mirror of https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP.git synced 2025-02-24 09:45:09 +00:00
2025-01-07 22:15:50 +00:00

917 lines
33 KiB

* ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ ____
* | _ \ ___ ___| | _____| |_| \/ (_)_ __ ___ | \/ | _ \
* | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ __| |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \_____| |\/| | |_) |
* | __/ (_) | (__| < __/ |_| | | | | | | | __/_____| | | | __/
* |_| \___/ \___|_|\_\___|\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| |_| |_|_|
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* @author PocketMine Team
* @link http://www.pocketmine.net/
namespace pocketmine\tools\blockstate_upgrade_schema_utils;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\BlockStateData;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgrader;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgradeSchema;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgradeSchemaFlattenInfo;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgradeSchemaUtils;
use pocketmine\data\bedrock\block\upgrade\BlockStateUpgradeSchemaValueRemap;
use pocketmine\nbt\LittleEndianNbtSerializer;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\ByteTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\IntTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\StringTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\Tag;
use pocketmine\nbt\TreeRoot;
use pocketmine\network\mcpe\convert\BlockStateDictionary;
use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\serializer\NetworkNbtSerializer;
use pocketmine\utils\AssumptionFailedError;
use pocketmine\utils\Filesystem;
use pocketmine\utils\Utils;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Path;
use function array_key_first;
use function array_key_last;
use function array_keys;
use function array_map;
use function array_shift;
use function array_unique;
use function array_values;
use function count;
use function dirname;
use function file_exists;
use function file_put_contents;
use function fwrite;
use function get_class;
use function get_debug_type;
use function implode;
use function is_dir;
use function is_numeric;
use function json_encode;
use function ksort;
use function min;
use function preg_match;
use function scandir;
use function sort;
use function strlen;
use function strrev;
use function substr;
use function usort;
use const SORT_STRING;
use const STDERR;
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
class BlockStateMapping{
public function __construct(
public BlockStateData $old,
public BlockStateData $new
* @param Tag[] $properties
* @phpstan-param array<string, Tag> $properties
function encodeOrderedProperties(array $properties) : string{
ksort($properties, SORT_STRING);
return implode("", array_map(fn(Tag $tag) => encodeProperty($tag), array_values($properties)));
function encodeProperty(Tag $tag) : string{
return (new LittleEndianNbtSerializer())->write(new TreeRoot($tag));
* @param TreeRoot[] $oldNewStateList
* @phpstan-param list<TreeRoot> $oldNewStateList
* @return BlockStateMapping[][]
* @phpstan-return array<string, array<string, BlockStateMapping>>
function buildUpgradeTableFromData(array $oldNewStateList, bool $reverse) : array{
$result = [];
for($i = 0; isset($oldNewStateList[$i]); $i += 2){
$oldTag = $oldNewStateList[$i]->mustGetCompoundTag();
$newTag = $oldNewStateList[$i + 1]->mustGetCompoundTag();
$old = BlockStateData::fromNbt($reverse ? $newTag : $oldTag);
$new = BlockStateData::fromNbt($reverse ? $oldTag : $newTag);
$result[$old->getName()][encodeOrderedProperties($old->getStates())] = new BlockStateMapping(
return $result;
* @return BlockStateMapping[][]
* @phpstan-return array<string, array<string, BlockStateMapping>>
function loadUpgradeTableFromFile(string $file, bool $reverse) : array{
$contents = Filesystem::fileGetContents($file);
$data = (new NetworkNbtSerializer())->readMultiple($contents);
return buildUpgradeTableFromData($data, $reverse);
* @param BlockStateData[] $states
* @phpstan-param array<string, BlockStateData> $states
* @return Tag[][]
* @phpstan-return array<string, array<string, Tag>>
function buildStateGroupSchema(array $states) : ?array{
$first = $states[array_key_first($states)];
$properties = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($first->getStates()) as $propertyName => $propertyValue){
$properties[$propertyName][encodeProperty($propertyValue)] = $propertyValue;
foreach($states as $state){
if(count($state->getStates()) !== count($properties)){
return null;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($state->getStates()) as $propertyName => $propertyValue){
return null;
$properties[$propertyName][encodeProperty($propertyValue)] = $propertyValue;
return $properties;
* @param BlockStateMapping[] $upgradeTable
* @phpstan-param array<string, BlockStateMapping> $upgradeTable
function processStateGroup(string $oldName, array $upgradeTable, BlockStateUpgradeSchema $result) : bool{
$newProperties = buildStateGroupSchema(array_map(fn(BlockStateMapping $m) => $m->new, $upgradeTable));
if($newProperties === null){
\GlobalLogger::get()->warning("New states for $oldName don't all have the same set of properties - processing as remaps instead");
return false;
$oldProperties = buildStateGroupSchema(array_map(fn(BlockStateMapping $m) => $m->old, $upgradeTable));
if($oldProperties === null){
//TODO: not sure if this is actually required - we may be able to apply some transformations even if the states are not consistent
//however, this should never normally occur anyway
\GlobalLogger::get()->warning("Old states for $oldName don't all have the same set of properties - processing as remaps instead");
return false;
$remappedPropertyValues = [];
$addedProperties = [];
$removedProperties = [];
$renamedProperties = [];
$uniqueNewIds = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $pair){
$uniqueNewIds[$pair->new->getName()] = $pair->new->getName();
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($newProperties) as $newPropertyName => $newPropertyValues){
if(count($newPropertyValues) === 1){
$newPropertyValue = $newPropertyValues[array_key_first($newPropertyValues)];
//all the old values for this property were mapped to the same new value
//it would be more space-efficient to represent this as a remove+add, but we can't guarantee that the
//removal of the old value will be done before the addition of the new value
foreach($oldProperties[$newPropertyName] as $oldPropertyValue){
$remappedPropertyValues[$newPropertyName][encodeProperty($oldPropertyValue)] = $newPropertyValue;
//this property has no relation to any property value in any of the old states - it's a new property
$addedProperties[$newPropertyName] = $newPropertyValue;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($oldProperties) as $oldPropertyName => $oldPropertyValues){
$mappingsContainingOldValue = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $mapping){
$mappingOldValue = $mapping->old->getState($oldPropertyName) ?? throw new AssumptionFailedError("This should never happen");
foreach($oldPropertyValues as $oldPropertyValue){
$mappingsContainingOldValue[encodeProperty($oldPropertyValue)][] = $mapping;
$candidateNewPropertyNames = [];
//foreach mappings by unique value, compute the diff across all the states in the list
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($mappingsContainingOldValue) as $rawOldValue => $mappingList){
$first = array_shift($mappingList);
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($first->new->getStates()) as $newPropertyName => $newPropertyValue){
//this property was already determined to be unrelated to any old property
foreach($mappingList as $pair){
if(!($pair->new->getState($newPropertyName)?->equals($newPropertyValue) ?? false)){
//if the new property is different with an unchanged old value,
//the property may be influenced by multiple old properties, or be unrelated entirely
continue 2;
$candidateNewPropertyNames[$newPropertyName][$rawOldValue] = $newPropertyValue;
if(count($candidateNewPropertyNames) === 0){
$removedProperties[$oldPropertyName] = $oldPropertyName;
}elseif(count($candidateNewPropertyNames) === 1){
$newPropertyName = array_key_first($candidateNewPropertyNames);
$newPropertyValues = $candidateNewPropertyNames[$newPropertyName];
if($oldPropertyName !== $newPropertyName){
$renamedProperties[$oldPropertyName] = $newPropertyName;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($newPropertyValues) as $rawOldValue => $newPropertyValue){
$remappedPropertyValues[$oldPropertyName][$rawOldValue] = $newPropertyValue;
$split = true;
//In 1.10, direction wasn't changed at all, but not all state permutations were present in the palette,
//making it appear that door_hinge_bit was correlated with direction.
//If a new property is present with the same name and values as an old property, we can assume that
//the property was unchanged, and that any extra matches properties are probably unrelated.
$changedValues = false;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($candidateNewPropertyNames[$oldPropertyName]) as $rawOldValue => $newPropertyValue){
//if any of the new values are different, we may be dealing with a property being split into
//multiple new properties - hand this off to the remap handler
$changedValues = true;
$split = false;
"Multiple new properties (" . (implode(", ", array_keys($candidateNewPropertyNames))) . ") are correlated with $oldName property $oldPropertyName, processing as remaps instead"
return false;
//is it safe to ignore the rest?
if(count($uniqueNewIds) > 1){
//detect possible flattening
$flattenedProperty = null;
$flattenedPropertyType = null;
$flattenedPropertyMap = [];
foreach($removedProperties as $removedProperty){
$valueMap = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $pair){
$oldValue = $pair->old->getState($removedProperty);
if($oldValue === null){
throw new AssumptionFailedError("We already checked that all states had consistent old properties");
if(!checkFlattenPropertySuitability($oldValue, $flattenedPropertyType, $pair->new->getName(), $valueMap)){
continue 2;
if($flattenedProperty !== null){
//found multiple candidates for flattening - fallback to remappedStates
return false;
//we found a suitable candidate
$flattenedProperty = $removedProperty;
$flattenedPropertyMap = $valueMap;
if($flattenedProperty === null){
//can't figure out how the new IDs are related to the old states - fallback to remappedStates
return false;
if($flattenedPropertyType === null){
throw new AssumptionFailedError("This should never happen at this point");
$result->flattenedProperties[$oldName] = buildFlattenPropertyRule($flattenedPropertyMap, $flattenedProperty, $flattenedPropertyType);
//finally, write the results to the schema
if(count($remappedPropertyValues) !== 0){
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($remappedPropertyValues) as $oldPropertyName => $propertyValues){
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($propertyValues) as $rawOldValue => $newPropertyValue){
$oldPropertyValue = $oldProperties[$oldPropertyName][$rawOldValue];
$result->remappedPropertyValues[$oldName][$oldPropertyName][] = new BlockStateUpgradeSchemaValueRemap(
if(count($addedProperties) !== 0){
$result->addedProperties[$oldName] = $addedProperties;
if(count($removedProperties) !== 0){
$result->removedProperties[$oldName] = array_values($removedProperties);
if(count($renamedProperties) !== 0){
$result->renamedProperties[$oldName] = $renamedProperties;
return true;
* @param string[] $strings
function findCommonPrefix(array $strings) : string{
sort($strings, SORT_STRING);
$first = $strings[array_key_first($strings)];
$last = $strings[array_key_last($strings)];
$maxLength = min(strlen($first), strlen($last));
for($i = 0; $i < $maxLength; ++$i){
if($first[$i] !== $last[$i]){
return substr($first, 0, $i);
return substr($first, 0, $maxLength);
* @param string[] $strings
function findCommonSuffix(array $strings) : string{
$reversed = array_map(strrev(...), $strings);
return strrev(findCommonPrefix($reversed));
* @param string[] $valueToIdMap
* @phpstan-param ?class-string<ByteTag|IntTag|StringTag> $expectedType
* @phpstan-param-out class-string<ByteTag|IntTag|StringTag> $expectedType
* @phpstan-param array<string, string> $valueToIdMap
* @phpstan-param-out array<string, string> $valueToIdMap
function checkFlattenPropertySuitability(Tag $oldValue, ?string &$expectedType, string $actualNewId, array &$valueToIdMap) : bool{
//TODO: lots of similar logic to the remappedStates builder below
if(!$oldValue instanceof ByteTag && !$oldValue instanceof IntTag && !$oldValue instanceof StringTag){
//unknown property type - bad candidate for flattening
return false;
if($expectedType === null){
$expectedType = get_class($oldValue);
}elseif(!$oldValue instanceof $expectedType){
//property type mismatch - bad candidate for flattening
return false;
$rawValue = (string) $oldValue->getValue();
$existingNewId = $valueToIdMap[$rawValue] ?? null;
if($existingNewId !== null && $existingNewId !== $actualNewId){
//this property value is associated with multiple new IDs - bad candidate for flattening
return false;
$valueToIdMap[$rawValue] = $actualNewId;
return true;
* @param string[] $valueToId
* @phpstan-param array<string, string> $valueToId
* @phpstan-param class-string<ByteTag|IntTag|StringTag> $propertyType
function buildFlattenPropertyRule(array $valueToId, string $propertyName, string $propertyType) : BlockStateUpgradeSchemaFlattenInfo{
$ids = array_values($valueToId);
//TODO: this is a bit too enthusiastic. For example, when flattening the old "stone", it will see that
//"granite", "andesite", "stone" etc all have "e" as a common suffix, which works, but looks a bit daft.
//This also causes more remaps to be generated than necessary, since some of the values are already
//contained in the new ID.
$idPrefix = findCommonPrefix($ids);
$idSuffix = findCommonSuffix($ids);
if(strlen($idSuffix) < 2){
$idSuffix = "";
$valueMap = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($valueToId) as $value => $newId){
$newValue = substr($newId, strlen($idPrefix), $idSuffix !== "" ? -strlen($idSuffix) : null);
if($newValue !== $value){
$valueMap[$value] = $newValue;
$allNumeric = true;
if(count($valueMap) > 0){
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($valueMap) as $value => $newValue){
$allNumeric = false;
//add a dummy key to force the JSON to be an object and not a list
$valueMap["dummy"] = "map_not_list";
return new BlockStateUpgradeSchemaFlattenInfo(
* @param string[][][] $candidateFlattenedValues
* @phpstan-param array<string, array<string, array<string, string>>> $candidateFlattenedValues
* @param string[] $candidateFlattenPropertyTypes
* @phpstan-param array<string, class-string<ByteTag|IntTag|StringTag>> $candidateFlattenPropertyTypes
* @return BlockStateUpgradeSchemaFlattenInfo[][]
* @phpstan-return array<string, array<string, BlockStateUpgradeSchemaFlattenInfo>>
function buildFlattenPropertyRules(array $candidateFlattenedValues, array $candidateFlattenPropertyTypes) : array{
$flattenPropertyRules = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($candidateFlattenedValues) as $propertyName => $filters){
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($filters) as $filter => $valueToId){
$flattenPropertyRules[$propertyName][$filter] = buildFlattenPropertyRule($valueToId, $propertyName, $candidateFlattenPropertyTypes[$propertyName]);
ksort($flattenPropertyRules, SORT_STRING);
return $flattenPropertyRules;
* Attempts to compress a list of remapped states by looking at which state properties were consistently unchanged.
* This significantly reduces the output size during flattening when the flattened block has many permutations
* (e.g. walls).
* @param BlockStateMapping[] $upgradeTable
* @phpstan-param array<string, BlockStateMapping> $upgradeTable
* @return BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap[]
* @phpstan-return list<BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap>
function processRemappedStates(array $upgradeTable) : array{
$unchangedStatesByNewName = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $pair){
if(count($pair->old->getStates()) === 0 || count($pair->new->getStates()) === 0){
//all states have changed in some way - no states are copied over
$unchangedStatesByNewName[$pair->new->getName()] = [];
$oldStates = $pair->old->getStates();
$newStates = $pair->new->getStates();
//build list of unchanged states for this new ID
$unchangedStatesByNewName[$pair->new->getName()] = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($oldStates) as $propertyName => $propertyValue){
if(isset($newStates[$propertyName]) && $newStates[$propertyName]->equals($propertyValue)){
$unchangedStatesByNewName[$pair->new->getName()][] = $propertyName;
//we already have a list of stuff that probably didn't change - verify that this is the case, and remove
//any that changed in later states with the same ID
foreach($unchangedStatesByNewName[$pair->new->getName()] as $k => $propertyName){
!isset($oldStates[$propertyName]) ||
!isset($newStates[$propertyName]) ||
//this property disappeared or changed its value in another state with the same ID - we can't
//compress this state
$orderedUnchanged = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($unchangedStatesByNewName) as $newName => $unchangedStates){
$orderedUnchanged[$newName] = $unchangedStates;
$unchangedStatesByNewName = $orderedUnchanged;
$notFlattenedProperties = [];
$candidateFlattenedValues = [];
$candidateFlattenedPropertyTypes = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $pair){
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($pair->old->getStates()) as $propertyName => $propertyValue){
$filter = $pair->old->getStates();
foreach($unchangedStatesByNewName[$pair->new->getName()] as $unchangedPropertyName){
if($unchangedPropertyName === $propertyName){
$notFlattenedProperties[$propertyName] = true;
continue 2;
$rawFilter = encodeOrderedProperties($filter);
$candidateFlattenedValues[$propertyName][$rawFilter] ??= [];
$expectedType = $candidateFlattenedPropertyTypes[$propertyName] ?? null;
if(!checkFlattenPropertySuitability($propertyValue, $expectedType, $pair->new->getName(), $candidateFlattenedValues[$propertyName][$rawFilter])){
$notFlattenedProperties[$propertyName] = true;
$candidateFlattenedPropertyTypes[$propertyName] = $expectedType;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($candidateFlattenedValues) as $propertyName => $filters){
foreach($filters as $valuesToIds){
if(count(array_unique($valuesToIds)) === 1){
//this property doesn't influence the new ID
$notFlattenedProperties[$propertyName] = true;
continue 2;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($notFlattenedProperties) as $propertyName => $_){
$flattenedProperties = buildFlattenPropertyRules($candidateFlattenedValues, $candidateFlattenedPropertyTypes);
$flattenProperty = array_key_first($flattenedProperties);
//Properties with fewer rules take up less space for the same result
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($flattenedProperties) as $propertyName => $rules){
if(count($rules) < count($flattenedProperties[$flattenProperty])){
$flattenProperty = $propertyName;
$list = [];
foreach($upgradeTable as $pair){
$oldState = $pair->old->getStates();
$newState = $pair->new->getStates();
$cleanedOldState = $oldState;
$cleanedNewState = $newState;
$newName = $pair->new->getName();
foreach($unchangedStatesByNewName[$newName] as $propertyName){
if($flattenProperty !== null){
$flattenedValue = $cleanedOldState[$flattenProperty] ?? null;
if(!$flattenedValue instanceof StringTag && !$flattenedValue instanceof IntTag && !$flattenedValue instanceof ByteTag){
throw new AssumptionFailedError("Non-flattenable type of tag ($newName $flattenProperty) but have " . get_debug_type($flattenedValue));
$rawOldState = encodeOrderedProperties($cleanedOldState);
$newNameRule = $flattenProperty !== null ?
$flattenedProperties[$flattenProperty][$rawOldState] ?? throw new AssumptionFailedError("This should always be set") :
$remap = new BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap(
$existing = $list[$rawOldState] ?? null;
if($existing === null || $existing->equals($remap)){
$list[$rawOldState] = $remap;
//TODO: ambiguous filter - this is a bug in the unchanged states calculation
//this is a real pain to fix, so workaround this for now
//this arose in 1.20.40 with brown_mushroom_block when variants 10 and 15 were remapped to mushroom_stem
//while also keeping the huge_mushroom_bits property with the same value
//this causes huge_mushroom_bits to be considered an "unchanged" state, which is *technically* correct, but
//means it can't be deleted from the filter
//move stuff from newState to copiedState where possible, even if we can't delete it from the filter
$cleanedNewState2 = $newState;
$copiedState = [];
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($cleanedNewState2) as $newPropertyName => $newPropertyValue){
if(isset($oldState[$newPropertyName]) && $oldState[$newPropertyName]->equals($newPropertyValue)){
$copiedState[] = $newPropertyName;
$fallbackRawFilter = encodeOrderedProperties($oldState);
throw new AssumptionFailedError("Exact match filter collision for \"" . $pair->old->getName() . "\" - this should never happen");
$list[$fallbackRawFilter] = new BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap(
\GlobalLogger::get()->warning("Couldn't calculate an unambiguous partial remappedStates filter for some states of \"" . $pair->old->getName() . "\" - falling back to exact match");
\GlobalLogger::get()->warning("The schema should still work, but may be larger than desired");
//more specific filters must come before less specific ones, in case of a remap on a certain value which is
//otherwise unchanged
usort($list, function(BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap $a, BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap $b) : int{
return count($b->oldState) <=> count($a->oldState);
//usort discards keys, so this is already a list<BlockStateUpgradeSchemaBlockRemap>
return $list;
* @param BlockStateMapping[][] $upgradeTable
* @phpstan-param array<string, array<string, BlockStateMapping>> $upgradeTable
function generateBlockStateUpgradeSchema(array $upgradeTable) : BlockStateUpgradeSchema{
$foundVersion = -1;
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($upgradeTable) as $blockStateMappings){
foreach($blockStateMappings as $mapping){
if($foundVersion === -1 || $mapping->new->getVersion() === $foundVersion){
$foundVersion = $mapping->new->getVersion();
$logger = \GlobalLogger::get();
$logger->emergency("Mismatched upgraded versions found: $foundVersion and " . $mapping->new->getVersion());
$logger->emergency("Mismatched old state: " . $mapping->old->toNbt());
$logger->emergency("Mismatched new state: " . $mapping->new->toNbt());
$logger->emergency("This is probably because the game didn't recognize the input blockstate, so it was returned unchanged.");
$logger->emergency("This is usually because the block is locked behind an experimental toggle that isn't enabled on the world you used when generating this upgrade table.");
$logger->emergency("You can test this in a vanilla game using the /give or /setblock commands to try and acquire the block. Keep trying different experiments until you find the right one.");
$result = new BlockStateUpgradeSchema(
($foundVersion >> 24) & 0xff,
($foundVersion >> 16) & 0xff,
($foundVersion >> 8) & 0xff,
($foundVersion & 0xff),
foreach(Utils::stringifyKeys($upgradeTable) as $oldName => $blockStateMappings){
$newNameFound = [];
foreach($blockStateMappings as $mapping){
$newName = $mapping->new->getName();
$newNameFound[$newName] = true;
if(count($newNameFound) === 1){
$newName = array_key_first($newNameFound);
if($newName !== $oldName){
$result->renamedIds[$oldName] = array_key_first($newNameFound);
if(!processStateGroup($oldName, $blockStateMappings, $result)){
throw new \RuntimeException("States with the same ID should be fully consistent");
//try processing this as a regular state group first
//if a property was flattened into the ID, the remaining states will normally be consistent
//if not we fall back to remap states and state filters
if(!processStateGroup($oldName, $blockStateMappings, $result)){
//block mapped to multiple different new IDs; we can't guess these, so we just do a plain old remap
//even if some of the states stay under the same ID, the compression techniques used by this function
//implicitly rely on knowing the full set of old states and their new transformations
$result->remappedStates[$oldName] = processRemappedStates($blockStateMappings);
return $result;
* @param BlockStateMapping[][] $upgradeTable
* @phpstan-param array<string, array<string, BlockStateMapping>> $upgradeTable
function testBlockStateUpgradeSchema(array $upgradeTable, BlockStateUpgradeSchema $schema) : bool{
//the upgrader won't apply the schema if it's the same version and there's only one schema with a matching version
//ID (for performance reasons), which is a problem for testing isolated schemas
//add a dummy schema to bypass this optimization
$dummySchema = new BlockStateUpgradeSchema($schema->maxVersionMajor, $schema->maxVersionMinor, $schema->maxVersionPatch, $schema->maxVersionRevision, $schema->getSchemaId() + 1);
$upgrader = new BlockStateUpgrader([$schema, $dummySchema]);
foreach($upgradeTable as $mappingsByOldName){
foreach($mappingsByOldName as $mapping){
$expectedNewState = $mapping->new;
$actualNewState = $upgrader->upgrade($mapping->old);
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Expected: " . $expectedNewState->toNbt());
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Actual: " . $actualNewState->toNbt());
return false;
return true;
* @param string[] $argv
function cmdGenerate(array $argv) : int{
$upgradeTableFile = $argv[2];
$schemaFile = $argv[3];
$table = loadUpgradeTableFromFile($upgradeTableFile, false);
ksort($table, SORT_STRING);
$diff = generateBlockStateUpgradeSchema($table);
\GlobalLogger::get()->warning("All states appear to be the same! No schema generated.");
return 0;
if(!testBlockStateUpgradeSchema($table, $diff)){
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Generated schema does not produce the results expected by $upgradeTableFile");
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("This is probably a bug in the schema generation code. Please report this to the developers.");
return 1;
json_encode(BlockStateUpgradeSchemaUtils::toJsonModel($diff), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n"
\GlobalLogger::get()->info("Schema file $schemaFile generated successfully.");
return 0;
* @param string[] $argv
function cmdTest(array $argv) : int{
$upgradeTableFile = $argv[2];
$schemaFile = $argv[3];
$table = loadUpgradeTableFromFile($upgradeTableFile, false);
ksort($table, SORT_STRING);
$schema = BlockStateUpgradeSchemaUtils::loadSchemaFromString(Filesystem::fileGetContents($schemaFile), 0);
if(!testBlockStateUpgradeSchema($table, $schema)){
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Schema $schemaFile does not produce the results predicted by $upgradeTableFile");
return 1;
\GlobalLogger::get()->info("Schema $schemaFile is valid according to $upgradeTableFile");
return 0;
* @param string[] $argv
function cmdUpdate(array $argv) : int{
[, , $oldSchemaFile, $oldPaletteFile, $newSchemaFile] = $argv;
$palette = BlockStateDictionary::loadPaletteFromString(Filesystem::fileGetContents($oldPaletteFile));
$schema = BlockStateUpgradeSchemaUtils::loadSchemaFromString(Filesystem::fileGetContents($oldSchemaFile), 0);
//the upgrader won't apply the schema if it's the same version and there's only one schema with a matching version
//ID (for performance reasons), which is a problem for testing isolated schemas
//add a dummy schema to bypass this optimization
$dummySchema = new BlockStateUpgradeSchema($schema->maxVersionMajor, $schema->maxVersionMinor, $schema->maxVersionPatch, $schema->maxVersionRevision, $schema->getSchemaId() + 1);
$upgrader = new BlockStateUpgrader([$schema, $dummySchema]);
$tags = [];
foreach($palette as $stateData){
$tags[] = new TreeRoot($stateData->toNbt());
$tags[] = new TreeRoot($upgrader->upgrade($stateData)->toNbt());
$upgradeTable = buildUpgradeTableFromData($tags, false);
$newSchema = generateBlockStateUpgradeSchema($upgradeTable);
if(!testBlockStateUpgradeSchema($upgradeTable, $newSchema)){
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Updated schema does not produce the expected results!");
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("This is probably a bug in the schema generation code. Please report this to the developers.");
return 1;
json_encode(BlockStateUpgradeSchemaUtils::toJsonModel($newSchema), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n"
\GlobalLogger::get()->info("Schema file $newSchemaFile updated to new format (from $oldSchemaFile) successfully.");
return 0;
* @param string[] $argv
function cmdUpdateAll(array $argv) : int{
$oldPaletteFilenames = [
'1.9.0' => '1.09.0',
'1.19.50' => '',
'1.19.60' => '',
'1.19.70' => '',
'1.19.80' => '',
$schemaDir = $argv[2];
$paletteArchiveDir = $argv[3];
$schemaFileNames = scandir($schemaDir);
if($schemaFileNames === false){
\GlobalLogger::get()->error("Failed to read schema directory $schemaDir");
return 1;
foreach($schemaFileNames as $file){
$schemaFile = Path::join($schemaDir, $file);
if(!file_exists($schemaFile) || is_dir($schemaFile)){
if(preg_match('/^\d{4}_(.+?)_to_(.+?).json/', $file, $matches) !== 1){
$oldPaletteFile = Path::join($paletteArchiveDir, ($oldPaletteFilenames[$matches[1]] ?? $matches[1]) . '.nbt');
//a bit clunky but it avoids having to make yet another function
//TODO: perhaps in the future we should write the result to a tmpfile until all schemas are updated,
//and then copy the results into place at the end
if(cmdUpdate([$argv[0], "update", $schemaFile, $oldPaletteFile, $schemaFile]) !== 0){
return 1;
\GlobalLogger::get()->info("All schemas updated successfully.");
return 0;
* @param string[] $argv
function main(array $argv) : int{
$options = [
"generate" => [["palette upgrade table file", "schema output file"], cmdGenerate(...)],
"test" => [["palette upgrade table file", "schema output file"], cmdTest(...)],
"update" => [["schema input file", "old palette file", "updated schema output file"], cmdUpdate(...)],
"update-all" => [["schema folder", "path to BlockPaletteArchive"], cmdUpdateAll(...)]
$selected = $argv[1] ?? null;
if($selected === null || !isset($options[$selected])){
fwrite(STDERR, "Available commands:\n");
foreach($options as $command => [$args, $callback]){
fwrite(STDERR, " - $command " . implode(" ", array_map(fn(string $a) => "<$a>", $args)) . "\n");
return 1;
$callback = $options[$selected][1];
if(count($argv) !== count($options[$selected][0]) + 2){
fwrite(STDERR, "Usage: {$argv[0]} $selected " . implode(" ", array_map(fn(string $a) => "<$a>", $options[$selected][0])) . "\n");
return 1;
return $callback($argv);