mirror of https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql.git synced 2025-03-06 11:24:45 +00:00
Lucio Franco 7708a43772 server: add query_duration_ms stats to query res (#1309)
* server: add `query_duration_ms` stats to query res

* hrana: default new stats fields
2024-04-15 16:37:13 +00:00

44 KiB

The Hrana protocol specification (version 3)

Hrana (from Czech "hrana", which means "edge") is a protocol for connecting to a SQLite database over the network. It is designed to be used from edge functions and other environments where low latency and small overhead is important.

This is a specification for version 3 of the Hrana protocol (Hrana 3).


The Hrana protocol provides SQL streams. Each stream corresponds to a SQLite connection and executes a sequence of SQL statements.

Variants (WebSocket / HTTP)

The protocol has two variants:

  • Hrana over WebSocket, which uses WebSocket as the underlying protocol. Multiple streams can be multiplexed over a single WebSocket.
  • Hrana over HTTP, which communicates with the server using HTTP requests. This is less efficient than WebSocket, but HTTP is the only reliable protocol in some environments.

Each of these variants is described later.


The protocol has two encodings:

  • JSON is the canonical encoding, backward compatible with Hrana 1 and 2.
  • Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) is a more compact binary encoding, introduced in Hrana 3.

This document defines protocol structures in JSON and specifies the schema using TypeScript type notation. The Protobuf schema is described in proto3 syntax in an appendix.

The encoding is negotiated between the server and client. This process depends on the variant (WebSocket or HTTP) and is described later. All Hrana 3 servers must support both JSON and Protobuf; clients can choose which encodings to support and use.

Both encodings support forward compatibility: when a peer (client or server) receives a protocol structure that includes an unrecognized field (object property in JSON or a message field in Protobuf), it must ignore this field.

Hrana over WebSocket

Hrana over WebSocket runs on top of the WebSocket protocol.

Version and encoding negotiation

The version of the protocol and the encoding is negotiated as a WebSocket subprotocol: the client includes a list of supported subprotocols in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol request header in the opening handshake, and the server replies with the selected subprotocol in the same response header.

The negotiation mechanism provides backward compatibility with older versions of the Hrana protocol and forward compatibility with newer versions.

The WebSocket subprotocols defined in all Hrana versions are as follows:

Subprotocol Version Encoding
hrana1 1 JSON
hrana2 2 JSON
hrana3 3 JSON
hrana3-protobuf 3 Protobuf

This document describes version 3 of the Hrana protocol. Versions 1 and 2 are described in their own specifications.

Version 3 of Hrana over WebSocket is designed to be a strict superset of versions 1 and 2: every server that implements Hrana 3 over WebSocket also implements versions 1 and 2 and should accept clients that indicate subprotocol hrana1 or hrana2.


The client starts the connection by sending a hello message, which authenticates the client to the server. The server responds with either a confirmation or with an error message, closing the connection. The client can choose not to wait for the confirmation and immediately send further messages to reduce latency.

A single connection can host an arbitrary number of streams. In effect, one Hrana connection works as a "connection pool" in traditional SQL servers.

After a stream is opened, the client can execute SQL statements on it. For the purposes of this protocol, the statements are arbitrary strings with optional parameters.

To reduce the number of roundtrips, the protocol supports batches of statements that are executed conditionally, based on success or failure of previous statements. Clients can use this mechanism to implement non-interactive transactions in a single roundtrip.


If the negotiated encoding is JSON, all messages exchanged between the client and server are sent as text frames (opcode 0x1) on the WebSocket. If the negotiated encoding is Protobuf, messages are sent as binary frames (opcode 0x2).

type ClientMsg =
    | HelloMsg
    | RequestMsg

type ServerMsg =
    | HelloOkMsg
    | HelloErrorMsg
    | ResponseOkMsg
    | ResponseErrorMsg

The client sends messages of type ClientMsg, and the server sends messages of type ServerMsg. The type of the message is determined by its type field.


type HelloMsg = {
    "type": "hello",
    "jwt": string | null,

The hello message is sent as the first message by the client. It authenticates the client to the server using the Json Web Token (JWT) passed in the jwt field. If no authentication is required (which might be useful for development and debugging, or when authentication is performed by other means, such as with mutual TLS), the jwt field might be set to null.

The client can also send the hello message again anytime during the lifetime of the connection to reauthenticate, by providing a new JWT. If the provided JWT expires and the client does not provide a new one in a hello message, the server may terminate the connection.

type HelloOkMsg = {
    "type": "hello_ok",

type HelloErrorMsg = {
    "type": "hello_error",
    "error": Error,

The server waits for the hello message from the client and responds with a hello_ok message if the client can proceed, or with a hello_error message describing the failure.

The client may choose not to wait for a response to its hello message before sending more messages to save a network roundtrip. If the server responds with hello_error, it must ignore all further messages sent by the client and it should close the WebSocket immediately.


type RequestMsg = {
    "type": "request",
    "request_id": int32,
    "request": Request,

After sending the hello message, the client can start sending request messages. The client uses requests to open SQL streams and execute statements on them. The client assigns an identifier to every request, which is then used to match a response to the request.

The Request structure represents the payload of the request and is defined later.

type ResponseOkMsg = {
    "type": "response_ok",
    "request_id": int32,
    "response": Response,

type ResponseErrorMsg = {
    "type": "response_error",
    "request_id": int32,
    "error": Error,

When the server receives a request message, it must eventually send either a response_ok with the response or a response_error that describes a failure. The response from the server includes the same request_id that was provided by the client in the request. The server can send the responses in arbitrary order.

The request ids are arbitrary 32-bit signed integers, the server does not interpret them in any way.

The server should limit the number of outstanding requests to a reasonable value, and stop receiving messages when this limit is reached. This will cause the TCP flow control to kick in and apply back-pressure to the client. On the other hand, the client should always receive messages, to avoid deadlock.


Most of the work in the protocol happens in request/response interactions.

type Request =
    | OpenStreamReq
    | CloseStreamReq
    | ExecuteReq
    | BatchReq
    | OpenCursorReq
    | CloseCursorReq
    | FetchCursorReq
    | SequenceReq
    | DescribeReq
    | StoreSqlReq
    | CloseSqlReq
    | GetAutocommitReq

type Response =
    | OpenStreamResp
    | CloseStreamResp
    | ExecuteResp
    | BatchResp
    | OpenCursorResp
    | CloseCursorResp
    | FetchCursorResp
    | SequenceResp
    | DescribeResp
    | StoreSqlReq
    | CloseSqlReq
    | GetAutocommitResp

The type of the request and response is determined by its type field. The type of the response must always match the type of the request. The individual requests and responses are defined in the rest of this section.

Open stream

type OpenStreamReq = {
    "type": "open_stream",
    "stream_id": int32,

type OpenStreamResp = {
    "type": "open_stream",

The client uses the open_stream request to open an SQL stream, which is then used to execute SQL statements. The streams are identified by arbitrary 32-bit signed integers assigned by the client.

The client can optimistically send follow-up requests on a stream before it receives the response to its open_stream request. If the server receives a request that refers to a stream that failed to open, it should respond with an error, but it should not close the connection.

Even if the open_stream request returns an error, the stream id is still considered as used, and the client cannot reuse it until it sends a close_stream request.

The server can impose a reasonable limit to the number of streams opened at the same time.

This request was introduced in Hrana 1.

Close stream

type CloseStreamReq = {
    "type": "close_stream",
    "stream_id": int32,

type CloseStreamResp = {
    "type": "close_stream",

When the client is done with a stream, it should close it using the close_stream request. The client can safely reuse the stream id after it receives the response.

The client should close even streams for which the open_stream request returned an error.

If there is an open cursor for the stream, the cursor is closed together with the stream.

This request was introduced in Hrana 1.

Execute a statement

type ExecuteReq = {
    "type": "execute",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "stmt": Stmt,

type ExecuteResp = {
    "type": "execute",
    "result": StmtResult,

The client sends an execute request to execute an SQL statement on a stream. The server responds with the result of the statement. The Stmt and StmtResult structures are defined later.

If the statement fails, the server responds with an error response (message of type "response_error").

This request was introduced in Hrana 1.

Execute a batch

type BatchReq = {
    "type": "batch",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "batch": Batch,

type BatchResp = {
    "type": "batch",
    "result": BatchResult,

The batch request runs a batch of statements on a stream. The server responds with the result of the batch execution.

If a statement in the batch fails, the error is returned inside the BatchResult structure in a normal response (message of type "response_ok"). However, if the server encounters a serious error that prevents it from executing the batch, it responds with an error response (message of type "response_error").

This request was introduced in Hrana 1.

Open a cursor executing a batch

type OpenCursorReq = {
    "type": "open_cursor",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "cursor_id": int32,
    "batch": Batch,

type OpenCursorResp = {
    "type": "open_cursor",

The open_cursor request runs a batch of statements like the batch request, but instead of returning all statement results in the request response, it opens a cursor which the client can then use to read the results incrementally.

The cursor_id is an arbitrary 32-bit integer id assigned by the client. This id must be unique for the given connection and must not be used by another cursor that was not yet closed using the close_cursor request.

Even if the open_cursor request returns an error, the cursor id is still considered as used, and the client cannot reuse it until it sends a close_cursor request.

After the open_cursor request, the client must not send more requests on the stream until the cursor is closed using the close_cursor request.

This request was introduced in Hrana 3.

Close a cursor

type CloseCursorReq = {
    "type": "close_cursor",
    "cursor_id": int32,

type CloseCursorResp = {
    "type": "close_cursor",

The close_cursor request closes a cursor opened by an open_cursor request and allows the server to release resources and continue processing other requests for the given stream.

This request was introduced in Hrana 3.

Fetch entries from a cursor

type FetchCursorReq = {
    "type": "fetch_cursor",
    "cursor_id": int32,
    "max_count": uint32,

type FetchCursorResp = {
    "type": "fetch_cursor",
    "entries": Array<CursorEntry>,
    "done": boolean,

The fetch_cursor request reads data from a cursor previously opened with the open_cursor request. The cursor data is encoded as a sequence of entries (CursorEntry structure). max_count in the request specifies the maximum number of entries that the client wants to receive in the response; however, the server may decide to send fewer entries.

If the done field in the response is set to true, then the cursor is finished and all subsequent calls to fetch_cursor are guaranteed to return zero entries. The client should then close the cursor by sending the close_cursor request.

If the cursor_id refers to a cursor for which the open_cursor request returned an error, and the cursor hasn't yet been closed with close_cursor, then the server should return an error, but it must not close the connection (i.e., this is not a protocol error).

This request was introduced in Hrana 3.

Store an SQL text on the server

type StoreSqlReq = {
    "type": "store_sql",
    "sql_id": int32,
    "sql": string,

type StoreSqlResp = {
    "type": "store_sql",

The store_sql request stores an SQL text on the server. The client can then refer to this SQL text in other requests by its id, instead of repeatedly sending the same string over the network.

SQL text ids are arbitrary 32-bit signed integers assigned by the client. It is a protocol error if the client tries to store an SQL text with an id which is already in use.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Close a stored SQL text

type CloseSqlReq = {
    "type": "close_sql",
    "sql_id": int32,

type CloseSqlResp = {
    "type": "close_sql",

The close_sql request can be used to delete an SQL text stored on the server with store_sql. The client can safely reuse the SQL text id after it receives the response.

It is not an error if the client attempts to close a SQL text id that is not used.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Execute a sequence of SQL statements

type SequenceReq = {
    "type": "sequence",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "sql"?: string | null,
    "sql_id"?: int32 | null,

type SequenceResp = {
    "type": "sequence",

The sequence request executes a sequence of SQL statements separated by semicolons on the stream given by stream_id. sql or sql_id specify the SQL text; exactly one of these fields must be specified.

Any rows returned by the statements are ignored. If any statement fails, the subsequent statements are not executed and the request returns an error response.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Describe a statement

type DescribeReq = {
    "type": "describe",
    "stream_id": int32,
    "sql"?: string | null,
    "sql_id"?: int32 | null,

type DescribeResp = {
    "type": "describe",
    "result": DescribeResult,

The describe request is used to parse and analyze a SQL statement. stream_id specifies the stream on which the statement is parsed. sql or sql_id specify the SQL text: exactly one of these two fields must be specified, sql passes the SQL directly as a string, while sql_id refers to a SQL text previously stored with store_sql. In the response, result contains the result of describing a statement.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Get the autocommit state

type GetAutocommitReq = {
    "type": "get_autocommit",
    "stream_id": int32,

type GetAutocommitResp = {
    "type": "get_autocommit",
    "is_autocommit": bool,

The get_autocommit request can be used to check whether the stream is in autocommit state (not inside an explicit transaction).

This request was introduced in Hrana 3.


If either peer detects that the protocol has been violated, it should close the WebSocket with an appropriate WebSocket close code and reason. Some examples of protocol violations include:

  • Text message payload that is not a valid JSON.
  • Data frame type that does not match the negotiated encoding (i.e., binary frame when the encoding is JSON or a text frame when the encoding is Protobuf).
  • Unrecognized ClientMsg or ServerMsg (the field type is unknown or missing)
  • Client receives a ResponseOkMsg or ResponseErrorMsg with a request_id that has not been sent in a RequestMsg or that has already received a response.


The protocol allows the server to reorder the responses: it is not necessary to send the responses in the same order as the requests. However, the server must process requests related to a single stream id in order.

For example, this means that a client can send an open_stream request immediately followed by a batch of execute requests on that stream and the server will always process them in correct order.

Hrana over HTTP

Hrana over HTTP runs on top of HTTP. Any version of the HTTP protocol can be used.


HTTP is a stateless protocol, so there is no concept of a connection like in the WebSocket protocol. However, Hrana needs to expose stateful streams, so it needs to ensure that requests on the same stream are tied together.

This is accomplished by the use of a baton, which is similar to a session cookie. The server returns a baton in every response to a request on the stream, and the client then needs to include the baton in the subsequent request. The client must serialize the requests on a stream: it must wait for a response to the previous request before sending next request on the same stream.

The server can also optionally specify a different URL that the client should use for the requests on the stream. This can be used to ensure that stream requests are "sticky" and reach the same server.

If the client terminates without closing a stream, the server has no way of finding this out: with Hrana over WebSocket, the WebSocket connection is closed and the server can close the streams that belong to this connection, but there is no connection in Hrana over HTTP. Therefore, the server will close streams after a short period of inactivity, to make sure that abandoned streams don't accumulate on the server.

Version and encoding negotiation

With Hrana over HTTP, the client indicates the Hrana version and encoding in the URI path of the HTTP request. The client can check whether the server supports a given Hrana version by sending an HTTP request (described later).


The client communicates with the server by sending HTTP requests with a specified method and URL.

Check support for version 3 (JSON)

GET v3

If the server supports version 3 of Hrana over HTTP with JSON encoding, it should return a 2xx response to this request.

Check support for version 3 (Protobuf)

GET v3-protobuf

If the server supports version 3 of Hrana over HTTP with Protobuf encoding, it should return a 2xx response to this request.

Execute a pipeline of requests (JSON)

POST v3/pipeline
-> JSON: PipelineReqBody
<- JSON: PipelineRespBody
type PipelineReqBody = {
    "baton": string | null,
    "requests": Array<StreamRequest>,

type PipelineRespBody = {
    "baton": string | null,
    "base_url": string | null,
    "results": Array<StreamResult>

type StreamResult =
    | StreamResultOk
    | StreamResultError

type StreamResultOk = {
    "type": "ok",
    "response": StreamResponse,

type StreamResultError = {
    "type": "error",
    "error": Error,

The v3/pipeline endpoint is used to execute a pipeline of requests on a stream. baton in the request specifies the stream. If the client sets baton to null, the server should create a new stream.

Server responds with another baton value in the response. If the baton value in the response is null, it means that the server has closed the stream. The client must use this value to refer to this stream in the next request (the baton in the response should be different from the baton in the request). This forces the client to issue the requests serially: it must wait for the response from a previous pipeline request before issuing another request on the same stream.

The server should ensure that the baton values are unpredictable and unforgeable, for example by cryptographically signing them.

If the base_url in the response is not null, the client should use this URL when sending further requests on this stream. If it is null, the client should use the same URL that it has used for the previous request. The base_url must be an absolute URL with "http" or "https" scheme.

The requests array in the request specifies a sequence of stream requests that should be executed on the stream. The server executes them in order and returns the results in the results array in the response. Result is either a success (type set to "ok") or an error (type set to "error"). The server always executes all requests, even if some of them return errors.

Execute a pipeline of requests (Protobuf)

POST v3-protobuf/pipeline
-> Protobuf: PipelineReqBody
<- Protobuf: PipelineRespBody

The v3-protobuf/pipeline endpoint is the same as v3/pipeline, but it encodes the request and response body using Protobuf.

Execute a batch using a cursor (JSON)

POST v3/cursor
-> JSON: CursorReqBody
<- line of JSON: CursorRespBody
   lines of JSON: CursorEntry
type CursorReqBody = {
    "baton": string | null,
    "batch": Batch,

type CursorRespBody = {
    "baton": string | null,
    "base_url": string | null,

The v3/cursor endpoint executes a batch of statements on a stream using a cursor, so the results can be streamed from the server to the client.

The HTTP response is composed of JSON structures separated with a newline. The first line contains the CursorRespBody structure, and the following lines contain CursorEntry structures, which encode the result of the batch.

The baton field in the request and the baton and base_url fields in the response have the same meaning as in the v3/pipeline endpoint.

Execute a batch using a cursor (Protobuf)

POST v3-protobuf/cursor
-> Protobuf: CursorReqBody
<- length-delimited Protobuf: CursorRespBody
   length-delimited Protobufs: CursorEntry

The v3-protobuf/cursor endpoint is the same as v3/cursor endpoint, but the request and response are encoded using Protobuf.

In the response body, the structures are prefixed with a length delimiter: a Protobuf varint that encodes the length of the structure. The first structure is CursorRespBody, followed by an arbitrary number of CursorEntry structures.


Requests in Hrana over HTTP closely mirror stream requests in Hrana over WebSocket:

type StreamRequest =
    | CloseStreamReq
    | ExecuteStreamReq
    | BatchStreamReq
    | SequenceStreamReq
    | DescribeStreamReq
    | StoreSqlStreamReq
    | CloseSqlStreamReq
    | GetAutocommitStreamReq

type StreamResponse =
    | CloseStreamResp
    | ExecuteStreamResp
    | BatchStreamResp
    | SequenceStreamResp
    | DescribeStreamResp
    | StoreSqlStreamResp
    | CloseSqlStreamResp
    | GetAutocommitStreamReq

Close stream

type CloseStreamReq = {
    "type": "close",

type CloseStreamResp = {
    "type": "close",

The close request closes the stream. It is an error if the client tries to execute more requests on the same stream.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Execute a statement

type ExecuteStreamReq = {
    "type": "execute",
    "stmt": Stmt,

type ExecuteStreamResp = {
    "type": "execute",
    "result": StmtResult,

The execute request has the same semantics as the execute request in Hrana over WebSocket.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Execute a batch

type BatchStreamReq = {
    "type": "batch",
    "batch": Batch,

type BatchStreamResp = {
    "type": "batch",
    "result": BatchResult,

The batch request has the same semantics as the batch request in Hrana over WebSocket.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Execute a sequence of SQL statements

type SequenceStreamReq = {
    "type": "sequence",
    "sql"?: string | null,
    "sql_id"?: int32 | null,

type SequenceStreamResp = {
    "type": "sequence",

The sequence request has the same semantics as the sequence request in Hrana over WebSocket.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Describe a statement

type DescribeStreamReq = {
    "type": "describe",
    "sql"?: string | null,
    "sql_id"?: int32 | null,

type DescribeStreamResp = {
    "type": "describe",
    "result": DescribeResult,

The describe request has the same semantics as the describe request in Hrana over WebSocket.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Store an SQL text on the server

type StoreSqlStreamReq = {
    "type": "store_sql",
    "sql_id": int32,
    "sql": string,

type StoreSqlStreamResp = {
    "type": "store_sql",

The store_sql request has the same semantics as the store_sql request in Hrana over WebSocket, except that the scope of the SQL texts is just a single stream (with WebSocket, it is the whole connection).

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Close a stored SQL text

type CloseSqlStreamReq = {
    "type": "close_sql",
    "sql_id": int32,

type CloseSqlStreamResp = {
    "type": "close_sql",

The close_sql request has the same semantics as the close_sql request in Hrana over WebSocket, except that the scope of the SQL texts is just a single stream.

This request was introduced in Hrana 2.

Get the autocommit state

type GetAutocommitStreamReq = {
    "type": "get_autocommit",

type GetAutocommitStreamResp = {
    "type": "get_autocommit",
    "is_autocommit": bool,

The get_autocommit request has the same semantics as the get_autocommit request in Hrana over WebSocket.

This request was introduced in Hrana 3.


If the client receives an HTTP error (4xx or 5xx response), it means that the server encountered an internal error and the stream is no longer valid. The client should attempt to parse the response body as an Error structure (using the encoding indicated by the Content-Type response header), but the client must be able to handle responses with different bodies, such as plaintext or HTML, which might be returned by various components in the HTTP stack.

Shared structures

This section describes protocol structures that are common for both Hrana over WebSocket and Hrana over HTTP.


type Error = {
    "message": string,
    "code"?: string | null,

Errors can be returned by the server in many places in the protocol, and they are always represented with the Error structure. The message field contains an English human-readable description of the error. The code contains a machine-readable error code.

At this moment, the error codes are not yet stabilized and depend on the server implementation.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1.


type Stmt = {
    "sql"?: string | null,
    "sql_id"?: int32 | null,
    "args"?: Array<Value>,
    "named_args"?: Array<NamedArg>,
    "want_rows"?: boolean,

type NamedArg = {
    "name": string,
    "value": Value,

A SQL statement is represented by the Stmt structure. The text of the SQL statement is specified either by passing a string directly in the sql field, or by passing SQL text id that has previously been stored with the store_sql request. Exactly one of sql and sql_id must be passed.

The arguments in args are bound to parameters in the SQL statement by position. The arguments in named_args are bound to parameters by name.

In SQLite, the names of arguments include the prefix sign (:, @ or $). If the name of the argument does not start with this prefix, the server will try to guess the correct prefix. If an argument is specified both as a positional argument and as a named argument, the named argument should take precedence.

It is an error if the request specifies an argument that is not expected by the SQL statement, or if the request does not specify an argument that is expected by the SQL statement. Some servers may not support specifying both positional and named arguments.

The want_rows field specifies whether the client is interested in the rows produced by the SQL statement. If it is set to false, the server should always reply with no rows, even if the statement produced some. If the field is omitted, the default value is true.

The SQL text should contain just a single statement. Issuing multiple statements separated by a semicolon is not supported.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1. In Hrana 2, the sql_id field was added and the sql and want_rows fields were made optional.

Statement results

type StmtResult = {
    "cols": Array<Col>,
    "rows": Array<Array<Value>>,
    "affected_row_count": uint64,
    "last_insert_rowid": string | null,
    "rows_read": uint64,
    "rows_written": uint64,
    "query_duration_ms": double,

type Col = {
    "name": string | null,
    "decltype": string | null,

The result of executing an SQL statement is represented by the StmtResult structure and it contains information about the returned columns in cols and the returned rows in rows (the array is empty if the statement did not produce any rows or if want_rows was false in the request).

affected_row_count counts the number of rows that were changed by the statement. This is meaningful only if the statement was an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, and the value is otherwise undefined.

last_insert_rowid is the ROWID of the last successful insert into a rowid table. The rowid value is a 64-bit signed integer encoded as a string in JSON. For other statements, the value is undefined.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1. The decltype field in the Col strucure was added in Hrana 2.


type Batch = {
    "steps": Array<BatchStep>,

type BatchStep = {
    "condition"?: BatchCond | null,
    "stmt": Stmt,

A batch is represented by the Batch structure. It is a list of steps (statements) which are always executed sequentially. If the condition of a step is present and evaluates to false, the statement is not executed.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1.


type BatchCond =
    | { "type": "ok", "step": uint32 }
    | { "type": "error", "step": uint32 }
    | { "type": "not", "cond": BatchCond }
    | { "type": "and", "conds": Array<BatchCond> }
    | { "type": "or", "conds": Array<BatchCond> }
    | { "type": "is_autocommit" }

Conditions are expressions that evaluate to true or false:

  • ok evaluates to true if the step (referenced by its 0-based index) was executed successfully. If the statement was skipped, this condition evaluates to false.
  • error evaluates to true if the step (referenced by its 0-based index) has produced an error. If the statement was skipped, this condition evaluates to false.
  • not evaluates cond and returns the logical negative.
  • and evaluates conds and returns the logical conjunction of them.
  • or evaluates conds and returns the logical disjunction of them.
  • is_autocommit evaluates to true if the stream is currently in the autocommit state (not inside an explicit transaction)

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1. The is_autocommit type was added in Hrana 3.

Batch results

type BatchResult = {
    "step_results": Array<StmtResult | null>,
    "step_errors": Array<Error | null>,

The result of executing a batch is represented by BatchResult. The result contains the results or errors of statements from each step. For the step in steps[i], step_results[i] contains the result of the statement if the statement was executed and succeeded, and step_errors[i] contains the error if the statement was executed and failed. If the statement was skipped because its condition evaluated to false, both step_results[i] and step_errors[i] will be null.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1.

Cursor entries

type CursorEntry =
    | StepBeginEntry
    | StepEndEntry
    | StepErrorEntry
    | RowEntry
    | ErrorEntry

Cursor entries are produced by cursors. A sequence of entries encodes the same information as a BatchResult, but it is sent to the client incrementally, so both peers don't need to keep the whole result in memory.

These structures were introduced in Hrana 3.

Step results

type StepBeginEntry = {
    "type": "step_begin",
    "step": uint32,
    "cols": Array<Col>,

type StepEndEntry = {
    "type": "step_end",
    "affected_row_count": uint32,
    "last_insert_rowid": string | null,

type RowEntry = {
    "type": "row",
    "row": Array<Value>,

At the beginning of every batch step that is executed, the server produces a step_begin entry. This entry specifies the index of the step (which refers to the steps array in the Batch structure). The server sends entries for steps in the order in which they are executed. If a step is skipped (because its condition evalated to false), the server does not send any entry for it.

After a step_begin entry, the server sends an arbitrary number of row entries that encode the individual rows produced by the statement, terminated by the step_end entry. Together, these entries encode the same information as the StmtResult structure.

The server can send another step_entry only after the previous step was terminated by step_end or by step_error, described below.


type StepErrorEntry = {
    "type": "step_error",
    "step": uint32,
    "error": Error,

type ErrorEntry = {
    "type": "error",
    "error": Error,

The step_error entry indicates that the execution of a statement failed with an error. There are two ways in which the server may produce this entry:

  1. Before a step_begin entry was sent: this means that the statement failed very early, without producing any results. The step field indicates which step has failed (similar to the step_begin entry).
  2. After a step_begin entry was sent: in this case, the server has started executing the statement and produced step_begin (and perhaps a number of row entries), but then encountered an error. The step field must in this case be equal to the step of the currently processed step.

The error entry means that the execution of the whole batch has failed. This can be produced by the server at any time, and it is always the last entry in the cursor.

Result of describing a statement

type DescribeResult = {
    "params": Array<DescribeParam>,
    "cols": Array<DescribeCol>,
    "is_explain": boolean,
    "is_readonly": boolean,

The DescribeResult structure is the result of describing a statement. is_explain is true if the statement was an EXPLAIN statement, and is_readonly is true if the statement does not modify the database.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 2.


type DescribeParam = {
    "name": string | null,

Information about parameters of the statement is returned in params. SQLite indexes parameters from 1, so the first object in the params array describes parameter 1.

For each parameter, the name field specifies the name of the parameter. For parameters of the form ?NNN, :AAA, @AAA and $AAA, the name includes the initial ?, :, @ or $ character. Parameters of the form ? are nameless, their name is null.

It is also possible that some parameters are not referenced in the statement, in which case the name is also null.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 2.


type DescribeCol = {
    "name": string,
    "decltype": string | null,

Information about columns of the statement is returned in cols.

For each column, name specifies the name assigned by the SQL AS clause. For columns without AS clause, the name is not specified.

For result columns that directly originate from tables in the database, decltype specifies the declared type of the column. For other columns (such as results of expressions), decltype is null.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 2.


type Value =
    | { "type": "null" }
    | { "type": "integer", "value": string }
    | { "type": "float", "value": number }
    | { "type": "text", "value": string }
    | { "type": "blob", "base64": string }

SQLite values are represented by the Value structure. The type of the value depends on the type field:

  • null: the SQL NULL value.
  • integer: a 64-bit signed integer. In JSON, the value is a string to avoid losing precision, because some JSON implementations treat all numbers as 64-bit floats.
  • float: a 64-bit float.
  • text: a UTF-8 string.
  • blob: a binary blob with. In JSON, the value is base64-encoded.

This structure was introduced in Hrana 1.

Protobuf schema

Hrana over WebSocket

syntax = "proto3";
package hrana.ws;

message ClientMsg {
  oneof msg {
    HelloMsg hello = 1;
    RequestMsg request = 2;

message ServerMsg {
  oneof msg {
    HelloOkMsg hello_ok = 1;
    HelloErrorMsg hello_error = 2;
    ResponseOkMsg response_ok = 3;
    ResponseErrorMsg response_error = 4;

message HelloMsg {
  optional string jwt = 1;

message HelloOkMsg {

message HelloErrorMsg {
  Error error = 1;

message RequestMsg {
  int32 request_id = 1;
  oneof request {
    OpenStreamReq open_stream = 2;
    CloseStreamReq close_stream = 3;
    ExecuteReq execute = 4;
    BatchReq batch = 5;
    OpenCursorReq open_cursor = 6;
    CloseCursorReq close_cursor = 7;
    FetchCursorReq fetch_cursor = 8;
    SequenceReq sequence = 9;
    DescribeReq describe = 10;
    StoreSqlReq store_sql = 11;
    CloseSqlReq close_sql = 12;
    GetAutocommitReq get_autocommit = 13;

message ResponseOkMsg {
  int32 request_id = 1;
  oneof response {
    OpenStreamResp open_stream = 2;
    CloseStreamResp close_stream = 3;
    ExecuteResp execute = 4;
    BatchResp batch = 5;
    OpenCursorResp open_cursor = 6;
    CloseCursorResp close_cursor = 7;
    FetchCursorResp fetch_cursor = 8;
    SequenceResp sequence = 9;
    DescribeResp describe = 10;
    StoreSqlResp store_sql = 11;
    CloseSqlResp close_sql = 12;
    GetAutocommitResp get_autocommit = 13;

message ResponseErrorMsg {
  int32 request_id = 1;
  Error error = 2;

message OpenStreamReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;

message OpenStreamResp {

message CloseStreamReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;

message CloseStreamResp {

message ExecuteReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;
  Stmt stmt = 2;

message ExecuteResp {
  StmtResult result = 1;

message BatchReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;
  Batch batch = 2;

message BatchResp {
  BatchResult result = 1;

message OpenCursorReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;
  int32 cursor_id = 2;
  Batch batch = 3;

message OpenCursorResp {

message CloseCursorReq {
  int32 cursor_id = 1;

message CloseCursorResp {

message FetchCursorReq {
  int32 cursor_id = 1;
  uint32 max_count = 2;

message FetchCursorResp {
  repeated CursorEntry entries = 1;
  bool done = 2;

message StoreSqlReq {
  int32 sql_id = 1;
  string sql = 2;

message StoreSqlResp {

message CloseSqlReq {
  int32 sql_id = 1;

message CloseSqlResp {

message SequenceReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;
  optional string sql = 2;
  optional int32 sql_id = 3;

message SequenceResp {

message DescribeReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;
  optional string sql = 2;
  optional int32 sql_id = 3;

message DescribeResp {
  DescribeResult result = 1;

message GetAutocommitReq {
  int32 stream_id = 1;

message GetAutocommitResp {
  bool is_autocommit = 1;

Hrana over HTTP

syntax = "proto3";
package hrana.http;

message PipelineReqBody {
  optional string baton = 1;
  repeated StreamRequest requests = 2;

message PipelineRespBody {
  optional string baton = 1;
  optional string base_url = 2;
  repeated StreamResult results = 3;

message StreamResult {
  oneof result {
    StreamResponse ok = 1;
    Error error = 2;

message CursorReqBody {
  optional string baton = 1;
  Batch batch = 2;

message CursorRespBody {
  optional string baton = 1;
  optional string base_url = 2;

message StreamRequest {
  oneof request {
    CloseStreamReq close = 1;
    ExecuteStreamReq execute = 2;
    BatchStreamReq batch = 3;
    SequenceStreamReq sequence = 4;
    DescribeStreamReq describe = 5;
    StoreSqlStreamReq store_sql = 6;
    CloseSqlStreamReq close_sql = 7;
    GetAutocommitStreamReq get_autocommit = 8;

message StreamResponse {
  oneof response {
    CloseStreamResp close = 1;
    ExecuteStreamResp execute = 2;
    BatchStreamResp batch = 3;
    SequenceStreamResp sequence = 4;
    DescribeStreamResp describe = 5;
    StoreSqlStreamResp store_sql = 6;
    CloseSqlStreamResp close_sql = 7;
    GetAutocommitStreamResp get_autocommit = 8;

message CloseStreamReq {

message CloseStreamResp {

message ExecuteStreamReq {
  Stmt stmt = 1;

message ExecuteStreamResp {
  StmtResult result = 1;

message BatchStreamReq {
  Batch batch = 1;

message BatchStreamResp {
  BatchResult result = 1;

message SequenceStreamReq {
  optional string sql = 1;
  optional int32 sql_id = 2;

message SequenceStreamResp {

message DescribeStreamReq {
  optional string sql = 1;
  optional int32 sql_id = 2;

message DescribeStreamResp {
  DescribeResult result = 1;

message StoreSqlStreamReq {
  int32 sql_id = 1;
  string sql = 2;

message StoreSqlStreamResp {

message CloseSqlStreamReq {
  int32 sql_id = 1;

message CloseSqlStreamResp {

message GetAutocommitStreamReq {

message GetAutocommitStreamResp {
  bool is_autocommit = 1;

Shared structures

syntax = "proto3";
package hrana;

message Error {
  string message = 1;
  optional string code = 2;

message Stmt {
  optional string sql = 1;
  optional int32 sql_id = 2;
  repeated Value args = 3;
  repeated NamedArg named_args = 4;
  optional bool want_rows = 5;

message NamedArg {
  string name = 1;
  Value value = 2;

message StmtResult {
  repeated Col cols = 1;
  repeated Row rows = 2;
  uint64 affected_row_count = 3;
  optional sint64 last_insert_rowid = 4;

message Col {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional string decltype = 2;

message Row {
  repeated Value values = 1;

message Batch {
  repeated BatchStep steps = 1;

message BatchStep {
  optional BatchCond condition = 1;
  Stmt stmt = 2;

message BatchCond {
  oneof cond {
    uint32 step_ok = 1;
    uint32 step_error = 2;
    BatchCond not = 3;
    CondList and = 4;
    CondList or = 5;
    IsAutocommit is_autocommit = 6;

  message CondList {
    repeated BatchCond conds = 1;

  message IsAutocommit {

message BatchResult {
  map<uint32, StmtResult> step_results = 1;
  map<uint32, Error> step_errors = 2;

message CursorEntry {
  oneof entry {
    StepBeginEntry step_begin = 1;
    StepEndEntry step_end = 2;
    StepErrorEntry step_error = 3;
    Row row = 4;
    Error error = 5;

message StepBeginEntry {
  uint32 step = 1;
  repeated Col cols = 2;

message StepEndEntry {
  uint64 affected_row_count = 1;
  optional sint64 last_insert_rowid = 2;

message StepErrorEntry {
  uint32 step = 1;
  Error error = 2;

message DescribeResult {
  repeated DescribeParam params = 1;
  repeated DescribeCol cols = 2;
  bool is_explain = 3;
  bool is_readonly = 4;

message DescribeParam {
  optional string name = 1;

message DescribeCol {
  string name = 1;
  optional string decltype = 2;

message Value {
  oneof value {
    Null null = 1;
    sint64 integer = 2;
    double float = 3;
    string text = 4;
    bytes blob = 5;

  message Null {}