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synced 2025-03-08 23:41:50 +00:00
A common complain with libSQL is how to run extensions. The main mechanism, with a .so, has a lot of issues around how those .so are distributed. The most common extensions are the ones in the sqlean package. We can improve this experience by bundling them in our sqlite build. Not all SQLean extensions are kosher: some of them, like fileio, use the vfs. Others, are deemed too complex. The extensions included here are a subset that we deem important enough, and low risk enough, to just be a part of the main bundle.
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271 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Anton Zhiyanov, MIT License
// https://github.com/nalgeon/sqlean
// Based on Go's time package, BSD 3-Clause License
// https://github.com/golang/go
// Package timex provides functionality for working with time.
// The calendrical calculations always assume a Gregorian calendar, with no leap seconds.
#ifndef TIMEX_H
#define TIMEX_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
// Month is a month of the year.
enum Month {
January = 1,
// Weekday is a day of the week (Sunday = 0, ...).
enum Weekday {
Sunday = 0,
// Time represents an instant in time with nanosecond precision.
// The zero value is January 1, year 1, 00:00:00.000000000 UTC.
typedef struct {
int64_t sec; // seconds since zero time
int32_t nsec; // nanoseconds within the second [0, 999999999]
} Time;
#define TIMEX_BLOB_SIZE 13
#define TIMEX_UTC 0
// Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants
// as an int64 nanosecond count. The representation limits the
// largest representable duration to approximately 290 years.
typedef int64_t Duration;
// --- Time ---
// Constructors.
// time_now returns the current time in UTC.
Time time_now(void);
// time_date returns the Time corresponding to
// yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss + nsec nanoseconds
// with the given timezone offset in seconds.
Time time_date(int year,
enum Month month,
int day,
int hour,
int min,
int sec,
int nsec,
int offset_sec);
// Time parts.
// time_get_date returns the year, month, and day in which t occurs.
void time_get_date(Time t, int* year, enum Month* month, int* day);
// time_get_year returns the year in which t occurs.
int time_get_year(Time t);
// time_get_month returns the month of the year specified by t.
enum Month time_get_month(Time t);
// time_get_day returns the day of the month specified by t.
int time_get_day(Time t);
// time_get_clock returns the hour, minute, and second within the day specified by t.
void time_get_clock(Time t, int* hour, int* min, int* sec);
// time_get_hour returns the hour within the day specified by t.
int time_get_hour(Time t);
// time_get_minute returns the minute offset within the hour specified by t.
int time_get_minute(Time t);
// time_get_second returns the second offset within the minute specified by t.
int time_get_second(Time t);
// time_get_nano returns the nanosecond offset within the second specified by t.
int time_get_nano(Time t);
// time_get_weekday returns the day of the week specified by t.
enum Weekday time_get_weekday(Time t);
// time_get_yearday returns the day of the year specified by t.
int time_get_yearday(Time t);
// time_get_isoweek returns the ISO 8601 year and week number in which t occurs.
void time_get_isoweek(Time t, int* year, int* week);
// Unix time.
// time_unix returns the Time corresponding to the given Unix time,
// sec seconds and nsec nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Time time_unix(int64_t sec, int64_t nsec);
// time_milli returns the Time corresponding to the given Unix time,
// msec milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Time time_milli(int64_t msec);
// time_micro returns the local Time corresponding to the given Unix time,
// usec microseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Time time_micro(int64_t usec);
// time_nano returns the Time corresponding to the given Unix time,
// nsec nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Time time_nano(int64_t nsec);
// time_to_unix returns t as a Unix time, the number of seconds elapsed
// since January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64_t time_to_unix(Time t);
// time_to_milli returns t as a Unix time, the number of milliseconds elapsed since
// January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64_t time_to_milli(Time t);
// time_to_micro returns t as a Unix time, the number of microseconds elapsed since
// January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64_t time_to_micro(Time t);
// time_to_nano returns t as a Unix time, the number of nanoseconds elapsed
// since January 1, 1970 UTC.
int64_t time_to_nano(Time t);
// Calendar time.
// time_tm returns the Time corresponding to the given calendar time at the given timezone offset.
Time time_tm(struct tm tm, int offset_sec);
// time_to_tm returns t in the given timezone offset as a calendar time.
struct tm time_to_tm(Time t, int offset_sec);
// Comparison.
// time_after reports whether the time instant t is after u.
bool time_after(Time t, Time u);
// time_before reports whether the time instant t is before u.
bool time_before(Time t, Time u);
// time_compare compares the time instant t with u.
int time_compare(Time t, Time u);
// time_equal reports whether t and u represent the same time instant.
bool time_equal(Time t, Time u);
// time_is_zero reports whether t represents the zero time instant,
// January 1, year 1, 00:00:00 UTC.
bool time_is_zero(Time t);
// Arithmetic.
// time_add returns the time t+d.
Time time_add(Time t, Duration d);
// time_sub returns the duration t-u.
Duration time_sub(Time t, Time u);
// time_since returns the time elapsed since t.
Duration time_since(Time t);
// time_until returns the duration until t.
Duration time_until(Time t);
// time_add_date returns the time corresponding to adding the
// given number of years, months, and days to t.
Time time_add_date(Time t, int years, int months, int days);
// Rounding.
// time_truncate returns the result of rounding t down to a multiple of d.
Time time_truncate(Time t, Duration d);
// time_round returns the result of rounding t to the nearest multiple of d.
Time time_round(Time t, Duration d);
// Formatting.
// time_fmt_iso returns an ISO 8601 time string for the given time value.
size_t time_fmt_iso(char* buf, size_t size, Time t, int offset_sec);
// time_fmt_datetime returns a datetime string for the given time value.
size_t time_fmt_datetime(char* buf, size_t size, Time t, int offset_sec);
// time_fmt_date returns a date string for the given time value.
size_t time_fmt_date(char* buf, size_t size, Time t, int offset_sec);
// time_fmt_time returns a time string for the given time value.
size_t time_fmt_time(char* buf, size_t size, Time t, int offset_sec);
// time_parse parses a formatted string and returns the time value it represents.
Time time_parse(const char* value);
// Marshaling.
// time_blob returns the time instant represented by the binary data.
Time time_blob(const uint8_t* buf);
// time_to_blob returns the binary representation of the time instant t.
void time_to_blob(Time t, uint8_t* buf);
// --- Duration ---
// Min/Max durations.
// Common durations. There is no definition for units of Day or larger
// to avoid confusion across daylight savings time zone transitions.
extern const Duration Nanosecond;
extern const Duration Microsecond;
extern const Duration Millisecond;
extern const Duration Second;
extern const Duration Minute;
extern const Duration Hour;
// Conversion.
// dur_to_micro returns the duration as an integer microsecond count.
int64_t dur_to_micro(Duration d);
// dur_to_milli returns the duration as an integer millisecond count.
int64_t dur_to_milli(Duration d);
// dur_to_seconds returns the duration as a floating point number of seconds.
double dur_to_seconds(Duration d);
// dur_to_minutes returns the duration as a floating point number of minutes.
double dur_to_minutes(Duration d);
// dur_to_hours returns the duration as a floating point number of hours.
double dur_to_hours(Duration d);
// Rounding.
// dur_truncate returns the result of rounding d toward zero to a multiple of m.
Duration dur_truncate(Duration d, Duration m);
// dur_round returns the result of rounding d to the nearest multiple of m.
Duration dur_round(Duration d, Duration m);
// dur_abs returns the absolute value of d.
Duration dur_abs(Duration d);
#endif /* TIMEX_H */