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synced 2025-01-30 08:11:24 +00:00
Added support for setting a binary value Co-authored-by: BL <Bahar_Limaye@cable.comcast.com>
493 lines
13 KiB
493 lines
13 KiB
* bcm2-utils
* Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Joseph Lehner <joseph.c.lehner@gmail.com>
* bcm2-utils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* bcm2-utils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with bcm2-utils. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <getopt.h>
#include "gwsettings.h"
#include "nonvol2.h"
#include "util.h"
using namespace bcm2cfg;
using namespace bcm2dump;
using namespace std;
#ifndef VERSION
#define VERSION "v(unknown)"
namespace {
int usage(bool help = false)
ostream& os = logger::i();
os << "Usage: bcm2cfg [<options>] <command> [<arguments> ...]" << endl;
os << endl;
os << "Options: " << endl;
os << " -P <profile> Force profile" << endl;
os << " -p <password> Encryption password" << endl;
os << " -k <key> Encryption key (hex string)" << endl;
os << " -f <format> Input file format (auto/gws/dyn/perm/boltenv)" << endl;
os << " -z Add padding when encrypting" << endl;
os << " -q Decrease verbosity" << endl;
os << " -v Increase verbosity" << endl;
os << endl;
os << "Commands: " << endl;
os << " verify <infile>" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Verifies the input file (checksum and file size). Returns\n"
" 0 on success, and 2 on failed verification.\n\n";
os << " fix <infile> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Fixes the input file's size and checksum, optionally\n"
" writing the resulting file to <outfile>.\n\n";
os << " decrypt <infile> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Decrypts the input file, optionally writing the resulting\n"
" file to <outfile>. If neither key (-k) nor password (-p)\n"
" have been specified, but a profile is known, the default key\n"
" will be used (if available).\n\n";
os << " encrypt <infile> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Decrypts the input file, optionally writing the resulting\n"
" file to <outfile>. If neither key (-k) nor password (-p)\n"
" have been specified, but a profile is known, the default key\n"
" will be used (if available).\n\n";
os << " list <infile> [<name>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n List all variable names below <name>. If omitted, dump all\n"
" variable names.\n\n";
os << " get <infile> [<name>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Print value of variable <name>. If omitted, print file contents.\n\n";
os << " set <infile> <name> <value> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Set value of variable <name> to <value>, optionally writing\n"
" the resulting file to <outfile>.\n\n";
os << " setb <infile> <name> <datafile> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Set value of variable <name> to contents of <datafile>, optionally writing\n"
" the resulting file to <outfile>.\n\n";
os << " remove <infile> <group name> [<outfile>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Removes a settings groups from the input file, optionally writing\n"
" the resulting file to <outfile>.\n\n";
os << " dump <infile> [<name>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Dump raw data of variable <name>. If omitted, dump file contents.\n\n";
os << " type <infile> [<name>]" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Display type information of variable <name> or, if omitted, the\n"
" whole file.\n\n";
os << " info <infile>" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Print general information about a config file.\n\n";
os << " help" << endl;
if (help) {
os << "\n Print this information and exit.\n\n";
os << endl;
os << "Profiles:" << endl;
os << get_profile_names(70, 2) << endl;
os << endl;
os <<
"bcm2cfg " VERSION " Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Joseph C. Lehner\n"
"Licensed under the GNU GPLv3; source code is available at\n"
return help ? 0 : 1;
sp<settings> read_file(const string& filename, int format, const sp<profile>& profile,
const string& key, const string& pw)
ifstream infile;
if (filename != "-") {
infile.open(filename, ios::binary);
if (!infile.good()) {
throw user_error("failed to open " + filename + " for reading");
istream& in = filename != "-" ? infile : cin;
return settings::read(in, format, profile, key, pw);
void write_file(const string& filename, const sp<settings>& settings)
ostringstream ostr;
if (!settings->write(ostr)) {
throw user_error("failed to serialize data");
ofstream out(filename, ios::binary);
if (!out.good()) {
throw user_error("failed to open " + filename + " for writing");
if (!(out << ostr.str())) {
throw user_error("failed to write to " + filename);
int do_list_get_dump_type(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings)
if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
return usage(false);
csp<nv_val> val = (argc == 3 ? settings->get(argv[2]) : settings);
if (argv[0] == "get"s) {
if (argc == 3) {
logger::i() << argv[2] << " = ";
if (logger::loglevel() < logger::info) {
logger::i() << val->to_str() << endl;
} else {
logger::i() << val->to_pretty() << endl;
} else if (argv[0] == "list"s) {
if (!val->is_compound()) {
logger::i() << argv[2] << endl;
} else {
for (auto p : nv_compound_cast(val)->parts()) {
if (p.val->is_disabled()) {
ostream& os = (starts_with(p.name, "_unk_") || !p.val->is_set()) ? logger::v() : logger::i();
os << (!p.val->is_set() ? "[" : "");
if (argc == 3) {
os << argv[2] << ".";
os << p.name << (p.val->is_compound() ? ".* " : "");
os << (!p.val->is_set() ? "]" : "") << endl;
} else if (argv[0] == "dump"s) {
ostringstream ostr;
if (val != settings) {
if (!val->write(ostr)) {
throw runtime_error("failed to write data");
} else {
for (const nv_val::named& n : settings->parts()) {
if (!n.val->write(ostr)) {
throw runtime_error("failed to write data (" + n.name + ")");
cout << ostr.str() << flush;
} else if (argv[0] == "type"s) {
if (argc == 3) {
logger::i() << val->type() << endl;
} else {
logger::i() << argv[1] << ": ";
if (settings->profile()) {
logger::i() << settings->profile()->name() << endl;
} else {
logger::i() << "unknown" << endl;
return 0;
} else {
return usage(false);
return 0;
int do_setb(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings)
stringstream buffer;
if (!(argc == 4 || argc == 5)) {
cout << "argc=" << argc << endl;
return usage(false);
ifstream file(argv[3]);
if (!file.is_open()) {
cerr << "error: failed to open file: " << argv[3] << endl;
return 1;
buffer << file.rdbuf();
settings->set(argv[2], buffer.str());
logger::i() << argv[2] << " = " << settings->get(argv[2])->to_pretty() << endl;
write_file(argc == 5 ? argv[4] : argv[1], settings);
return 0;
int do_set_remove(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings)
int n = argv[0] == "set"s ? 1 : 0;
if (argc != (3 + n) && argc != (4 + n)) {
cout << "argc=" << argc << endl;
return usage(false);
if (argv[0] == "set"s) {
settings->set(argv[2], argv[3]);
logger::i() << argv[2] << " = " << settings->get(argv[2])->to_pretty() << endl;
} else if (argv[0] == "remove"s) {
write_file(argc == (4 + n) ? argv[3 + n] : argv[1], settings);
return 0;
int do_fix(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings, bool padded)
if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
return usage(false);
sp<encryptable_settings> s = dynamic_pointer_cast<encryptable_settings>(settings);
if (s) {
// never remove padding
if (!s->padded()) {
write_file(argc == 3 ? argv[2] : argv[1], settings);
return 0;
int do_crypt(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings,
const string& key, const string& password, bool padded)
if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
return usage(false);
sp<encryptable_settings> s = dynamic_pointer_cast<encryptable_settings>(settings);
if (!s) {
throw user_error("file format does not support encryption");
// never remove padding
if (!s->padded()) {
if (argv[0] == "decrypt"s) {
} else if (argv[0] == "encrypt"s) {
if (!s->key().empty()) {
throw user_error("file is already encrypted");
if (key.empty()) {
auto p = settings->profile();
if (!p) {
throw user_error("no profile auto-detected; use '-k <key>' or '-P <profile> -p <password>'");
} else if (!password.empty()) {
} else {
auto keys = p->default_keys();
if (keys.empty()) {
throw user_error("detected profile " + p->name() + " has no default keys; use '-k <key>' or '-p <password>'");
} else {
} else if (argv[0] != "fix"s) {
return usage(false);
write_file(argc == 3 ? argv[2] : argv[1], s);
return 0;
int do_info(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings)
ostream& os = logger::i();
os << argv[1] << endl;
os << settings->header_to_string() << endl;
if (settings->format() != nv_group::fmt_boltenv) {
for (auto p : settings->parts()) {
csp<nv_group> g = nv_val_cast<nv_group>(p.val);
string ugly = g->magic().to_str();
string pretty = g->magic().to_pretty();
os << ugly << " " << (ugly == pretty ? " " : pretty) << " ";
string version = g->is_versioned() ? g->version().to_pretty() : "";
logger::i("%-6s %-12s %5lu b\n", version.c_str(), g->name().c_str(),
(unsigned long) g->bytes());
os << endl;
return 0;
int do_verify(int argc, char** argv, const sp<settings>& settings)
if (!settings->is_valid()) {
logger::w() << "verification failed; see 'info' command for more details" << endl;
return 2;
logger::i() << "verification successful" << endl;
return 0;
int do_main(int argc, char** argv)
int loglevel = logger::info;
string profile_name, password, key;
int opt = 0;
bool pad = false;
int format = nv_group::fmt_unknown;
opterr = 0;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "+hP:p:k:f:zvq")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'v':
loglevel = max(loglevel - 1, logger::trace);
case 'q':
loglevel = min(loglevel + 1, logger::err);
case 'P':
profile_name = optarg;
case 'p':
password = optarg;
key = "";
case 'k':
key = from_hex(optarg);
password = "";
case 'z':
pad = true;
case 'f':
if (optarg == "gws"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_gws;
} else if (optarg == "dyn"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_dyn;
} else if (optarg == "perm"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_perm;
} else if (optarg == "gwsdyn"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_gwsdyn;
} else if (optarg == "boltenv"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_boltenv;
} else if (optarg == "auto"s) {
format = nv_group::fmt_unknown;
} else {
return usage(false);
case 'h':
return usage(opt == 'h' || (optopt == '-' && argv[optind] == "help"s));
string cmd = optind < argc ? argv[optind] : "";
if (cmd.empty() || cmd == "help") {
return usage(!cmd.empty());
} else if (cmd == "dump") {
// don't clobber the output
argv += optind;
argc -= optind;
if (argc < 2) {
return usage(false);
sp<profile> profile = !profile_name.empty() ? profile::get(profile_name) : nullptr;
sp<settings> settings = read_file(argv[1], format, profile, key, password);
if (cmd == "info") {
return do_info(argc, argv, settings);
} else if (!settings->is_valid()) {
throw user_error("invalid or encrypted file");
if (cmd == "encrypt" || cmd == "decrypt") {
return do_crypt(argc, argv, settings, key, password, pad);
} else if (cmd == "get" || cmd == "list" || cmd == "dump" || cmd == "type") {
return do_list_get_dump_type(argc, argv, settings);
} else if (cmd == "set" || cmd == "remove") {
return do_set_remove(argc, argv, settings);
} else if (cmd == "setb") {
return do_setb(argc, argv, settings);
} else if (cmd == "verify") {
return do_verify(argc, argv, settings);
} else if (cmd == "fix") {
return do_fix(argc, argv, settings, pad);
return usage(false);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
try {
return do_main(argc, argv);
} catch (const exception& e) {
logger::e() << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 1;