Tom Hebb 0af4b8a0e8 Add missing <algorithm> include (#69)
Without this, compilation of these files fails on GCC 14.2.1.
2024-11-10 10:07:07 +01:00

1958 lines
47 KiB

* bcm2-utils
* Copyright (C) 2016 Joseph Lehner <joseph.c.lehner@gmail.com>
* bcm2-utils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* bcm2-utils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with bcm2-utils. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "progress.h"
#include "rwcode2.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "rwx.h"
#include "ps.h"
#include "snmp.h"
using namespace std;
namespace bcm2dump {
namespace {
class bad_chunk_line : public runtime_error
bool m_critical;
template<class T> static bad_chunk_line critical(const T& t)
{ return { t, true }; }
template<class T> static bad_chunk_line regular(const T& t)
{ return { t, false }; }
static bad_chunk_line regular()
{ return { "bad_chunk_line", false }; }
bool critical() const
{ return m_critical; }
bad_chunk_line(const exception& cause, bool critical)
: runtime_error(cause.what()), m_critical(critical)
bad_chunk_line(const string& what, bool critical)
: runtime_error(what), m_critical(critical)
const unsigned max_retry_count = 5;
template<class T> T hex_cast(const std::string& str)
return lexical_cast<T>(str, 16);
inline void patch32(string& buf, string::size_type offset, uint32_t n)
patch<uint32_t>(buf, offset, h_to_be(n));
template<class T> T align_to(const T& num, const T& alignment)
if (num % alignment) {
return ((num / alignment) + 1) * alignment;
return num;
streampos tell(ostream& os)
return os.tellp();
streampos tell(istream& is)
return is.tellg();
void seek(istream& is, streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir dir)
is.seekg(off, dir);
void seek(ostream& os, streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir dir)
os.seekp(off, dir);
template<class T> uint32_t get_stream_size(T& stream)
auto ioex = scoped_ios_exceptions::none(stream);
auto cur = tell(stream);
if (cur == -1) {
return 0;
seek(stream, 0, ios_base::end);
if (!stream.good() || tell(stream) <= cur) {
throw runtime_error("failed to determine length of stream");
uint32_t length = tell(stream) - cur;
seek(stream, cur, ios_base::beg);
return length;
uint32_t parse_num(const string& str)
return lexical_cast<uint32_t>(str, 0);
string parse_hex_data(const string& line, bool is_byte_data)
auto tok = split(line, ' ', false);
if (tok.empty()) {
throw bad_chunk_line::regular();
string linebuf;
for (auto num : tok) {
uint32_t n;
try {
n = hex_cast<uint32_t>(num);
} catch (const exception& e) {
throw bad_chunk_line::regular(e);
if (is_byte_data) {
if (n > 0xff) {
throw bad_chunk_line::regular("invalid byte: 0x" + to_hex(n));
linebuf += char(n);
} else {
linebuf += to_buf(be_to_h(n));
return linebuf;
uint32_t read_image_length(rwx& rwx, uint32_t offset)
ps_header hdr(rwx.read(offset, 92));
return hdr.hcs_valid() ? 92 + hdr.length() : 0;
void parse_offset_size(rwx& rwx, const string& arg, uint32_t& offset, uint32_t& length, bool write)
auto tokens = split(arg, ',');
if (tokens.empty() || tokens.size() > 2) {
throw user_error("invalid argument '" + arg + "'");
bool read_hdr = false;
offset = 0;
length = 0;
if (tokens.size() == 2) {
if (tokens[1] != "auto") {
length = parse_num(tokens[1]);
} else if (!write) {
read_hdr = true;
try {
offset = parse_num(tokens[0]);
if (!length && !write) {
length = read_image_length(rwx, offset);
} catch (const bad_lexical_cast& e) {
tokens = split(tokens[0], '+');
if (tokens.empty() || tokens.size() > 2) {
throw user_error("invalid argument '" + arg + "'");
const addrspace::part& p = rwx.space().partition(tokens[0]);
offset = p.offset();
if (!length && !read_hdr) {
length = p.size();
if (!length && !write) {
length = read_image_length(rwx, offset);
if (!write && !length && !p.size()) {
throw user_error("size of partition '" + p.name() + "' is unknown, and size argument is missing");
if (tokens.size() == 2) {
uint32_t n = parse_num(tokens[1]);
offset += n;
if (!write && !length) {
length = p.size() - n;
} else if (!length && !write) {
length = p.size();
// rwx base class for a command line interface where you
// enter a command which in turn displays a (hex) dump of the
// data. for now, all rwx implementations are based on this
// class.
class parsing_rwx : public rwx
virtual ~parsing_rwx() {}
unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_read; }
virtual string read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override final
return read_chunk_impl(offset, length, 0);
virtual string read_special(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual unsigned chunk_timeout(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) const
{ return 0; }
virtual string read_chunk_impl(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, uint32_t retries);
// issues a command that displays the requested chunk
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) = 0;
// checks if the line is junk (as opposed to a possible chunk line)
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) = 0;
// parses one line of data
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) = 0;
// called if a chunk was not successfully read
virtual void on_chunk_retry(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) {}
bcm2dump::sp<cmdline_interface> interface() const
{ return dynamic_pointer_cast<cmdline_interface>(m_intf); }
string parsing_rwx::read_special(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
string buf = read_chunk(0, 0);
if (offset >= buf.size()) {
return "";
} else if (!length) {
return buf.substr(offset);
} else {
return buf.substr(offset, min(buf.size(), string::size_type(length)));
string parsing_rwx::read_chunk_impl(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, uint32_t retries)
logger::t() << "read_chunk_impl: calling do_read_chunk" << endl;
do_read_chunk(offset, length);
uint32_t pos = offset;
string chunk;
logger::t() << "read_chunk_impl: consuming lines" << endl;
interface()->foreach_line_raw([this, &chunk, &pos, &length, &retries] (const string& line) {
string tline = trim(line);
if (!is_ignorable_line(tline)) {
try {
string linebuf = parse_chunk_line(tline, pos);
pos += linebuf.size();
chunk += linebuf;
update_progress(pos, chunk.size());
if (linebuf.empty()) {
logger::t() << "no bytes found in '" << tline << "'" << endl;
} catch (const bad_chunk_line& e) {
string msg = "bad chunk line @" + to_hex(pos) + ": '" + tline + "' (" + e.what() + ")";
if (e.critical() && retries >= max_retry_count) {
throw runtime_error(msg);
logger::t() << endl << msg << endl;
} catch (const exception& e) {
logger::d() << "error while parsing '" << tline << "': " << e.what() << endl;
return true;
return !(chunk.size() < length);
}, 10000);
logger::t() << "read_chunk_impl: done reading lines" << endl;
// consume any more output
if (length && (chunk.size() != length)) {
string msg = "read incomplete chunk 0x" + to_hex(offset)
+ ": " + to_string(chunk.size()) + "/" +to_string(length);
if (retries < max_retry_count) {
// if the dump is still underway, we need to wait for it to finish
// before issuing the next command. wait for up to 10 seconds.
if (interface()->wait_ready()) {
logger::d() << endl << msg << "; retrying" << endl;
on_chunk_retry(offset, length);
return read_chunk_impl(offset, length, retries + 1);
throw runtime_error(msg);
return chunk;
class bfc_ram : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bfc_ram() {}
virtual limits limits_read() const override;
virtual limits limits_write() const override
// diag writemem only supports writing bytes
if (m_diag_cmd.empty()) {
return limits(4, 1, 4);
} else {
return limits(1, 1, 1);
virtual void set_interface(const interface::sp& intf) override;
unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return m_space.is_ram() ? m_ram_caps : (cap_read | (m_space.is_writable() ? cap_write : 0)); }
virtual bool exec_impl(uint32_t offset) override;
virtual bool write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk) override;
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override;
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override;
string m_diag_cmd;
unsigned m_ram_caps = cap_rwx;
rwx::limits bfc_ram::limits_read() const
auto v = interface()->version();
// FIXME unify this for all parsing_rwx types
return { 4, 16, v.get_opt_num("bfc:ram_readsize", 2 * 8192) };
void bfc_ram::set_interface(const interface::sp& intf)
m_diag_cmd = "";
m_ram_caps = 0;
auto lines = interface()->run_raw("/find_command call", 200);
if (find(lines.begin(), lines.end(), "/call") != lines.end()) {
m_ram_caps = cap_exec;
} else {
logger::d() << "no /call command found" << endl;
// TODO actually check for write capabilities too
lines = interface()->run_raw("/find_command read_memory", 200);
if (find(lines.begin(), lines.end(), "/read_memory") != lines.end()) {
// we have a system-wide /read_memory command
m_ram_caps |= (cap_read | cap_write);
bool strip_console_prefix = false;
interface()->run("cd /");
lines = interface()->run_raw("/find_command readmem", 200);
auto it = find_if(lines.begin(), lines.end(), [&strip_console_prefix](auto l) {
// Some devices show a CM/Console> prompt after telnet login,
// even after a `cd /` command. In that case, `/find_command readmem`
// might return `/Console/system/diag`, even though it must be called
// as `/system/diag`.
if (l.find("CM/Console>") != string::npos) {
strip_console_prefix = true;
return ends_with(l, "/diag readmem");
if (it != lines.end()) {
m_diag_cmd = it->substr(0, it->size() - strlen(" readmem"));
if (strip_console_prefix && starts_with(m_diag_cmd, "/Console/")) {
// Keep the leading slash!
m_diag_cmd = m_diag_cmd.substr(strlen("/Console"));
logger::d() << "using " << m_diag_cmd << " command for memory access" << endl;
m_ram_caps |= (cap_read | cap_write);
bool bfc_ram::exec_impl(uint32_t offset)
return interface()->run("/call func -a 0x" + to_hex(offset), "Calling function 0x");
bool bfc_ram::write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk)
if (m_diag_cmd.empty()) {
uint32_t val = chunk.size() == 4 ? be_to_h(extract<uint32_t>(chunk)) : chunk[0];
return interface()->run("/write_memory -s " + to_string(chunk.size()) + " 0x" +
to_hex(offset, 0) + " 0x" + to_hex(val, 0), "Writing");
} else {
return interface()->run(m_diag_cmd + " writemem 0x" + to_hex(offset, 0) + " 0x" +
to_hex(chunk[0] & 0xff, 0), "Writing");
void bfc_ram::do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
if (m_diag_cmd.empty()) {
interface()->writeln("/read_memory -s 4 -n " + to_string(length) + " 0x" + to_hex(offset));
} else {
interface()->writeln(m_diag_cmd + " readmem -s 4 -n " + to_string(length) + " 0x" + to_hex(offset));
bool bfc_ram::is_ignorable_line(const string& line)
if (line.size() >= 50) {
if (line.substr(8, 2) == ": " && line.substr(48, 2) == " |") {
return false;
} else if (contains(line, ": ") && (contains(line, " | ") || ends_with(line, " |"))) {
// if another message is printed by the firmware, the dump
// output sometimes switches to an all-decimal format.
return false;
return true;
string bfc_ram::parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset)
const char* fmts[] = {
"%x: %x %x %x %x",
"%u: %u %u %u %u",
uint32_t data[4];
uint32_t off;
int n;
for (const char* fmt : fmts) {
n = sscanf(line.c_str(), fmt, &off, &data[0],
&data[1], &data[2], &data[3]);
if (n > 1 && off == offset) {
if (!n) {
throw bad_chunk_line::regular();
} else if (off != offset) {
throw bad_chunk_line::critical("offset mismatch");
string linebuf;
for (int i = 0; i < (n - 1); ++i) {
linebuf += to_buf(be_to_h(data[i]));
return linebuf;
class bfc_flash2 : public bfc_ram
virtual ~bfc_flash2() {}
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_read; }
static bool is_supported(const interface::sp& intf, const string& space)
auto ver = intf->version();
if (ver.name().empty()) {
return false;
auto cfg = ver.codecfg();
if (!cfg["buffer"]) {
return false;
auto funcs = ver.functions(space);
if (!funcs["read"].addr() /*&& !funcs["write"].addr()*/) {
return false;
return true;
virtual void init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write) override
bfc_ram::init(offset, length, write);
auto ver = interface()->version();
m_cfg = ver.codecfg();
uint32_t buflen = m_cfg["buflen"];
if (buflen && length > buflen) {
throw user_error("requested length exceeds buffer size ("
+ to_string(buflen) + " b)");
m_dump_offset = offset;
m_dump_length = length;
m_funcs = ver.functions(m_space.name());
call_open_close("open", offset, length);
virtual void cleanup() override
call_open_close("close", m_dump_offset, m_dump_length);
virtual unsigned chunk_timeout(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) const override
return 5 * 1000;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override
return bfc_ram::parse_chunk_line(line, m_cfg["buffer"] + (offset % limits_read().max));
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
call_read(offset, length);
bfc_ram::do_read_chunk(m_cfg["buffer"], length);
void patch(const func& f)
for (auto p : f.patches()) {
if (p->addr && !write_chunk(p->addr | interface()->profile()->kseg1(), to_buf(h_to_be(p->word)))) {
throw runtime_error("failed to patch word at 0x" + to_hex(p->addr));
void call(const string& cmd, const string& name, unsigned timeout = 100)
interface()->run(cmd, timeout);
void call_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
func read = m_funcs["read"];
if (read.addr()) {
string cmd = mkcmd(read);
if (read.args() == BCM2_READ_FUNC_BOL) {
add_args(cmd, { m_cfg["buffer"], offset, length });
} else if (read.args() == BCM2_READ_FUNC_OBL) {
add_args(cmd, { offset, m_cfg["buffer"], length });
} else {
throw runtime_error("unsupported 'read' args");
call(cmd, "read");
void call_open_close(const string& name, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
func f = m_funcs[name];
if (f.addr()) {
string cmd = mkcmd(f, { offset });
if (f.args() == BCM2_ARGS_OL) {
add_arg(cmd, length);
} else if (f.args() == BCM2_ARGS_OE) {
add_arg(cmd, offset + length);
} else {
throw runtime_error("unsupported '" + name + "' args");
call(cmd, name);
string mkcmd(const func& f, vector<uint32_t> a = {})
string ret = "/call func -a 0x" + to_hex(f.addr() | interface()->profile()->kseg1());
add_args(ret, a);
return ret;
static void add_arg(string& cmd, uint32_t arg)
{ cmd += " 0x" + to_hex(arg); }
static void add_args(string& cmd, vector<uint32_t> args)
for (auto a : args) {
add_arg(cmd, a);
uint32_t m_dump_offset = 0;
uint32_t m_dump_length = 0;
version::funcmap m_funcs;
version::u32map m_cfg;
class bfc_flash : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bfc_flash()
{ cleanup(); }
virtual limits limits_read() const override;
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(1, 1, 4); }
virtual void init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write) override;
virtual void cleanup() override;
virtual bool write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& buf) override;
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override;
virtual void on_chunk_retry(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
uint32_t to_partition_offset(uint32_t offset) const;
bool use_direct_read() const;
rwx::limits bfc_flash::limits_read() const
auto v = interface()->version();
// FIXME unify this for all parsing_rwx types
auto readsize = v.get_opt_num("bfc:flash_readsize", 0);
if (readsize) {
return { readsize, readsize, readsize };
} else {
return { 1, 16, 4096 };
void bfc_flash::init(uint32_t, uint32_t, bool write)
if (m_partition.name().empty()) {
throw user_error("partition name required");
for (unsigned pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
auto lines = interface()->run("/flash/open " + m_partition.altname(), 5000);
bool opened = false;
for (auto line : lines) {
if (contains(line, "opened twice")) {
opened = false;
} else if (contains(line, "driver opened")) {
opened = true;
if (opened) {
} else if (pass == 0) {
logger::d() << "reinitializing flash driver" << endl;
interface()->run("/flash/deinit", "Deinitializing");
interface()->run("/flash/init", 5000);
} else {
throw runtime_error("failed to open partition " + m_partition.name());
void bfc_flash::cleanup()
interface()->run("/flash/close", "driver closed");
bool bfc_flash::write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const std::string& chunk)
offset = to_partition_offset(offset);
uint32_t val = chunk.size() == 4 ? be_to_h(extract<uint32_t>(chunk)) : chunk[0];
return interface()->run("/flash/write " + to_string(chunk.size()) + " 0x"
+ to_hex(offset) + " 0x" + to_hex(val), "successfully written");
void bfc_flash::do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
offset = to_partition_offset(offset);
if (use_direct_read()) {
interface()->writeln("/flash/readDirect " + to_string(length) + " " + to_string(offset));
} else {
interface()->writeln("/flash/read 4 " + to_string(length) + " " + to_string(offset));
bool bfc_flash::is_ignorable_line(const string& line)
if (use_direct_read()) {
if (line.size() >= 53) {
if (line.substr(11, 3) == " " && line.substr(25, 3) == " ") {
return false;
} else if (line.size() >= 36) {
if (line[8] == ' ' && line[17] == ' ' && line[26] == ' ') {
return false;
return true;
string bfc_flash::parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset)
return parse_hex_data(line, use_direct_read());
uint32_t bfc_flash::to_partition_offset(uint32_t offset) const
if (offset < m_partition.offset()) {
// just to be safe. this should never happen
throw runtime_error("offset 0x" + to_hex(offset) + " is less than partition offset");
return offset - m_partition.offset();
bool bfc_flash::use_direct_read() const
auto v = interface()->version();
if (v.has_opt("bfc:flash_read_direct")) {
return v.get_opt_num("bfc:flash_read_direct");
return true;
return false;
void bfc_flash::on_chunk_retry(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
auto v = interface()->version();
if (v.get_opt_num("bfc:flash_reinit_on_retry", false)) {
init(0, 0, false);
class bootloader_ram : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bootloader_ram() {}
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return limits(4, 4, 4); }
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(4, 4, 4); }
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_rwx; }
virtual void init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write) override;
virtual void cleanup() override;
virtual bool write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk) override;
virtual bool exec_impl(uint32_t offset) override;
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override;
bool m_write = false;
void bootloader_ram::init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write)
if (!write) {
} else {
m_write = write;
void bootloader_ram::cleanup()
if (!m_write) {
} else {
bool bootloader_ram::write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk)
try {
if (!interface()->run("w", "Write memory.", true)) {
return false;
interface()->writeln(to_hex(offset, 0));
uint32_t val = be_to_h(extract<uint32_t>(chunk));
return true;
} catch (const exception& e) {
// ensure that we're in a sane state
return false;
void bootloader_ram::do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
interface()->writeln("0x" + to_hex(offset, 0));
bool bootloader_ram::is_ignorable_line(const string& line)
if (contains(line, "Value at") || contains(line, "(hex)")) {
return false;
return true;
string bootloader_ram::parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset)
if (line.find("Value at") == 0) {
if (offset != hex_cast<uint32_t>(line.substr(9, 8))) {
throw bad_chunk_line::critical("offset mismatch");
return to_buf(h_to_be(hex_cast<uint32_t>(line.substr(19, 8))));
throw bad_chunk_line::regular();
bool bootloader_ram::exec_impl(uint32_t offset)
if (interface()->run("j", "address (hex):", true)) {
return true;
return false;
// some Netgear bootloaders have a hidden option `c`, that allows reading from flash directly
class bootloader_flash : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bootloader_flash() {}
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(0, 0, 0); }
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return limits(4, 4, 0x4000); }
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_read; }
static bool is_supported(const interface::sp& intf, const addrspace& space)
auto i = dynamic_pointer_cast<cmdline_interface>(intf);
if (i && enter_flash_read_mode(i)) {
// exit mode
return true;
return false;
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
if (enter_flash_read_mode(interface())) {
interface()->writeln(to_hex(offset) + " " + to_string(length));
} else {
throw runtime_error("failed to enter flash read mode");
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override
return line.size() < 10 || line.substr(8, 2) != "h: ";
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override
if (offset != hex_cast<uint32_t>(line.substr(0, 8))) {
throw bad_chunk_line::critical("offset mismatch");
return parse_hex_data(line.substr(10), true);
static bool enter_flash_read_mode(const bcm2dump::sp<cmdline_interface>& intf)
return intf->run("c", "read flash. offset(H) count:", true);
* bootloader2 interface:
* > r hexAddr [width] Display memory location (1/2/4 bytes)
* > w hexAddr hexVal [width] Write memory location (1/2/4 bytes)
* > d hexAddr length [width] Dump memory
* There's no command to execute code, so we have to hijack the function
* of another command, updating its code to
* li $at, [jump address]
* jr $at
* nop
* A good candidate would be 'z' (Cause exception).
class bolt_ram : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bolt_ram() {}
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return limits(4, 4, 0x8000); }
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(1, 8, 8); }
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_rwx; }
virtual bool write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk) override;
virtual bool exec_impl(uint32_t offset) override;
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override;
bool m_write = false;
bool bolt_ram::write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk)
string flag, data;
if (chunk.size() == 1) {
flag = "-b";
data = to_hex(chunk[0]);
} else if (chunk.size() == 2) {
flag = "-h";
data = to_hex(h_to_le(extract<uint16_t>(chunk)));
} else if (chunk.size() == 4) {
flag = "-w";
data = to_hex(h_to_le(extract<uint32_t>(chunk)));
} else if (chunk.size() == 8) {
flag = "-q";
data = to_hex(h_to_le(extract<uint64_t>(chunk)));
} else {
throw invalid_argument("invalid chunk size " + to_string(chunk.size()));
interface()->run("e " + flag + " 0x" + to_hex(offset) + " 0x" + data);
return true;
// this defines uint32 dumpcode[] and writecode[]
#include "rwcode2.inc"
class code_rwx : public parsing_rwx
code_rwx() {}
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return limits(16, 16, 0x4000); }
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(8, 8, 0x4000); }
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_rwx; }
virtual void set_interface(const interface::sp& intf) override
if (!intf->profile()) {
throw runtime_error("code dumper requires a profile");
auto cfg = intf->version().codecfg();
if (!cfg["rwcode"] || !cfg["buffer"] || !cfg["printf"]) {
throw runtime_error("insufficient profile information for code dumper");
} else if (cfg["rwcode"] & 0xfff) {
throw runtime_error("rwcode address must be aligned to 4k");
m_ram = rwx::create(intf, "ram");
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
m_ram->exec(m_loadaddr + m_entry);
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override
if (line.size() >= 8 && line.size() <= 36) {
if (line[0] == ':') {
return false;
return true;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override
string linebuf;
auto values = split(line.substr(1), ':');
auto lim = limits_read();
if (values.size() < (lim.min / 4) || values.size() > (lim.max / 4)) {
throw runtime_error("invalid chunk line: '" + line + "'");
for (string val : values) {
linebuf += to_buf(h_to_be(hex_cast<uint32_t>(val)));
return linebuf;
virtual bool write_chunk(uint32_t offset, const string& chunk) override
m_ram->exec(m_loadaddr + m_entry);
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunk.size(); i += limits_write().min) {
string line;
for (size_t k = 0; k < limits_write().min / 4; ++k) {
line += ":" + to_hex(chunk.substr(i + k * 4, 4));
line = trim(interface()->readln());
if (line.empty() || line[0] != ':') {
throw runtime_error("expected offset, got '" + line + "'");
uint32_t actual = hex_cast<uint32_t>(line.substr(1));
if (actual != (offset + i)) {
throw runtime_error("expected offset 0x" + to_hex(offset + i, 8) + ", got 0x" + to_hex(actual));
update_progress(offset + i, 16);
if (!space().is_ram()) {
return true;
bool is_prompt_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset)
if (line.empty() || line[0] != ':') {
return false;
if (offset != hex_cast<uint32_t>(line.substr(1))) {
throw runtime_error("offset mismatch");
return true;
virtual bool exec_impl(uint32_t offset) override
return true;
void on_chunk_retry(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
if (false) {
throw runtime_error("error recovery is not possible with custom dumpcode");
if (!m_write) {
uint32_t index = offset - m_rw_offset;
m_ram->write(m_loadaddr + offsetof(bcm2_read_args, index), to_buf(h_to_be(index)));
} else {
// TODO: implement if we ever use on_chunk_retry for writes
unsigned chunk_timeout(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) const override
if (offset != m_rw_offset || space().is_mem()) {
return parsing_rwx::chunk_timeout(offset, length);
} else {
return 60 * 1000;
void init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write) override
const profile::sp& profile = interface()->profile();
auto cfg = interface()->version().codecfg();
if (cfg["buflen"] && length > cfg["buflen"]) {
throw user_error("requested length exceeds buffer size ("
+ to_string(cfg["buflen"]) + " b)");
#if 0
if (write && !m_space.is_ram()) {
throw user_error("writing to non-ram address space is not supported");
m_write = write;
m_rw_offset = offset;
m_rw_length = length;
uint32_t kseg1 = profile->kseg1();
m_loadaddr = kseg1 | (cfg["rwcode"] + (write ? 0 : 0 /*0x10000*/));
string code;
// TODO: check whether we have a custom code file
if (true) {
if (!write) {
bcm2_read_args args = get_read_args(offset, length);
m_entry = sizeof(args);
code = to_buf(args);
for (uint32_t word : mips_read_code) {
code += to_buf(h_to_be(word));
} else {
bcm2_write_args args = get_write_args(offset, length);
m_entry = sizeof(args);
code = to_buf(args);
for (uint32_t word : mips_write_code) {
code += to_buf(h_to_be(word));
size_t codesize = code.size() - m_entry;
uint32_t expected = 0xc0de0000 | crc16_ccitt(code.substr(m_entry, codesize));
uint32_t actual = be_to_h(extract<uint32_t>(m_ram->read(m_loadaddr + codesize, 4)));
bool quick = (expected == actual);
code += to_buf(h_to_be(expected));
#if 0
ofstream("code.bin").write(code.data(), code.size());
progress pg;
progress_init(&pg, m_loadaddr, code.size());
if (m_prog_l && !quick) {
logger::i("updating code at 0x%08x (%u b)\n", m_loadaddr, static_cast<unsigned>(code.size()));
for (unsigned pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
string ramcode = m_ram->read(m_loadaddr, code.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < code.size(); i += 4) {
if (!quick && pass == 0 && m_prog_l) {
progress_add(&pg, 4);
logger::i("\r ");
progress_print(&pg, stdout);
if (ramcode.substr(i, 4) != code.substr(i, 4)) {
if (pass == 1) {
throw runtime_error("dump code verification failed at 0x" + to_hex(i + m_loadaddr, 8));
m_ram->write(m_loadaddr + i, code.substr(i, 4));
template<size_t N> void copy_patches(bcm2_patch (&dest)[N], const func& f, uint32_t kseg1)
auto ps = f.patches();
for (size_t i = 0; i < N && i < ps.size(); ++i) {
if (ps[i]->addr) {
dest[i].addr = h_to_be(kseg1 | ps[i]->addr);
dest[i].word = h_to_be(ps[i]->word);
} else {
memset(&dest[i], 0, sizeof(bcm2_patch));
bcm2_write_args get_write_args(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
auto profile = interface()->profile();
uint32_t kseg1 = profile->kseg1();
auto cfg = interface()->version().codecfg();
auto funcs = interface()->version().functions(m_space.name());
auto fl_write = funcs["write"];
auto fl_erase = funcs["erase"];
bcm2_write_args args = { ":%x:%x", "\r\n" };
args.flags = h_to_be(fl_write.args() | fl_erase.args());
args.length = h_to_be(length);
args.chunklen = h_to_be(limits_read().max);
args.index = 0;
args.fl_write = 0;
if (space().is_ram()) {
args.buffer = h_to_be(offset);
args.offset = 0;
} else {
args.buffer = h_to_be(kseg1 | cfg["buffer"]);
args.offset = h_to_be(offset);
args.printf = h_to_be(cfg["printf"]);
if (cfg["sscanf"] && cfg["getline"]) {
args.xscanf = h_to_be(cfg["sscanf"]);
args.getline = h_to_be(cfg["getline"]);
} else if (cfg["scanf"]) {
args.xscanf = h_to_be(cfg["scanf"]);
if (fl_erase.addr()) {
args.fl_erase = h_to_be(kseg1 | fl_erase.addr());
copy_patches(args.erase_patches, fl_erase, kseg1);
if (fl_write.addr()) {
args.fl_write = h_to_be(kseg1 | fl_write.addr());
copy_patches(args.write_patches, fl_write, kseg1);
if (!args.printf || !args.xscanf || (!space().is_mem() && !args.fl_write)) {
throw user_error("profile " + profile->name() + " does not support fast write mode; use -s flag");
return args;
bcm2_read_args get_read_args(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
auto profile = interface()->profile();
uint32_t kseg1 = profile->kseg1();
auto cfg = interface()->version().codecfg();
auto funcs = interface()->version().functions(m_space.name());
auto fl_read = funcs["read"];
if (!cfg["printf"] || (!m_space.is_mem() && (!cfg["buffer"] || !fl_read.addr()))) {
throw user_error("profile " + profile->name() + " does not support fast dump mode; use -s flag");
bcm2_read_args args = { ":%x", "\r\n" };
args.length = h_to_be(length);
args.index = 0;
args.chunklen = h_to_be(limits_read().max);
args.printf = h_to_be(kseg1 | cfg["printf"]);
if (m_space.is_mem()) {
args.buffer = h_to_be(offset);
args.offset = 0;
args.fl_read = 0;
} else {
args.offset = h_to_be(offset);
args.buffer = h_to_be(kseg1 | cfg["buffer"]);
args.flags = h_to_be(fl_read.args());
args.fl_read = h_to_be(kseg1 | fl_read.addr());
copy_patches(args.patches, fl_read, kseg1);
return args;
uint32_t m_loadaddr = 0;
uint32_t m_entry = 0;
bool m_write = false;
uint32_t m_rw_offset = 0;
uint32_t m_rw_length = 0;
rwx::sp m_ram;
template<class T> rwx::sp create_rwx(const interface::sp& intf, const addrspace& space)
auto ret = make_shared<T>();
return ret;
rwx::sp create_code_rwx(const interface::sp& intf, const addrspace& space)
try {
rwx::sp ret = make_shared<code_rwx>();
return ret;
} catch (const exception& e) {
logger::d() << e.what() << endl;
logger::i() << "falling back to safe method" << endl;
return rwx::create(intf, space.name(), true);
class bfc_cmcfg : public parsing_rwx
virtual ~bfc_cmcfg() {}
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return limits(1); }
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return limits(); }
unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_read | cap_special; }
virtual void do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override;
virtual bool is_ignorable_line(const string& line) override;
virtual string parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t offset) override;
virtual string read_special(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
{ return parsing_rwx::read_special(offset, length) + "\xff"; }
void bfc_cmcfg::do_read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
bool bfc_cmcfg::is_ignorable_line(const string& line)
//bool ret = line.size() != 75 || line.substr(55, 4) != " | ";
bool ret = line.size() < 58 || line.size() > 73 || line.substr(53, 4) != " | ";
return ret;
string bfc_cmcfg::parse_chunk_line(const string& line, uint32_t)
string linebuf;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
unsigned offset = 2 * (i / 4) + 3 * i;
if (offset > line.size() || offset + 2 > line.size()) {
try {
linebuf += hex_cast<int>(line.substr(offset, 2));
} catch (const bad_lexical_cast& e) {
if (line.size() == 73) {
throw e;
return linebuf;
class bfc_bootassist : public rwx
virtual limits limits_read() const override
{ return { 4, 4, 0x10000 }; }
virtual limits limits_write() const override
{ return { 0, 0, 0 }; }
virtual unsigned capabilities() const override
{ return cap_read; }
virtual void set_interface(const interface::sp& intf) override
m_ram = rwx::create(intf, "ram");
auto v = intf->version();
m_cpuc_reg_request = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:cpuc_reg_request", 0xd3800044);
m_mbox_reg_cmstate = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:mbox_reg_cmstate", 0xd3800084);
m_mbox_reg_imgreq = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:mbox_reg_imgreq", 0xd3800090);
m_mbox_reg_imgbuf = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:mbox_reg_imgbuf", 0xd3800094);
m_cmstate_value = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:cmstate_value", 7);
m_request_value = v.get_opt_num("bootassist:request_value", 0x20);
static bool is_supported(const interface::sp& intf, const addrspace& space)
if (intf->profile()->arch() != BCM2_3390) {
return false;
if (space.name() != "flash1") {
return false;
return true;
virtual void init(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, bool write) override
auto part = space().partition(offset);
if (sscanf(part.name().c_str(), "cmrun%u", &m_image) != 1) {
throw invalid_argument("only cmrun partitions are supported");
m_cmstate_saved = m_ram->read32(m_mbox_reg_cmstate);
m_ram->write32(m_mbox_reg_cmstate, m_cmstate_value);
virtual void cleanup() override
m_ram->write32(m_mbox_reg_cmstate, m_cmstate_saved);
virtual std::string read_chunk(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) override
unsigned block = (offset / limits_read().max) + 1;
m_ram->write32(m_cpuc_reg_request, m_request_value);
m_ram->write32(m_mbox_reg_imgreq, block | (((m_image & 0xffff) - 1) << 31));
mstimer t;
do {
if (m_ram->read32(m_cpuc_reg_request) & m_request_value) {
auto buffer = m_ram->read32(m_mbox_reg_imgbuf);
if (buffer == 0xffffffff) {
throw runtime_error("error retrieving block " + to_string(block));
#if 1
string chunk;
const unsigned n = 32;
auto remaining = length;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i += n) {
auto size = min(n, remaining);
chunk += m_ram->read(0xa0000000 | (buffer + i), size);
remaining -= n;
update_progress(offset + i, size);
string chunk = m_ram->read(0xa0000000 | buffer, length);
return chunk;
} while (t.elapsed() < 5000);
throw runtime_error("timeout retrieving block " + to_string(block));
virtual std::string read_special(uint32_t, uint32_t) override
{ throw runtime_error(__func__); }
sp m_ram;
unsigned m_image;
uint32_t m_cmstate_saved;
uint32_t m_cpuc_reg_request;
uint32_t m_mbox_reg_cmstate;
uint32_t m_mbox_reg_imgreq;
uint32_t m_mbox_reg_imgbuf;
uint32_t m_cmstate_value;
uint32_t m_request_value;
unsigned rwx::s_count = 0;
sigh_type rwx::s_sighandler_orig = nullptr;
volatile sig_atomic_t rwx::s_sigint = 0;
if (++s_count == 1) {
s_sighandler_orig = signal(SIGINT, &rwx::handle_sigint);
if (--s_count == 0) {
signal(SIGINT, s_sighandler_orig);
void rwx::require_capability(unsigned cap)
if ((capabilities() & cap) == cap) {
string name;
switch (cap & cap_rwx) {
case cap_read:
name = "read";
case cap_write:
name = "write";
case cap_exec:
name = "exec";
name = "(unknown)";
throw runtime_error("rwx does not support " + name + ((cap & cap_special) ? " special" : "") + " capability");
void rwx::exec(uint32_t offset)
if (!exec_impl(offset)) {
throw runtime_error("failed to execute function at offset 0x" + to_hex(offset));
void rwx::dump(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, std::ostream& os, bool resume)
auto ioex = scoped_ios_exceptions::failbad(os);
auto cleaner = make_cleaner();
if (capabilities() & cap_special) {
if (resume) {
throw invalid_argument("resume not supported with special reader");
do_init(0, 0, false);
update_progress(0, 0, false, true);
read_special(offset, length, os);
} else {
m_space.check_range(offset, length);
if (resume) {
uint32_t completed = get_stream_size(os);
if (completed >= length) {
logger::i() << "nothing to resume" << endl;
} else {
offset += completed;
length -= completed;
logger::v() << "resuming at offset 0x" + to_hex(offset) << endl;
os.seekp(completed, ios::cur);
uint32_t offset_r = align_left(offset, limits_read().alignment);
uint32_t length_r = align_right(length + (offset - offset_r), limits_read().min);
uint32_t length_w = length;
if (offset_r != offset || length_r != length) {
logger::d() << "adjusting dump params: 0x" << to_hex(offset) << "," << length
<< " -> 0x" << to_hex(offset_r) << "," << length_r << endl;
do_init(offset_r, length_r, false);
init_progress(offset_r, length_r, false);
bool show_hdr = true;
string hdrbuf;
while (length_r) {
uint32_t n = min(length_r, limits_read().max);
string chunk = read_chunk(offset_r, n);
if (offset_r > (offset + length)) {
update_progress(offset + length - 2, 0);
} else if (offset_r < offset){
//update_progress(0, 0);
} else {
//update_progress(offset - offset_r, n);
if (chunk.size() != n) {
throw runtime_error("unexpected chunk length: " + to_string(chunk.size()));
string chunk_w;
if (offset_r < offset && (offset_r + n) >= offset) {
uint32_t pos = offset - offset_r;
chunk_w = chunk.substr(pos, min(n - pos, length_w));
} else if (offset_r >= offset && length_w) {
chunk_w = chunk.substr(0, min(n, length_w));
os.write(chunk_w.data(), chunk_w.size());
if (show_hdr) {
if (hdrbuf.size() < sizeof(ps_header)) {
hdrbuf += chunk_w;
if (hdrbuf.size() >= sizeof(ps_header)) {
ps_header hdr(hdrbuf);
if (hdr.hcs_valid()) {
image_detected(offset, hdr);
show_hdr = false;
length_w -= chunk_w.size();
length_r -= n;
offset_r += n;
void rwx::dump(const string& spec, ostream& os, bool resume)
uint32_t offset, length;
parse_offset_size(*this, spec, offset, length, false);
return dump(offset, length, os, resume);
string rwx::read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
ostringstream ostr;
dump(offset, length, ostr);
return ostr.str();
void rwx::write(const string& spec, istream& is)
uint32_t offset, length;
parse_offset_size(*this, spec, offset, length, true);
write(offset, is, length);
void rwx::write(uint32_t offset, istream& is, uint32_t length)
if (!length) {
length = get_stream_size(is);
auto ioex = scoped_ios_exceptions::failbad(is);
string buf;
if (is.readsome(&buf[0], length) != length) {
throw runtime_error("failed to read " + to_string(length) + " bytes");
write(offset, buf);
void rwx::write(uint32_t offset, const string& buf, uint32_t length)
if (!length) {
length = buf.size();
m_space.check_range(offset, length);
limits lim = limits_write();
uint32_t offset_w = align_left(offset, lim.min);
uint32_t length_w = align_right(length + (offset - offset_w), lim.min);
if (offset_w != offset || length_w != length) {
logger::d() << "adjusting write params: 0x" << to_hex(offset) << "," << length
<< " -> 0x" << to_hex(offset_w) << "," << length_w << endl;
throw user_error("non-aligned writes are not yet supported; alignment is " + to_string(lim.min));
string contents;
if (false && (capabilities() & cap_read)) {
contents = read(offset_w, length_w);
auto cleaner = make_cleaner();
do_init(offset_w, length_w, true);
init_progress(offset_w, length_w, true);
string buf_w;
if (offset_w != offset) {
buf_w += read(offset_w, offset - offset_w);
buf_w += buf;
if (length_w != length) {
buf_w += read(offset + buf.size(), length_w - length);
unsigned retries = 0;
while (length_w) {
uint32_t n;
if (lim.max == lim.alignment) {
n = length_w < lim.max ? lim.min : lim.max;
} else {
n = min(length_w, lim.max);
auto begin = buf_w.size() - length_w;
//string chunk(buf_w.substr(buf_w.size() - length_w, n));
string chunk(buf_w.substr(begin, n));
if (contents.empty() || contents.substr(begin, n) != chunk) {
bool ok = false;
while (!ok) {
string what;
try {
ok = write_chunk(offset_w, chunk);
} catch (const exception& e) {
what = e.what();
if (!ok) {
string msg = "failed to write chunk 0x" + to_hex(offset_w);
if (!what.empty()) {
msg += " (" + what + ")";
if (++retries < 5 /*&& wait_for_interface(interface())*/) {
logger::d() << endl << msg << "; retrying" << endl;
//on_chunk_retry(offset_w, chunk.size());
throw runtime_error(msg);
} else {
retries = 0;
if (offset_w < offset) {
update_progress(0, 0);
} else if (offset_w >= (offset + length)) {
// TODO this forces 99.99%, but it's ugly as hell!
update_progress(offset + length - 2, 0);
} else {
update_progress(offset_w, n);
offset_w += n;
length_w -= n;
update_progress(offset_w, length_w);
void rwx::read_special(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, ostream& os)
string buf = read_special(offset, length);
os.write(buf.data(), buf.size());
// TODO this should be migrated to something like
// interface::create_rwx(const string& type)
rwx::sp rwx::create(const interface::sp& intf, const string& type, bool safe)
addrspace space;
if (intf->profile()) {
space = intf->profile()->space(type, intf->id());
} else if (type == "ram") {
space = profile::get("generic")->ram();
safe = true;
} else {
throw invalid_argument("cannot create non-ram rwx object without a profile");
if (intf->name() == "bootloader") {
if (space.is_mem()) {
if (safe) {
return create_rwx<bootloader_ram>(intf, space);
} else {
return create_code_rwx(intf, space);
} else if (!safe) {
return create_code_rwx(intf, space);
} else if (bootloader_flash::is_supported(intf, space)) {
return create_rwx<bootloader_flash>(intf, space);
} else if (intf->name() == "bfc") {
if (space.is_mem()) {
return create_rwx<bfc_ram>(intf, space);
} else if (!safe && bfc_flash2::is_supported(intf, space.name())) {
return create_rwx<bfc_flash2>(intf, space);
} else if (!safe && bfc_bootassist::is_supported(intf, space)) {
return create_rwx<bfc_bootassist>(intf, space);
} else {
return create_rwx<bfc_flash>(intf, space);
} else if (intf->name() == "snmp") {
auto p = dynamic_pointer_cast<snmp>(intf);
if (!p) {
throw runtime_error("non-snmp interface");
if (!safe && bfc_bootassist::is_supported(intf, space)) {
return create_rwx<bfc_bootassist>(intf, space);
auto ret = p->create_rwx(space, safe);
// FIXME this should be moved to create_rwx
return ret;
throw invalid_argument("no such rwx: " + intf->name() + "," + type + ((safe ? "," : ",un") + string("safe")));
rwx::sp rwx::create_special(const interface::sp& intf, const string& type)
if (intf->name() == "bfc") {
if (type == "cmcfg") {
auto rwx = make_shared<bfc_cmcfg>();
return rwx;
throw invalid_argument("no such special rwx: " + intf->name() + "," + type);