mirror of https://github.com/SineVector241/VoiceCraft-MCBE_Proximity_Chat.git synced 2024-11-24 14:36:13 +00:00
2024-07-13 11:16:08 +10:00

362 lines
16 KiB

using Commons;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using static ATL.AudioData.AudioDataManager;
using static ATL.ChannelsArrangements;
namespace ATL.AudioData.IO
/// <summary>
/// Class for Monkey's Audio file manipulation (extension : .APE)
/// </summary>
class APE : IAudioDataIO
// Compression level codes
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_FAST = 1000; // Fast (poor)
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_NORMAL = 2000; // Normal (good)
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_HIGH = 3000; // High (very good)
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_EXTRA_HIGH = 4000; // Extra high (best)
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_INSANE = 5000; // Insane
public const int MONKEY_COMPRESSION_BRAINDEAD = 6000; // BrainDead
// Compression level names
public static readonly string[] MONKEY_COMPRESSION = { "Unknown", "Fast", "Normal", "High", "Extra High", "Insane", "BrainDead" };
// Format flags, only for Monkey's Audio <= 3.97
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_8_BIT = 1; // Audio 8-bit
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_CRC = 2; // New CRC32 error detection
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_PEAK_LEVEL = 4; // Peak level stored
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_24_BIT = 8; // Audio 24-bit
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_SEEK_ELEMENTS = 16; // Number of seek elements stored
public const byte MONKEY_FLAG_WAV_NOT_STORED = 32; // WAV header not stored
// Channel mode names
public static readonly string[] MONKEY_MODE = { "Unknown", "Mono", "Stereo" };
private static readonly byte[] FILE_HEADER = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes("MAC ");
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Global
readonly ApeHeader header = new ApeHeader(); // common header
// Stuff loaded from the header:
// FormatFlags, only used with Monkey's <= 3.97
private SizeInfo sizeInfo;
// Real structure of Monkey's Audio header
// common header for all versions
private sealed class ApeHeader
public byte[] cID = new byte[4]; // should equal 'MAC '
public ushort nVersion; // version number * 1000 (3.81 = 3810)
#pragma warning disable S4487 // Unread "private" fields should be removed
// old header for <= 3.97
private struct ApeHeaderOld
public ushort nCompressionLevel; // the compression level
public ushort nFormatFlags; // any format flags (for future use)
public ushort nChannels; // the number of channels (1 or 2)
public uint nSampleRate; // the sample rate (typically 44100)
public uint nHeaderBytes; // the bytes after the MAC header that compose the WAV header
public uint nTerminatingBytes; // the bytes after that raw data (for extended info)
public uint nTotalFrames; // the number of frames in the file
public uint nFinalFrameBlocks; // the number of samples in the final frame
public int nInt;
// new header for >= 3.98
private struct ApeHeaderNew
public ushort nCompressionLevel; // the compression level (see defines I.E. COMPRESSION_LEVEL_FAST)
public ushort nFormatFlags; // any format flags (for future use) Note: NOT the same flags as the old header!
public uint nBlocksPerFrame; // the number of audio blocks in one frame
public uint nFinalFrameBlocks; // the number of audio blocks in the final frame
public uint nTotalFrames; // the total number of frames
public ushort nBitsPerSample; // the bits per sample (typically 16)
public ushort nChannels; // the number of channels (1 or 2)
public uint nSampleRate; // the sample rate (typically 44100)
// data descriptor for >= 3.98
private sealed class ApeDescriptor
public ushort padded; // padding/reserved (always empty)
public uint nDescriptorBytes; // the number of descriptor bytes (allows later expansion of this header)
public uint nHeaderBytes; // the number of header APE_HEADER bytes
public uint nSeekTableBytes; // the number of bytes of the seek table
public uint nHeaderDataBytes; // the number of header data bytes (from original file)
public uint nAPEFrameDataBytes; // the number of bytes of APE frame data
public uint nAPEFrameDataBytesHigh; // the high order number of APE frame data bytes
public uint nTerminatingDataBytes; // the terminating data of the file (not including tag data)
public byte[] cFileMD5 = new byte[16]; // the MD5 hash of the file (see notes for usage... it's a littly tricky)
#pragma warning restore S4487 // Unread "private" fields should be removed
public int Version { get; private set; }
public ChannelsArrangement ChannelsArrangement { get; private set; }
public uint PeakLevel { get; private set; }
public double PeakLevelRatio { get; private set; }
public long TotalSamples { get; private set; }
public int CompressionMode { get; private set; }
public string CompressionModeStr { get; private set; }
// FormatFlags, only used with Monkey's <= 3.97
public int FormatFlags { get; private set; }
public bool HasPeakLevel { get; private set; }
public bool HasSeekElements { get; private set; }
public bool WavNotStored { get; private set; }
public int SampleRate { get; private set; }
public bool IsVBR => false;
public Format AudioFormat
public int CodecFamily => AudioDataIOFactory.CF_LOSSLESS;
public string FileName { get; }
public double BitRate { get; private set; }
public double Duration { get; private set; }
public int BitDepth { get; private set; }
public List<MetaDataIOFactory.TagType> GetSupportedMetas()
return new List<MetaDataIOFactory.TagType> { MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.APE, MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.ID3V2, MetaDataIOFactory.TagType.ID3V1 };
public long AudioDataOffset { get; set; }
public long AudioDataSize { get; set; }
protected void resetData()
// Reset data
Version = 0;
SampleRate = 0;
BitDepth = 0;
PeakLevel = 0;
PeakLevelRatio = 0.0;
TotalSamples = 0;
CompressionMode = 0;
CompressionModeStr = "";
FormatFlags = 0;
HasPeakLevel = false;
HasSeekElements = false;
WavNotStored = false;
BitRate = 0;
Duration = 0;
AudioDataOffset = -1;
AudioDataSize = 0;
public APE(string filePath, Format format)
this.FileName = filePath;
AudioFormat = format;
// ---------- SUPPORT METHODS
private void readCommonHeader(BufferedBinaryReader source)
source.Seek(sizeInfo.ID3v2Size, SeekOrigin.Begin);
header.cID = source.ReadBytes(4);
header.nVersion = source.ReadUInt16();
public static bool IsValidHeader(byte[] data)
return StreamUtils.ArrBeginsWith(data, FILE_HEADER);
public bool Read(Stream source, SizeInfo sizeInfo, MetaDataIO.ReadTagParams readTagParams)
ApeHeaderOld APE_OLD = new ApeHeaderOld(); // old header <= 3.97
ApeHeaderNew APE_NEW = new ApeHeaderNew(); // new header >= 3.98
ApeDescriptor APE_DESC = new ApeDescriptor(); // extra header >= 3.98
int BlocksPerFrame;
bool LoadSuccess;
bool result = false;
this.sizeInfo = sizeInfo;
BufferedBinaryReader reader = new BufferedBinaryReader(source);
// Read data from file
if (IsValidHeader(header.cID))
Version = header.nVersion;
AudioDataOffset = reader.Position - 6;
AudioDataSize = sizeInfo.FileSize - sizeInfo.APESize - sizeInfo.ID3v1Size - AudioDataOffset;
// Load New Monkey's Audio Header for version >= 3.98
if (header.nVersion >= 3980)
APE_DESC.padded = 0;
APE_DESC.nDescriptorBytes = 0;
APE_DESC.nHeaderBytes = 0;
APE_DESC.nSeekTableBytes = 0;
APE_DESC.nHeaderDataBytes = 0;
APE_DESC.nAPEFrameDataBytes = 0;
APE_DESC.nAPEFrameDataBytesHigh = 0;
APE_DESC.nTerminatingDataBytes = 0;
Array.Clear(APE_DESC.cFileMD5, 0, APE_DESC.cFileMD5.Length);
APE_DESC.padded = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_DESC.nDescriptorBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nHeaderBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nSeekTableBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nHeaderDataBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nAPEFrameDataBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nAPEFrameDataBytesHigh = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.nTerminatingDataBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_DESC.cFileMD5 = reader.ReadBytes(16);
// seek past description header
if (APE_DESC.nDescriptorBytes != 52) reader.Seek(APE_DESC.nDescriptorBytes - 52, SeekOrigin.Current);
// load new ape_header
if (APE_DESC.nHeaderBytes > 24/*sizeof(APE_NEW)*/) APE_DESC.nHeaderBytes = 24/*sizeof(APE_NEW)*/;
APE_NEW.nCompressionLevel = 0;
APE_NEW.nFormatFlags = 0;
APE_NEW.nBlocksPerFrame = 0;
APE_NEW.nFinalFrameBlocks = 0;
APE_NEW.nTotalFrames = 0;
APE_NEW.nBitsPerSample = 0;
APE_NEW.nChannels = 0;
APE_NEW.nSampleRate = 0;
APE_NEW.nCompressionLevel = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_NEW.nFormatFlags = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_NEW.nBlocksPerFrame = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_NEW.nFinalFrameBlocks = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_NEW.nTotalFrames = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_NEW.nBitsPerSample = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_NEW.nChannels = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_NEW.nSampleRate = reader.ReadUInt32();
// based on MAC SDK 3.98a1 (APEinfo.h)
SampleRate = (int)APE_NEW.nSampleRate;
ChannelsArrangement = GuessFromChannelNumber(APE_NEW.nChannels);
FormatFlags = APE_NEW.nFormatFlags;
BitDepth = APE_NEW.nBitsPerSample;
CompressionMode = APE_NEW.nCompressionLevel;
// calculate total uncompressed samples
if (APE_NEW.nTotalFrames > 0)
TotalSamples = (long)(APE_NEW.nBlocksPerFrame) *
(long)(APE_NEW.nTotalFrames - 1) +
LoadSuccess = true;
// Old Monkey <= 3.97
APE_OLD.nCompressionLevel = 0;
APE_OLD.nFormatFlags = 0;
APE_OLD.nChannels = 0;
APE_OLD.nSampleRate = 0;
APE_OLD.nHeaderBytes = 0;
APE_OLD.nTerminatingBytes = 0;
APE_OLD.nTotalFrames = 0;
APE_OLD.nFinalFrameBlocks = 0;
APE_OLD.nInt = 0;
APE_OLD.nCompressionLevel = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_OLD.nFormatFlags = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_OLD.nChannels = reader.ReadUInt16();
APE_OLD.nSampleRate = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_OLD.nHeaderBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_OLD.nTerminatingBytes = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_OLD.nTotalFrames = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_OLD.nFinalFrameBlocks = reader.ReadUInt32();
APE_OLD.nInt = reader.ReadInt32();
CompressionMode = APE_OLD.nCompressionLevel;
SampleRate = (int)APE_OLD.nSampleRate;
ChannelsArrangement = ChannelsArrangements.GuessFromChannelNumber(APE_OLD.nChannels);
FormatFlags = APE_OLD.nFormatFlags;
BitDepth = 16;
if ((APE_OLD.nFormatFlags & MONKEY_FLAG_8_BIT) != 0) BitDepth = 8;
if ((APE_OLD.nFormatFlags & MONKEY_FLAG_24_BIT) != 0) BitDepth = 24;
HasSeekElements = (APE_OLD.nFormatFlags & MONKEY_FLAG_PEAK_LEVEL) != 0;
WavNotStored = (APE_OLD.nFormatFlags & MONKEY_FLAG_SEEK_ELEMENTS) != 0;
HasPeakLevel = (APE_OLD.nFormatFlags & MONKEY_FLAG_WAV_NOT_STORED) != 0;
if (HasPeakLevel)
PeakLevel = (uint)APE_OLD.nInt;
PeakLevelRatio = PeakLevel / (1 << BitDepth) / 2.0 * 100.0;
// based on MAC_SDK_397 (APEinfo.cpp)
if (Version >= 3950)
BlocksPerFrame = 73728 * 4;
else if (Version >= 3900 || (Version >= 3800 && MONKEY_COMPRESSION_EXTRA_HIGH == APE_OLD.nCompressionLevel))
BlocksPerFrame = 73728;
BlocksPerFrame = 9216;
// calculate total uncompressed samples
if (APE_OLD.nTotalFrames > 0)
TotalSamples = (APE_OLD.nTotalFrames - 1) * BlocksPerFrame + APE_OLD.nFinalFrameBlocks;
LoadSuccess = true;
if (LoadSuccess)
// compression profile name
if (0 == CompressionMode % 1000 && CompressionMode <= 6000)
CompressionModeStr = MONKEY_COMPRESSION[CompressionMode / 1000]; // int division
CompressionModeStr = CompressionMode.ToString();
// length
if (SampleRate > 0) Duration = TotalSamples * 1000.0 / SampleRate;
// average bitrate
if (Duration > 0) BitRate = 8 * (sizeInfo.FileSize - sizeInfo.TotalTagSize) / Duration;
// some extra sanity checks
result = BitDepth > 0 && SampleRate > 0 && TotalSamples > 0 && ChannelsArrangement.NbChannels > 0;
return result;