Start Server options #332

opened 2022-04-02 00:20:15 +00:00 by Sirherobrine23 · 0 comments

when starting the server it could have an option to run for example inside a container (docker) instead of on the host or even in the chroot (proot) on Android.

this would be an alternative to being able to run the Minecraft Bedrock server inside the termux proot or even in a docker container.

a quick example:


export async function Start(config?: {
  runOn: "chroot"|"docker"|"host";
}) {


yargs.option("runOn", {
  alias: "R",
  choice: ["chroot", "docker", "host"],
  type: "string",
   default: "host"
when starting the server it could have an option to run for example inside a container (docker) instead of on the host or even in the chroot (proot) on Android. this would be an alternative to being able to run the Minecraft Bedrock server inside the termux proot or even in a docker container. a quick example: core: ```js export async function Start(config?: { runOn: "chroot"|"docker"|"host"; }) { ... }; ```  CLI: ```js ... yargs.option("runOn", { alias: "R", choice: ["chroot", "docker", "host"], type: "string", default: "host" }) ... ```
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Reference: go-bds/Maneger#332
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