mirror of https://github.com/libretro/libretro-database synced 2025-03-07 01:24:46 +00:00
David Guillen Fandos abf99061cb GBA cheat codes cleanup!
This commit decrypts most of the encrypted CodeBreaker cheat codes into
their plain format. I manually fixed some games that had both plain and
encrypted codes, causing some of them not to work.

The advantage of having all codes in plain format is that it allows for
users to add their codes (appending the file). Encryption prevents this
since the cheat decoder tries to decrypt unconditionally.

Added a tiny python script that assists in decoding these cheatcodes. It
is not very smart so it might decrypt stuff that's already decrypted
depending on the order of the cheats in the file.

I manually eveyballed all the codes and ran some sanity checks on them
to the point I trust most of the changes here. Some codes were already
broken so I hopefully mend more things that I'm breaking with this

Sorry for the whitespace cleanup! That's the script rewriting the files
2021-05-04 18:30:38 +02:00

204 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021 David Guillen Fandos
# Parses a CHT file and attempts to decrypt any cheats that might be encrypted
# Will just copy the contents should the cheats be unencrypted.
# This will effectively remove any master cheat if it's only used to encrypt
import sys, re, struct
def ror(v, a):
return ((v >> a) | (v << (32 - a))) & 0xffffffff
def ishex(s):
return all(x.upper() in "0123456789ABCDEF" for x in s)
# Generates 32 bits out of the LFSR by combining three step ouputs
def lfsr_advance(state0):
state1 = (state0 * 0x41C64E6D + 0x3039) & 0xffffffff
state2 = (state1 * 0x41C64E6D + 0x3039) & 0xffffffff
state3 = (state2 * 0x41C64E6D + 0x3039) & 0xffffffff
# Combine the three states into one
return (((state1 << 14) & 0xC0000000) |
((state2 >> 1) & 0x3FFF8000) |
((state3 >> 16) & 0x00007FFF), state3)
def next_tblidx(lfsr_state):
roll, lfsr_state = lfsr_advance(lfsr_state)
count = 48
if roll == count:
roll = 0
if roll < count:
return roll, lfsr_state
bit = 1
while count < 0x10000000 and count < roll:
count = (count << 4) & 0xFFFFFFFF
bit = (bit << 4) & 0xFFFFFFFF
while count < 0x80000000 and count < roll:
count = (count << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
bit = (bit << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
while True:
mask = 0
if roll >= count:
roll -= count
if roll >= (count >> 1):
roll -= (count >> 1)
mask |= ror(bit, 1)
if roll >= (count >> 2):
roll -= (count >> 2)
mask |= ror(bit, 2)
if roll >= (count >> 3):
roll -= (count >> 3)
mask |= ror(bit, 3)
if roll == 0 or (bit >> 4) == 0:
bit >>= 4
count >>= 4
mask &= 0xE0000000
if mask == 0 or (bit & 7) == 0:
return roll, lfsr_state
if mask & ror(bit, 3):
roll += (count >> 3)
if mask & ror(bit, 2):
roll += (count >> 2)
if mask & ror(bit, 1):
roll += (count >> 1)
return roll, lfsr_state
def decrypt(addr, val, encdata):
buf = list(struct.pack(">IH", addr, val))
deckey, tbldata, seeds = encdata
for i in range(47, -1, -1):
off1 = i >> 3
off2 = tbldata[i] >> 3
bit1 = i & 7
bit2 = tbldata[i] & 7
# Extract the indicated bits
p1 = (buf[off1] >> bit1) & 1
p2 = (buf[off2] >> bit2) & 1
# Swap bits, first clear then set if necessary
buf[off1] &= ~(1 << bit1)
buf[off2] &= ~(1 << bit2)
buf[off1] |= (p2 << bit1)
buf[off2] |= (p1 << bit2)
# Xor decrypt with the calculated values
s1 = struct.pack(">IH", seeds[0], seeds[1] & 0xffff)
buf = [a ^ b for (a, b) in zip(buf, s1)]
for i in range(5):
buf[i] ^= (((deckey >> 8) ^ buf[i+1]) & 0xff)
buf[5] ^= ((deckey >> 8) & 0xff)
for i in range(5, 0, -1):
buf[i] ^= ((deckey ^ buf[i-1]) & 0xff)
buf[0] ^= (deckey & 0xff)
s2 = struct.pack(">IH", seeds[2], seeds[3] & 0xffff)
buf = bytes(a ^ b for (a, b) in zip(buf, s2))
return struct.unpack(">IH", buf)
def calculateSeeds(addr, val):
tbl = list(range(48))
rngstate = (val & 0xff) ^ 0x1111
# Performs some table swaps based on the code
for i in range(80):
p1, rngstate = next_tblidx(rngstate)
p2, rngstate = next_tblidx(rngstate)
tbl[p1], tbl[p2] = tbl[p2], tbl[p1]
# Reinitialize the RNG now to a fixed value and draw a variable number
rngstate = 0x4EFAD1C3
for i in range((addr >> 24) & 15):
# Yeah this is on purpose, the output wired to the state
rngstate, _ = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
seed2, rngstate = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
seed3, rngstate = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
# Do it again, super secure stuff :P
rngstate = (val >> 8) ^ 0xF254
for i in range(val >> 8):
# Yeah this is on purpose, the output wired to the state
rngstate, _ = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
seed0, rngstate = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
seed1, rngstate = lfsr_advance(rngstate)
return (addr, tbl, [seed0, seed1, seed2, seed3])
with open(sys.argv[1]) as ifd:
vrs = {}
for line in ifd.read().split("\n"):
m = re.match("^([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"$", line.strip())
if m:
vrs[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
m = re.match("^([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*([^\s=]+)$", line.strip())
if m:
vrs[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
assert "cheats" in vrs
outtext = "cheats = %s\n\n" % vrs["cheats"]
encdata = None
for i in range(int(vrs["cheats"])):
cdesc = vrs["cheat%d_desc" % i]
ccode = vrs["cheat%d_code" % i].upper()
cenab = vrs["cheat%d_enable" % i]
m = ccode.split("+")
if not all(len(x) == 12 and ishex(x) for x in m):
m = ccode.split(" ")
if not all(len(x) == 12 and ishex(x) for x in m):
m = re.findall("[0-9a-fA-F]{8}[\+ ][0-9a-fA-F]{4}", ccode)
if not m:
print("Bad code", ccode)
ocodes = []
for c in m:
if "+" in c:
adrs, val = c.split("+")
elif " " in c:
adrs, val = c.split(" ")
adrs, val = c[:8], c[8:]
addr, val = int(adrs, 16), int(val, 16)
if encdata:
# Decode the data first!
addr, val = decrypt(addr, val, encdata)
elif adrs[0] == '9':
# Update encryption data, next codes must be encrypted
encdata = calculateSeeds(addr, val)
#print("Change code", c, encdata)
continue # Skip this code since it's now useless
finalcode = "%08x+%04x" % (addr, val)
# Update code!
vrs["cheat%d_code" % i] = "+".join(ocodes).upper()
outtext += 'cheat%d_desc = "%s"\n' % (i, vrs["cheat%d_desc" % i])
outtext += 'cheat%d_code = "%s"\n' % (i, vrs["cheat%d_code" % i])
outtext += 'cheat%d_enable = false\n\n' % i
with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as ofd: