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2021-11-27 13:00:40 +01:00

261 lines
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Subject: Fix some problems and add features.
- Problems fixed:
* Changed screen/window resolution error message.
* Bugfix for possible buffer overflow when choosing a
level. (Closes #641652)
* Bugfix for possible index out of bound when going through
a border while playing. (Closes #641657)
- Feature to allow create a menu icon for X (Closes: #737997):
* Game Over screen which allows to exit or to restart.
- Another features:
* Added a help option (documents before undocumented level
choosing option).
* Changed option syntax for level choosing.
Author: Yannic Scheper <ys42@cd42.de>
Author: Alexandre Dantas <eu@alexdantas.net>
Last-Update: 2014-08-13
--- pacman4console.orig/pacman.c
+++ pacman4console/pacman.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
void IntroScreen(); //Show introduction screen and menu
-void CheckCollision(); //See if Pacman and Ghosts collided
+int CheckCollision(); //See if Pacman and Ghosts collided
void CheckScreenSize(); //Make sure resolution is at least 32x29
void CreateWindows(int y, int x, int y0, int x0); //Make ncurses windows
void Delay(); //Slow down game for better control
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ void ExitProgram(const char *message);
void GetInput(); //Get user input
void InitCurses(); //Start up ncurses
void LoadLevel(char *levelfile); //Load level into memory
-void MainLoop(); //Main program function
+int MainLoop(); //Main program function
void MoveGhosts(); //Update Ghosts' location
void MovePacman(); //Update Pacman's location
void PauseGame(); //Pause
+void PrintHelp(char* name); //Print help and exit
@@ -76,41 +76,71 @@ int tleft = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[100]) {
- int j = 0;
+ int loop = 1; //loop program? 0 = no, 1 = yes
+ char* level = NULL; //level to load
+ int j = 1;
+ int i;
+ for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
+ PrintHelp(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(argv[i], "--level=", 8) == 0) {
+ level = argv[i];
+ level += 8;
+ int len = strlen(level);
+ if(len == 0) {
+ level = NULL;
+ }
+ else if(len == 1) {
+ for(LevelNumber = '1'; LevelNumber <= '9'; LevelNumber++) {
+ if(LevelNumber == level[0]) {
+ j = LevelNumber - '0';
+ level = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PrintHelp(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
InitCurses(); //Must be called to start ncurses
CheckScreenSize(); //Make sure screen is big enough
CreateWindows(29, 28, 1, 1); //Create the main and status windows
- //If they specified a level to load
- if((argc > 1) && (strlen(argv[1]) > 1)) {
- argv[1][99] = '\0';
- LoadLevel(argv[1]); //Load it and...
- MainLoop(); //Start the game
- }
- //If they did not enter a level, display intro screen then use default levels
- else {
- IntroScreen(); //Show intro "movie"
- j = 1; //Set initial level to 1
- if(argc > 1) j = argv[1][0] - '0'; //They specified a level on which to start (1-9)
- //Load 9 levels, 1 by 1, if you can beat all 9 levels in a row, you're awesome
- for(LevelNumber = j; LevelNumber < 10; LevelNumber++) {
- //Replace level string underscore with the actual level number (see pacman.h)
- LevelFile[strlen(LevelFile) - 6] = '0';
- LevelFile[strlen(LevelFile) - 5] = LevelNumber + '0';
- LoadLevel(LevelFile); //Load level into memory
- Invincible = 0; //Reset invincibility with each new level
- MainLoop(); //Start the level
+ IntroScreen(); //Show intro "movie"
+ int start_lives = Lives;
+ int start_points = Points;
+ do {
+ Lives = start_lives;
+ Points = start_points;
+ if(level == NULL) {
+ //j = 1;
+ //Load levels, 1 by 1, if you can beat all 9 levels in a row, you're awesome
+ for(LevelNumber = j; LevelNumber < 10; LevelNumber++) {
+ LevelFile[strlen(LevelFile) - 6] = '0';
+ LevelFile[strlen(LevelFile) - 5] = LevelNumber + '0';
+ LoadLevel(LevelFile);
+ Invincible = 0; //Reset invincibility
+ if(MainLoop() == 1) break;
+ }
+ else {
+ //Load special non-standard level
+ LoadLevel(level);
+ Invincible = 0; //Reset invincibility
+ MainLoop();
+ }
- }
+ if(GameOverScreen() == 1) loop = 0;
+ } while(loop == 1);
//Game has ended, deactivate and end program
@@ -125,7 +155,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[100]) {
* Returns: none *
* Description: Check and handle if Pacman collided with a ghost *
-void CheckCollision() {
+int CheckCollision() {
//Temporary variable
int a = 0;
@@ -165,7 +195,7 @@ void CheckCollision() {
//If no more lives, game over
- if(Lives == -1) ExitProgram(END_MSG);
+ if(Lives == -1) return 1;
//If NOT game over...
@@ -187,6 +217,7 @@ void CheckCollision() {
+ return 0;
@@ -203,13 +234,41 @@ void CheckScreenSize() {
if((h < 32) || (w < 29)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nSorry.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "To play Pacman for Console, your console window must be at least 32x29\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "To play Pacman for Console, your console window must be at least 29x32\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Please resize your window/resolution and re-run the game.\n\n");
+int GameOverScreen() {
+ char chr = ' ';
+ int a, b;
+ for(a = 0; a < 29; a++) for(b = 0; b < 28; b++) {
+ mvwaddch(win, a, b, chr);
+ }
+ wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(Pacman));
+ mvwprintw(win, 8, 11, "Game Over");
+ wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(Normal));
+ mvwprintw(win, 14, 2, "Press q to quit ...");
+ mvwprintw(win, 16, 2, "... or any other key");
+ mvwprintw(win, 17, 6, "to play again");
+ wrefresh(win);
+ //And wait
+ int chtmp;
+ do {
+ chtmp = getch();
+ } while (chtmp == ERR);
+ if(chtmp == 'q' || chtmp == 'Q')
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
* Function: CreateWindows() *
* Parameters: y, x, y0, x0 (coords and size of window) *
@@ -494,7 +553,7 @@ void IntroScreen() {
* Returns: none *
* Description: Open level file and load it into memory *
-void LoadLevel(char levelfile[100]) {
+void LoadLevel(char* levelfile) {
int a = 0; int b = 0;
size_t l;
@@ -555,7 +614,7 @@ void LoadLevel(char levelfile[100]) {
* Returns: none *
* Description: Control the main execution of the game *
-void MainLoop() {
+int MainLoop() {
DrawWindow(); //Draw the screen
wrefresh(win); wrefresh(status); //Refresh it just to make sure
@@ -564,15 +623,15 @@ void MainLoop() {
/* Move Pacman. Move ghosts. Check for extra life awarded
from points. Pause for a brief moment. Repeat until all pellets are eaten */
do {
- MovePacman(); DrawWindow(); CheckCollision();
- MoveGhosts(); DrawWindow(); CheckCollision();
+ MovePacman(); DrawWindow(); if (CheckCollision() == 1) return 1;
+ MoveGhosts(); DrawWindow(); if (CheckCollision() == 1) return 1;
if(Points > FreeLife) { Lives++; FreeLife *= 2;}
} while (Food > 0);
DrawWindow(); //Redraw window and...
usleep(1000000); //Pause, level complete
+ return 0;
@@ -748,3 +807,12 @@ void PauseGame() {
} while (chtmp == ERR);
+void PrintHelp(char* name) {
+ printf("Usage: %s [OPTION]\n\n", name);
+ printf("Options:\n");
+ printf(" -h, --help print help\n");
+ printf(" --level=[1..9] start at specified standard level\n");
+ printf(" --level=LEVEL play specified non-standard LEVEL\n");