mirror of https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql.git synced 2025-03-08 23:41:50 +00:00
Glauber Costa d3a156caf5 bundle SQLean extensions
A common complain with libSQL is how to run extensions. The main
mechanism, with a .so, has a lot of issues around how those .so are

The most common extensions are the ones in the sqlean package. We can
improve this experience by bundling them in our sqlite build.

Not all SQLean extensions are kosher: some of them, like fileio, use
the vfs. Others, are deemed too complex.

The extensions included here are a subset that we deem important enough,
and low risk enough, to just be a part of the main bundle.
2025-01-16 22:25:16 -05:00

369 lines
13 KiB

// Originally from blake3 reference implementation, Public Domain
// https://github.com/oconnor663/blake3_reference_impl_c
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "crypto/blake3_reference_impl.h"
#define CHUNK_START 1 << 0
#define CHUNK_END 1 << 1
#define PARENT 1 << 2
#define ROOT 1 << 3
#define KEYED_HASH 1 << 4
#define DERIVE_KEY_CONTEXT 1 << 5
#define DERIVE_KEY_MATERIAL 1 << 6
static uint32_t IV[8] = {
0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A,
0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19,
static size_t MSG_PERMUTATION[16] = {2, 6, 3, 10, 7, 0, 4, 13,
1, 11, 12, 5, 9, 14, 15, 8};
inline static uint32_t rotate_right(uint32_t x, int n) {
return (x >> n) | (x << (32 - n));
// The mixing function, G, which mixes either a column or a diagonal.
inline static void g(uint32_t state[16], size_t a, size_t b, size_t c, size_t d,
uint32_t mx, uint32_t my) {
state[a] = state[a] + state[b] + mx;
state[d] = rotate_right(state[d] ^ state[a], 16);
state[c] = state[c] + state[d];
state[b] = rotate_right(state[b] ^ state[c], 12);
state[a] = state[a] + state[b] + my;
state[d] = rotate_right(state[d] ^ state[a], 8);
state[c] = state[c] + state[d];
state[b] = rotate_right(state[b] ^ state[c], 7);
inline static void round_function(uint32_t state[16], uint32_t m[16]) {
// Mix the columns.
g(state, 0, 4, 8, 12, m[0], m[1]);
g(state, 1, 5, 9, 13, m[2], m[3]);
g(state, 2, 6, 10, 14, m[4], m[5]);
g(state, 3, 7, 11, 15, m[6], m[7]);
// Mix the diagonals.
g(state, 0, 5, 10, 15, m[8], m[9]);
g(state, 1, 6, 11, 12, m[10], m[11]);
g(state, 2, 7, 8, 13, m[12], m[13]);
g(state, 3, 4, 9, 14, m[14], m[15]);
inline static void permute(uint32_t m[16]) {
uint32_t permuted[16];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
permuted[i] = m[MSG_PERMUTATION[i]];
memcpy(m, permuted, sizeof(permuted));
inline static void compress(const uint32_t chaining_value[8],
const uint32_t block_words[16], uint64_t counter,
uint32_t block_len, uint32_t flags,
uint32_t out[16]) {
uint32_t state[16] = {
(uint32_t)(counter >> 32),
uint32_t block[16];
memcpy(block, block_words, sizeof(block));
round_function(state, block); // round 1
round_function(state, block); // round 2
round_function(state, block); // round 3
round_function(state, block); // round 4
round_function(state, block); // round 5
round_function(state, block); // round 6
round_function(state, block); // round 7
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
state[i] ^= state[i + 8];
state[i + 8] ^= chaining_value[i];
memcpy(out, state, sizeof(state));
inline static void words_from_little_endian_bytes(const void *bytes,
size_t bytes_len,
uint32_t *out) {
assert(bytes_len % 4 == 0);
const uint8_t *u8_ptr = (const uint8_t *)bytes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (bytes_len / 4); i++) {
out[i] = ((uint32_t)(*u8_ptr++));
out[i] += ((uint32_t)(*u8_ptr++)) << 8;
out[i] += ((uint32_t)(*u8_ptr++)) << 16;
out[i] += ((uint32_t)(*u8_ptr++)) << 24;
// Each chunk or parent node can produce either an 8-word chaining value or, by
// setting the ROOT flag, any number of final output bytes. The Output struct
// captures the state just prior to choosing between those two possibilities.
typedef struct output {
uint32_t input_chaining_value[8];
uint32_t block_words[16];
uint64_t counter;
uint32_t block_len;
uint32_t flags;
} output;
inline static void output_chaining_value(const output *self, uint32_t out[8]) {
uint32_t out16[16];
compress(self->input_chaining_value, self->block_words, self->counter,
self->block_len, self->flags, out16);
memcpy(out, out16, 8 * 4);
inline static void output_root_bytes(const output *self, void *out,
size_t out_len) {
uint8_t *out_u8 = (uint8_t *)out;
uint64_t output_block_counter = 0;
while (out_len > 0) {
uint32_t words[16];
compress(self->input_chaining_value, self->block_words,
output_block_counter, self->block_len, self->flags | ROOT, words);
for (size_t word = 0; word < 16; word++) {
for (int byte = 0; byte < 4; byte++) {
if (out_len == 0) {
*out_u8 = (uint8_t)(words[word] >> (8 * byte));
inline static void chunk_state_init(_blake3_chunk_state *self,
const uint32_t key_words[8],
uint64_t chunk_counter, uint32_t flags) {
memcpy(self->chaining_value, key_words, sizeof(self->chaining_value));
self->chunk_counter = chunk_counter;
memset(self->block, 0, sizeof(self->block));
self->block_len = 0;
self->blocks_compressed = 0;
self->flags = flags;
inline static size_t chunk_state_len(const _blake3_chunk_state *self) {
return BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN * (size_t)self->blocks_compressed +
inline static uint32_t chunk_state_start_flag(const _blake3_chunk_state *self) {
if (self->blocks_compressed == 0) {
} else {
return 0;
inline static void chunk_state_update(_blake3_chunk_state *self,
const void *input, size_t input_len) {
const uint8_t *input_u8 = (const uint8_t *)input;
while (input_len > 0) {
// If the block buffer is full, compress it and clear it. More input is
// coming, so this compression is not CHUNK_END.
if (self->block_len == BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN) {
uint32_t block_words[16];
words_from_little_endian_bytes(self->block, BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN,
uint32_t out16[16];
compress(self->chaining_value, block_words, self->chunk_counter,
BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN, self->flags | chunk_state_start_flag(self),
memcpy(self->chaining_value, out16, sizeof(self->chaining_value));
memset(self->block, 0, sizeof(self->block));
self->block_len = 0;
// Copy input bytes into the block buffer.
size_t want = BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN - (size_t)self->block_len;
size_t take = want;
if (input_len < want) {
take = input_len;
memcpy(&self->block[(size_t)self->block_len], input_u8, take);
self->block_len += (uint8_t)take;
input_u8 += take;
input_len -= take;
inline static output chunk_state_output(const _blake3_chunk_state *self) {
output ret;
memcpy(ret.input_chaining_value, self->chaining_value,
words_from_little_endian_bytes(self->block, sizeof(self->block),
ret.counter = self->chunk_counter;
ret.block_len = (uint32_t)self->block_len;
ret.flags = self->flags | chunk_state_start_flag(self) | CHUNK_END;
return ret;
inline static output parent_output(const uint32_t left_child_cv[8],
const uint32_t right_child_cv[8],
const uint32_t key_words[8],
uint32_t flags) {
output ret;
memcpy(ret.input_chaining_value, key_words, sizeof(ret.input_chaining_value));
memcpy(&ret.block_words[0], left_child_cv, 8 * 4);
memcpy(&ret.block_words[8], right_child_cv, 8 * 4);
ret.counter = 0; // Always 0 for parent nodes.
ret.block_len =
BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN; // Always BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN (64) for parent nodes.
ret.flags = PARENT | flags;
return ret;
inline static void parent_cv(const uint32_t left_child_cv[8],
const uint32_t right_child_cv[8],
const uint32_t key_words[8], uint32_t flags,
uint32_t out[8]) {
output o = parent_output(left_child_cv, right_child_cv, key_words, flags);
// We only write to `out` after we've read the inputs. That makes it safe for
// `out` to alias an input, which we do below.
output_chaining_value(&o, out);
inline static void hasher_init_internal(blake3_hasher *self,
const uint32_t key_words[8],
uint32_t flags) {
chunk_state_init(&self->chunk_state, key_words, 0, flags);
memcpy(self->key_words, key_words, sizeof(self->key_words));
self->cv_stack_len = 0;
self->flags = flags;
// Construct a new `Hasher` for the regular hash function.
void blake3_hasher_init(blake3_hasher *self) {
hasher_init_internal(self, IV, 0);
// Construct a new `Hasher` for the keyed hash function.
void blake3_hasher_init_keyed(blake3_hasher *self,
const uint8_t key[BLAKE3_KEY_LEN]) {
uint32_t key_words[8];
words_from_little_endian_bytes(key, BLAKE3_KEY_LEN, key_words);
hasher_init_internal(self, key_words, KEYED_HASH);
// Construct a new `Hasher` for the key derivation function. The context
// string should be hardcoded, globally unique, and application-specific.
void blake3_hasher_init_derive_key(blake3_hasher *self, const char *context) {
blake3_hasher context_hasher;
hasher_init_internal(&context_hasher, IV, DERIVE_KEY_CONTEXT);
blake3_hasher_update(&context_hasher, context, strlen(context));
uint8_t context_key[BLAKE3_KEY_LEN];
blake3_hasher_finalize(&context_hasher, context_key, BLAKE3_KEY_LEN);
uint32_t context_key_words[8];
words_from_little_endian_bytes(context_key, BLAKE3_KEY_LEN,
hasher_init_internal(self, context_key_words, DERIVE_KEY_MATERIAL);
inline static void hasher_push_stack(blake3_hasher *self,
const uint32_t cv[8]) {
memcpy(&self->cv_stack[(size_t)self->cv_stack_len * 8], cv, 8 * 4);
// Returns a pointer to the popped CV, which is valid until the next push.
inline static const uint32_t *hasher_pop_stack(blake3_hasher *self) {
return &self->cv_stack[(size_t)self->cv_stack_len * 8];
// Section 5.1.2 of the BLAKE3 spec explains this algorithm in more detail.
inline static void hasher_add_chunk_cv(blake3_hasher *self, uint32_t new_cv[8],
uint64_t total_chunks) {
// This chunk might complete some subtrees. For each completed subtree, its
// left child will be the current top entry in the CV stack, and its right
// child will be the current value of `new_cv`. Pop each left child off the
// stack, merge it with `new_cv`, and overwrite `new_cv` with the result.
// After all these merges, push the final value of `new_cv` onto the stack.
// The number of completed subtrees is given by the number of trailing 0-bits
// in the new total number of chunks.
while ((total_chunks & 1) == 0) {
parent_cv(hasher_pop_stack(self), new_cv, self->key_words, self->flags,
total_chunks >>= 1;
hasher_push_stack(self, new_cv);
// Add input to the hash state. This can be called any number of times.
void blake3_hasher_update(blake3_hasher *self, const void *input,
size_t input_len) {
const uint8_t *input_u8 = (const uint8_t *)input;
while (input_len > 0) {
// If the current chunk is complete, finalize it and reset the chunk state.
// More input is coming, so this chunk is not ROOT.
if (chunk_state_len(&self->chunk_state) == BLAKE3_CHUNK_LEN) {
output chunk_output = chunk_state_output(&self->chunk_state);
uint32_t chunk_cv[8];
output_chaining_value(&chunk_output, chunk_cv);
uint64_t total_chunks = self->chunk_state.chunk_counter + 1;
hasher_add_chunk_cv(self, chunk_cv, total_chunks);
chunk_state_init(&self->chunk_state, self->key_words, total_chunks,
// Compress input bytes into the current chunk state.
size_t want = BLAKE3_CHUNK_LEN - chunk_state_len(&self->chunk_state);
size_t take = want;
if (input_len < want) {
take = input_len;
chunk_state_update(&self->chunk_state, input_u8, take);
input_u8 += take;
input_len -= take;
// Finalize the hash and write any number of output bytes.
void blake3_hasher_finalize(const blake3_hasher *self, void *out,
size_t out_len) {
// Starting with the output from the current chunk, compute all the parent
// chaining values along the right edge of the tree, until we have the root
// output.
output current_output = chunk_state_output(&self->chunk_state);
size_t parent_nodes_remaining = (size_t)self->cv_stack_len;
while (parent_nodes_remaining > 0) {
uint32_t current_cv[8];
output_chaining_value(&current_output, current_cv);
current_output = parent_output(&self->cv_stack[parent_nodes_remaining * 8],
current_cv, self->key_words, self->flags);
output_root_bytes(&current_output, out, out_len);