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There are many ways to build BadVPN for Windows. It can be built with MSVC or GCC compilers,
and it be built natively from Windows or cross-compiled from Linux. However, this document
only describes building natively from Windows using MSVC.
1. Get a MSVC compiler, e.g. from Visual Studio, Visual Studio Express or from the Windows SDK.
2. Choose a directory where built stuff will be installed into; we call it <root>.
3. Build the NSS library.
NOTE: you can also use the prebuilt version in the BadVPN windows download.
- Install MozillaBuild: .
- Download the NSS source code that includes NSPR. As of the time of writing the latest version was 3.13.5: .
Extract it to c:\ so that you have C:\mozilla .
- Open a terminal with access to the Visual Studio compilers and other tools. E.g. if you use the Windows SDK,
activate the following start menu item: Programs -> Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 -> Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt.
- In this terminal, run:
> c:\mozilla-build\start-l10n.bat
- Either a new terminal opens with a bash shell, or a bash shell starts in the existing terminal. Either way,
enter the following commands to finally build NSS: (here paths are written as /driveletter/...)
$ export BUILD_OPT=1
$ cd <nss_source_dir>/mozilla/security/nss
$ make nss_build_all
Now use a script shipped with the BadVPN source to copy the resulting files into appropriate directories within <root>:
$ <badvpn_source_dir>/scripts/copy_nss ../../dist <root>
4. Build the OpenSSL library.
NOTE: you can also use the prebuilt version in the BadVPN windows download.
- Install ActivePerl.
- Download the OpenSSL source code and extract it.
- Open a compiler terminal, as was done when building NSS. Inside it, run:
> cd <openssl_source_dir>
> perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=<root>
> ms\do_ms
> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
To copy the results into <root>:
> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
5. Build BadVPN.
- Install CMake. During installation, select the option to include cmake in PATH
to avoid having to type a long path into the terminal.
- Create an empty folder where BadVPN will be built; call it <build>.
- Open a compiler terminal. Inside it, run:
> cd <build>
> cmake <badvpn_source_dir> -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<root> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> nmake
To copy the results into <root>:
> nmake install