The "Filters", "Functions" and "Status" sections of the web interfaces for both Bird4 and Bird6 threw the following error upon performing any action: Form token mismatch The submitted security token is invalid or already expired! Changing their entry types from "cbi" to "form" fixes them. Fixes #922. Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <> (cherry picked from commit c37fbab8f5e3af0843cf1bef5aa199a0c0db245b)
Package for OpenWRT to bring integration with UCI and LUCI to Bird4 and Bird6 daemon.
This repository contains an UCI module adding support for an user-friendly configuration of the BIRD daemon in OpenWRT systems and a LuCI application to control this UCI configuration using the web-based OpenWRT configuration system.
Package Names: luci-app-bird{4|6} and bird{4|6}-uci
Dependences: +bird{4|6} +libuci +luci-base +uci +libuci-lua
Last Version: 0.3
Terminal (UCI) Documentation: Link
Web (LUCI) Documentation: Link
Known issues (v0.3):
There is an issue with pre-built images. It seems that the UCI-Default Scripts are not applied for some reason. If you face this situation, just copy both packages in your /tmp and and execute "opkg install PackageName.ipk --force-reinstall". It will overwrite your /etc/config/bird{4|6}, create a backup of this configuration.
LUCI Material Design Theme shows a "Loading page" in Logs Page preventing it to load. Moreover, the OpenWRT Theme crashes loading the Log Page. Please, go to
System -> Language and Style -> Design
and change it to any other avaiable Theme (Bootstrap or Freifunk_Generic are recommended). -
There is a manual procedure to designate custom Routing Table IDs created through this package's UI. Please, visit this page for more details.
How to compile:
Due to the existence of Routing's bird-openwrt packages, if you want to build your system using this repo's bird packages, you need to proceed as follows:
- Add this github as a repository in feeds.conf. Alternatively, you could use a local git clone)
src-git birdwrt
src-link birdwrt /path/to/your/git/clone/bird-openwrt
- Disable OpenWRT-Routing repository to avoid getting the outdated package
# src-git routing
- Update and install all packages in feeds
./scripts/feeds update -a; ./scripts/feeds install -a
- Enable OpenWRT-Routing repository to fulfill bird{4/6} dependencies
src-git routing
./scripts/feeds update routing; ./scripts/feeds install bird4 bird6
- Compile (Option 1) the whole OpenWRT image with the package included
make menuconfig -> Network -> Routing and Redirection -> Select bird*-uci
-> LuCI -> 3. Applications -> Select luci-app-bird*
make V=99
- Compile (Option 2) the packet ( ! this method requires to compile its dependeces before using Option 1)
make package/feeds/birdwrt/bird{4/6}-openwrt/compile V=99
- Find your package in
- Install your .ipk in your dev-environment (avoid CheckSum Missmatch issues)
scp bird{4/6}-uci_{Version}_{Architecture}.ipk user@IPAddres:/tmp
On your Dev-Environment:
opkg install bird{4/6}-uci_{Version}_{Architecture}.ipk --force-checksum