index), "pocketmine");
} else"Skipping the pocketmine as it was not installed");
// The Bds Maneger Core Backup
for (let index of ["BdsConfig.yaml", "bds_tokens.json"]) if (existsSync(join(bds_dir, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(bds_dir, index));
for (let index of ["BdsConfig.yaml", "bds_tokens.json"]) if (fs.existsSync(join(bds_dir, index))) zip.addLocalFile(join(bds_dir, index));
for (let index of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(GetPaths("all")).filter(path => !/servers|backups/.test(path)).map(name => GetPaths(name))) {
if (existsSync(index)) {
const _S = statSync(resolve(index));
if (fs.existsSync(index)) {
const _S = fs.statSync(resolve(index));
if (_S.isFile() || _S.isSymbolicLink()) zip.addLocalFile(index, "/BdsManegerCore"); else zip.addLocalFolder(index, join("/BdsManegerCore", index.replace(bds_dir, "")));
zip.addZipComment("Settings and World Backups, by The Bds Maneger Project©");
// Zip Buffer
const ZipBuffer = zip.toBuffer();
fs.writeFileSync(PathBackup, ZipBuffer, "binary");
console.log("Backup Complete");
return {
file_path: PathBackup,
file_name: name,
Buffer: readFileSync(PathBackup)
Buffer: ZipBuffer,
file_name: ZipName,
@ -1,147 +1,171 @@
const { writeFileSync, existsSync, readFileSync, readdirSync, rmSync } = require("fs");
const { join, resolve, basename } = require("path");
var AdmZip = require("adm-zip");
const { valid_platform } = require("../lib/BdsSystemInfo");
const BdsInfo = require("../lib/BdsSystemInfo");
const { GetServerPaths, GetServerVersion, UpdateServerVersion, GetPlatform } = require("../lib/BdsSettings");
const Extra = require("../BdsManegerInfo.json");
const bds = require("../index");
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const Request = require("../lib/Requests");
module.exports = async function (version, force_install, callback) {
module.exports = function (version = true, force_install = false, callback = (err) => {if (err) console.log("Download Error")}) {
return new Promise(async (promise_resolve, promise_reject) => {
try {
// Server Paths
const bds_dir_bedrock = GetServerPaths("bedrock"),
bds_dir_java = GetServerPaths("java"),
bds_dir_pocketmine = GetServerPaths("pocketmine"),
bds_dir_spigot = GetServerPaths("spigot"),
bds_dir_dragonfly = GetServerPaths("dragonfly");
BdsInfo().then(info => info.valid_platform).then(valid_platform => {
Request.JSON(Extra.Fetchs.servers).then(Servers => {
try {
// Server Paths
const bds_dir_bedrock = GetServerPaths("bedrock"),
bds_dir_java = GetServerPaths("java"),
bds_dir_pocketmine = GetServerPaths("pocketmine"),
bds_dir_spigot = GetServerPaths("spigot"),
bds_dir_dragonfly = GetServerPaths("dragonfly");
// JSON Configs and others
const Servers = (await (await fetch(Extra.Fetchs.servers)).json());
const ServerVersion = GetServerVersion();
const CurrentPlatform = GetPlatform();
if (!(version) || version === true || version === "true" || version === "latest") version = Servers.latest[CurrentPlatform]
var url;
// JSON Configs and others
const ServerVersion = GetServerVersion();
const CurrentPlatform = GetPlatform();
if (typeof version === "boolean" || /true|latest/gi.test(version)) version = Servers.latest[CurrentPlatform]
console.log(`Installing version ${version}`);
// Bedrock Installer Script
if (CurrentPlatform === "bedrock") {
if (valid_platform.bedrock === true){
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.bedrock
if (!(force_install === true) && ServerVersion.bedrock === version) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
} else {
if (Servers.bedrock[version].data) console.log(`Server data publish: ${Servers.bedrock[version].data}`)
url = Servers.bedrock[version][bds.arch][process.platform]
var server_configs, permissions, whitelist;
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""))) server_configs = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""), "utf8");
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"))) permissions = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"), "utf8");
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"))) whitelist = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"), "utf8");
// Download and Add to Adm_Zip
const zip = new AdmZip(Buffer.from((await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer())))
console.log("Download Sucess")
// Donwload
console.log(`Installing version ${version}`);
// Bedrock Installer Script
if (CurrentPlatform === "bedrock") {
if (valid_platform.bedrock === true){
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.bedrock
if (!(force_install === true) && ServerVersion.bedrock === version) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined, true);
} else {
// Get Server Version
if (Servers.bedrock[version].data) console.log(`Server data publish: ${Servers.bedrock[version].data}`)
const BedrockUrlDownload = Servers.bedrock[version][bds.arch][process.platform]
// Copy Config files
var server_configs, permissions, whitelist;
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""))) server_configs = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""), "utf8");
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"))) permissions = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"), "utf8");
if (existsSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"))) whitelist = readFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"), "utf8");
// Download and Add to Adm_Zip
Request.BUFFER(BedrockUrlDownload).then(Buffer => {
// Extract Zip
const zip = new AdmZip(Buffer);
console.log("Download Sucess")
zip.extractAllTo(bds_dir_bedrock, true)
console.log("Extract Sucess")
// Reeplace Server Configs
if (server_configs) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""), server_configs);
if (permissions) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"), permissions);
if (whitelist) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"), whitelist);
// Update Server Version
zip.extractAllTo(bds_dir_bedrock, true)
console.log("Extract Sucess")
if (server_configs) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""), server_configs);
if (permissions) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "permissions.json"), permissions)
if (whitelist) writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_bedrock, "whitelist.json"), whitelist)
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
// Resolve
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined);
}).catch(error => {promise_reject(error); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(error);});
} else throw Error("Bedrock Not suported")
} else throw Error("Bedrock Not suported")
// Java
else if (CurrentPlatform === "java") {
if ( === true){
if (version === "latest") version =
if (!(force_install === true) && version === {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
} else {
url =[version].url
console.log(`Server data publish: ${[version].data}`)
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_java, "MinecraftServerJava.jar"), Buffer.from((await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer())), "binary")
console.log("Success when downloading and saving Minecraft Server java");
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
// Java
else if (CurrentPlatform === "java") {
if ( === true){
if (version === "latest") version =
if (!(force_install === true) && version === {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined, true);
} else {
const JavaDownloadUrl =[version].url
console.log(`Server data publish: ${[version].data}`)
Request.BUFFER(JavaDownloadUrl).then(Buffer => {
// Save Jar file
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_java, "MinecraftServerJava.jar"), Buffer, "binary")
console.log("Success when downloading and saving Minecraft Server java");
// Update Server Version
// Resolve
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined);
}).catch(error => {promise_reject(error); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(error);});
} else throw Error("Java is not supported or required software is not installed")
} else throw Error("Java is not supported or required software is not installed")
// Pocketmine-MP
else if (CurrentPlatform === "pocketmine") {
if (valid_platform.pocketmine === true) {
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.pocketmine
if (!(force_install === true) && version === ServerVersion.pocketmine) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
} else {
const PocketMineJson = Servers.pocketmine[version]
console.log(`Server data publish: ${}`);
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_pocketmine, "PocketMine-MP.phar"), Buffer.from((await (await fetch(PocketMineJson.url)).arrayBuffer())), "binary")
console.log("Success downloading and saving PocketMine-MP php");
await php_download();
// Update server Version
// Callback
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
// Pocketmine-MP
else if (CurrentPlatform === "pocketmine") {
if (valid_platform.pocketmine === true) {
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.pocketmine
if (!(force_install === true) && version === ServerVersion.pocketmine) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined);
} else {
const PocketMineJson = Servers.pocketmine[version]
console.log(`Server data publish: ${}`);
Request.BUFFER(PocketMineJson.url).then(Buffer => {
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_pocketmine, "PocketMine-MP.phar"), Buffer, "binary")
console.log("Success downloading and saving PocketMine-MP php");
php_download().then(() => {
// Update server Version
// Callback
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined, true);
}).catch(error => {promise_reject(error); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(error);});
}).catch(error => {promise_reject(error); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(error);});
} else throw Error("Pocketmine not suported")
} else throw Error("Pocketmine not suported")
// Spigot
else if (CurrentPlatform === "spigot") {
if ( {
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.spigot;
if (!(force_install === true) && version === ServerVersion.spigot) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
} else {
const SpigotURL = Servers.spigot[version].url;
if (Servers.spigot[version].data) console.log(`Server data publish: ${Servers.spigot[version].data}`);
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_spigot, "spigot.jar"), Buffer.from((await (await fetch(SpigotURL)).arrayBuffer())), "binary");
console.log("Success when downloading and saving Spigot");
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
// Spigot
else if (CurrentPlatform === "spigot") {
if ( {
if (version === "latest") version = Servers.latest.spigot;
if (!(force_install === true) && version === ServerVersion.spigot) {
console.warn("Jumping, installed version")
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined, true);
} else {
const SpigotArray = Servers.spigot[version];
if ( console.log(`Server data publish: ${}`);
Request.BUFFER(SpigotArray.url).then(Buffer => {
writeFileSync(join(bds_dir_spigot, "spigot.jar"), Buffer, "binary");
console.log("Success when downloading and saving Spigot");
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined);
} else throw Error("Java is not supported or required software is not installed")
} else throw Error("Java is not supported or required software is not installed")
// dragonfly
else if (CurrentPlatform === "dragonfly") {
if (valid_platform.dragonfly) {
||||"Dragonfly does not support versions");
execSync("git clone ./", {
cwd: bds_dir_dragonfly
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(undefined, true);
} else throw Error("Dragonfly not suported")
// dragonfly
else if (CurrentPlatform === "dragonfly") {
if (valid_platform.dragonfly) {
||||"Dragonfly does not support versions");
execSync("git clone ./", {
cwd: bds_dir_dragonfly
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(undefined);
} else throw Error("Dragonfly not suported")
// Unidentified platform
else throw Error("Bds maneger Config file error")
} catch (err) {
if (typeof callback === "function") await callback(err, false);
return promise_reject(err);
// Unidentified platform
else throw Error("Bds maneger Config file error")
} catch (err) {
if (typeof callback === "function") callback(err);
}).catch(err => {promise_reject(err); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(err);});
}).catch(err => {promise_reject(err); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(err);});
@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
var fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const propertiesToJSON = require("properties-to-json");
const { join } = require("path");
const BdsInfo = require("../lib/BdsSystemInfo");
const { GetServerPaths, GetPlatform } = require("../lib/BdsSettings");
const bds_dir_bedrock = GetServerPaths("bedrock"), bds_dir_java = GetServerPaths("java"), bds_dir_pocketmine = GetServerPaths("pocketmine");
const bedrockCPUThread = require("os").cpus().length;
function bds_config(
NewConfig = {
world: "Bds Maneger",
description: "The Bds Maneger",
gamemode: "creative",
difficulty: "normal",
players: 10,
commands: true,
account: true,
whitelist: true,
port: 19132,
portv6: 19133,
seed: ""
let JsonConfig = {
const ConfigFilePath = {
bedrock: path.join(GetServerPaths("bedrock"), ""),
java: path.join(GetServerPaths("java"), ""),
pocketmine: path.join(GetServerPaths("pocketmine"), "")
// Set Config
function bds_config(NewConfig = {world: "Bds Maneger", description: "The Bds Maneger", gamemode: "creative", difficulty: "normal", players: 10, commands: true, account: true, whitelist: true, port: 19132, portv6: 19133, seed: ""}){
const JsonConfig = {
world: "Bds Maneger",
description: "The Bds Maneger",
gamemode: "creative",
@ -35,31 +26,31 @@ function bds_config(
seed: ""
if ( =
if (NewConfig.description) JsonConfig.description = NewConfig.description
if (NewConfig.gamemode) JsonConfig.gamemode = NewConfig.gamemode
if (NewConfig.difficulty) JsonConfig.difficulty = NewConfig.difficulty
if (NewConfig.players) JsonConfig.players = NewConfig.players
if (NewConfig.commands || NewConfig.commands === false) JsonConfig.commands = NewConfig.commands
if (NewConfig.account || NewConfig.account === false) JsonConfig.account = NewConfig.account
if (NewConfig.whitelist || NewConfig.whitelist === false) JsonConfig.whitelist = NewConfig.whitelist
if (NewConfig.port) JsonConfig.port = NewConfig.port
if (NewConfig.portv6) JsonConfig.portv6 = NewConfig.portv6
if (NewConfig.seed) JsonConfig.seed = NewConfig.seed
var Config, ConfigFile;
// Strings
if (typeof === "string" && =
if (typeof NewConfig.description === "string" && NewConfig.description) JsonConfig.description = NewConfig.description
if (typeof NewConfig.gamemode === "string" && NewConfig.gamemode) JsonConfig.gamemode = NewConfig.gamemode
if (typeof NewConfig.difficulty === "string" && NewConfig.difficulty) JsonConfig.difficulty = NewConfig.difficulty
if ((typeof NewConfig.seed === "string" || typeof NewConfig.seed === "number") && NewConfig.seed) JsonConfig.seed = NewConfig.seed
// Booleans
if (typeof NewConfig.commands === "boolean" && (NewConfig.commands || NewConfig.commands === false)) JsonConfig.commands = NewConfig.commands
if (typeof NewConfig.account === "boolean" && (NewConfig.account || NewConfig.account === false)) JsonConfig.account = NewConfig.account
if (typeof NewConfig.whitelist === "boolean" && (NewConfig.whitelist || NewConfig.whitelist === false)) JsonConfig.whitelist = NewConfig.whitelist
// Numbers
if (typeof NewConfig.port === "number" && NewConfig.port) JsonConfig.port = NewConfig.port
if (typeof NewConfig.players === "number" && NewConfig.players) JsonConfig.players = NewConfig.players
if (typeof NewConfig.portv6 === "number" && NewConfig.portv6) JsonConfig.portv6 = NewConfig.portv6
const Config = [];
if (GetPlatform() === "bedrock") {
var tickDistance;
if (bedrockCPUThread >= 12) tickDistance = 12;
else if (bedrockCPUThread >= 10) tickDistance = 10;
else if (bedrockCPUThread >= 8) tickDistance = 8;
else if (bedrockCPUThread >= 6) tickDistance = 6;
else if (bedrockCPUThread >= 4) tickDistance = 4;
else if (bedrockCPUThread >= 2) tickDistance = 2;
else tickDistance = 1;
ConfigFile = join(bds_dir_bedrock, "");
Config = [
const bedrockCPUThread = BdsInfo.GetCpuCoreCount();
var tickDistance; if (!(bedrockCPUThread % 2)) tickDistance = bedrockCPUThread; else tickDistance = 1;
"# By The Bds Maneger project",
`# Date: ${}`,
@ -84,11 +75,13 @@ function bds_config(
} else if (GetPlatform() === "java") {
ConfigFile = join(bds_dir_java, "");
Config = [
"# By The Bds Maneger project",
`# Date: ${}`,
@ -138,20 +131,38 @@ function bds_config(
} else if (GetPlatform() === "pocketmine") {
ConfigFile = join(bds_dir_pocketmine, "");
Config = [
// Whitelist
if (JsonConfig.whitelist === true) JsonConfig.whitelist = "on";
else JsonConfig.whitelist = "off";
// difficulty
if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "easy") JsonConfig.difficulty = 0;
else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "peaceful") JsonConfig.difficulty = 1;
else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "normal") JsonConfig.difficulty = 2;
else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "hard") JsonConfig.difficulty = 3;
else throw new Error("Difficulty error");
// Required Accoutn
if (JsonConfig.account === true) JsonConfig.account = "on";
else JsonConfig.account = "off";
// Config
"# By The Bds Maneger project",
`# Date: ${}`,
`white-list=${(()=>{if (JsonConfig.whitelist === true) return "on";else return "off";})()}`,
`difficulty=${(()=>{if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "easy") return 0;else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "peaceful") return 1;else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "normal") return 2;else if (JsonConfig.difficulty === "hard") return 3;else throw new Error("Difficulty error");})()}`,
`xbox-auth=${(()=>{if (JsonConfig.account === true) return "on";else return "off";})()}`,
@ -164,89 +175,94 @@ function bds_config(
Config.push("# By The Bds Maneger project")
fs.writeFileSync(ConfigFile, Config.join("\n"))
return Config;
fs.writeFileSync(ConfigFilePath[GetPlatform()], Config.join("\n"))
return Config.join("\n");
// Get Config
function bds_get_config(){
var config;
const JsonConfig = {
world: null,
description: null,
gamemode: null,
difficulty: null,
players: null,
world: "",
description: "",
gamemode: "",
difficulty: "",
players: "",
whitelist: null,
portv4: null,
portv6: null,
portv4: 0,
portv6: 0,
if (GetPlatform() === "bedrock") {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(path.join(bds_dir_bedrock, ""), "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["server-name"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = config["gamemode"];
JsonConfig.difficulty = config["difficulty"];
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["online-mode"] === "true");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-portv6"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = (config["allow-cheats"] === "true");
// JsonConfig.worldtype = "default";
if (fs.existsSync(ConfigFilePath[GetPlatform()])) {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(ConfigFilePath["bedrock"], "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["server-name"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = config["gamemode"];
JsonConfig.difficulty = config["difficulty"];
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["online-mode"] === "true");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-portv6"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = (config["allow-cheats"] === "true");
// JsonConfig.worldtype = "default";
else if (GetPlatform() === "java") {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(path.join(bds_dir_java, ""), "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["motd"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = config["gamemode"];
JsonConfig.difficulty = config["difficulty"];
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["online-mode"] === "true");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = (config["enable-command-block"] === "true");
// JsonConfig.worldtype = config["level-type"];
if (fs.existsSync(ConfigFilePath[GetPlatform()])) {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ConfigFilePath["java"], ""), "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["motd"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = config["gamemode"];
JsonConfig.difficulty = config["difficulty"];
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["online-mode"] === "true");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = (config["enable-command-block"] === "true");
// JsonConfig.worldtype = config["level-type"];
else if (GetPlatform() === "pocketmine") {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(path.join(bds_dir_pocketmine, ""), "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["motd"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = (()=>{let test = parseInt(config["gamemode"]);if (test === 0) return "survival";else if (test === 1) return "creative";else return undefined;})();
JsonConfig.difficulty = (()=>{let test = parseInt(config["difficulty"]);if (test === 0) return "easy";else if (test === 1) return "peaceful";else if (test === 2) return "normal";else if (test === 3) return "hard";else return undefined;})();
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["xbox-auth"] === "on");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = false;
// JsonConfig.worldtype = config["level-type"];
} else if (GetPlatform() === "jsprismarine") throw "Platform not fully supported";
else throw new Error("Platform no exists, check config file");
if (fs.existsSync(ConfigFilePath[GetPlatform()])) {
config = propertiesToJSON(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ConfigFilePath["pocketmine"], ""), "utf8"));
// Players
|||| = config["level-name"];
JsonConfig.description = config["motd"];
JsonConfig.gamemode = (()=>{let test = parseInt(config["gamemode"]);if (test === 0) return "survival";else if (test === 1) return "creative";else return undefined;})();
JsonConfig.difficulty = (()=>{let test = parseInt(config["difficulty"]);if (test === 0) return "easy";else if (test === 1) return "peaceful";else if (test === 2) return "normal";else if (test === 3) return "hard";else return undefined;})();
JsonConfig.players = parseInt(config["max-players"]);
JsonConfig.account = (config["xbox-auth"] === "on");
JsonConfig.whitelist = (config["white-list"] === "true");
// Server/World
JsonConfig.portv4 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.portv6 = parseInt(config["server-port"]);
JsonConfig.seed = config["level-seed"];
JsonConfig.commands = false;
// JsonConfig.worldtype = config["level-type"];
} else throw new Error("Platform no exists, check config file");
return JsonConfig;
// To remove
function config_example(){
return {
name: "Bedrock our Java",
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
const express = require("express");
const app = express.Router();
const { GetPlatform, GetPaths } = require("../../../lib/BdsSettings")
const bds = require("../../../index");
const { token_verify, CheckPlayer } = require("../../UsersAndtokenChecks");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const docs = require("../../../BdsManegerInfo.json").docs;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user