Nukkit is nuclear-powered server software for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It has a few key advantages over other server software:
- Written in Java, Nukkit is faster and more stable.
- Having a friendly structure, it's easy to contribute to Nukkit's development and rewrite plugins from other platforms into Nukkit plugins.
Nukkit is under improvement yet, we welcome contributions.
Compile Nukkit
git clone
cd Nukkit
./gradlew shadowJar
The compiled JAR can be found in the target/
Note: You don't need to compile Nukkit yourself if you don't intend to modify the code.
Simply run java -jar nukkit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Plugin API
Information on Nukkit's API can be found at the wiki.
Running Nukkit in Docker (17.05+ or higher).
Build image from the source,
docker build -t nukkit .
Run once to generate the nukkit-data
volume, default settings, and choose language,
docker run -it -p 19132:19132/udp -v nukkit-data:/data nukkit
Docker Compose
Use docker-compose to start server on port 19132
and with nukkit-data
docker-compose up -d
Kubernetes & Helm
Validate the chart:
helm lint charts/nukkit
Dry run and print out rendered YAML:
helm install --dry-run --debug nukkit charts/nukkit
Install the chart:
helm install nukkit charts/nukkit
Or, with some different values:
helm install nukkit \
--set image.tag="arm64" \
--set service.type="LoadBalancer" \
Or, the same but with a custom values from a file:
helm install nukkit \
-f helm-values.local.yaml \
Upgrade the chart:
helm upgrade nukkit charts/nukkit
Testing after deployment:
helm test nukkit
Completely remove the chart:
helm uninstall nukkit