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Daniele Palmas c51a804a63 modemmanager: report events for virtual netdevices
Virtual netdevices created for multiplexing should not be skipped
when reporting events, otherwise it is not possible to setup the
data connection.

Add these exceptions in mm_report_event function.

Signed-off-by: Daniele Palmas <dnlplm@gmail.com>
2024-03-06 10:16:21 +01:00

282 lines
7.9 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2016 Velocloud Inc
# Copyright (C) 2016 Aleksander Morgado <aleksander@aleksander.es>
. /lib/functions.sh
. /lib/netifd/netifd-proto.sh
# Runtime state
# Common logging
mm_log() {
local level="$1"; shift
[ "${level}" = "debug" ] && return
logger -p "daemon.${level}" -t "ModemManager[$$]" "hotplug: $*"
# Receives as input argument the full sysfs path of the device
# Returns the physical device sysfs path
# NOTE: this method only works when the device exists, i.e. it cannot be used
# on removal hotplug events
mm_find_physdev_sysfs_path() {
local tmp_path="$1"
while true; do
tmp_path=$(dirname "${tmp_path}")
# avoid infinite loops iterating
[ -z "${tmp_path}" ] || [ "${tmp_path}" = "/" ] && return
# For USB devices, the physical device will be that with a idVendor
# and idProduct pair of files
[ -f "${tmp_path}"/idVendor ] && [ -f "${tmp_path}"/idProduct ] && {
tmp_path=$(readlink -f "$tmp_path")
echo "${tmp_path}"
# For PCI devices, the physical device will be that with a vendor
# and device pair of files
[ -f "${tmp_path}"/vendor ] && [ -f "${tmp_path}"/device ] && {
tmp_path=$(readlink -f "$tmp_path")
echo "${tmp_path}"
# Returns the cdc-wdm name retrieved from sysfs
mm_track_cdcwdm() {
local wwan="$1"
local cdcwdm
cdcwdm=$(ls "/sys/class/net/${wwan}/device/usbmisc/")
[ -n "${cdcwdm}" ] || return
# We have to cache it for later, as we won't be able to get the
# associated cdc-wdm device on a remove event
echo "${wwan} ${cdcwdm}" >> "${MODEMMANAGER_CDCWDM_CACHE}"
echo "${cdcwdm}"
# Returns the cdc-wdm name retrieved from the cache
mm_untrack_cdcwdm() {
local wwan="$1"
local cdcwdm
# Look for the cached associated cdc-wdm device
[ -f "${MODEMMANAGER_CDCWDM_CACHE}" ] || return
cdcwdm=$(awk -v wwan="${wwan}" '!/^#/ && $0 ~ wwan { print $2 }' "${MODEMMANAGER_CDCWDM_CACHE}")
[ -n "${cdcwdm}" ] || return
# Remove from cache
sed -i "/${wwan} ${cdcwdm}/d" "${MODEMMANAGER_CDCWDM_CACHE}"
echo "${cdcwdm}"
# Callback for config_foreach()
mm_get_modem_config_foreach_cb() {
local cfg="$1"
local sysfspath="$2"
local dev
dev=$(uci_get network "${cfg}" device)
[ "${dev}" = "${sysfspath}" ] || return 0
echo "${cfg}"
# Returns the name of the interface configured for this device
mm_get_modem_config() {
local sysfspath="$1"
# Look for configuration for the given sysfs path
config_load network
config_foreach mm_get_modem_config_foreach_cb interface "${sysfspath}"
# Event reporting
# Receives as input the action, the device name and the subsystem
mm_report_event() {
local action="$1"
local name="$2"
local subsystem="$3"
local sysfspath="$4"
# Do not save virtual devices
local virtual result
virtual="$(echo "$sysfspath" | cut -d'/' -f4)"
[ "$virtual" = "virtual" ] && {
mm_log "debug" "sysfspath is a virtual device ($sysfspath)"
case "$name" in
mm_log "debug" "rmnet netdevice $name"
mm_log "debug" "qmi_wwan qmap netdevice $name"
mm_log "debug" "mbim vlan netdevice $name"
# Track/untrack events in cache
case "${action}" in
# On add events, store event details in cache (if not exists yet)
grep -qs "${name},${subsystem}" "${MODEMMANAGER_EVENTS_CACHE}" || \
echo "${action},${name},${subsystem},${sysfspath}" >> "${MODEMMANAGER_EVENTS_CACHE}"
# On remove events, remove old events from cache (match by subsystem+name)
sed -i "/${name},${subsystem}/d" "${MODEMMANAGER_EVENTS_CACHE}"
# Report the event
mm_log "debug" "Report event: action=${action}, name=${name}, subsystem=${subsystem}"
result=$(mmcli --report-kernel-event="action=${action},name=${name},subsystem=${subsystem}" 2>&1)
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
mm_log "error" "Couldn't report kernel event: ${result}"
mm_report_event_from_cache_line() {
local event_line="$1"
local action name subsystem sysfspath
action=$(echo "${event_line}" | awk -F ',' '{ print $1 }')
name=$(echo "${event_line}" | awk -F ',' '{ print $2 }')
subsystem=$(echo "${event_line}" | awk -F ',' '{ print $3 }')
sysfspath=$(echo "${event_line}" | awk -F ',' '{ print $4 }')
mm_log "debug" "cached event found: action=${action}, name=${name}, subsystem=${subsystem}, sysfspath=${sysfspath}"
mm_report_event "${action}" "${name}" "${subsystem}" "${sysfspath}"
mm_report_events_from_cache() {
local n=60
local step=1
local mmrunning=0
# Wait for ModemManager to be available in the bus
while [ $n -ge 0 ]; do
sleep $step
mm_log "info" "checking if ModemManager is available..."
if ! mmcli -L >/dev/null 2>&1
mm_log "info" "ModemManager not yet available"
[ ${mmrunning} -eq 1 ] || {
mm_log "error" "couldn't report initial kernel events: ModemManager not running"
# Remove the sysfs cache
# Report cached kernel events
while IFS= read -r event_line; do
mm_report_event_from_cache_line "${event_line}"
# This method expects as first argument a list of key-value pairs, as returned by mmcli --output-keyvalue
# The second argument must be exactly the name of the field to read
# Sample output:
# $ mmcli -m 0 -K
# modem.dbus-path : /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
# modem.generic.device-identifier : ed6eff2e3e0f90463da1c2a755b2acacd1335752
# modem.generic.manufacturer : Dell Inc.
# modem.generic.model : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# modem.generic.revision : T77W968.F1.\n026
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration : GCF
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration-revision : 08E00009
# modem.generic.hardware-revision : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# ....
modemmanager_get_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
# there is always at least a whitespace after each key, and we use that as part of the
# key matching we do (e.g. to avoid getting 'modem.generic.state-failed-reason' as a result
# when grepping for 'modem.generic.state'.
line=$(echo "${list}" | grep "${field} ")
value=$(echo ${line#*:})
# not found?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
[ "${value}" != "--" ] && echo "${value}"
return 0
# build a comma-separated list of values from the list
modemmanager_get_multivalue_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
local length idx item
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
length=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.length")
[ -n "${length}" ] || return 0
[ "$length" -ge 1 ] || return 0
while [ $idx -le "$length" ]; do
item=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.value\[$idx\]")
[ -n "${item}" ] && [ "${item}" != "--" ] && {
[ -n "${value}" ] && value="${value}, "
idx=$((idx + 1))
# nothing built?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
echo "${value}"
return 0