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synced 2025-03-10 01:21:19 +00:00
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# Process command line arguments.
proc usage {} {
puts stderr "usage: $::argv0 ?OPTIONS? database table"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr " -nterm (count number of terms in each segment)"
puts stderr " -segments (output segment contents)"
puts stderr ""
exit 1
set O(nterm) 0
set O(segments) 0
if {[llength $argv]<2} usage
foreach a [lrange $argv 0 end-2] {
switch -- $a {
-nterm {
set O(nterm) 1
-segments {
set O(segments) 1
default {
set database [lindex $argv end-1]
set tbl [lindex $argv end]
# Count the number of terms in each segment of fts5 table $tbl. Store the
# counts in the array variable in the parent context named by parameter
# $arrayname, indexed by segment-id. Example:
# count_terms fts_tbl A
# foreach {k v} [array get A] { puts "segid=$k nTerm=$v" }
proc count_terms {tbl arrayname} {
upvar A $arrayname
array unset A
db eval "SELECT fts5_decode(rowid, block) AS d FROM ${tbl}_data" {
set desc [lindex $d 0]
if {[regexp {^segid=([0-9]*)} $desc -> id]} {
foreach i [lrange $d 1 end] {
if {[string match {term=*} $i]} { incr A($id) }
# Start of main program.
sqlite3 db $database
catch { load_static_extension db fts5 }
if {$O(nterm)} { count_terms $tbl A }
db eval "SELECT fts5_decode(rowid, block) AS d FROM ${tbl}_data WHERE id=10" {
foreach lvl [lrange $d 1 end] {
puts [lrange $lvl 0 2]
foreach seg [lrange $lvl 3 end] {
if {$::O(nterm)} {
regexp {^id=([0-9]*)} $seg -> id
set nTerm 0
catch { set nTerm $A($id) }
puts [format " % -28s nTerm=%d" $seg $nTerm]
} else {
puts [format " % -28s" $seg]
if {$O(segments)} {
puts ""
db eval "SELECT fts5_decode(rowid, block) AS d FROM ${tbl}_data WHERE id>10" {
puts $d