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7.49 362.06 C7.49 360.58 6.33 359.39 4.89 359.39 C3.45 359.39 2.3 360.58 2.3 362.06 C2.3 363.55 3.45
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364.2 8.35 364.74 ZM13.82 373.06 C14.14 373.06 14.39 372.79 14.39 372.46 C14.39 372.14 14.14 371.87
13.82 371.87 C13.5 371.87 13.24 372.14 13.24 372.46 C13.24 372.79 13.5 373.06 13.82 373.06 ZM12.96 363.55
C14.39 363.55 15.55 362.36 15.55 360.87 C15.55 359.39 14.39 358.2 12.96 358.2 C11.52 358.2 10.36 359.39
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0 323.91 0 322.54 L0.16 306.4 C0.16 305.99 0.25 305.59 0.49 305.27 C0.49 305.19 0.58 305.1 0.58 305.1
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304.54 C1.57 304.14 2.06 303.97 2.64 303.97 L19.12 304.14 C20.52 304.14 21.59 305.19 21.59 306.56 C21.59
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