mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 07:38:59 +00:00
265 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
265 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package proxy;
message Queries {
repeated Query queries = 1;
// Uuid
string client_id = 2;
message Query {
string stmt = 1;
oneof Params {
Positional positional = 2;
Named named = 3;
bool skip_rows = 4;
message Positional {
repeated Value values = 1;
message Named {
repeated string names = 1;
repeated Value values = 2;
message QueryResult {
oneof row_result {
Error error = 1;
ResultRows row = 2;
message Error {
enum ErrorCode {
TX_BUSY = 1;
ErrorCode code = 1;
string message = 2;
int32 extended_code = 3;
message ResultRows {
repeated Column column_descriptions = 1;
repeated Row rows = 2;
uint64 affected_row_count = 3;
optional int64 last_insert_rowid = 4;
message DescribeRequest {
string client_id = 1;
string stmt = 2;
message DescribeResult {
oneof describe_result {
Error error = 1;
Description description = 2;
message Description {
repeated Column column_descriptions = 1;
repeated string param_names = 2;
uint64 param_count = 3;
message Value {
/// bincode encoded Value
bytes data = 1;
message Row {
repeated Value values = 1;
message Column {
string name = 1;
optional string decltype = 3;
message DisconnectMessage {
string client_id = 1;
message Ack { }
enum State {
INIT = 0;
TXN = 2;
message ExecuteResults {
repeated QueryResult results = 1;
/// State after executing the queries
State state = 2;
/// Primary frame_no after executing the request.
optional uint64 current_frame_no = 3;
message Program {
repeated Step steps = 1;
message Step {
optional Cond cond = 1;
Query query = 2;
message Cond {
oneof cond {
OkCond ok = 1;
ErrCond err = 2;
NotCond not = 3;
AndCond and = 4;
OrCond or = 5;
IsAutocommitCond is_autocommit = 6;
message OkCond {
int64 step = 1;
message ErrCond {
int64 step = 1;
message NotCond {
Cond cond = 1;
message AndCond {
repeated Cond conds = 1;
message OrCond {
repeated Cond conds = 1;
message IsAutocommitCond {
message ProgramReq {
string client_id = 1;
Program pgm = 2;
/// Streaming exec request
message ExecReq {
/// id of the request. The response will contain this id.
uint32 request_id = 1;
oneof request {
StreamProgramReq execute = 2;
StreamDescribeReq describe = 3;
/// Describe request for the streaming protocol
message StreamProgramReq {
Program pgm = 1;
/// descibre request for the streaming protocol
message StreamDescribeReq {
string stmt = 1;
/// Response message for the streaming proto
/// Request response types
message Init { }
message BeginStep { }
message FinishStep {
uint64 affected_row_count = 1;
optional int64 last_insert_rowid = 2;
message StepError {
Error error = 1;
message ColsDescription {
repeated Column columns = 1;
message RowValue {
oneof value {
string text = 1;
int64 integer = 2;
double real = 3;
bytes blob = 4;
// null if present
bool null = 5;
message BeginRows { }
message BeginRow { }
message AddRowValue {
RowValue val = 1;
message FinishRow { }
message FinishRows { }
message Finish {
optional uint64 last_frame_no = 1;
bool is_autocommit = 2;
/// Stream execx dexcribe response messages
message DescribeParam {
optional string name = 1;
message DescribeCol {
string name = 1;
optional string decltype = 2;
message DescribeResp {
repeated DescribeParam params = 1;
repeated DescribeCol cols = 2;
bool is_explain = 3;
bool is_readonly = 4;
message RespStep {
oneof step {
Init init = 1;
BeginStep begin_step = 2;
FinishStep finish_step = 3;
StepError step_error = 4;
ColsDescription cols_description = 5;
BeginRows begin_rows = 6;
BeginRow begin_row = 7;
AddRowValue add_row_value = 8;
FinishRow finish_row = 9;
FinishRows finish_rows = 10;
Finish finish = 11;
message ProgramResp {
repeated RespStep steps = 1;
message ExecResp {
uint32 request_id = 1;
oneof response {
ProgramResp program_resp = 2;
DescribeResp describe_resp = 3;
Error error = 4;
service Proxy {
rpc StreamExec(stream ExecReq) returns (stream ExecResp) {}
// Deprecated:
rpc Execute(ProgramReq) returns (ExecuteResults) {}
rpc Describe(DescribeRequest) returns (DescribeResult) {}
rpc Disconnect(DisconnectMessage) returns (Ack) {}