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#change partition permission
# eMMC only
/dev/block/mmcblk0 0660 root system
/dev/block/mmcblk0boot0 0660 root system
/dev/block/mmcblk0boot1 0660 root system
/dev/misc-sd 0660 root system
# UFS only
/dev/block/sda 0660 root system
/dev/block/sdb 0660 root system
/dev/block/sdc 0660 root system
# eMMC/UFS common
/dev/block/by-name/misc2 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/boot 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/recovery 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/secro 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/seccfg 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/proinfo 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/nvram 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/para 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/logo 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/frp 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/md1img 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/md1img_a 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/md1img_b 0640 root system
/dev/block/by-name/md1dsp 0660 root system
/dev/block/by-name/boot_para 0640 root system
/dev/otp 0660 system system
/dev/block/by-name/otp 0660 root system
# Connectivity
/dev/stpwmt 0660 system system
/dev/wmtdetect 0660 system system
/dev/fw_log_wmt 0660 system system
/dev/conninfra_dev 0660 system system
/dev/conn_pwr_dev 0660 system system
# BT
/dev/stpbt 0660 bluetooth bluetooth
/dev/fw_log_bt 0660 bluetooth bluetooth
/dev/gpsdl0 0660 gps gps
/dev/gpsdl1 0660 gps gps
/dev/stpgps 0660 gps gps
/dev/gps 0660 gps system
/dev/gps_emi 0660 gps gps
/dev/gps2scp 0660 gps gps
/dev/gps_pwr 0660 gps gps
/dev/fw_log_gps 0660 gps gps
/dev/stpant 0660 system system
/dev/wmtWifi 0660 wifi wifi
/dev/fw_log_wifi 0660 wifi wifi
/dev/fw_log_wifi_write_log_to_file 0660 wifi wifi
/dev/sa_log_wifi 0660 wifi wifi
# FMRadio
/dev/fm 0660 system audio
/dev/st21nfc 0660 nfc radio
/dev/st54spi 0660 secure_element secure_element
# MTK BTIF driver
/dev/btif 0600 system system
# Trusty driver
/dev/trusty-ipc-dev0 0660 system system
/dev/nebula-ipc-dev0 0660 system system
# RPMB (for Trusty)
/dev/block/mmcblk0rpmb 0660 root system
# TrustonicTEE driver
/dev/mobicore 0600 system system
/dev/mobicore-user 0666 system system
/dev/t-base-tui 0666 system system
/dev/tzdev 0666 system system
/dev/tziwsock 0666 system system
/dev/tziwshmem 0666 system system
/dev/tuihw 0660 system system
/dev/tzirs 0660 system system
# teeperf driver
/dev/teeperf 0666 system system
#v4l2 device
/dev/video* 0660 camera system
/dev/media* 0660 camera system
/dev/v4l-subdev* 0660 camera system
#v4l2 codec
/dev/vcu 0660 camera system
/dev/vdec-fmt 0660 media system
/dev/fmt_sync 0660 system system
#v4l2 camera
/dev/mtk_hcp 0660 camera system
# DRM node
/dev/dri/card0 0660 system system
# MDDP node
/dev/mddp 0660 system system
#widevine driver node
/dev/drm_wv 0660 media system
# add the read write right of ttyUSB*
/dev/bus/usb/* 0660 root usb
/dev/ttyUSB0 0660 radio radio
/dev/ttyUSB1 0660 radio radio
/dev/ttyUSB2 0660 radio radio
/dev/ttyUSB3 0660 radio radio
/dev/ttyUSB4 0660 radio radio
# Anyone can read the logs, but if they're not in the "logs"
# group, then they'll only see log entries for their UID.
/dev/log/ksystem 0600 root log
/dev/ccci* 0660 radio radio
/dev/ttyC* 0660 radio radio
/sys/kernel/ccci modem_info 0644 radio radio
/sys/kernel/ccci md1_postfix 0644 radio radio
/sys/kernel/ccci md2_postfix 0644 radio radio
/dev/eemcs* 0660 radio radio
/dev/emd* 0660 radio radio
/dev/ccci_pcm_rx 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci_pcm_tx 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci_aud 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci2_aud 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci3_aud 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci_raw_audio 0660 audio audio
/dev/ccci3_raw_audio 0660 audio audio
/dev/eemcs_aud 0660 audio audio
/dev/irtx 0660 system system
/dev/lirc* 0660 root system
/dev/ir-learning 0660 system system
# SGX device node
/dev/pvrsrvkm 0666 root root
/dev/pvr_sync 0666 root root
# CIQ IQI node
/dev/ccci_ciq 0660 system system_ext_bridge_rw
/dev/umts_* 0660 system radio
/dev/cdma_* 0660 system radio
# dev ril bridge
/dev/drb 0660 system radio
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/green delay_on 0664 system system
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/green delay_off 0664 system system
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/red delay_on 0664 system system
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/red delay_off 0664 system system
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/blue delay_on 0664 system system
/sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/blue delay_off 0664 system system
/dev/mtgpio 0600 radio root
# Camera
/dev/camera_eeprom* 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-sysram 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-isp 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-mem 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-dip 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-tsf 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-dpe 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-mfb 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-rsc 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-owe 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-fdvt 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-wpe 0660 system camera
/dev/camera-pipemgr 0660 system camera
/dev/kd_camera_hw 0660 system camera
/dev/seninf 0660 system camera
/dev/seninf_n3d 0660 system camera
/dev/flashlight 0660 system camera
/dev/kd_camera_hw_bus2 0660 system camera
/dev/FM50AF 0660 system camera
/dev/CAM_CAL_DRV 0660 system camera
/dev/MAINAF 0660 system camera
/dev/MAIN2AF 0660 system camera
/dev/MAIN3AF 0660 system camera
/dev/SUBAF 0660 system camera
/dev/vpu 0660 system camera
/dev/apusys 0660 system camera
/dev/mtk_ccd 0660 system camera
/dev/ttySDIO* 0660 radio sdcard_rw
/dev/ttyRB* 0660 radio radio
# Mali node
/dev/mali0 0666 system graphics
# Change ION driver permission
/dev/ion 0666 system graphics
# Change DMA_HEAP deice permission
# refs: /system/core/rootdir/uevent.rc
# /dev/dma_heap/system 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_mm 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_mm-uncached 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_svp_page-uncached 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_prot_page-uncached 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_svp_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_svp_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_prot_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_prot_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_2d_fr_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_2d_fr_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_wfd_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_wfd_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_wfd_page-uncached 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_sapu_data_shm_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_sapu_data_shm_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_sapu_engine_shm_region 0444 system system
/dev/dma_heap/mtk_sapu_engine_shm_region-aligned 0444 system system
/dev/touch 0660 root system
/dev/hotknot 0660 root system
/dev/RT_Monitor 0660 system system
/dev/kick_powerkey 0660 system system
#MTK In-House TEE
/dev/ttyACM0 0660 radio radio
# Param
/dev/block/by-name/param 0660 root system
# Google FRP solution
/dev/block/by-name/persistent 0660 system system
# Reactivation lock
/dev/block/by-name/steady 0660 system system
# Sensor Hub
/dev/shub_sensorhub 0660 system system
/dev/shub_data_injection 0660 system system
/dev/batch_io 0660 system system
/dev/iio:device* 0660 system system
/sys/devices/platform/shub/iio:device* buffer/enable 0660 system system
/sys/devices/platform/shub/iio:device* buffer/length 0660 system system
/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device* 0664 system radio
# grip sensor
/dev/input/event* 0660 system input
/sys/devices/virtual/input/input* enable 0660 system input
# PROCA dev config
/dev/proca_config 0440 system system
/dev/tzdev 0666 system system
/dev/tziwsock 0666 system system
/dev/tziwshmem 0666 system system
/dev/tuihw 0660 system system
/dev/tzirs 0660 system system |