Cleaning up the /System/Library/Extensions: old installer would use that location too, while we do not.
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58 lines
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# For the building the driver for MacOS 10.11+, the preferred
# XCode version is 7.3.1.
# You can do this by downloading Xcode 7.3.1 as a dmg from Apple, then
# copying the contents into /Applications as Xcode-7.3.1.
# If you also want to build from "release_pre_10_11", you may want to
# also download "Xcode-4.3.3", and copy "MacOSX10.6.sdk" from it to
# SDK directory under:
# /Applications/Xcode-7.3.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/
-include localconfig.mk
# Can be set from the environment:
HORNDIS_XCODE ?= /Applications/Xcode*$(XCODE_VER).app
XCODE_VER ?= 7.3.1
XCODEBUILD ?= $(wildcard $(HORNDIS_XCODE)/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild)
ifeq (,$(XCODEBUILD))
$(error Cannot find xcodebuild under $(HORNDIS_XCODE). Please either \
download Xcode $(XCODE_VER) from: "https://developer.apple.com/download" \
and install as /Applications/Xcode-$(XCODE_VER)/ or point HORNDIS_XCODE \
to your preferred Xcode app path)
# The package signing certificate must either be set or explicitly disabled:
ifeq (,$(CODESIGN_INST))
$(error Please set CODESIGN_INST variable to your Mac Installer \
certificate or 'none' if you don't have any. \
else ifeq (none,$(CODESIGN_INST))
# Clear the 'none' vaulue: easier to test in 'if' condition.
all: build/Release/HoRNDIS.kext build/pkg/_complete
rm -rf build
# We now sign as part of the xcodebuild process.
build/Release/HoRNDIS.kext: $(wildcard *.cpp *.h *.plist HoRNDIS.xcodeproj/* *.lproj/*)
$(XCODEBUILD) -project HoRNDIS.xcodeproj
build/pkg/root: build/Release/HoRNDIS.kext
rm -rf build/pkg/
mkdir -p build/pkg/root/Library/Extensions
cp -R build/Release/HoRNDIS.kext build/pkg/root/Library/Extensions/
build/pkg/HoRNDIS-kext.pkg: build/pkg/root
pkgbuild --identifier com.joshuawise.kexts.HoRNDIS --scripts package/scripts --root $< $@
# The variable is to be resolved first time it's used:
VERSION = $(shell defaults read $(PWD)/build/Release/HoRNDIS.kext/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleVersion)
build/pkg/_complete: build/pkg/HoRNDIS-kext.pkg $(wildcard package/*)
productbuild --distribution package/Distribution.xml --package-path build/pkg --resources package --version $(VERSION) $(if $(CODESIGN_INST),--sign $(CODESIGN_INST)) build/HoRNDIS-$(VERSION).pkg && touch build/pkg/_complete