mirror of https://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code synced 2025-02-16 15:46:01 +00:00
Antonio Borneo 34ec5536c0 stlink: deprecate HLA support
The STLink API that supports dap-direct is available from STLink
firmware v2j24, published in early 2015.
We can reasonably expect that any old STLink still in use today
has got at least one firmware update during the last 10 years.

Most of the board files in upstream OpenOCD still use the STLink
in HLA mode. This limits the test coverage of the dap-direct code,
which was introduced in OpenOCD v0.11.0.

- Rename interface/stlink.cfg as interface/stlink-hla.cfg to still
  provide support for HLA, adding a deprecated message.

- Rename interface/stlink-dap.cfg as interface/stlink.cfg to make
  dap-direct the default trasport.

- Add a redirect file interface/stlink-dap.cfg for users that have
  out-of-tree custom board files.

- Update all the board files to the new setup.

- Remove STLink HLA mentions from the documentation, while adding
  a reference to interface/stlink-hla.cfg

Checkpatch-ignore: LONG_LINE
Change-Id: I99366bb03cd3b83f8f408514e657f30e59813063
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <borneo.antonio@gmail.com>
Reviewed-on: https://review.openocd.org/c/openocd/+/8523
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andrzej Sierżęga <asier70@gmail.com>
2024-11-02 21:01:07 +00:00

133 lines
5.6 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# This is a stm32h7b3i-dk with a single STM32H7B3LIH6Q chip.
# https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32h7b3i-dk.html
# This is for using the onboard STLINK
source [find interface/stlink.cfg]
transport select dapdirect_swd
set CHIPNAME stm32h7b3lih6q
# enable stmqspi
if {![info exists OCTOSPI1]} {
set OCTOSPI1 1
set OCTOSPI2 0
source [find target/stm32h7x_dual_bank.cfg]
reset_config srst_only
# OCTOSPI initialization
# octo: 8-line mode
proc octospi_init { octo } {
global a b
mmw 0x58024540 0x000007FF 0 ;# RCC_AHB4ENR |= GPIOAEN-GPIOKEN (enable clocks)
mmw 0x58024534 0x00284000 0 ;# RCC_AHB3ENR |= IOMNGREN, OSPI2EN, OSPI1EN (enable clocks)
sleep 1 ;# Wait for clock startup
mww 0x5200B404 0x03010111 ;# OCTOSPIM_P1CR: assign Port 1 to OCTOSPI1
mww 0x5200B408 0x00000000 ;# OCTOSPIM_P2CR: disable Port 2
# PC01: OCSPI1_IO4, PF06: OCSPI1_IO3, PF07: OCSPI1_IO2, PF09: OCSPI1_IO1, PD11: OCSPI1_IO0
# PB02:AF09:V, PC05:AF10:V, PC01:AF10:V, PD11:AF09:V, PD07:AF10:V, PF09:AF10:V
# PF07:AF10:V, PF06:AF10:V, PG09:AF09:V, PG06:AF10:V, PH03:AF09:V
# Port B: PB02:AF09:V
mmw 0x58020400 0x00000020 0x00000010 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58020408 0x00000030 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x5802040C 0x00000000 0x00000030 ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58020420 0x00000900 0x00000600 ;# AFRL
# Port C: PC05:AF10:V, PC01:AF10:V
mmw 0x58020800 0x00000808 0x00000404 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58020808 0x00000C0C 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x5802080C 0x00000000 0x00000C0C ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58020820 0x00A000A0 0x00500050 ;# AFRL
# Port D: PD11:AF09:V, PD07:AF10:V
mmw 0x58020C00 0x00808000 0x00404000 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58020C08 0x00C0C000 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x58020C0C 0x00000000 0x00C0C000 ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58020C20 0xA0000000 0x50000000 ;# AFRL
mmw 0x58020C24 0x00009000 0x00006000 ;# AFRH
# Port F: PF09:AF10:V, PF07:AF10:V, PF06:AF10:V
mmw 0x58021400 0x0008A000 0x00045000 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58021408 0x000CF000 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x5802140C 0x00000000 0x000CF000 ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58021420 0xAA000000 0x55000000 ;# AFRL
mmw 0x58021424 0x000000A0 0x00000050 ;# AFRH
# Port G: PG09:AF09:V, PG06:AF10:V
mmw 0x58021800 0x00082000 0x00041000 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58021808 0x000C3000 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x5802180C 0x00000000 0x000C3000 ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58021820 0x0A000000 0x05000000 ;# AFRL
mmw 0x58021824 0x00000090 0x00000060 ;# AFRH
# Port H: PH03:AF09:V
mmw 0x58021C00 0x00000080 0x00000040 ;# MODER
mmw 0x58021C08 0x000000C0 0x00000000 ;# OSPEEDR
mmw 0x58021C0C 0x00000000 0x000000C0 ;# PUPDR
mmw 0x58021C20 0x00009000 0x00006000 ;# AFRL
# OCTOSPI1: memory-mapped 1-line read mode with 4-byte addresses
mww 0x52005130 0x00001000 ;# OCTOSPI_LPTR: deactivate CS after 4096 clocks when FIFO is full
mww 0x52005000 0x3040000B ;# OCTOSPI_CR: FMODE=0x1, APMS=1, FTHRES=0, FSEL=0, DQM=0, TCEN=0
mww 0x52005008 0x01190100 ;# OCTOSPI_DCR1: MTYP=0x1, FSIZE=0x19, CSHT=0x01, CKMODE=0, DLYBYP=0
mww 0x5200500C 0x00000005 ;# OCTOSPI_DCR2: PRESCALER=5
mww 0x52005108 0x00000000 ;# OCTOSPI_TCR: SSHIFT=0, DHQC=0, DCYC=0x0
mww 0x52005100 0x01003101 ;# OCTOSPI_CCR: DMODE=0x1, ABMODE=0x0, ADSIZE=0x3, ADMODE=0x1, ISIZE=0x0, IMODE=0x1
mww 0x52005110 0x00000013 ;# OCTOSPI_IR: INSTR=READ4B
flash probe $a ;# load configuration from CR, TCR, CCR, IR register values
if { $octo == 1 } {
stmqspi cmd $a 1 0x71 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ;# Read Conf. Reg. 2, addr 0x00000000: DOPI, SOPI bits
stmqspi cmd $a 0 0x06 ;# Write Enable
stmqspi cmd $a 1 0x05 ;# Read Status Register
stmqspi cmd $a 0 0x72 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 ;# Write Conf. Reg. 2, addr 0x00000000: DTR OPI enable
# OCTOSPI1: memory-mapped 8-line read mode with 4-byte addresses
mww 0x52005000 0x3040000B ;# OCTOSPI_CR: FMODE=0x3, APMS=1, FTHRES=0, FSEL=0, DQM=0, TCEN=1, EN=1
mww 0x52005108 0x10000006 ;# OCTOSPI_TCR: SSHIFT=0, DHQC=1, DCYC=0x6
mww 0x52005100 0x2C003C1C ;# OCTOSPI_CCR: DTR, DMODE=0x4, ABMODE=0x0, ADSIZE=0x3, ADMODE=0x4, ISIZE=0x1, IMODE=0x4
mww 0x52005110 0x0000EE11 ;# OCTOSPI_IR: INSTR=OCTA DTR Read
flash probe $a ;# reload configuration from CR, TCR, CCR, IR register values
stmqspi cmd $a 0 0x06 ;# Write Enable
stmqspi cmd $a 1 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ;# Read Status Register (note dummy address in 8-line mode)
stmqspi cmd $a 0 0x04 ;# Write Disable
stmqspi cmd $a 1 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ;# Read Status Register (note dummy address in 8-line mode)
stmqspi cmd $a 1 0x71 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ;# Read Conf. Reg. 2, addr 0x00000000: DOPI, SOPI bits
$_CHIPNAME.cpu0 configure -event reset-init {
global OCTOSPI1
global OCTOSPI2
mmw 0x52002000 0x00000004 0x0000000B ;# FLASH_ACR: 4 WS for 192 MHZ HCLK
mmw 0x58024400 0x00000001 0x00000018 ;# RCC_CR: HSIDIV=1, HSI on
mmw 0x58024410 0x10000000 0xEE000007 ;# RCC_CFGR: MCO2=system, MCO2PRE=8, HSI as system clock
mww 0x58024418 0x00000040 ;# RCC_D1CFGR: D1CPRE=1, D1PPRE=2, HPRE=1
mww 0x5802441C 0x00000440 ;# RCC_D2CFGR: D2PPRE2=2, D2PPRE1=2
mww 0x58024420 0x00000040 ;# RCC_D3CFGR: D3PPRE=2
mww 0x58024428 0x00000040 ;# RCC_PPLCKSELR: DIVM3=0, DIVM2=0, DIVM1=4, PLLSRC=HSI
mmw 0x5802442C 0x0001000C 0x00000002 ;# RCC_PLLCFGR: PLL1RGE=8MHz to 16MHz, PLL1VCOSEL=wide
mww 0x58024430 0x01070217 ;# RCC_PLL1DIVR: 192 MHz: DIVR1=2, DIVQ=8, DIVP1=2, DIVN1=24
mmw 0x58024400 0x01000000 0 ;# RCC_CR: PLL1ON=1
sleep 1
mmw 0x58024410 0x00000003 0 ;# RCC_CFGR: PLL1 as system clock
sleep 1
adapter speed 24000
if { $OCTOSPI1 } {
octospi_init 1