mirror of https://github.com/proot-me/proot.git synced 2025-02-21 15:16:10 +00:00
Yichao Yu d8bf141fea Change restart_original_syscall to not use chained syscall (#297)
If we are simply restarting a syscall, there's no need to do anything afterwards
to restore any register values so we don't really need to keep a record of it ourselves
in the chain syscall list.

By simply resetting the PC and the arguments, we avoid issue #292 for this function
when we get a signal before we run the restarted syscall and confused syscall
from the signal handler as the one we restarted (chained).
2021-10-05 16:34:41 -04:00

222 lines
6.2 KiB

DIR = $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
ROOTFS = $(DIR)/rootfs
SRC_DIR = $(DIR)/../src
PROOT = $(SRC_DIR)/proot
CARE = $(SRC_DIR)/care
CC = gcc
CHECK_TESTS = $(patsubst %,check-%, $(wildcard test-*.sh) $(wildcard test-*.c))
.PHONY: check clean_failure check_failure setup check-%
check: | clean_failure check_failure
memcheck: PROOT_RAW := $(PROOT)
memcheck: PROOT := $(shell which valgrind) -q --error-exitcode=1 $(PROOT)
memcheck: check
@rm -f failure
check_failure: $(CHECK_TESTS)
@bash -c '! test -e failure'
check-%.sh: %.sh setup
$(Q)env CARE="$(CARE)" PROOT_RAW="$(PROOT_RAW)" PROOT="$(PROOT)" ROOTFS=$(ROOTFS) PATH="$${PATH}:/bin" sh -ex $< $(silently); $(call check,$*)
check-%.c: $(ROOTFS)/bin/% setup
$(call check_c,$*,$(PROOT) -b /proc -r $(ROOTFS) /bin/$*)
# Special cases.
check-test-sysexit.c: test-sysexit
$(call check_c,$<,env PROOT_FORCE_KOMPAT=1 $(PROOT) -k 3.4242XX ./$<)
check-test-bdc90417.c: test-bdc90417
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) -w . ./$<)
check-test-5bed7141.c: test-5bed7141
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-5bed7143.c: test-5bed7143
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) -r $(ROOTFS) -b . ./$<)
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-16573e73.c: test-16573e73
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$< 1)
check-test-82ba4ba1.c: test-82ba4ba1
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) -0 ./$<)
$(call check_c,$<,! $(PROOT) -i 123:456 ./$<)
check-test-kkkkkkkk.c: test-kkkkkkkk
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-25069c12.c: test-25069c12
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-25069c13.c: test-25069c13
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-1ffc8309.c: test-1ffc8309
$(call check_c,$<,env PROOT_FORCE_KOMPAT=1 $(PROOT) -k $(shell uname -r) ./$<)
check-test-c5a7a0f0.c: test-c5a7a0f0
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) -0 ./$<)
$(call check_c,$<,! $(PROOT) -i 123:456 ./$<)
#check-test-a3e68988.c: test-a3e68988
# @which gdb >/dev/null 2>&1 || rm -f $<
# $(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) gdb -return-child-result -ex run -ex quit ./$<)
#check-test-c47aeb7d.c: test-c47aeb7d
# @which gdb >/dev/null 2>&1 || rm -f $<
# $(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) gdb -return-child-result -ex run -ex quit ./$<)
check-test-fdf487a0.c: test-fdf487a0
$(call check_c,$<,echo test | $(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-iiiiiiii.c: test-iiiiiiii
$(call check_c,$<,echo test | env PROOT_DONT_POLLUTE_ROOTFS=1 $(PROOT) -b /bin:/this_shall_not_exist_outside_proot ./$<)
check-test-9c07fad8.c: test-9c07fad8
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check-test-fa205b56.c: test-fa205b56
$(call check_c,$<,$(PROOT) ./$<)
check_c = $(Q)if [ -e $< ]; then \
$(2) $(silently); $(call check,$(1)) \
else \
echo " CHECK $(1) skipped"; \
check = case "$$?" in \
0) echo " CHECK $(1) ok";; \
125) echo " CHECK $(1) skipped";; \
*) echo " CHECK $(1) FAILED"; \
touch failure ;; \
# Build a clean rootfs
ROOTFS_BIN = $(ROOTFS)/bin/true $(ROOTFS)/bin/false \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/pwd $(ROOTFS)/bin/readlink $(ROOTFS)/bin/symlink \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/abs-true $(ROOTFS)/bin/rel-true $(ROOTFS)/bin/echo \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/argv0 $(ROOTFS)/bin/readdir $(ROOTFS)/bin/cat \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/chdir_getcwd $(ROOTFS)/bin/fchdir_getcwd $(ROOTFS)/bin/argv \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/fork-wait $(ROOTFS)/bin/ptrace $(ROOTFS)/bin/ptrace-2 \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/ptrace-3 $(ROOTFS)/bin/gdb-ptrace-test $(ROOTFS)/bin/gdb-ptrace-test-signal \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/puts_proc_self_exe $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32 \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-suid $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-sgid $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32-suid \
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32-sgid $(ROOTFS)/bin/getresuid $(ROOTFS)/bin/getresgid \
@mkdir -p $@
setup: $(ROOTFS_BIN)
$(Q)ln -fs $$(which true) $@
$(Q)ln -fs ./true $@
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32: exec.c
$(Q)$(CC) -m32 -static $^ -o $@ $(silently) || true
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-suid: $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec
$(Q)cp $^ $@
$(Q)chmod u+s $@
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-sgid: $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec
$(Q)cp $^ $@
$(Q)chmod g+s $@
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32-suid: $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32
$(Q)cp $^ $@ $(silently) || true
$(Q)chmod u+s $@ $(silently) || true
$(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32-sgid: $(ROOTFS)/bin/exec-m32
$(Q)cp $^ $@ $(silently) || true
$(Q)chmod g+s $@ $(silently) || true
.SECONDARY: $(patsubst %.c,$(ROOTFS)/bin/%, $(wildcard test-*.c))
$(ROOTFS)/bin/%: %.c
$(Q)$(CC) -static $*.c -o $@ $(silently) || true
# Special cases.
test-bdc90417: test-bdc90417.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
# Not supported anymore.
# test-af062114: test-af062114.c
# $(Q)$(CC) $< -Wl,-rpath=foo -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-5bed7141: test-5bed7141.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -pthread -static -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-16573e73: test-16573e73.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -static -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-82ba4ba1: test-82ba4ba1.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-kkkkkkkk: test-kkkkkkkk.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-25069c12: test-25069c12.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-25069c13: test-25069c13.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-5bed7143: test-5bed7143.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -static -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-1ffc8309: test-1ffc8309.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-c5a7a0f0: test-c5a7a0f0.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -pthread -static -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-a3e68988: test-a3e68988.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-fdf487a0: test-fdf487a0.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-iiiiiiii: test-iiiiiiii.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-9c07fad8: test-9c07fad8.c
$(Q)$(CC) -fPIE -pie $< -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-fa205b56: test-fa205b56.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -pthread -o $@ $(silently) || true
test-c47aeb7d: test-c47aeb7d.c
$(Q)$(CC) $< -pthread -o $@ $(silently) || true
# Beautified output
V = 0
QUIET_LOG = /dev/null
ifeq ($(V), 0)
quiet = quiet_
Q = @
silently = >> $(QUIET_LOG) 2>&1
quiet =
Q =
silently =