mirror of https://github.com/SineVector241/VoiceCraft-MCBE_Proximity_Chat.git synced 2024-11-20 10:27:45 +00:00
2024-07-13 11:16:08 +10:00

630 lines
25 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using static ATL.AudioData.AudioDataManager;
using Commons;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static ATL.ChannelsArrangements;
using static ATL.TagData;
using System.Text;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
namespace ATL.AudioData.IO
/// <summary>
/// Class for PCM (uncompressed audio) files manipulation (extension : .WAV)
/// Implementation notes
/// 1. BEXT metadata - UMID field
/// UMID field is decoded "as is" using the hex notation. No additional interpretation has been done so far.
/// </summary>
class WAV : MetaDataIO, IAudioDataIO, IMetaDataEmbedder
// Format type names
public const string WAV_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_PCM = "Windows PCM";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_ADPCM = "Microsoft ADPCM";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_ALAW = "A-LAW";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_MULAW = "MU-LAW";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_DVI_IMA_ADPCM = "DVI/IMA ADPCM";
public const string WAV_FORMAT_MP3 = "MPEG Layer III";
private static readonly byte[] HEADER_RIFF = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("RIFF");
private static readonly byte[] HEADER_RIFX = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("RIFX");
private static readonly byte[] HEADER_RF64 = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("RF64");
private const string FORMAT_WAVE = "WAVE";
// Standard sub-chunks
private const string CHUNK_FORMAT = "fmt ";
private const string CHUNK_FORMAT64 = "ds64";
private const string CHUNK_FACT = "fact";
private const string CHUNK_DATA = "data";
private const string CHUNK_SAMPLE = SampleTag.CHUNK_SAMPLE;
private const string CHUNK_CUE = CueTag.CHUNK_CUE;
private const string CHUNK_LIST = List.CHUNK_LIST;
private const string CHUNK_DISP = DispTag.CHUNK_DISP;
// Broadcast Wave metadata sub-chunk
private const string CHUNK_BEXT = BextTag.CHUNK_BEXT;
private const string CHUNK_IXML = IXmlTag.CHUNK_IXML;
private const string CHUNK_XMP = XmpTag.CHUNK_XMP;
private const string CHUNK_CART = CartTag.CHUNK_CART;
private const string CHUNK_ID3 = "id3 ";
private ushort formatId;
private uint sampleRate;
private uint bytesPerSecond;
private ushort bitsPerSample;
private long sampleNumber;
private long headerSize;
private SizeInfo sizeInfo;
private readonly Format audioFormat;
private bool _isLittleEndian;
private long id3v2Offset;
private FileStructureHelper id3v2StructureHelper = new FileStructureHelper(false);
// Mapping between WAV frame codes and ATL frame codes
private static readonly IDictionary<string, Field> frameMapping = new Dictionary<string, Field>
{ "bext.description", Field.GENERAL_DESCRIPTION },
{ "info.INAM", Field.TITLE },
{ "info.TITL", Field.TITLE },
{ "info.IART", Field.ARTIST },
{ "info.IPRD", Field.ALBUM },
{ "info.ICMT", Field.COMMENT },
{ "info.ICOP", Field.COPYRIGHT },
{ "info.ICRD", Field.RECORDING_DATE },
{ "info.IGNR", Field.GENRE },
{ "info.IRTD", Field.RATING },
{ "info.TRCK", Field.TRACK_NUMBER },
{ "info.IPRT", Field.TRACK_NUMBER },
{ "info.ITRK", Field.TRACK_NUMBER },
{ "info.ITCH", Field.ENCODED_BY },
{ "info.ISFT", Field.ENCODER },
{ "info.ILNG", Field.LANGUAGE}
// IAudioDataIO
public Format AudioFormat
Format f = new Format(audioFormat);
f.Name = f.Name + " (" + getFormat() + ")";
return f;
public int SampleRate => (int)sampleRate;
public bool IsVBR => false;
public int CodecFamily => AudioDataIOFactory.CF_LOSSLESS;
public string FileName { get; }
public double BitRate { get; private set; }
public int BitDepth => bitsPerSample;
public double Duration { get; private set; }
public ChannelsArrangement ChannelsArrangement { get; private set; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public List<MetaDataIOFactory.TagType> GetSupportedMetas()
// Native for bext, info and iXML chunks
return new List<MetaDataIOFactory.TagType> { MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.NATIVE, MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.ID3V2, MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.ID3V1 };
public long AudioDataOffset { get; set; }
public long AudioDataSize { get; set; }
// MetaDataIO
protected override int getDefaultTagOffset()
return TO_BUILTIN;
protected override MetaDataIOFactory.TagType getImplementedTagType()
return MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.NATIVE;
protected override Field getFrameMapping(string zone, string ID, byte tagVersion)
Field supportedMetaId = Field.NO_FIELD;
// Finds the ATL field identifier
if (frameMapping.TryGetValue(ID, out var value)) supportedMetaId = value;
return supportedMetaId;
protected override bool isLittleEndian => _isLittleEndian;
public override string EncodeDate(DateTime date)
return TrackUtils.FormatISOTimestamp(date).Replace("T", " ");
// IMetaDataEmbedder
public long HasEmbeddedID3v2 => id3v2Offset;
public uint ID3v2EmbeddingHeaderSize => 8;
public FileStructureHelper.Zone Id3v2Zone => id3v2StructureHelper.GetZone(CHUNK_ID3);
protected void resetData()
Duration = 0;
BitRate = 0;
formatId = 0;
sampleRate = 0;
bytesPerSecond = 0;
bitsPerSample = 0;
sampleNumber = 0;
headerSize = 0;
id3v2Offset = -1;
AudioDataOffset = -1;
AudioDataSize = 0;
_isLittleEndian = false;
public WAV(string filePath, Format format)
this.FileName = filePath;
audioFormat = format;
// ---------- SUPPORT METHODS
public static bool IsValidHeader(byte[] data)
return StreamUtils.ArrBeginsWith(data, HEADER_RIFF) || StreamUtils.ArrBeginsWith(data, HEADER_RIFX) || StreamUtils.ArrBeginsWith(data, HEADER_RF64);
private bool readWAV(Stream source, ReadTagParams readTagParams)
bool isRf64 = false;
long riffChunkSize;
object formattedRiffChunkSize = 0;
byte[] data = new byte[4];
byte[] data64 = new byte[8];
source.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Read header
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
if (data.SequenceEqual(HEADER_RF64)) isRf64 = true;
if (data.SequenceEqual(HEADER_RIFF) || isRf64)
_isLittleEndian = true;
else if (data.SequenceEqual(HEADER_RIFX))
_isLittleEndian = false;
return false;
// Force creation of FileStructureHelper with detected endianness
structureHelper = new FileStructureHelper(isLittleEndian);
id3v2StructureHelper = new FileStructureHelper(isLittleEndian);
var riffChunkSizePos = source.Position;
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
if (isLittleEndian) riffChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data); else riffChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);
if (riffChunkSize < uint.MaxValue) formattedRiffChunkSize = getFormattedRiffChunkSize(riffChunkSize, isRf64);
// Format code
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
string str = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);
if (!str.Equals(FORMAT_WAVE)) return false;
string subChunkId = "";
uint paddingSize = 0;
bool foundSample = false;
bool foundCue = false;
bool foundList = false;
bool foundDisp = false;
int dispIndex = 0;
bool foundBext = false;
bool foundIXml = false;
bool foundXmp = false;
bool foundCart = false;
// Sub-chunks loop
// NB1 : we're testing source.Position + 8 because the chunk header (chunk ID and size) takes up 8 bytes
// NB2 : uint.MaxValue is when the size declared in the traditional 32-bit header is discarded for the RF64 64-bit header
long totalFileSize = riffChunkSize + 8;
while (source.Position + 8 < totalFileSize || uint.MaxValue == riffChunkSize)
if (paddingSize > 0)
source.Read(data, 0, 1);
// Padding has been forgotten !
if (data[0] > 31 && data[0] < 255)
// Align to the correct position
source.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Update zone size (remove and replace zone with updated size), if it exists
FileStructureHelper sHelper = (subChunkId == CHUNK_ID3) ? id3v2StructureHelper : structureHelper;
FileStructureHelper.Zone previousZone = sHelper.GetZone(subChunkId);
if (previousZone != null)
// Chunk ID
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
subChunkId = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);
// Chunk size
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
long chunkSize = isLittleEndian ? StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data) : StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);
// Word-align declared chunk size, as per specs
paddingSize = (uint)(chunkSize % 2);
var chunkDataPos = source.Position;
if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_FORMAT64, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // DS64 always appears before FMT
source.Read(data64, 0, 8); // riffSize
if (uint.MaxValue == riffChunkSize)
riffChunkSize = StreamUtils.DecodeInt64(data64);
riffChunkSizePos = source.Position - 8;
formattedRiffChunkSize = getFormattedRiffChunkSize(riffChunkSize, isRf64);
source.Read(data64, 0, 8); // dataSize
AudioDataSize = StreamUtils.DecodeInt64(data64);
source.Read(data64, 0, 8); // sampleCount
sampleNumber = StreamUtils.DecodeInt64(data64);
source.Read(data, 0, 4); // wave table length
uint tableLength = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data);
source.Seek(tableLength, SeekOrigin.Current); // wave table
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_FORMAT, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
source.Read(data, 0, 2);
if (isLittleEndian) formatId = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data); else formatId = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data);
source.Read(data, 0, 2);
if (isLittleEndian) ChannelsArrangement = GuessFromChannelNumber(StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data));
else ChannelsArrangement = GuessFromChannelNumber(StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data));
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
if (isLittleEndian) sampleRate = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data); else sampleRate = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
if (isLittleEndian) bytesPerSecond = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data); else bytesPerSecond = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);
source.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); // BlockAlign
source.Read(data, 0, 2);
if (isLittleEndian) bitsPerSample = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt16(data); else bitsPerSample = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt16(data);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_DATA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AudioDataOffset = chunkDataPos;
// Handle RF64 where size has already been set by DS64
// NB : Some files in the wild can have an erroneous size of 0x00FFFFFF
if (AudioDataSize > 0 && (uint.MaxValue == chunkSize || 0x00FFFFFF == chunkSize)) chunkSize = AudioDataSize;
else AudioDataSize = chunkSize;
headerSize = riffChunkSize - AudioDataSize;
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_FACT, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
source.Read(data, 0, 4);
uint inputSampleNumber;
if (isLittleEndian) inputSampleNumber = StreamUtils.DecodeUInt32(data); else inputSampleNumber = StreamUtils.DecodeBEUInt32(data);
if (inputSampleNumber < uint.MaxValue) sampleNumber = inputSampleNumber;
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_SAMPLE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundSample = true;
tagExists = true;
SampleTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_CUE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundCue = true;
tagExists = true;
CueTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_LIST, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
long initialPosition = source.Position - 8;
foundList = true;
tagExists = true;
string purpose = List.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
structureHelper.AddZone(initialPosition, (int)(chunkSize + 8), CHUNK_LIST + "." + purpose);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_LIST + "." + purpose);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_DISP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId + "." + dispIndex);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId + "." + dispIndex);
foundDisp = true;
tagExists = true;
DispTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_BEXT, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundBext = true;
tagExists = true;
BextTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_IXML, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundIXml = true;
tagExists = true;
IXmlTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_XMP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundXmp = true;
tagExists = true;
XmpTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_CART, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), subChunkId);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, subChunkId);
foundCart = true;
tagExists = true;
CartTag.FromStream(source, this, readTagParams, chunkSize);
else if (subChunkId.Equals(CHUNK_ID3, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
id3v2Offset = source.Position;
// Zone is already added by Id3v2.Read
id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(id3v2Offset - 8, (int)(chunkSize + paddingSize + 8), CHUNK_ID3);
id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_ID3);
source.Seek(chunkDataPos + chunkSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Add zone placeholders for future tag writing
long eof = source.Length;
if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
if (!foundSample)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_SAMPLE);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_SAMPLE);
if (!foundCue)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_CUE);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_CUE);
if (!foundList)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_LIST + "." + List.PURPOSE_INFO);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_LIST + "." + List.PURPOSE_INFO);
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_LIST + "." + List.PURPOSE_ADTL);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_LIST + "." + List.PURPOSE_ADTL);
if (!foundDisp)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_DISP + ".0");
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_DISP + ".0");
if (!foundBext)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_BEXT);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_BEXT);
if (!foundIXml)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_IXML);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_IXML);
if (!foundXmp)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_XMP);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_XMP);
if (!foundCart)
structureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_CART);
structureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_CART);
// ID3 zone should be set as the very last one for Windows to be able to read the LIST INFO zone properly
if (-1 == id3v2Offset)
id3v2Offset = 0; // Switch status to "tried to read, but nothing found"
if (readTagParams.PrepareForWriting)
id3v2StructureHelper.AddZone(eof, 0, CHUNK_ID3);
id3v2StructureHelper.AddSize(riffChunkSizePos, formattedRiffChunkSize, CHUNK_ID3);
return true;
private static object getFormattedRiffChunkSize(long input, bool isRf64)
if (isRf64) return input;
return (uint)input;
private string getFormat()
// Get format type name
return formatId switch
_ => "Unknown"
private double getDuration()
// Get duration
double result = 0;
if (sampleNumber == 0 && bytesPerSecond > 0)
result = (double)(sizeInfo.FileSize - headerSize - sizeInfo.ID3v1Size) / bytesPerSecond;
if (sampleNumber > 0 && sampleRate > 0)
result = sampleNumber * 1.0 / sampleRate;
return result * 1000.0;
private double getBitrate()
return Math.Round(bitsPerSample / 1000.0 * sampleRate * ChannelsArrangement.NbChannels);
public bool Read(Stream source, SizeInfo sizeInfo, ReadTagParams readTagParams)
this.sizeInfo = sizeInfo;
return read(source, readTagParams);
protected override bool read(Stream source, ReadTagParams readTagParams)
if (!readWAV(source, readTagParams)) return false;
// Process data if loaded and header valid
BitRate = getBitrate();
Duration = getDuration();
return true;
protected override int write(TagData tag, Stream s, string zone)
using BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(s, Encoding.UTF8, true);
return write(w, zone);
private int write(BinaryWriter w, string zone)
int result = 0;
switch (zone)
case CHUNK_SAMPLE when SampleTag.IsDataEligible(this):
result += SampleTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this);
case CHUNK_CUE when CueTag.IsDataEligible(this):
result += CueTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this);
if (zone.StartsWith(CHUNK_LIST) && List.IsDataEligible(this))
string[] zoneParts = zone.Split('.');
if (zoneParts.Length > 1) result += List.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, zoneParts[1], this);
else if (zone.Equals(CHUNK_DISP + ".0") && DispTag.IsDataEligible(this)) result += DispTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this); // Process the 1st position as a whole
else if (zone.Equals(CHUNK_BEXT) && BextTag.IsDataEligible(this)) result += BextTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this);
else if (zone.Equals(CHUNK_IXML) && IXmlTag.IsDataEligible(this)) result += IXmlTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this);
else if (zone.Equals(CHUNK_XMP) && XmpTag.IsDataEligible(this)) result += XmpTag.ToStream(w, this, isLittleEndian, true);
else if (zone.Equals(CHUNK_CART) && CartTag.IsDataEligible(this)) result += CartTag.ToStream(w, isLittleEndian, this);
return result;
public void WriteID3v2EmbeddingHeader(Stream s, long tagSize)
var span = new Span<byte>(new byte[4]);
Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes(CHUNK_ID3.AsSpan(), span);
if (isLittleEndian) BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(span, (int)tagSize);
else BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32BigEndian(span, (int)tagSize);
public void WriteID3v2EmbeddingFooter(Stream s, long tagSize)
if (tagSize % 2 > 0) s.WriteByte(0);