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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><style>table{font-family: arial, sans-serif;border-collapse: collapse;width: 100% ;}.tab { margin-left: 40px; }td, th{text-align: left;padding: 8px;}tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #dddddd;}div#expand{display:block;}</style> </head> <body><img src="svg/connectionRequest.svg" alt="connectionRequest">
<br><table><col width="10%"><col width="90%"><tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Notes</th></tr><tr><td>Certificate Chain (JSON)</td>
<td>Array of Base64 encoded JSON Web Token certificates to authenticate the player.<br><br>The last certificate in the chain will have a property 'extraData' that contains player identity information including the XBL XUID (if the player was signed into XBL at the time of the connection).</td>
</tr><tr><td>Raw Token</td>
<td>Base64 encoded JSON Web Token that contains other relevant client properties."<br> "Properties Include:<br> 'SelfSignedId'<br> 'ServerAddress' = (unresolved url if applicable)<br> 'ClientRandomId'<br> 'SkinId'<br> 'SkinData'<br> 'SkinImageWidth'<br> 'SkinImageHeight'<br> 'CapeData'<br> 'CapeImageWidth'<br> 'CapeImageHeight'<br> 'SkinResourcePatch'<br> 'SkinGeometryData'<br> 'SkinGeometryDataEngineVersion'<br> 'SkinAnimationData'<br> 'PlayFabId'<br> 'AnimatedImageData = Array of:'<br> '-- Type'<br> '-- Image'<br> '-- ImageWidth'<br> '-- ImageHeight'<br> '-- Frames'<br> '-- AnimationExpression'<br> 'ArmSize'<br> 'SkinColor'<br> 'PersonaPieces = Array of:'<br> '-- PackId'<br> '-- PieceId'<br> '-- IsDefault'<br> '-- PieceType'<br> '-- ProuctId'<br> 'PieceTintColors = Array of:'<br> '-- PieceType'<br> '-- Colors = Array of color hexstrings'<br> 'IsEduMode (if edu mode)'<br> 'TenantId (if edu mode)'<br> 'ADRole (if edu mode)'<br> 'IsEditorMode'<br> 'GameVersion'<br> 'DeviceModel'<br> 'DeviceOS' = (see enumeration: BuildPlatform)<br> 'DefaultInputMode' = (see enumeration: InputMode)<br> 'CurrentInputMode' = (see enumeration: InputMode)<br> 'UIProfile' = (see enumeration: UIProfile)<br> 'GuiScale'<br> 'LanguageCode'<br> 'PlatformUserId'<br> 'ThirdPartyName'<br> 'ThirdPartyNameOnly'<br> 'PlatformOnlineId'<br> 'PlatformOfflineId'<br> 'DeviceId'<br> 'TrustedSkin'<br> 'PremiumSkin'<br> 'PersonaSkin'<br> 'OverrideSkin'<br> 'CapeOnClassicSkin'<br> 'CapeId'<br> 'CompatibleWithClientSideChunkGen'</td>
</tr></table></body> </html> |