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* ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ ____
* | _ \ ___ ___| | _____| |_| \/ (_)_ __ ___ | \/ | _ \
* | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ __| |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \_____| |\/| | |_) |
* | __/ (_) | (__| < __/ |_| | | | | | | | __/_____| | | | __/
* |_| \___/ \___|_|\_\___|\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| |_| |_|_|
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* @author PocketMine Team
* @link http://www.pocketmine.net/
namespace pocketmine\utils;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use pocketmine\utils\fixtures\TestAbstractClass;
use pocketmine\utils\fixtures\TestInstantiableClass;
use pocketmine\utils\fixtures\TestInterface;
use pocketmine\utils\fixtures\TestSubclassOfInstantiableClass;
use pocketmine\utils\fixtures\TestTrait;
use function define;
use function defined;
class UtilsTest extends TestCase{
public function setUp() : void{
define('pocketmine\PATH', 'dummy');
* @return string[][]
* @phpstan-return list<array{string}>
public static function parseDocCommentNewlineProvider() : array{
return [
["\t/**\r\n\t * @param PlayerJoinEvent \$event\r\n\t * @priority HIGHEST\r\n\t * @notHandler\r\n\t */"],
["\t/**\n\t * @param PlayerJoinEvent \$event\n\t * @priority HIGHEST\n\t * @notHandler\n\t */"],
["\t/**\r\t * @param PlayerJoinEvent \$event\r\t * @priority HIGHEST\r\t * @notHandler\r\t */"]
* @dataProvider parseDocCommentNewlineProvider
public function testParseDocCommentNewlines(string $docComment) : void{
$tags = Utils::parseDocComment($docComment);
self::assertArrayHasKey("notHandler", $tags);
self::assertEquals("", $tags["notHandler"]);
self::assertArrayHasKey("priority", $tags);
self::assertEquals("HIGHEST", $tags["priority"]);
* @return string[][]
* @phpstan-return list<array{string}>
public static function parseDocCommentOneLineProvider() : array{
return [
["/** @ignoreCancelled true dummy */"],
["/**@ignoreCancelled true dummy*/"],
["/** @ignoreCancelled true dummy */"]
* @dataProvider parseDocCommentOneLineProvider
public function testParseOneLineDocComment(string $comment) : void{
$tags = Utils::parseDocComment($comment);
self::assertArrayHasKey("ignoreCancelled", $tags);
self::assertEquals("true dummy", $tags["ignoreCancelled"]);
public function testParseEmptyDocComment() : void{
$tags = Utils::parseDocComment("");
self::assertCount(0, $tags);
public function testParseDocCommentWithTagsContainingHyphens() : void{
$tags = Utils::parseDocComment("/** @phpstan-return list<string> */");
self::assertArrayHasKey("phpstan-return", $tags);
self::assertEquals("list<string>", $tags["phpstan-return"]);
public function testNamespacedNiceClosureName() : void{
//be careful with this test. The closure has to be declared on the same line as the assertion.
self::assertSame('closure@' . Filesystem::cleanPath(__FILE__) . '#L' . __LINE__, Utils::getNiceClosureName(function() : void{}));
* @return string[][]
* @return list<array{class-string, class-string}>
public static function validInstanceProvider() : array{
return [
//direct instance / implement / extend
[TestInstantiableClass::class, TestInstantiableClass::class],
[TestInstantiableClass::class, TestAbstractClass::class],
[TestInstantiableClass::class, TestInterface::class],
[TestSubclassOfInstantiableClass::class, TestInstantiableClass::class],
[TestSubclassOfInstantiableClass::class, TestAbstractClass::class],
[TestSubclassOfInstantiableClass::class, TestInterface::class]
* @dataProvider validInstanceProvider
* @doesNotPerformAssertions
* @phpstan-param class-string $className
* @phpstan-param class-string $baseName
public function testValidInstanceWithValidCombinations(string $className, string $baseName) : void{
Utils::testValidInstance($className, $baseName);
* @return string[][]
* @return list<array{string, string}>
public static function validInstanceInvalidCombinationsProvider() : array{
return [
["iDontExist abc", TestInstantiableClass::class],
[TestInstantiableClass::class, "iDon'tExist abc"],
["iDontExist", "iAlsoDontExist"],
[TestInstantiableClass::class, TestTrait::class],
[TestTrait::class, TestTrait::class],
[TestAbstractClass::class, TestAbstractClass::class],
[TestInterface::class, TestInterface::class],
[TestInstantiableClass::class, TestSubclassOfInstantiableClass::class]
* @dataProvider validInstanceInvalidCombinationsProvider
public function testValidInstanceInvalidParameters(string $className, string $baseName) : void{
Utils::testValidInstance($className, $baseName); //@phpstan-ignore-line