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synced 2024-11-22 05:16:24 +00:00
771 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
771 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) B.Kerler 2018-2024 under GPLv3 license
# If you use my code, make sure you refer to my name
# !!!!! If you use this code in commercial products, your product is automatically
# GPLv3 and has to be open sourced under GPLv3 as well. !!!!!
import codecs
import copy
import datetime as dt
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import shutil
import stat
import struct
import sys
import time
from io import BytesIO
from struct import unpack
import colorama
from capstone import *
except ImportError:
print("Capstone library is missing (optional).")
from keystone import *
except ImportError:
print("Keystone library is missing (optional).")
def is_windows():
if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win64' or sys.platform == 'winnt':
return True
return False
class structhelper_io:
pos = 0
def __init__(self, data: BytesIO = None, direction='little'):
self.data = data
self.direction = direction
def setdata(self, data, offset=0):
self.pos = offset
self.data = data
def qword(self):
dat = int.from_bytes(self.data.read(8), self.direction)
return dat
def dword(self):
dat = int.from_bytes(self.data.read(4), self.direction)
return dat
def dwords(self, dwords=1):
dat = [int.from_bytes(self.data.read(4), self.direction) for _ in range(dwords)]
return dat
def short(self):
dat = int.from_bytes(self.data.read(2), self.direction)
return dat
def shorts(self, shorts):
dat = [int.from_bytes(self.data.read(2), self.direction) for _ in range(shorts)]
return dat
def bytes(self, rlen=1):
dat = self.data.read(rlen)
if dat == b'':
return dat
if rlen == 1:
return dat[0]
return dat
def string(self, rlen=1):
dat = self.data.read(rlen)
return dat
def getpos(self):
return self.data.tell()
def seek(self, pos):
def find_binary(data, strf, pos=0):
t = strf.split(b".")
pre = 0
offsets = []
while pre != -1:
pre = data[pos:].find(t[0], pre)
if pre == -1:
if len(offsets) > 0:
for offset in offsets:
error = 0
rt = offset + len(t[0])
for i in range(1, len(t)):
if t[i] == b'':
rt += 1
rt += 1
prep = data[rt:].find(t[i])
if prep != 0:
error = 1
rt += len(t[i])
if error == 0:
return offset + pos
return None
pre += 1
return None
class progress:
def __init__(self, pagesize):
self.progtime = 0
self.prog = 0
self.progpos = 0
self.start = time.time()
self.pagesize = pagesize
def calcProcessTime(self, starttime, cur_iter, max_iter):
telapsed = time.time() - starttime
if telapsed > 0 and cur_iter > 0:
testimated = (telapsed / cur_iter) * max_iter
finishtime = starttime + testimated
finishtime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(finishtime).strftime("%H:%M:%S") # in time
lefttime = testimated - telapsed # in seconds
return int(telapsed), int(lefttime), finishtime
return 0, 0, ""
def show_progress(self, prefix, pos, total, display=True):
if pos > total:
pos = total
if pos != 0:
prog = round(float(pos) / float(total) * float(100), 1)
prog = 0
if prog == 0:
self.prog = 0
self.start = time.time()
self.progtime = time.time()
self.progpos = pos
if display:
print_progress(prog, 100, prefix='Done',
suffix=prefix + ' (Sector 0x%X of 0x%X) %0.2f MB/s' %
(pos // self.pagesize,
total // self.pagesize,
0), bar_length=10)
if prog > self.prog or prog == 100.0:
if display:
t0 = time.time()
tdiff = t0 - self.progtime
datasize = (pos - self.progpos) / 1024 / 1024
if datasize != 0 and tdiff != 0:
throughput = datasize / tdiff
throughput = 0
throughput = 0
telapsed, lefttime, finishtime = self.calcProcessTime(self.start, prog, 100)
hinfo = ""
if lefttime > 0:
sec = lefttime
if sec > 60:
min = sec // 60
sec = sec % 60
if min > 60:
h = min // 24
min = min % 24
hinfo = "%02dh:%02dm:%02ds left" % (h, min, sec)
hinfo = "%02dm:%02ds left" % (min, sec)
hinfo = "%02ds left" % sec
if display:
print_progress(prog, 100, prefix='Progress:',
suffix=prefix + f' (Sector 0x%X of 0x%X, {hinfo}) %0.2f MB/s' %
(pos // self.pagesize,
total // self.pagesize,
throughput), bar_length=10)
self.prog = prog
self.progpos = pos
self.progtime = t0
class structhelper:
pos = 0
def __init__(self, data, pos=0):
self.pos = 0
self.data = data
def qword(self, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + "Q", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 8])[0]
self.pos += 8
return dat
def dword(self, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + "I", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 4])[0]
self.pos += 4
return dat
def dwords(self, dwords=1, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + str(dwords) + "I", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 4 * dwords])
self.pos += 4 * dwords
return dat
def qwords(self, qwords=1, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + str(qwords) + "Q", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 8 * qwords])
self.pos += 8 * qwords
return dat
def short(self, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + "H", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 2])[0]
self.pos += 2
return dat
def shorts(self, shorts, big=False):
e = ">" if big else "<"
dat = unpack(e + str(shorts) + "H", self.data[self.pos:self.pos + 2 * shorts])
self.pos += 2 * shorts
return dat
def bytes(self, rlen=1):
dat = self.data[self.pos:self.pos + rlen]
self.pos += rlen
if rlen == 1: return dat[0]
return dat
def string(self, rlen=1):
dat = self.data[self.pos:self.pos + rlen]
self.pos += rlen
return dat
def getpos(self):
return self.pos
def seek(self, pos):
self.pos = pos
def do_tcp_server(client, arguments, handler):
def tcpprint(arg):
if isinstance(arg, bytes) or isinstance(arg, bytearray):
return connection.sendall(arg)
return connection.sendall(bytes(str(arg), 'utf-8'))
client.printer = tcpprint
import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
port = int(arguments["--tcpport"])
server_address = ('localhost', port)
print('starting up on %s port %s' % server_address)
response = None
while True:
print('waiting for a connection')
connection, client_address = sock.accept()
print('connection from', client_address)
while True:
data = connection.recv(4096).decode('utf-8')
if data == '':
print('received %s' % data)
if data:
print('handling request')
lines = data.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if ":" in line:
cmd = line.split(":")[0]
marguments = line.split(":")[1]
opts = parse_args(cmd, marguments, arguments)
response = "Wrong arguments\n<NAK>\n"
opts = None
if opts is not None:
if handler(cmd, opts):
response = "<ACK>\n"
response = "<NAK>\n"
connection.sendall(bytes(response, 'utf-8'))
def parse_args(cmd, args, mainargs):
options = {}
opts = None
if "," in args:
opts = args.split(",")
opts = [args]
for arg in mainargs:
if "--" in arg:
options[arg] = mainargs[arg]
if cmd == "gpt":
options["<directory>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "r":
options["<partitionname>"] = opts[0]
options["<filename>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "rl":
options["<directory>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "rf":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "rs":
options["<start_sector>"] = opts[0]
options["<sectors>"] = opts[1]
options["<filename>"] = opts[2]
elif cmd == "w":
options["<partitionname>"] = opts[0]
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "wl":
options["<directory>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "wf":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "ws":
options["<start_sector>"] = opts[0]
options["<filename>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "e":
options["<partitionname>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "es":
options["<start_sector>"] = opts[0]
options["<sectors>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "footer":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "peek":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<length>"] = opts[1]
options["<filename>"] = opts[2]
elif cmd == "peekhex":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<length>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "peekdword":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "peekqword":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "memtbl":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "poke":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<filename>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "pokehex":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<data>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "pokedword":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<data>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "pokeqword":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<data>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "memcpy":
options["<offset>"] = opts[0]
options["<size>"] = opts[1]
elif cmd == "pbl":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "qfp":
options["<filename>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "setbootablestoragedrive":
options["<lun>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "send":
options["<command>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "xml":
options["<xmlfile>"] = opts[0]
elif cmd == "rawxml":
options["<xmlstring>"] = opts[0]
return options
def getint(valuestr):
return int(valuestr)
return int(valuestr, 16)
return 0
class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter):
logging.ERROR: colorama.Fore.RED,
logging.DEBUG: colorama.Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX,
logging.WARNING: colorama.Fore.YELLOW,
def format(self, record, *args, **kwargs):
# if the corresponding logger has children, they may receive modified
# record, so we want to keep it intact
new_record = copy.copy(record)
if new_record.levelno in self.LOG_COLORS:
pad = ""
if new_record.name != "root":
pad = "[LIB]: "
# we want levelname to be in different color, so let's modify it
new_record.msg = "{pad}{color_begin}{msg}{color_end}".format(
# now we can let standart formatting take care of the rest
return super(ColorFormatter, self).format(new_record, *args, **kwargs)
class LogBase(type):
debuglevel = logging.root.level
def __init__(cls, *args):
logger_attribute_name = '_' + cls.__name__ + '__logger'
logger_debuglevel_name = '_' + cls.__name__ + '__debuglevel'
logger_name = '.'.join([c.__name__ for c in cls.mro()[-2::-1]])
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
"formatters": {
"root": {
"()": ColorFormatter,
"format": "%(name)s - %(message)s",
"handlers": {
"root": {
# "level": cls.__logger.level,
"formatter": "root",
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"stream": "ext://sys.stdout",
"loggers": {
"": {
"handlers": ["root"],
# "level": cls.debuglevel,
"propagate": False
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
setattr(cls, logger_attribute_name, logger)
setattr(cls, logger_debuglevel_name, cls.debuglevel)
def del_rw(action, name, exc):
os.chmod(name, stat.S_IWRITE)
def rmrf(path):
if os.path.exists(path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
del_rw("", path, "")
shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=del_rw)
class elf:
class memorysegment:
phy_addr = 0
virt_start_addr = 0
virt_end_addr = 0
file_start_addr = 0
file_end_addr = 0
def __init__(self, indata, filename):
self.data = indata
self.filename = filename
self.header, self.pentry = self.parse()
self.memorylayout = []
for entry in self.pentry:
ms = self.memorysegment()
ms.phy_addr = entry.phy_addr
ms.virt_start_addr = entry.virt_addr
ms.virt_end_addr = entry.virt_addr + entry.seg_mem_len
ms.file_start_addr = entry.from_file
ms.file_end_addr = entry.from_file + entry.seg_file_len
def getfileoffset(self, offset):
for memsegment in self.memorylayout:
if memsegment.virt_end_addr >= offset >= memsegment.virt_start_addr:
return offset - memsegment.virt_start_addr + memsegment.file_start_addr
return None
def getvirtaddr(self, fileoffset):
for memsegment in self.memorylayout:
if memsegment.file_end_addr >= fileoffset >= memsegment.file_start_addr:
return memsegment.virt_start_addr + fileoffset - memsegment.file_start_addr
return None
def getbaseaddr(self, offset):
for memsegment in self.memorylayout:
if memsegment.virt_end_addr >= offset >= memsegment.virt_start_addr:
return memsegment.virt_start_addr
return None
class programentry:
p_type = 0
from_file = 0
virt_addr = 0
phy_addr = 0
seg_file_len = 0
seg_mem_len = 0
p_flags = 0
p_align = 0
def parse_programentry(self, dat):
pe = self.programentry()
if self.elfclass == 1:
(pe.p_type, pe.from_file, pe.virt_addr, pe.phy_addr, pe.seg_file_len, pe.seg_mem_len, pe.p_flags,
pe.p_align) = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", dat)
elif self.elfclass == 2:
(pe.p_type, pe.p_flags, pe.from_file, pe.virt_addr, pe.phy_addr, pe.seg_file_len, pe.seg_mem_len,
pe.p_align) = struct.unpack("<IIQQQQQQ", dat)
return pe
def parse(self):
self.elfclass = self.data[4]
if self.elfclass == 1: # 32Bit
start = 0x28
elif self.elfclass == 2: # 64Bit
start = 0x34
print("Error on parsing " + self.filename)
return ['', '']
elfheadersize, programheaderentrysize, programheaderentrycount = struct.unpack("<HHH",
self.data[start:start + 3 * 2])
programheadersize = programheaderentrysize * programheaderentrycount
header = self.data[0:elfheadersize + programheadersize]
pentry = []
for i in range(0, programheaderentrycount):
start = elfheadersize + (i * programheaderentrysize)
end = start + programheaderentrysize
return [header, pentry]
class patchtools:
cstyle = False
bDebug = False
def __init__(self, bdebug=False):
self.bDebug = bdebug
def has_bad_uart_chars(self, data):
badchars = [b'\x00', b'\n', b'\r', b'\x08', b'\x7f', b'\x20', b'\x09']
for idx, c in enumerate(data):
c = bytes([c])
if c in badchars:
return True
return False
def generate_offset(self, offset):
div = 0
found = False
while not found and div < 0x606:
data = struct.pack("<I", offset + div)
data2 = struct.pack("<H", div)
badchars = self.has_bad_uart_chars(data)
if not badchars:
badchars = self.has_bad_uart_chars(data2)
if not badchars:
return div
div += 4
# if div is not found within positive offset, try negative offset
div = 0
while not found and div < 0x606:
data = struct.pack("<I", offset - div)
data2 = struct.pack("<H", div)
badchars = self.has_bad_uart_chars(data)
if not badchars:
badchars = self.has_bad_uart_chars(data2)
if not badchars:
return -div
div += 4
return 0
# Usage: offset, "X24"
def generate_offset_asm(self, offset, reg):
div = self.generate_offset(offset)
abase = ((offset + div) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16
a = ((offset + div) & 0xFFFF)
strasm = ""
if div > 0:
strasm += "# " + hex(offset) + "\n"
strasm += "mov " + reg + ", #" + hex(a) + ";\n"
strasm += "movk " + reg + ", #" + hex(abase) + ", LSL#16;\n"
strasm += "sub " + reg + ", " + reg + ", #" + hex(div) + ";\n"
strasm += "# " + hex(offset) + "\n"
strasm += "mov " + reg + ", #" + hex(a) + ";\n"
strasm += "movk " + reg + ", #" + hex(abase) + ", LSL#16;\n"
strasm += "add " + reg + ", " + reg + ", #" + hex(-div) + ";\n"
return strasm
def uart_valid_sc(self, sc):
badchars = [b'\x00', b'\n', b'\r', b'\x08', b'\x7f', b'\x20', b'\x09']
for idx, c in enumerate(sc):
c = bytes([c])
if c in badchars:
print("bad char 0x%s in SC at offset %d, opcode # %d!\n" % (codecs.encode(c, 'hex'), idx, idx / 4))
print(codecs.encode(sc, 'hex'))
return False
return True
def disasm(self, code, size):
instr = []
for i in cs.disasm(code, size):
# print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
instr.append("%s\t%s" % (i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
return instr
def assembler(self, code):
if self.bDebug:
encoding, count = ks.asm(code)
except KsError as e:
print(code[e.stat_count:e.stat_count + 10])
if self.bDebug:
# walk every line to find the (first) error
for idx, line in enumerate(code.splitlines()):
print("%02d: %s" % (idx, line))
if len(line) and line[0] != '.':
encoding, count = ks.asm(line)
except Exception as e:
print("bummer: " + str(e))
encoding, count = ks.asm(code)
sc = ""
count = 0
out = ""
for i in encoding:
if self.cstyle:
out += ("\\x%02x" % i)
out += ("%02x" % i)
sc += "%02x" % i
count += 1
# if bDebug and count % 4 == 0:
# out += ("\n")
return out
def find_binary(self, data, strf, pos=0):
t = strf.split(b".")
pre = 0
offsets = []
while pre != -1:
pre = data[pos:].find(t[0], pre)
if pre == -1:
if len(offsets) > 0:
for offset in offsets:
error = 0
rt = offset + len(t[0])
for i in range(1, len(t)):
if t[i] == b'':
rt += 1
rt += 1
prep = data[rt:].find(t[i])
if prep != 0:
error = 1
rt += len(t[i])
if error == 0:
return offset
return None
pre += 1
return None
def read_object(data: object, definition: object) -> dict:
Unpacks a structure using the given data and definition.
obj = {}
object_size = 0
pos = 0
for (name, stype) in definition:
object_size += struct.calcsize(stype)
obj[name] = struct.unpack(stype, data[pos:pos + struct.calcsize(stype)])[0]
pos += struct.calcsize(stype)
obj['object_size'] = object_size
obj['raw_data'] = data
return obj
def write_object(definition, *args):
Unpacks a structure using the given data and definition.
obj = {}
object_size = 0
data = b""
i = 0
for (name, stype) in definition:
object_size += struct.calcsize(stype)
arg = args[i]
data += struct.pack(stype, arg)
except Exception as e:
print("Error:" + str(e))
i += 1
obj['object_size'] = len(data)
obj['raw_data'] = data
return obj
def print_progress(iteration, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, bar_length=100):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
bar_length - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
str_format = "{:>5." + str(decimals) + "f}"
percents = str_format.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total)))
bar = '█' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length)
progstring = '\r%s |%s| %s%s %s' % (prefix, bar, percents, '%', suffix)
cols, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size()
progstring += " " * (cols - len(progstring) - 1)
if iteration == total: