mirror of https://github.com/libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC.git synced 2025-03-01 06:51:22 +00:00

646 lines
24 KiB

"use strict";
class Host {
constructor(json) {
this.arch = "";
this.ip = "";
this.mac = "";
this.name = "";
this.os = "";
fromJson(json) {
this.arch = json.arch;
this.ip = json.ip;
this.mac = json.mac;
this.name = json.name;
this.os = json.os;
class Client {
constructor(json) {
this.id = "";
this.connected = false;
fromJson(json) {
this.id = json.id;
this.host = new Host(json.host);
let jsnapclient = json.snapclient;
this.snapclient = { name: jsnapclient.name, protocolVersion: jsnapclient.protocolVersion, version: jsnapclient.version };
let jconfig = json.config;
this.config = { instance: jconfig.instance, latency: jconfig.latency, name: jconfig.name, volume: { muted: jconfig.volume.muted, percent: jconfig.volume.percent } };
this.lastSeen = { sec: json.lastSeen.sec, usec: json.lastSeen.usec };
this.connected = Boolean(json.connected);
class Group {
constructor(json) {
this.name = "";
this.id = "";
this.stream_id = "";
this.muted = false;
this.clients = [];
fromJson(json) {
this.name = json.name;
this.id = json.id;
this.stream_id = json.stream_id;
this.muted = Boolean(json.muted);
for (let client of json.clients)
this.clients.push(new Client(client));
getClient(id) {
for (let client of this.clients) {
if (client.id == id)
return client;
return null;
class Stream {
constructor(json) {
this.id = "";
this.status = "";
fromJson(json) {
this.id = json.id;
this.status = json.status;
let juri = json.uri;
this.uri = { raw: juri.raw, scheme: juri.scheme, host: juri.host, path: juri.path, fragment: juri.fragment, query: juri.query };
class Server {
constructor(json) {
this.groups = [];
this.streams = [];
if (json)
fromJson(json) {
this.groups = [];
for (let jgroup of json.groups)
this.groups.push(new Group(jgroup));
let jsnapserver = json.server.snapserver;
this.server = { host: new Host(json.server.host), snapserver: { controlProtocolVersion: jsnapserver.controlProtocolVersion, name: jsnapserver.name, protocolVersion: jsnapserver.protocolVersion, version: jsnapserver.version } };
this.streams = [];
for (let jstream of json.streams) {
this.streams.push(new Stream(jstream));
getClient(id) {
for (let group of this.groups) {
let client = group.getClient(id);
if (client)
return client;
return null;
getGroup(id) {
for (let group of this.groups) {
if (group.id == id)
return group;
return null;
getStream(id) {
for (let stream of this.streams) {
if (stream.id == id)
return stream;
return null;
class SnapControl {
constructor(baseUrl) {
this.server = new Server();
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.msg_id = 0;
this.status_req_id = -1;
connect() {
this.connection = new WebSocket(this.baseUrl + '/jsonrpc');
this.connection.onmessage = (msg) => this.onMessage(msg.data);
this.connection.onopen = () => { this.status_req_id = this.sendRequest('Server.GetStatus'); };
this.connection.onerror = (ev) => { console.error('error:', ev); };
this.connection.onclose = () => {
console.info('connection lost, reconnecting in 1s');
setTimeout(() => this.connect(), 1000);
action(answer) {
switch (answer.method) {
case 'Client.OnVolumeChanged':
let client = this.getClient(answer.params.id);
client.config.volume = answer.params.volume;
case 'Client.OnLatencyChanged':
this.getClient(answer.params.id).config.latency = answer.params.latency;
case 'Client.OnNameChanged':
this.getClient(answer.params.id).config.name = answer.params.name;
case 'Client.OnConnect':
case 'Client.OnDisconnect':
case 'Group.OnMute':
this.getGroup(answer.params.id).muted = Boolean(answer.params.mute);
case 'Group.OnStreamChanged':
this.getGroup(answer.params.id).stream_id = answer.params.stream_id;
case 'Stream.OnUpdate':
case 'Server.OnUpdate':
getClient(client_id) {
let client = this.server.getClient(client_id);
if (client == null) {
throw new Error(`client ${client_id} was null`);
return client;
getGroup(group_id) {
let group = this.server.getGroup(group_id);
if (group == null) {
throw new Error(`group ${group_id} was null`);
return group;
getGroupVolume(group, online) {
if (group.clients.length == 0)
return 0;
let group_vol = 0;
let client_count = 0;
for (let client of group.clients) {
if (online && !client.connected)
group_vol += client.config.volume.percent;
if (client_count == 0)
return 0;
return group_vol / client_count;
getGroupFromClient(client_id) {
for (let group of this.server.groups)
for (let client of group.clients)
if (client.id == client_id)
return group;
throw new Error(`group for client ${client_id} was null`);
getStream(stream_id) {
let stream = this.server.getStream(stream_id);
if (stream == null) {
throw new Error(`stream ${stream_id} was null`);
return stream;
setVolume(client_id, percent, mute) {
percent = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, percent));
let client = this.getClient(client_id);
client.config.volume.percent = percent;
if (mute != undefined)
client.config.volume.muted = mute;
this.sendRequest('Client.SetVolume', { id: client_id, volume: { muted: client.config.volume.muted, percent: client.config.volume.percent } });
setClientName(client_id, name) {
let client = this.getClient(client_id);
let current_name = (client.config.name != "") ? client.config.name : client.host.name;
if (name != current_name) {
this.sendRequest('Client.SetName', { id: client_id, name: name });
client.config.name = name;
setClientLatency(client_id, latency) {
let client = this.getClient(client_id);
let current_latency = client.config.latency;
if (latency != current_latency) {
this.sendRequest('Client.SetLatency', { id: client_id, latency: latency });
client.config.latency = latency;
deleteClient(client_id) {
this.sendRequest('Server.DeleteClient', { id: client_id });
this.server.groups.forEach((g, gi) => {
g.clients.forEach((c, ci) => {
if (c.id == client_id) {
this.server.groups[gi].clients.splice(ci, 1);
this.server.groups.forEach((g, gi) => {
if (g.clients.length == 0) {
this.server.groups.splice(gi, 1);
setStream(group_id, stream_id) {
this.getGroup(group_id).stream_id = stream_id;
this.sendRequest('Group.SetStream', { id: group_id, stream_id: stream_id });
setClients(group_id, clients) {
this.status_req_id = this.sendRequest('Group.SetClients', { id: group_id, clients: clients });
muteGroup(group_id, mute) {
this.getGroup(group_id).muted = mute;
this.sendRequest('Group.SetMute', { id: group_id, mute: mute });
sendRequest(method, params) {
let msg = {
id: ++this.msg_id,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: method
if (params)
msg.params = params;
let msgJson = JSON.stringify(msg);
console.log("Sending: " + msgJson);
return this.msg_id;
onMessage(msg) {
let answer = JSON.parse(msg);
let is_response = (answer.id != undefined);
console.log("Received " + (is_response ? "response" : "notification") + ", json: " + JSON.stringify(answer));
if (is_response) {
if (answer.id == this.status_req_id) {
this.server = new Server(answer.result.server);
else {
if (Array.isArray(answer)) {
for (let a of answer) {
else {
// TODO: don't update everything, but only the changed,
// e.g. update the values for the volume sliders
let snapcontrol;
let snapstream = null;
let hide_offline = true;
let autoplay_done = false;
function autoplayRequested() {
return document.location.hash.match(/autoplay/) !== null;
function show() {
// Render the page
const versionElem = document.getElementsByTagName("meta").namedItem("version");
console.log("Snapweb version " + (versionElem ? versionElem.content : "null"));
let play_img;
if (snapstream) {
play_img = 'stop.png';
else {
play_img = 'play.png';
let content = "";
content += "<div class='navbar'>Snapcast";
let serverVersion = snapcontrol.server.server.snapserver.version.split('.');
if ((serverVersion.length >= 2) && (+serverVersion[1] >= 21)) {
content += " <img src='" + play_img + "' class='play-button' id='play-button'></a>";
// Stream became ready and was not playing. If autoplay is requested, start playing.
if (!snapstream && !autoplay_done && autoplayRequested()) {
autoplay_done = true;
content += "</div>";
content += "<div class='content'>";
let server = snapcontrol.server;
for (let group of server.groups) {
if (hide_offline) {
let groupActive = false;
for (let client of group.clients) {
if (client.connected) {
groupActive = true;
if (!groupActive)
// Set mute variables
let classgroup;
let muted;
let mute_img;
if (group.muted == true) {
classgroup = 'group muted';
muted = true;
mute_img = 'mute_icon.png';
else {
classgroup = 'group';
muted = false;
mute_img = 'speaker_icon.png';
// Start group div
content += "<div id='g_" + group.id + "' class='" + classgroup + "'>";
// Create stream selection dropdown
let streamselect = "<select id='stream_" + group.id + "' onchange='setStream(\"" + group.id + "\")' class='stream'>";
for (let i_stream = 0; i_stream < server.streams.length; i_stream++) {
let streamselected = "";
if (group.stream_id == server.streams[i_stream].id) {
streamselected = 'selected';
streamselect += "<option value='" + server.streams[i_stream].id + "' " + streamselected + ">" + server.streams[i_stream].id + ": " + server.streams[i_stream].status + "</option>";
streamselect += "</select>";
// Group mute and refresh button
content += "<div class='groupheader'>";
content += streamselect;
let clientCount = 0;
for (let client of group.clients)
if (!hide_offline || client.connected)
if (clientCount > 1) {
let volume = snapcontrol.getGroupVolume(group, hide_offline);
content += "<a href=\"javascript:setMuteGroup('" + group.id + "'," + !muted + ");\"><img src='" + mute_img + "' class='mute-button'></a>";
content += "<div class='slidergroupdiv'>";
content += " <input type='range' draggable='false' min=0 max=100 step=1 id='vol_" + group.id + "' oninput='javascript:setGroupVolume(\"" + group.id + "\")' value=" + volume + " class='slider'>";
// content += " <input type='range' min=0 max=100 step=1 id='vol_" + group.id + "' oninput='javascript:setVolume(\"" + client.id + "\"," + client.config.volume.muted + ")' value=" + client.config.volume.percent + " class='" + sliderclass + "'>";
content += "</div>";
// transparent placeholder edit icon
content += "<div class='edit-group-icon'>&#9998</div>";
content += "</div>";
content += "<hr class='groupheader-separator'>";
// Create clients in group
for (let client of group.clients) {
if (!client.connected && hide_offline)
// Set name and connection state vars, start client div
let name;
let clas = 'client';
if (client.config.name != "") {
name = client.config.name;
else {
name = client.host.name;
if (client.connected == false) {
clas = 'client disconnected';
content += "<div id='c_" + client.id + "' class='" + clas + "'>";
// Client mute status vars
let muted;
let mute_img;
let sliderclass;
if (client.config.volume.muted == true) {
muted = true;
sliderclass = 'slider muted';
mute_img = 'mute_icon.png';
else {
sliderclass = 'slider';
muted = false;
mute_img = 'speaker_icon.png';
// Populate client div
content += "<a href=\"javascript:setVolume('" + client.id + "'," + !muted + ");\"><img src='" + mute_img + "' class='mute-button'></a>";
content += " <div class='sliderdiv'>";
content += " <input type='range' min=0 max=100 step=1 id='vol_" + client.id + "' oninput='javascript:setVolume(\"" + client.id + "\"," + client.config.volume.muted + ")' value=" + client.config.volume.percent + " class='" + sliderclass + "'>";
content += " </div>";
content += " <span class='edit-icons'>";
content += " <a href=\"javascript:openClientSettings('" + client.id + "');\" class='edit-icon'>&#9998</a>";
if (client.connected == false) {
content += " <a href=\"javascript:deleteClient('" + client.id + "');\" class='delete-icon'>&#128465</a>";
content += " </span>";
else {
content += "</span>";
content += " <div class='name'>" + name + "</div>";
content += "</div>";
content += "</div>";
content += "</div>"; // content
content += "<div id='client-settings' class='client-settings'>";
content += " <div class='client-setting-content'>";
content += " <form action='javascript:closeClientSettings()'>";
content += " <label for='client-name'>Name</label>";
content += " <input type='text' class='client-input' id='client-name' name='client-name' placeholder='Client name..'>";
content += " <label for='client-latency'>Latency</label>";
content += " <input type='number' class='client-input' min='-10000' max='10000' id='client-latency' name='client-latency' placeholder='Latency in ms..'>";
content += " <label for='client-group'>Group</label>";
content += " <select id='client-group' class='client-input' name='client-group'>";
content += " </select>";
content += " <input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
content += " </form>";
content += " </div>";
content += "</div>";
// Pad then update page
content = content + "<br><br>";
document.getElementById('show').innerHTML = content;
let playElem = document.getElementById('play-button');
playElem.onclick = () => {
for (let group of snapcontrol.server.groups) {
if (group.clients.length > 1) {
let slider = document.getElementById("vol_" + group.id);
if (slider == null)
slider.addEventListener('pointerdown', function () {
slider.addEventListener('touchstart', function () {
function updateGroupVolume(group) {
let group_vol = snapcontrol.getGroupVolume(group, hide_offline);
let slider = document.getElementById("vol_" + group.id);
if (slider == null)
console.log("updateGroupVolume group: " + group.id + ", volume: " + group_vol + ", slider: " + (slider != null));
slider.value = String(group_vol);
let client_volumes;
let group_volume;
function setGroupVolume(group_id) {
let group = snapcontrol.getGroup(group_id);
let percent = document.getElementById('vol_' + group.id).valueAsNumber;
console.log("setGroupVolume id: " + group.id + ", volume: " + percent);
// show()
let delta = percent - group_volume;
let ratio;
if (delta < 0)
ratio = (group_volume - percent) / group_volume;
ratio = (percent - group_volume) / (100 - group_volume);
for (let i = 0; i < group.clients.length; ++i) {
let new_volume = client_volumes[i];
if (delta < 0)
new_volume -= ratio * client_volumes[i];
new_volume += ratio * (100 - client_volumes[i]);
let client_id = group.clients[i].id;
// TODO: use batch request to update all client volumes at once
snapcontrol.setVolume(client_id, new_volume);
let slider = document.getElementById('vol_' + client_id);
if (slider)
slider.value = String(new_volume);
function groupVolumeEnter(group_id) {
let group = snapcontrol.getGroup(group_id);
let percent = document.getElementById('vol_' + group.id).valueAsNumber;
console.log("groupVolumeEnter id: " + group.id + ", volume: " + percent);
group_volume = percent;
client_volumes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < group.clients.length; ++i) {
// show()
function setVolume(id, mute) {
console.log("setVolume id: " + id + ", mute: " + mute);
let percent = document.getElementById('vol_' + id).valueAsNumber;
let client = snapcontrol.getClient(id);
let needs_update = (mute != client.config.volume.muted);
snapcontrol.setVolume(id, percent, mute);
let group = snapcontrol.getGroupFromClient(id);
if (needs_update)
function play() {
if (snapstream) {
snapstream = null;
else {
snapstream = new SnapStream(config.baseUrl);
function setMuteGroup(id, mute) {
snapcontrol.muteGroup(id, mute);
function setStream(id) {
snapcontrol.setStream(id, document.getElementById('stream_' + id).value);
function setGroup(client_id, group_id) {
console.log("setGroup id: " + client_id + ", group: " + group_id);
let server = snapcontrol.server;
// Get client group id
let current_group = snapcontrol.getGroupFromClient(client_id);
// Get
// List of target group's clients
// OR
// List of current group's other clients
let send_clients = [];
for (let i_group = 0; i_group < server.groups.length; i_group++) {
if (server.groups[i_group].id == group_id || (group_id == "new" && server.groups[i_group].id == current_group.id)) {
for (let i_client = 0; i_client < server.groups[i_group].clients.length; i_client++) {
if (group_id == "new" && server.groups[i_group].clients[i_client].id == client_id) { }
else {
send_clients[send_clients.length] = server.groups[i_group].clients[i_client].id;
if (group_id == "new")
group_id = current_group.id;
send_clients[send_clients.length] = client_id;
snapcontrol.setClients(group_id, send_clients);
function setName(id) {
// Get current name and lacency
let client = snapcontrol.getClient(id);
let current_name = (client.config.name != "") ? client.config.name : client.host.name;
let current_latency = client.config.latency;
let new_name = window.prompt("New Name", current_name);
let new_latency = Number(window.prompt("New Latency", String(current_latency)));
if (new_name != null)
snapcontrol.setClientName(id, new_name);
if (new_latency != null)
snapcontrol.setClientLatency(id, new_latency);
function openClientSettings(id) {
let modal = document.getElementById("client-settings");
let client = snapcontrol.getClient(id);
let current_name = (client.config.name != "") ? client.config.name : client.host.name;
let name = document.getElementById("client-name");
name.name = id;
name.value = current_name;
let latency = document.getElementById("client-latency");
latency.valueAsNumber = client.config.latency;
let group = snapcontrol.getGroupFromClient(id);
let group_input = document.getElementById("client-group");
while (group_input.length > 0)
let group_num = 0;
for (let ogroup of snapcontrol.server.groups) {
let option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = ogroup.id;
option.text = "Group " + (group_num + 1) + " (" + ogroup.clients.length + " Clients)";
if (ogroup == group) {
console.log("Selected: " + group_num);
group_input.selectedIndex = group_num;
let option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = option.text = "new";
modal.style.display = "block";
function closeClientSettings() {
let name = document.getElementById("client-name");
let id = name.name;
console.log("onclose " + id + ", value: " + name.value);
snapcontrol.setClientName(id, name.value);
let latency = document.getElementById("client-latency");
snapcontrol.setClientLatency(id, latency.valueAsNumber);
let group_input = document.getElementById("client-group");
let option = group_input.options[group_input.selectedIndex];
setGroup(id, option.value);
let modal = document.getElementById("client-settings");
modal.style.display = "none";
function deleteClient(id) {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
window.onload = function () {
snapcontrol = new SnapControl(config.baseUrl);
// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
window.onclick = function (event) {
let modal = document.getElementById("client-settings");
if (event.target == modal) {
modal.style.display = "none";
//# sourceMappingURL=snapcontrol.js.map