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synced 2024-12-15 05:09:50 +00:00
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369 lines
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use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Instant;
use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
use crossbeam::deque::Injector;
use crossbeam::sync::Unparker;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, watch};
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::checkpointer::CheckpointMessage;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::io::file::FileExt;
use crate::io::Io;
use crate::replication::storage::ReplicateFromStorage;
use crate::segment::current::CurrentSegment;
use crate::transaction::{ReadTransaction, Savepoint, Transaction, TxGuard, WriteTransaction};
use libsql_sys::name::NamespaceName;
pub struct WalLock {
pub(crate) tx_id: Arc<async_lock::Mutex<Option<u64>>>,
/// When a writer is popped from the write queue, its write transaction may not be reading from the most recent
/// snapshot. In this case, we return `SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPHSOT` to the caller. If no reads were performed
/// with that transaction before upgrading, then the caller will call us back immediately after re-acquiring
/// a read mark.
/// Without the reserved slot, the writer would be re-enqueued, a writer before it would be inserted,
/// and we'd find ourselves in the initial situation. Instead, we use the reserved slot to bypass the queue when the
/// writer tried to re-acquire the write lock.
pub(crate) reserved: Mutex<Option<u64>>,
next_tx_id: AtomicU64,
pub(crate) waiters: Injector<(Unparker, u64)>,
pub(crate) trait SwapLog<IO: Io>: Sync + Send + 'static {
fn swap_current(&self, shared: &SharedWal<IO>, tx: &dyn TxGuard<IO::File>) -> Result<()>;
pub struct SharedWal<IO: Io> {
pub(crate) current: ArcSwap<CurrentSegment<IO::File>>,
pub(crate) wal_lock: Arc<WalLock>,
pub(crate) db_file: IO::File,
pub(crate) namespace: NamespaceName,
pub(crate) registry: Arc<dyn SwapLog<IO>>,
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by replication
pub(crate) checkpointed_frame_no: AtomicU64,
/// max frame_no acknoledged by the durable storage
pub(crate) durable_frame_no: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
pub(crate) new_frame_notifier: tokio::sync::watch::Sender<u64>,
pub(crate) stored_segments: Box<dyn ReplicateFromStorage>,
pub(crate) shutdown: AtomicBool,
pub(crate) checkpoint_notifier: mpsc::Sender<CheckpointMessage>,
/// maximum size the segment is allowed to grow
pub(crate) max_segment_size: AtomicUsize,
pub(crate) io: Arc<IO>,
impl<IO: Io> SharedWal<IO> {
#[tracing::instrument(skip(self), fields(namespace = self.namespace.as_str()))]
pub fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<()> {
tracing::info!("started namespace shutdown");
self.shutdown.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
// fixme: for infinite loop
let mut tx = loop {
let mut tx = Transaction::Read(self.begin_read(u64::MAX));
match self.upgrade(&mut tx) {
Ok(_) => break tx,
Err(Error::BusySnapshot) => continue,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
let mut tx = tx.as_write_mut().unwrap().lock();
self.registry.swap_current(self, &tx)?;
// The current segment will not be used anymore. It's empty, but we still seal it so that
// the next startup doesn't find an unsealed segment.
tracing::info!("namespace shutdown");
pub fn new_frame_notifier(&self) -> watch::Receiver<u64> {
pub fn db_size(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn log_id(&self) -> Uuid {
pub fn durable_frame_no(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn begin_read(&self, conn_id: u64) -> ReadTransaction<IO::File> {
// FIXME: this is not enough to just increment the counter, we must make sure that the segment
// is not sealed. If the segment is sealed, retry with the current segment
let current = self.current.load();
let (max_frame_no, db_size) =
current.with_header(|header| (header.last_committed(), header.size_after()));
let id = self.wal_lock.next_tx_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
ReadTransaction {
current: current.clone(),
created_at: Instant::now(),
pages_read: 0,
namespace: self.namespace.clone(),
checkpoint_notifier: self.checkpoint_notifier.clone(),
/// Upgrade a read transaction to a write transaction
pub fn upgrade(&self, tx: &mut Transaction<IO::File>) -> Result<()> {
loop {
match tx {
Transaction::Write(_) => unreachable!("already in a write transaction"),
Transaction::Read(read_tx) => {
let mut reserved = self.wal_lock.reserved.lock();
match *reserved {
// we have already reserved the slot, go ahead and try to acquire
Some(id) if id == read_tx.conn_id => {
tracing::trace!("taking reserved slot");
let lock = self.wal_lock.tx_id.lock_blocking();
let write_tx = self.acquire_write(read_tx, lock, reserved)?;
*tx = Transaction::Write(write_tx);
return Ok(());
None => {
let lock = self.wal_lock.tx_id.lock_blocking();
if lock.is_none() && self.wal_lock.waiters.is_empty() {
let write_tx = self.acquire_write(read_tx, lock, reserved)?;
*tx = Transaction::Write(write_tx);
return Ok(());
_ => (),
"txn currently held by another connection, registering to wait queue"
let parker = crossbeam::sync::Parker::new();
let unparker = parker.unparker().clone();
self.wal_lock.waiters.push((unparker, read_tx.conn_id));
fn acquire_write(
read_tx: &ReadTransaction<IO::File>,
mut tx_id_lock: async_lock::MutexGuard<Option<u64>>,
mut reserved: MutexGuard<Option<u64>>,
) -> Result<WriteTransaction<IO::File>> {
assert!(reserved.is_none() || *reserved == Some(read_tx.conn_id));
// we read two fields in the header. There is no risk that a transaction commit in
// between the two reads because this would require that:
// 1) there would be a running txn
// 2) that transaction held the lock to tx_id (be in a transaction critical section)
let current = self.current.load();
let last_commited = current.last_committed();
if read_tx.max_frame_no != last_commited || current.is_sealed() {
if read_tx.pages_read <= 1 {
// this transaction hasn't read anything yet, it will retry to
// acquire the lock, reserved the slot so that it can make
// progress quickly
// TODO: is it possible that we upgrade the read lock ourselves, so we don't need
// that reserved stuff anymore? If nothing was read, just upgrade the read,
// otherwise return snapshot busy and let the connection do the cleanup.
tracing::debug!("reserving tx slot");
return Err(Error::BusySnapshot);
let next_offset = current.count_committed() as u32;
let next_frame_no = current.next_frame_no().get();
*tx_id_lock = Some(read_tx.id);
let current_checksum = current.current_checksum();
Ok(WriteTransaction {
wal_lock: self.wal_lock.clone(),
savepoints: vec![Savepoint {
index: BTreeMap::new(),
is_commited: false,
read_tx: read_tx.clone(),
recompute_checksum: None,
#[tracing::instrument(skip(self, tx, buffer))]
pub fn read_page(
tx: &mut Transaction<IO::File>,
page_no: u32,
buffer: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<()> {
match tx.current.find_frame(page_no, tx) {
Some(offset) => {
// some debug assertions to make sure invariants hold
if let Ok(header) = tx.current.frame_header_at(offset) {
// the frame we got is not more recent than max frame_no
header.frame_no() <= tx.max_frame_no(),
"read frame is greater than max frame, {}, {}",
// the page we got is the page we asked for
assert_eq!(header.page_no(), page_no);
tx.current.read_page_offset(offset, buffer)?;
None => {
// locate in segments
if !tx
.read_page(page_no, tx.max_frame_no, buffer)?
// read from db_file
tracing::trace!(page_no, "reading from main file");
.read_exact_at(buffer, (page_no as u64 - 1) * 4096)?;
tx.pages_read += 1;
#[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(tx_id = tx.id))]
pub fn insert_frames<'a>(
tx: &mut WriteTransaction<IO::File>,
pages: impl Iterator<Item = (u32, &'a [u8])>,
size_after: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<()> {
let current = self.current.load();
let mut tx = tx.lock();
if let Some(last_committed) = current.insert_pages(pages, size_after, &mut tx)? {
if tx.is_commited()
&& current.count_committed() > self.max_segment_size.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
/// Cut the current log, and register it for storage
pub fn seal_current(&self) -> Result<()> {
let mut tx = self.begin_read(u64::MAX).into();
self.upgrade(&mut tx)?;
let ret = {
let mut guard = tx.as_write_mut().unwrap().lock();
self.swap_current(&mut guard)
// make sure the tx is always ended before it's dropped!
// FIXME: this is an issue with this design, since downgrade consume self, we can't have a
// drop implementation. The should probably have a Option<WriteTxnInner>, to that we can
// take &mut Self instead.
/// Swap the current log. A write lock must be held, but the transaction must be must be committed already.
pub(crate) fn swap_current(&self, tx: &impl TxGuard<IO::File>) -> Result<()> {
self.registry.swap_current(self, tx)?;
pub async fn checkpoint(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
let durable_frame_no = *self.durable_frame_no.lock();
let checkpointed_frame_no = self
.checkpoint(&self.db_file, durable_frame_no, self.log_id(), &self.io)
if let Some(checkpointed_frame_no) = checkpointed_frame_no {
.store(checkpointed_frame_no, Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn last_committed_frame_no(&self) -> u64 {
let current = self.current.load();
pub fn namespace(&self) -> &NamespaceName {
mod test {
use crate::test::{seal_current_segment, TestEnv};
use super::*;
async fn checkpoint() {
let env = TestEnv::new();
let conn = env.open_conn("test");
let shared = env.shared("test");
assert_eq!(shared.checkpointed_frame_no.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
conn.execute("create table test (x)", ()).unwrap();
conn.execute("insert into test values (12)", ()).unwrap();
conn.execute("insert into test values (12)", ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(shared.checkpointed_frame_no.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
*shared.durable_frame_no.lock() = 999999;
let frame_no = shared.checkpoint().await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(frame_no, 4);
assert_eq!(shared.checkpointed_frame_no.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 4);