mirror of https://github.com/termux/termux-packages.git synced 2025-03-04 00:09:57 +00:00

401 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"Script to generate a build order respecting package dependencies."
import json, os, re, sys
from itertools import filterfalse
termux_arch = os.getenv('TERMUX_ARCH') or 'aarch64'
termux_global_library = os.getenv('TERMUX_GLOBAL_LIBRARY') or 'false'
termux_pkg_library = os.getenv('TERMUX_PACKAGE_LIBRARY') or 'bionic'
def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None):
"""List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen.
See https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes
unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D
unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D"""
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
if key is None:
for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable):
yield element
for element in iterable:
k = key(element)
if k not in seen:
yield element
def die(msg):
"Exit the process with an error message."
sys.exit('ERROR: ' + msg)
def parse_build_file_dependencies_with_vars(path, vars):
"Extract the dependencies specified in the given variables of a build.sh or *.subpackage.sh file."
dependencies = []
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as build_script:
for line in build_script:
if line.startswith(vars):
dependencies_string = line.split('DEPENDS=')[1]
for char in "\"'\n":
dependencies_string = dependencies_string.replace(char, '')
# Split also on '|' to dependencies with '|', as in 'nodejs | nodejs-current':
for dependency_value in re.split(',|\\|', dependencies_string):
# Replace parenthesis to ignore version qualifiers as in "gcc (>= 5.0)":
dependency_value = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', dependency_value).strip()
arch = os.getenv('TERMUX_ARCH')
if arch is None:
arch = 'aarch64'
if arch == "x86_64":
arch = "x86-64"
dependency_value = re.sub(r'\${TERMUX_ARCH/_/-}', arch, dependency_value)
return set(dependencies)
def parse_build_file_dependencies(path):
"Extract the dependencies of a build.sh or *.subpackage.sh file."
def parse_build_file_antidependencies(path):
"Extract the antidependencies of a build.sh file."
return parse_build_file_dependencies_with_vars(path, 'TERMUX_PKG_ANTI_BUILD_DEPENDS')
def parse_build_file_excluded_arches(path):
"Extract the excluded arches specified in a build.sh or *.subpackage.sh file."
arches = []
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as build_script:
for line in build_script:
arches_string = line.split('ARCHES=')[1]
for char in "\"'\n":
arches_string = arches_string.replace(char, '')
for arches_value in re.split(',', arches_string):
return set(arches)
def parse_build_file_variable_bool(path, var):
value = 'false'
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as build_script:
for line in build_script:
if line.startswith(var):
value = line.split('=')[-1].replace('\n', '')
return value == 'true'
def add_prefix_glibc_to_pkgname(name):
return name.replace("-static", "-glibc-static") if "static" == name.split("-")[-1] else name+"-glibc"
class TermuxPackage(object):
"A main package definition represented by a directory with a build.sh file."
def __init__(self, dir_path, fast_build_mode):
self.dir = dir_path
self.fast_build_mode = fast_build_mode
self.name = os.path.basename(self.dir)
self.pkgs_cache = []
if "gpkg" in self.dir.split("/")[-2].split("-") and "glibc" not in self.name.split("-"):
self.name = add_prefix_glibc_to_pkgname(self.name)
# search package build.sh
build_sh_path = os.path.join(self.dir, 'build.sh')
if not os.path.isfile(build_sh_path):
raise Exception("build.sh not found for package '" + self.name + "'")
self.deps = parse_build_file_dependencies(build_sh_path)
self.antideps = parse_build_file_antidependencies(build_sh_path)
self.excluded_arches = parse_build_file_excluded_arches(build_sh_path)
self.only_installing = parse_build_file_variable_bool(build_sh_path, 'TERMUX_PKG_ONLY_INSTALLING')
self.separate_subdeps = parse_build_file_variable_bool(build_sh_path, 'TERMUX_PKG_SEPARATE_SUB_DEPENDS')
self.accept_dep_scr = parse_build_file_variable_bool(build_sh_path, 'TERMUX_PKG_ACCEPT_PKG_IN_DEP')
if os.getenv('TERMUX_ON_DEVICE_BUILD') == "true" and termux_pkg_library == "bionic":
always_deps = ['libc++']
for dependency_name in always_deps:
if dependency_name not in self.deps and self.name not in always_deps:
# search subpackages
self.subpkgs = []
for filename in os.listdir(self.dir):
if not filename.endswith('.subpackage.sh'):
subpkg = TermuxSubPackage(self.dir + '/' + filename, self)
if termux_arch in subpkg.excluded_arches:
subpkg = TermuxSubPackage(self.dir + '/' + self.name + '-static' + '.subpackage.sh', self, virtual=True)
self.needed_by = set() # Populated outside constructor, reverse of deps.
def __repr__(self):
return "<{} '{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
def recursive_dependencies(self, pkgs_map, dir_root=None):
"All the dependencies of the package, both direct and indirect."
result = []
is_root = dir_root == None
if is_root:
dir_root = self.dir
if is_root or not self.fast_build_mode or not self.separate_subdeps:
for subpkg in self.subpkgs:
if f"{self.name}-static" != subpkg.name:
self.deps |= subpkg.deps
self.deps -= self.antideps
if not self.fast_build_mode or self.dir == dir_root:
self.deps.difference_update([subpkg.name for subpkg in self.subpkgs])
for dependency_name in sorted(self.deps):
if termux_global_library == "true" and termux_pkg_library == "glibc" and "glibc" not in dependency_name.split("-"):
mod_dependency_name = add_prefix_glibc_to_pkgname(dependency_name)
dependency_name = mod_dependency_name if mod_dependency_name in pkgs_map else dependency_name
if dependency_name not in self.pkgs_cache:
dependency_package = pkgs_map[dependency_name]
if dependency_package.dir != dir_root and dependency_package.only_installing and not self.fast_build_mode:
result += dependency_package.recursive_dependencies(pkgs_map, dir_root)
if dependency_package.accept_dep_scr or dependency_package.dir != dir_root:
result += [dependency_package]
return unique_everseen(result)
class TermuxSubPackage:
"A sub-package represented by a ${PACKAGE_NAME}.subpackage.sh file."
def __init__(self, subpackage_file_path, parent, virtual=False):
if parent is None:
raise Exception("SubPackages should have a parent")
self.name = os.path.basename(subpackage_file_path).split('.subpackage.sh')[0]
if "gpkg" in subpackage_file_path.split("/")[-3].split("-") and "glibc" not in self.name.split("-"):
self.name = add_prefix_glibc_to_pkgname(self.name)
self.parent = parent
self.deps = set([parent.name])
self.only_installing = parent.only_installing
self.accept_dep_scr = parent.accept_dep_scr
self.excluded_arches = set()
if not virtual:
self.deps |= parse_build_file_dependencies(subpackage_file_path)
self.excluded_arches |= parse_build_file_excluded_arches(subpackage_file_path)
self.dir = parent.dir
self.needed_by = set() # Populated outside constructor, reverse of deps.
def __repr__(self):
return "<{} '{}' parent='{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.parent)
def recursive_dependencies(self, pkgs_map, dir_root=None):
"""All the dependencies of the subpackage, both direct and indirect.
Only relevant when building in fast-build mode"""
result = []
if dir_root == None:
dir_root = self.dir
for dependency_name in sorted(self.deps):
if dependency_name == self.parent.name:
dependency_package = pkgs_map[dependency_name]
if dependency_package not in self.parent.subpkgs:
result += dependency_package.recursive_dependencies(pkgs_map, dir_root=dir_root)
if dependency_package.accept_dep_scr or dependency_package.dir != dir_root:
result += [dependency_package]
return unique_everseen(result)
def read_packages_from_directories(directories, fast_build_mode, full_buildmode):
"""Construct a map from package name to TermuxPackage.
Subpackages are mapped to the parent package if fast_build_mode is false."""
pkgs_map = {}
all_packages = []
if full_buildmode:
# Ignore directories and get all folders from repo.json file
with open ('repo.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
directories = []
for d in data.keys():
if d != "pkg_format":
for package_dir in directories:
for pkgdir_name in sorted(os.listdir(package_dir)):
dir_path = package_dir + '/' + pkgdir_name
if os.path.isfile(dir_path + '/build.sh'):
new_package = TermuxPackage(package_dir + '/' + pkgdir_name, fast_build_mode)
if termux_arch in new_package.excluded_arches:
if new_package.name in pkgs_map:
die('Duplicated package: ' + new_package.name)
pkgs_map[new_package.name] = new_package
for subpkg in new_package.subpkgs:
if termux_arch in subpkg.excluded_arches:
if subpkg.name in pkgs_map:
die('Duplicated package: ' + subpkg.name)
elif fast_build_mode:
pkgs_map[subpkg.name] = subpkg
pkgs_map[subpkg.name] = new_package
for pkg in all_packages:
for dependency_name in pkg.deps:
if dependency_name not in pkgs_map:
die('Package %s depends on non-existing package "%s"' % (pkg.name, dependency_name))
dep_pkg = pkgs_map[dependency_name]
if fast_build_mode or not isinstance(pkg, TermuxSubPackage):
return pkgs_map
def generate_full_buildorder(pkgs_map):
"Generate a build order for building all packages."
build_order = []
# List of all TermuxPackages without dependencies
leaf_pkgs = [pkg for pkg in pkgs_map.values() if not pkg.deps]
if not leaf_pkgs:
die('No package without dependencies - where to start?')
# Sort alphabetically:
pkg_queue = sorted(leaf_pkgs, key=lambda p: p.name)
# Topological sorting
visited = set()
# Tracks non-visited deps for each package
remaining_deps = {}
for name, pkg in pkgs_map.items():
remaining_deps[name] = set(pkg.deps)
for subpkg in pkg.subpkgs:
remaining_deps[subpkg.name] = set(subpkg.deps)
while pkg_queue:
pkg = pkg_queue.pop(0)
if pkg.name in visited:
# print("Processing {}:".format(pkg.name), pkg.needed_by)
for other_pkg in sorted(pkg.needed_by, key=lambda p: p.name):
# Remove this pkg from deps
# ... and all its subpackages
[subpkg.name for subpkg in pkg.subpkgs]
if not remaining_deps[other_pkg.name]: # all deps were already appended?
pkg_queue.append(other_pkg) # should be processed
if set(pkgs_map.values()) != set(build_order):
print("ERROR: Cycle exists. Remaining: ", file=sys.stderr)
for name, pkg in pkgs_map.items():
if pkg not in build_order:
print(name, remaining_deps[name], file=sys.stderr)
# Print cycles so we have some idea where to start fixing this.
def find_cycles(deps, pkg, path):
"""Yield every dependency path containing a cycle."""
if pkg in path:
yield path + [pkg]
for dep in deps[pkg]:
yield from find_cycles(deps, dep, path + [pkg])
cycles = set()
for pkg in remaining_deps:
for path_with_cycle in find_cycles(remaining_deps, pkg, []):
# Cut the path down to just the cycle.
cycle_start = path_with_cycle.index(path_with_cycle[-1])
for cycle in sorted(cycles):
print(f"cycle: {' -> '.join(cycle)}", file=sys.stderr)
return build_order
def generate_target_buildorder(target_path, pkgs_map, fast_build_mode):
"Generate a build order for building the dependencies of the specified package."
if target_path.endswith('/'):
target_path = target_path[:-1]
package_name = os.path.basename(target_path)
if "gpkg" in target_path.split("/")[-2].split("-") and "glibc" not in package_name.split("-"):
package_name += "-glibc"
package = pkgs_map[package_name]
# Do not depend on any sub package
if fast_build_mode:
package.deps.difference_update([subpkg.name for subpkg in package.subpkgs])
return package.recursive_dependencies(pkgs_map)
def main():
"Generate the build order either for all packages or a specific one."
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate order in which to build dependencies for a package. Generates')
parser.add_argument('-i', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Generate dependency list for fast-build mode. This includes subpackages in output since these can be downloaded.')
parser.add_argument('package', nargs='?',
help='Package to generate dependency list for.')
parser.add_argument('package_dirs', nargs='*',
help='Directories with packages. Can for example point to "../community-packages/packages". Note that the packages suffix is no longer added automatically if not present.')
args = parser.parse_args()
fast_build_mode = args.i
package = args.package
packages_directories = args.package_dirs
if not package:
full_buildorder = True
full_buildorder = False
if fast_build_mode and full_buildorder:
die('-i mode does not work when building all packages')
if not full_buildorder:
for path in packages_directories:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
die('Not a directory: ' + path)
if package:
if package[-1] == "/":
package = package[:-1]
if not os.path.isdir(package):
die('Not a directory: ' + package)
if not os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(package), '.') in packages_directories:
packages_directories.insert(0, os.path.dirname(package))
pkgs_map = read_packages_from_directories(packages_directories, fast_build_mode, full_buildorder)
if full_buildorder:
build_order = generate_full_buildorder(pkgs_map)
build_order = generate_target_buildorder(package, pkgs_map, fast_build_mode)
for pkg in build_order:
pkg_name = pkg.name
if termux_global_library == "true" and termux_pkg_library == "glibc" and "glibc" not in pkg_name.split("-"):
pkg_name = add_prefix_glibc_to_pkgname(pkgname)
print("%-30s %s" % (pkg_name, pkg.dir))
if __name__ == '__main__':