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# Run this script from the top of the source tree in order to confirm that
# various aspects of the source tree are up-to-date. Items checked include:
# * Makefile.msc and autoconf/Makefile.msc agree
# * src/ctime.tcl is consistent with tool/mkctimec.tcl
# * VERSION agrees with autoconf/tea/configure.ac
# * src/pragma.h agrees with tool/mkpragmatab.tcl
# Other tests might be added later.
# Error messages are printed and the process exists non-zero if problems
# are found. If everything is ok, no output is generated and the process
# exits with 0.
# Read an entire file.
proc readfile {filename} {
set fd [open $filename rb]
set txt [read $fd]
close $fd
return $txt
# Find the root of the tree.
set ROOT [file dir [file dir [file normalize $argv0]]]
cd $ROOT
# Name of the TCL interpreter
set TCLSH [info nameofexe]
######################### autoconf/tea/configure.ac ###########################
set confac [readfile $ROOT/autoconf/tea/configure.ac]
set vers [readfile $ROOT/VERSION]
set pattern {AC_INIT([sqlite],[}
append pattern [string trim $vers]
append pattern {])}
if {[string first $pattern $confac]<=0} {
puts "ERROR: ./autoconf/tea/configure.ac does not agree with ./VERSION"
exit 1
######################### autoconf/Makefile.msc ###############################
set f1 [readfile $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc]
exec mv $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc.tmp
exec $TCLSH $ROOT/tool/mkmsvcmin.tcl
set f2 [readfile $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc]
exec mv $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc.tmp $ROOT/autoconf/Makefile.msc
if {$f1 != $f2} {
puts "ERROR: ./autoconf/Makefile.msc does not agree with ./Makefile.msc"
######################### src/pragma.h ########################################
set f1 [readfile $ROOT/src/pragma.h]
exec mv $ROOT/src/pragma.h $ROOT/src/pragma.h.tmp
exec $TCLSH $ROOT/tool/mkpragmatab.tcl
set f2 [readfile $ROOT/src/pragma.h]
exec mv $ROOT/src/pragma.h.tmp $ROOT/src/pragma.h
if {$f1 != $f2} {
puts "ERROR: ./src/pragma.h does not agree with ./tool/mkpragmatab.tcl"
######################### src/ctime.c ########################################
set f1 [readfile $ROOT/src/ctime.c]
exec mv $ROOT/src/ctime.c $ROOT/src/ctime.c.tmp
exec $TCLSH $ROOT/tool/mkctimec.tcl
set f2 [readfile $ROOT/src/ctime.c]
exec mv $ROOT/src/ctime.c.tmp $ROOT/src/ctime.c
if {$f1 != $f2} {
puts "ERROR: ./src/ctime.c does not agree with ./tool/mkctimec.tcl"