Joseph C. Lehner 5188041354 Be less pedantic
2024-02-12 17:31:19 +01:00

1050 lines
26 KiB

* bcm2-utils
* Copyright (C) 2016 Joseph Lehner <joseph.c.lehner@gmail.com>
* bcm2-utils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* bcm2-utils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with bcm2-utils. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "profile.h"
#include "util.h"
#undef minor
#undef major
using bcm2dump::sp;
using bcm2dump::csp;
namespace bcm2cfg {
struct serializable
virtual ~serializable() {}
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) = 0;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
struct cloneable
virtual ~cloneable() {}
virtual cloneable* clone() const = 0;
template<class T> struct nv_type
static std::string name()
return T().type();
static size_t bytes()
return T().bytes();
template<class To, class From, class ToType> sp<To> nv_val_cast(const From& from);
class nv_compound;
class nv_val : public serializable
struct named
named(const std::string& name, const sp<nv_val>& val)
: name(name), val(val) {}
std::string name;
sp<nv_val> val;
typedef std::vector<named> list;
virtual ~nv_val() {}
virtual std::string type() const = 0;
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const = 0;
virtual std::string to_str() const final
{ return to_string(0, false); }
virtual std::string to_pretty(unsigned level = 0) const final
{ return to_string(level, true); }
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) = 0;
virtual nv_val& parse_checked(const std::string& str) final;
bool is_set() const
{ return m_set; }
// when default-constructed, return the minimum byte count
// required for this type. after a value has been set, return
// the number of bytes required to store this value
virtual size_t bytes() const = 0;
// for compound types, provide a facility to get/set only a part
virtual csp<nv_val> get(const std::string& name) const;
template<class T> csp<T> get_as(const std::string& name) const
{ return nv_val_cast<const T>(get(name)); }
virtual void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& val);
virtual void disable(bool disable)
{ m_disabled = disable; }
virtual bool is_disabled() const
{ return m_disabled; }
virtual bool is_compound() const
{ return false; }
const nv_compound* parent() const
{ return m_parent; }
void parent(const nv_compound* parent)
{ m_parent = parent; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const nv_val& val)
{ return (os << val.to_pretty()); }
bool m_disabled = false;
bool m_set = false;
const nv_compound* m_parent = nullptr;
template<class To, class From, class ToType = nv_type<To>> std::shared_ptr<To> nv_val_cast(const std::shared_ptr<From>& from)
sp<To> p = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<To>(from);
if (!p) {
throw std::invalid_argument("failed cast: " + from->type() + " (" + from->to_str() + ") -> " +
return p;
template<class T, bool BigEndian,
T Min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),
T Max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()>
class nv_num : public nv_val
typedef T num_type;
static constexpr T min = Min;
static constexpr T max = Max;
explicit nv_num(bool hex = false) : m_val(0), m_hex(hex) {}
nv_num(T val, bool hex) : m_val(val), m_hex(hex) { m_set = true; }
virtual void hex(bool hex = true)
{ m_hex = hex; }
virtual std::string type() const override
std::string name;
if (m_hex) {
name = "x";
} else if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
name = "i";
} else {
name = "u";
name += std::to_string(8 * sizeof(T));
if (sizeof(T) > 1) {
name += (BigEndian) ? "be" : "le";
if (Min != std::numeric_limits<T>::min() || Max != std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
name += "<" + std::to_string(Min) + "," + std::to_string(Max) + ">";
return name;
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned, bool pretty) const override
std::string str;
if (!m_hex) {
str = std::to_string(m_val);
} else {
str = "0x" + bcm2dump::to_hex(m_val);
if (pretty && (m_val < Min || m_val > Max)) {
str += " (out of range)";
return str;
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override
try {
T val = bcm2dump::lexical_cast<T>(str, 0);
if (val < Min || val > Max) {
return false;
m_val = val;
m_set = true;
return true;
} catch (const bcm2dump::bad_lexical_cast& e) {
return false;
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override
if (read(is, m_val)) {
m_set = true;
return is;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override
{ return write(os, m_val); }
virtual size_t bytes() const override
{ return sizeof(T); }
virtual const T& num() const
{ return m_val; }
virtual void num(const T& val)
{ m_val = val; }
bool operator!=(const nv_num<T, BigEndian>& other)
{ return m_val == other.m_val; }
template<class U> static std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os, U num)
T raw = num;
if (sizeof(raw) > 1) {
raw = BigEndian ? bcm2dump::h_to_be(raw) : bcm2dump::h_to_le(raw);
return os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&raw), sizeof(raw));
static std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os, const T& num)
return write<T>(os, num);
template<class U> static std::istream& read(std::istream& in, U& num)
static_assert(sizeof(U) >= sizeof(T));
T raw;
if (in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&raw), sizeof(raw))) {
if (sizeof(raw) > 1) {
raw = BigEndian ? bcm2dump::be_to_h(raw) : bcm2dump::le_to_h(raw);
num = raw;
return in;
static std::istream& read(std::istream& in, T& num)
return read<T>(in, num);
static T read_num(std::istream& in)
T num;
if (!read(in, num)) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to read number");
return num;
T m_val;
bool m_hex = false;
// defines name (unlimited range), name_r (custom range) and name_m (custom maximum)
#define NV_NUM_DEF(name, num_type, be) \
template<num_type Min = std::numeric_limits<num_type>::min(), num_type Max = std::numeric_limits<num_type>::max()> \
using name ## _r = nv_num<num_type, be, Min, Max>; \
template<num_type Max> using name ## _m = name ## _r<std::numeric_limits<num_type>::min(), Max>; \
typedef name ## _r<> name
// byte types
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u8, uint8_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i8, int8_t, false);
// big endian types
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u16, uint16_t, true);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u32, uint32_t, true);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u64, uint64_t, true);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i16, int16_t, true);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i32, int32_t, true);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i64, int64_t, true);
// little endian types
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u16le, uint16_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u32le, uint32_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_u64le, uint64_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i16le, int16_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i32le, int32_t, false);
NV_NUM_DEF(nv_i64le, int64_t, false);
// TODO split this into nv_compound and nv_compound_base
class nv_compound : public nv_val
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override;
virtual const std::string& name() const
{ return m_name; }
virtual void rename(const std::string& name)
{ m_name = name; }
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
virtual csp<nv_val> get(const std::string& name) const override;
virtual void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& val) override;
// like get, but shouldn't throw
virtual csp<nv_val> find(const std::string& name) const;
virtual bool init(bool force = false);
virtual void clear() final
{ init(true); }
virtual size_t bytes() const override
{ return m_bytes ? m_bytes : m_width; }
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override;
virtual bool is_compound() const final
{ return true; }
virtual const list& parts() const
{ return m_parts; }
nv_compound(bool partial, const std::string& name = "")
: nv_compound(partial, 0, name) {}
nv_compound(bool partial, size_t width, const std::string& name = "")
: m_partial(partial), m_width(width), m_name(name) {}
virtual list definition() const = 0;
bool m_partial = false;
// expected final size
size_t m_width = 0;
// actual size
size_t m_bytes = 0;
list m_parts;
std::string m_name;
template<> struct nv_type<nv_compound>
static std::string name()
{ return "nv_compound"; }
static size_t bytes()
{ return 0; }
template<class From> csp<nv_compound> nv_compound_cast(const std::shared_ptr<From>& from)
{ return nv_val_cast<const nv_compound, From, nv_type<nv_compound>>(from); }
class nv_compound_def : public nv_compound
nv_compound_def(const std::string& name, const nv_compound::list& def, bool partial = false)
: nv_compound(partial), m_def(def) { nv_compound::rename(name); }
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return name(); }
virtual list definition() const override
{ return m_def; }
nv_compound::list m_def;
class nv_array_base : public nv_compound
// used by to_string to prematurely stop printing elements
// in a fixed-size list
typedef std::function<bool(const csp<nv_val>&)> is_end_func;
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override;
nv_array_base(size_t width) : nv_compound(false, width), m_is_end(nullptr) {}
is_end_func m_is_end;
template<class T, class I, bool L> class nv_array_generic : public nv_array_base
nv_array_generic(I n = 0)
: nv_array_base(n * nv_type<T>::bytes()), m_count(n)
if (!L && !n) {
throw std::invalid_argument("size must not be 0");
virtual ~nv_array_generic() {}
virtual std::string type() const override
return std::string(L ? "list" : "array") + "<" + nv_type<T>::name() + ">"
+ (m_count ? "[" + std::to_string(m_count) + "]" : "");
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override
if (L) {
if (!m_count && !nv_num<I, true>::read(is, m_count)) {
return is;
// FIXME ugly workaround for parsing an array of elements with non-constant width
size_t min_width = m_width;
bcm2dump::cleaner c([this, min_width]() { m_width = min_width; });
if (!L) {
m_width = 0;
if (L && !m_count) {
m_set = true;
return is;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override
if (L) {
if (!nv_num<I, true>::write(os, m_count) || !m_count) {
return os;
return nv_compound::write(os);
virtual void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& val) override
try {
I index = bcm2dump::lexical_cast<I>(name);
if (index < m_count) {
nv_array_base::set(name, val);
} catch (const bcm2dump::bad_lexical_cast& e) {
// ignored
if (L && name == "-1") {
if (m_parts.size() >= std::numeric_limits<I>::max()) {
throw bcm2dump::user_error("maximum list size reached");
m_parts.push_back({ std::to_string(m_count), std::make_shared<T>()});
m_count = m_parts.size();
nv_array_base::set(std::to_string(m_count - 1), val);
} else {
// this will throw an exception
virtual size_t bytes() const override
{ return nv_compound::bytes() + (L ? sizeof(I) : 0); }
virtual list definition() const override
list ret;
for (I i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) {
ret.push_back({ std::to_string(i), std::make_shared<T>()});
return ret;
I m_count = 0;
template<typename T, size_t N = 0> class nv_array : public nv_array_generic<T, size_t, false>
typedef std::function<bool(const csp<T>&)> is_end_func;
// arguments to is_end shall only be of type T, so an unchecked
// dynamic_cast can be safely used
nv_array(size_t n = N, const is_end_func& is_end = nullptr)
: nv_array_generic<T, size_t, false>(n), m_is_end(is_end)
if (is_end) {
nv_array_base::m_is_end = [this] (const csp<nv_val>& val) {
return m_is_end(nv_val_cast<const T>(val));
virtual ~nv_array() {}
is_end_func m_is_end;
template<typename T, typename I> using nv_plist = nv_array_generic<T, I, true>;
template<typename T> using nv_p8list = nv_plist<T, uint8_t>;
template<typename T> using nv_p16list = nv_plist<T, uint8_t>;
class nv_data : public nv_val
explicit nv_data(size_t width);
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return "data[" + std::to_string(m_buf.size()) + "]"; }
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override;
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override
{ return os.write(m_buf.data(), m_buf.size()); }
virtual size_t bytes() const override
{ return m_buf.size(); }
virtual csp<nv_val> get(const std::string& name) const override;
virtual void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& val) override;
std::string m_buf;
template<int N> class nv_ip : public nv_data
static_assert(N == 4 || N == 6, "N must be either 4 or 6");
static constexpr int AF = (N == 4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6);
nv_ip() : nv_data(N == 4 ? 4 : 16) {}
std::string type() const override
{ return "ip" + std::to_string(N); }
std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override
char addr[32];
// ugly const_cast because of WINAPI (parameter is marked _In_ only)
if (inet_ntop(AF, const_cast<char*>(m_buf.data()), addr, sizeof(addr)-1)) {
return addr;
return nv_data::to_string(level, pretty);
bool parse(const std::string& str) override
// ugly const_cast because of WINAPI (parameter is marked _In_ only)
return inet_pton(AF, const_cast<char*>(str.c_str()), &m_buf[0]) == 1;
class nv_ip4 : public nv_ip<4> {};
class nv_ip6 : public nv_ip<6> {};
class nv_mac : public nv_data
nv_mac() : nv_data(6) {}
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
class nv_string : public nv_val
static constexpr int flag_require_nul = 1;
static constexpr int flag_optional_nul = 1 << 1;
static constexpr int flag_is_data = 1 << 2;
static constexpr int flag_size_includes_prefix = 1 << 3;
static constexpr int flag_prefix_u8 = 1 << 4;
static constexpr int flag_prefix_u16 = 1 << 5;
static constexpr int flag_fixed_width = 1 << 6;
virtual std::string type() const override;
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override;
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override;
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override;
virtual size_t bytes() const override;
const std::string& str() const { return m_val; }
void str(const std::string& str) { m_val = str; }
nv_string(int flags, size_t width);
int m_flags;
size_t m_width;
std::string m_val;
namespace detail {
template<int FLAGS, size_t WIDTH = 0> class nv_string_tmpl : public nv_string
nv_string_tmpl(size_t width = WIDTH) : nv_string(FLAGS, width) {}
// a fixed-width string, with optional NUL byte (with width 6, "foo" is 66:6f:6f:00:XX:XX, with width 3 it's 66:6f:6f)
template<size_t WIDTH> using nv_fstring = detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_optional_nul, WIDTH>;
// a fixed-width string, with mandatory NUL byte (maximum length is thus WIDTH - 1)
template<size_t WIDTH> using nv_fzstring = detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_require_nul, WIDTH>;
// standard C string
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_require_nul> nv_zstring;
// u8-prefixed string (u8) with optional NUL terminator ("foo" is 04:66:6f:00 or 03:66:6f:6f)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_optional_nul | nv_string::flag_prefix_u8> nv_p8string;
// u8-prefixed string (u8) where the length includes the prefix itself ( "foo" is 04:66:6f:6f)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_size_includes_prefix | nv_string::flag_prefix_u8> nv_p8istring;
// u8-prefixed string with mandatory NUL byte ("foo" is 04:66:6f:6f:00)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_require_nul | nv_string::flag_prefix_u8> nv_p8zstring;
// u8-prefixed string that is to be interpreted as data
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_is_data | nv_string::flag_prefix_u8> nv_p8data;
// u16-prefixed string with optional NUL terminator ("foo" is 00:04:66:6f:00 or 00:03:66:6f:6f)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_optional_nul | nv_string::flag_prefix_u16> nv_p16string;
// u16-prefixed string (u8) where the length includes the prefix itself ( "foo" is 00:05:66:6f:6f)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_size_includes_prefix | nv_string::flag_prefix_u16> nv_p16istring;
// u16-prefixed string with mandatory NUL byte ("foo" is 00:04:66:6f:6f:00)
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_require_nul | nv_string::flag_prefix_u16> nv_p16zstring;
// u16-prefixed string that is to be interpreted as data
typedef detail::nv_string_tmpl<nv_string::flag_is_data | nv_string::flag_prefix_u16> nv_p16data;
class nv_bool : public nv_u8_m<1>
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return "bool"; }
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned level, bool pretty) const override
{ return m_val <= 1 ? (m_val ? "yes" : "no") : nv_u8_m<1>::to_string(level, pretty); }
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
template<typename T, bool B> class nv_enum_bitmask : public T
typedef typename T::num_type num_type;
typedef typename std::map<num_type, std::string> valmap;
typedef std::vector<std::string> valvec;
virtual ~nv_enum_bitmask() {}
virtual std::string type() const override
using bcm2dump::to_hex;
std::string type = m_name;
if (m_vec.empty() && m_map.empty()) {
return type;
type += " {";
if (!m_vec.empty()) {
for (num_type i = 0; i < num_type(m_vec.size()); ++i) {
if (m_vec[i].empty()) {
type += "\n " + (B ? "0x" + to_hex(1 << i) : std::to_string(i)) + " = " + m_vec[i];
} else if (!m_map.empty()) {
for (auto v : m_map) {
if (v.second.empty()) {
type += "\n " + (B ? "0x" + to_hex(v.first) : std::to_string(v.first)) + " = " + v.second;
return type + "\n}";
nv_enum_bitmask(const std::string& name, const valvec& vals) : nv_enum_bitmask(name, vals.size()) { m_vec = vals; }
nv_enum_bitmask(const std::string& name, const valmap& vals) : nv_enum_bitmask(name, vals.size()) { m_map = vals; }
nv_enum_bitmask(const std::string& name) : nv_enum_bitmask(name, 0) {}
bool str_to_num(const std::string& str, num_type& num, bool bitmask) const
for (num_type i = 0; i < num_type(m_vec.size()); ++i) {
if (m_vec[i] == str) {
num = bitmask ? 1 << i : i;
return true;
for (auto v : m_map) {
if (v.second == str) {
num = v.first;
return true;
try {
num = bcm2dump::lexical_cast<num_type>(str, 0);
return true;
} catch (const bcm2dump::bad_lexical_cast& e) {}
return false;
std::string num_to_str(const num_type& num, bool bitmask, bool pretty) const
std::string str;
if (!m_map.empty()) {
auto i = m_map.find(bitmask ? (1 << num) : num);
if (i != m_map.end()) {
str = i->second;
} else if (!m_vec.empty() && num < num_type(m_vec.size())) {
str = m_vec[num];
return str;
const std::string m_name;
nv_enum_bitmask(const std::string& name, size_t n)
: m_name(!name.empty() ? name : (B ? "bitmask" : "enum"))
if (n > std::numeric_limits<num_type>::max()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("number of enum elements exceeds maximum for " + nv_type<T>::name());
valmap m_map;
valvec m_vec;
template<class T> class nv_enum : public nv_enum_bitmask<T, false>
typedef nv_enum_bitmask<T, false> super;
: super("") {}
nv_enum(const std::string& name, const typename super::valmap& vals)
: super(name, vals) {}
nv_enum(const std::string& name, const typename super::valvec& vals)
: super(name, vals) {}
virtual ~nv_enum() {}
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned, bool pretty) const override
std::string str = super::num_to_str(T::m_val, false, pretty);
return !str.empty() ? str : super::m_name + "(" + std::to_string(super::num()) + ")";
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override
if(super::str_to_num(str, T::m_val, false)) {
T::m_set = true;
return true;
return false;
template<class T> class nv_bitmask : public nv_enum_bitmask<T, true>
typedef nv_enum_bitmask<T, true> super;
typedef typename super::num_type num_type;
nv_bitmask(const std::string& name = "")
: super(!name.empty() ? name : "bitmask") {}
nv_bitmask(const typename super::valmap& vals)
: super("", vals) {}
nv_bitmask(const typename super::valvec& vals)
: super("", vals) {}
nv_bitmask(const std::string& name, const typename super::valmap& vals)
: super(name, vals) {}
nv_bitmask(const std::string& name, const typename super::valvec& vals)
: super(name, vals) {}
virtual ~nv_bitmask() {}
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned, bool pretty) const override
if (T::m_val == 0) {
return "0x" + bcm2dump::to_hex(T::m_val);
std::string ret;
for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(num_type) * 8; ++i) {
num_type flag = 1 << i;
if (T::m_val & flag) {
if (!ret.empty()) {
ret += pretty ? " | " : "|";
std::string str = super::num_to_str(i, true, pretty);
ret += str.empty() ? "0x" + bcm2dump::to_hex(flag) : str;
return ret;
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override
if (!str.empty()) {
num_type n;
if (str[0] == '+' || str[0] == '-') {
if (!super::str_to_num(str.substr(1), n, true)) {
return false;
if (str[0] == '+') {
T::m_val |= n;
} else {
T::m_val &= ~n;
} else if(super::str_to_num(str, n, true)) {
T::m_val = n;
} else {
return false;
T::m_set = true;
return true;
return false;
class nv_magic : public nv_data
nv_magic() : nv_data(4) {}
nv_magic(const std::string& magic);
nv_magic(uint32_t magic);
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return "magic"; }
virtual bool parse(const std::string& str) override;
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned, bool pretty) const override;
const std::string& raw() const
{ return m_buf; }
bool operator<(const nv_magic& other) const
{ return m_buf < other.m_buf; }
bool operator==(const nv_magic& other) const
{ return m_buf == other.m_buf; }
bool operator!=(const nv_magic& other) const
{ return !(*this == other); }
class nv_version : public nv_u16
nv_version() {}
nv_version(uint8_t maj, uint8_t min)
{ m_val = maj << 8 | min; }
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return "version"; }
virtual std::string to_string(unsigned, bool) const override
{ return std::to_string(m_val >> 8) + "." + std::to_string(m_val & 0xff); }
bool operator==(const nv_version& other)
{ return m_val == other.m_val; }
bool operator<(const nv_version& other)
{ return m_val < other.m_val; }
uint8_t major() const
{ return m_val >> 8; }
uint8_t minor() const
{ return m_val & 0xff; }
class nv_group : public nv_compound, public cloneable
static constexpr int fmt_unknown = 0;
static constexpr int fmt_perm = 1;
static constexpr int fmt_dyn = 2;
static constexpr int fmt_gws = 3;
static constexpr int fmt_gwsdyn = 4;
static constexpr int fmt_boltenv = 5;
nv_group(uint32_t magic, const std::string& name = "")
: nv_group(nv_magic(magic), name) {}
nv_group(const std::string& magic, const std::string& name = "")
: nv_group(nv_magic(magic), name) {}
nv_group(const nv_magic& magic, const std::string& name);
virtual bool is_versioned() const
{ return true; }
virtual std::string type() const override
{ return "group[" + m_magic.to_str() + "]"; }
virtual std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os) const override;
static std::istream& read(std::istream& is, sp<nv_group>& group, int format,
size_t remaining, const csp<bcm2dump::profile>& profile);
static void registry_add(const csp<nv_group>& group);
virtual nv_group* clone() const override = 0;
virtual const nv_magic& magic() const
{ return m_magic; }
virtual const nv_version& version() const
{ return m_version; }
bool init(bool force) override;
csp<bcm2dump::profile> profile() const
{ return m_profile; }
static std::map<nv_magic, csp<nv_group>>& registry();
virtual list definition() const override final;
virtual list definition(int format, const nv_version& ver) const;
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream& is) override;
uint16_t size() const
{ return m_size.num(); }
nv_u16 m_size;
nv_magic m_magic;
nv_version m_version;
int m_format = fmt_unknown;
csp<bcm2dump::profile> m_profile;
static std::map<nv_magic, csp<nv_group>> s_registry;
template<> struct nv_type<nv_group>
static std::string name()
{ return "nv_group"; }
static size_t bytes()
{ return 0; }
class nv_group_generic : public nv_group
using nv_group::nv_group;
virtual nv_group_generic* clone() const override
{ return new nv_group_generic(*this); }
template struct bcm2dump_def_comparison_operators<bcm2cfg::nv_version>;